The Fixers - "School Daze" 28-9-15


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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:I dunno... I think I can make her 20% cuter...

Hanako wins the Moe prize.

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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Alpacalypse »

“What do you think? Pretty cute, right?”
I can no longer bear to pit her against Eileen. It's just not right. shame that that outfit's going to get ruined next time she goes werewolf mode. Unless she can strip absurdly quickly. :lol:
Speaking of werewolf!Hanako, I have no idea what to make of her right now. Still wary of a possible double-agent or something, but I have no idea where you're going with it, quite frankly. Colour me intrigued.

Also, slightly confused about this part:
Sharp-O wrote:Looks like Shiina heeded Lilly’s warning to let me get some bed rest since she’s not trying to hog the covers.
Is Shiina in bed with him? If not, perhaps change the wording at the end of the sentence, because it sounds like she's in bed with him, but not hogging the covers as she normally would.

Anywho, still enjoying this! and I'm now going to stop signing these posts off with generic compliments because I said I was sick of them and now I really am and should probably shut up
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Decadent Albatros »

swampie2 wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:I dunno... I think I can make her 20% cuter... ... krqlqn.png
Hanako wins the Moe prize. ... o1_400.gif
Which is the most important prize! :lol:
Last edited by Silentcook on Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Don't quote images that were just posted, people... TWICE.
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Sharp-O wrote:I love the idea that Hanako could be a double-agent. Out of everyone in the Nexus, Hanako is the most suspicious :lol:
It's Rokka no Yuusha all over again :lol:
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

As a RWBY fan, my first thought was Hanako was now a Faunus rather than a werewolf when you posted the other pic of her. Though I think her cuteness jumped more like 50%. And yeah, her uniform is pretty awesome.
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Sharp-O »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:As a RWBY fan, my first thought was Hanako was now a Faunus rather than a werewolf when you posted the other pic of her. Though I think her cuteness jumped more like 50%. And yeah, her uniform is pretty awesome.
I'm halfway tempted to just write a RWBY cross-over chapter in this series, you have no idea... :lol:
Last edited by Sharp-O on Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Skeeve »

This... this is the kind of irreverent off-the-wall alternate universe action slice-of-life fic that I can really sink my teeth into. I like how you've not shied away from really tossing everyone's personalities up in the air. Eagerly I await the next installment, even if this incredibly adorable Hanako is intensely intimidating, in a cute kinda way.
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Re: The Fixers - "Battle Scars" 6-9-15

Post by Sharp-O »

Skeeve wrote:This... this is the kind of irreverent off-the-wall alternate universe action slice-of-life fic that I can really sink my teeth into. I like how you've not shied away from really tossing everyone's personalities up in the air. Eagerly I await the next installment, even if this incredibly adorable Hanako is intensely intimidating, in a cute kinda way.
Thanks, Skeeve! Glad you're digging the series so far! There's a lot of characters coming up who are radically different to their VN protrayals and I can't wait to see the reactions to them. :D
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The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter 09: Blossom


Kenji’s jaw drops and I have to nudge him in the ribs to get him to stop staring. Molly takes a closer look and Hanako does a little twirl, her skirt flaring at it’s hem.

Eyes back in your head, Kenny…” I tease in a whisper and he gulps hard.

“S-sorry…” He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’s super cute, Hana.” Molly admits with a smile. “Where did you get it?”

“After Shiina treated me to a haircut, we took a walk up to Yamaku. The students there kept looking at my scars… I don’t mind people looking but it’s when they pretend they’re not that annoys me.” She scratches her face as her eyes move around the room.

“So Shin was nice enough to find this for me. It’s the school's uniform and I adore it! Thank you so much again, Shin!” She bounces happily in place and Shin chuckles.

“No problem, if you need any more, I’m sure Yuuko could replicate the design.” He comments and Yuuko adjusts her glasses cockily, like Shizzy would.

“Can do! Same goes for all of you, just ask and I’ll do my best to get what you ask for.” She bows with a genuine smile. Some of the clothes she put in my wardrobe are a little weird but I’m not going to complain about free clothes.

“Is it okay if I go check out the park again? It’s been so long since I’ve smelt flowers that weren’t wolfsbane.” Hanako laughs and Molly shifts nervously… Must still feel bad about last night.

“Um… Hana? Would you mind if I went with you? I’d like to stretch my legs a little.” Hanako seems jazzed by the idea and nods enthusiastically.

“Yeahyeahyeah! That’s sounds awesome!”

Molly got changed pretty quick into a cute jeans, blouse and jacket combo before heading out with Hanako. Lilly seems to be giving Shin the third degree about his appropriation of a school uniform and Kenji brings over an orange juice for me.

“Man, my legs are burning like hell! Hana is like this coiled spring made of a sugar rush.” I complain loudly and Kenji shakes his head with a soft smile, taking a chair opposite the couch I’m laying on, my legs dangling limply off the arm rest.

“She’s certainly excitable… I’m sure she appreciates what you did today.” He crosses his legs and I look at him sideways.

“You’re telling me. She got so giddy that I thought she was going to French me when she hugged me earlier!” I giggle and Kenji’s cheeks burn a deep red.

“Yeah… She does that…”

Oh-hooooo~ Seems like our happy-go-wolfy Hanako tried it on with Kenji. Man, I bet that was a sight. He’s pretty useless when it comes to girls, I think I’m the only one he could talk to without tripping over his own tongue.

“Glad I could do something nice for the poor girl. Kinda burned through what little cash I had on me though…” I admit.

“Yeah, we may have to talk to Yuuko about that. I know she can create stuff out of thin air but does that include money? Are there rules about that?” He begins rambling and I tune him out, sitting up and sipping my orange juice.

“I, um, I also told Molly about what happened out our Yamaku.” Kenji says quietly and I raise an eyebrow.

“Oh? How’d that go down?”

“We got into a thing… Traumatic past master-class theatre.”

Damn. Well, I almost told Lilly about her counterpart in our world…” I sigh heavily and Kenji’s eyes go wide.

“Is th-that a good idea?”

“I’ve only told Lills about her element, not what happened to her; though that’s a conversation we’ll be having soon, no doubt.”

“If anyone could grasp what’s happened to us, I th-think it’d be these guys.” He smiles meekly. There he goes, thinking the best of people and for once, I’m inclined to agree. Just like how our powers complement each other, so do our outlooks. If I’d have been brought in by Hanako, I think I would have shot first, asked questions later but Kenji will always do the reverse. That’s why I rely on him and, I hope, he knows he can rely on me.


“Do you really think robbing a school store is the best use of your powers, Shin?” I jokingly chastise the empty stool that I know is really occupied by our resident friendly ghost.

“I highly doubt they’ll miss one school uniform, Miss Satou.” He responds in a friendly tone. “Besides, she was so excited by the prospect of having a uniform of her own that… Well, I just couldn’t say no!”

“You’re such a nice guy, Shin!” Yuuko chimes in, leaning on her elbows across the bar.

“Sucker for a pretty face, more like.” I smile wryly towards her and she giggles. Shin, however, quickly corrects me.

“I wanted Miss Ikezawa to feel welcome. She’s the first to join our team that wasn’t here from the beginning so I felt I should go out of my way to accommodate her as best I can.”

“And that includes stealing?” I chuckle.

“Not my finest moment but considering the amount of times I was wrongly accused of pilfering panties back in my own dimension, I think karma owes me one.”

“Now there’s a story that I want to hear!” Yuuko slams her hands on the bar and I wince a little. Shin clears his throat to let me know where he is, despite not having moved.

“Well, it all started when the Newspaper Club…”


I take a deep lungful of air and sigh contented. Freshly mown grass and an extravagant bouquet of flowery smells. I couldn’t name them to save my life but I find the flowers fascinating all the same. Oh, except daisies. I’d really be in trouble if I didn’t know what a daisy is. Oh, and one other one. I can still smell the wolfsbane now, even when we’re a whole universe or two away.

“So you like flowers?” Molly asks to my right and I look up from my crouched position.

“Yup! All I had was some potted plants back in my den. Didn’t know their species names but I did give them people names!” I announce excitedly and Molly chuckles nervously. She shouldn’t be nervous, not of me anyway. Maybe it’s the way I speak?

“What did you call them?”

“I, um, don’t remember…” I’m lying through my teeth, of course. They were the closest things I had to friends for three years. The only things that kept me sane. Mostly. I made sure to plant Rin and Emi in the grass outside the school when I went back for some of my stuff. Two little flowers, one red, one blue. I hope they’re okay…

“Listen, Hana… I feel like I should explain myself…” Molly mutters, her hands behind her back and her eyes looking up towards the sky. I stand up and tilt my head at her.

“I have a particularly bad history with werewolves and… that’s why I did what I did. I’m not proud of it but I thought I was doing the right thing…” She seems to struggle with the words, taking long pauses between bursts of sparse info. It must be very hard for her. Stalling like that. I find it much easier to get all the words out first, then explain further if I need to.

“It’s okay, Molly. But I’m really not going to hurt you guys. I don’t even eat meat! I’m totally vegetarian!” I grin to make her feel better and the faintest smile sneaks onto her lips before she looks down again.

“I’m going to show you something, Hanako. I apologise again in advance but I feel I should be honest with you…” She fishes around in her pocket before revealing a violet flower in her palm.

“W-wolfsbane. So that’s why I could still smell it.”

“Yeah. I picked it up and brought it back to the Nexus. Just in case, y’know…” Her eyes look gloomy and she refuses to look at me. I unbutton the cuff of my blouse and roll up my right sleeve, revealing one of my scars but not one of the werewolf ones. Though you could say that this one changed me just as much.

“I did this to myself.” I say, exposing the five-inch scar down the underside of my forearm and holding it out towards Molly. “I tried to carve open my arm, to rid the world of my curse, but it didn’t kill me like I wanted. I changed and healed and when I turned back, I had this.”

She winces, I know what the scar paints me as but I’m not like that. “The big bad wolf inside saved me, Molly. If you think I’m a threat, then put the wolfsbane on me. I’ll prove that I’m not going to hurt anyone, even someone who tries to harm me.”

She looks at me with shocked eyes, naturally. I must seem crazier than she must already think I am. As she begins to pull the flower away and close her hand, I snatch the flower out of her hand and press it hard against my skin, my eyes clamping closed in anticipation of the pain.

“I… I should be on fire or something, right? Am I on fire? Tiniest hint of flame?” I ask, opening one eye to look at Molly who is standing with her hands to her mouth. I look at my arm and all I’ve done is smoosh a flower against it. I dab my skin with it a few more times and still no fire. Why am I disappointed by that?

“Hmm. I guess wolfsbane doesn’t work on me. I could have left that school any time I wanted.” That’s why I’m disappointed. Harrumph.

“You never tried? Not even once?”

“Well, no. Wolfsbane is supposed to harm werewolves so I kept away from it when it sprang up around the school the day after I found it.”

I look at Molly again and she’s shaking, one hand covering her mouth while bracing her self against her knee with the other.

“Ha-Ha-Hanako…” She breathes rapidly and I tilt my head in confusion. “You are… without a {bloody} doubt… The worst god damn werewolf I’ve ever met!” She finally releases her mouth from her hand and releases a shrieking laugh through the air, disturbing some of the other park-goers. When I think on her words, a smile forms, then a giggle and before long, I’m laughing too.

“A vegetarian werewolf who imprisoned herself behind a wall of flowers she wasn’t even allergic to! I really am terrible at this whole monster thing!” I cackle.

“{You silly sod}! C’mere!” She says something in English but before I can figure out what, Molly is hugging me tight. “I am so sorry for ever doubting you, Hana.”

“I’m sorry that I ever doubted myself.” I sigh, patting her back.

“Never do that, Hana. Believe me, it’ll do you no good.” Molly smiles as her bracelet chirps melodically.

“Molly? Hanako? Do you think you can hurry back? We’re setting off!” Yuuko announces cheerily through the comms and I grin widely, thrusting both arms in the air.

“Whoo! My first adventure!”
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Just like how our powers compliment each other, so do our outlooks.
complement - or maybe their powers are just exceptionally polite...

I, too, vote for some way to more clearly identify the pov character for each chapter. The way it's now you have to eliminate every possibility as they are mentioned until only one is left over...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by Skeeve »

Sharp-O wrote:“Hmm. I guess wolfsbane doesn’t work on me. I could have left that school any time I wanted.” That’s why I’m disappointed. Harrumph.

Actually, no, I don't think I'm allowed to use all my letters to respond to that, so let me rephrase.

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Re: The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

And Hana continues to be fricking adorable. Speaking of her, that conversation at the end was hilarious, from Hana grabbing the wolfsbane to her being the worst werewolf ever. :lol:
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Re: The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by Hesmiyu »

Hanako the worst werewolf ever? Kinda reminds me of Jack Sparrow the worst pirate ever :P
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Re: The Fixers - "Blossom" 7-9-15

Post by Decadent Albatros »

Quoting the rest of the people, dammit Hana you're too good :lol:
Also, damn the part with the flowers being her only friends made me super sad D: And last, but not least:
They kept look at my scars… I don’t mind people looking but it’s when they pretend they’re not that annoys me.” She scratches her face as her eyes move around the room.
They who? Which scars? I'm confused D:
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