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Re: How did you find KS/Initial response

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:36 am
by Torco
Okay, mind blown here. I played the game, I've beaten two endings thus far, and it has sincerely blown my motherfucking mind. Emi's story is sweet and funny, and a bow of acknowledgment to the person who wrote the Emi-Hisao dynamic; funny, sweet, perfectly synchronized with the mood of the relationship between them both. Lilly's is... fuck... I'm still recovering from it. Sooo wonderfully put together, the pace is excellent, the way it keeps you hanging is elegant and proficient, and only works so well because of the excellent emotional buildup during acts 2 and 3... especially act 3. The only thing I'd say is that, for me at least, the Hisao of Lilly's path is a bit of a wuss and that spoiled some of my identification with him. Minor things apart, though, it has been a superb aesthetical experience.
[/feel like a sir]
fuck yeah! awesome game bros, props to the motherfucking dev team

Re: How did you find KS/Initial response

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:55 am
by Eraser35
saw it on the top 10 most wanted FAQs on GameFAQs and my initial response was "Dear God what potential horrors have I gotten myself into."(when you're playing something that was made famous by 4chan you have your right to question it)

Re: How did you find KS/Initial response

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:05 am
by Mirrormn
I just happened to see it on Reddit's /r/gaming "What are you playing" poll, saw that it was #2 (at the time) and had no clue what it was about. A bit of Googling drew me in just enough to play it. I actually got Kenji's ending first, and was about to give it up, because based on Hisao's thought about "Maybe I should have asked a girl on a date", I thought that the point of the game would be to go on a date to the festival with one of the girls, and the game would end afterwards no matter who you chose. But then I realized "hold on, I remember seeing a label that said I was in Act 1, and I don't remember getting to other acts... maybe there is more to this game after all". So I went back and used a flowchart to get to Hanako's route, and from there I was totally hooked.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:45 pm
by Guestimate
I found it through TVTropes when it was still in demo. Then I remembered it when it was released... don't remember how I found out it was released though :lol:.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:19 pm
by Bigbishounen
Slashdot article on release day. Hadn't even HEARD of it before then, despite being a 4chan regular for many years now. (Although, I do spend more time on /h than is probably healthy, so that's likely why I missed it.)

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:03 pm
People on some other forum I go to were like "PLAYITPLAYITPLAYITPLAYITPLAYITPLAYIT" and so eventually I caved.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:45 pm
by Gamera Ramen ... metimes-5/
After that, downloaded the Act 1 demo. Played through it once, getting Emi's path. Promptly forgot about it, dropping in to check the blog occasionally. Then it was released, and there was excitement. Haven't looked back since.
My 3 favorite things I've found from this are Fun with Photoshop, Katawa Crash, and this.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:21 am
by GamerJM
Well, I found out about the game in 2009 when someone I know added the demo to their Backloggery (on I mainly forgot about the game until December of 2011, when someone on GameFAQs (Nonstop Gaming-General) made a topic about of the game's release date was announced. I decided I'd get the game when it came out, and here I am.

Interestingly enough, I've actually known about VNs for almost five years now and was interested in playing them this whole time. I discovered the genre when I was using a FAQ for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I really liked the FAQ I was using ( ... faqs/44902) because of how simple and spoiler-free it was. I checked the author of the FAQ to see if he had similar guides for games, and I found that he had a bunch of H-VNs he wrote FAQs for. I've been interested in the genre ever since, but I've.....uh, never actually owned my own computer since this Christmas. I've always used the family computer for everything so I couldn't really download VNs. But this Christmas I got a laptop, and since I realized KS was coming out soon, I decided to make it my first VN. Which turned out well since it's also a bunch of other people's first VN. Though I have read plot summaries of other Visual Novels before.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:40 pm
by Eldrazor
A friend told me about it. I was like "OK it's free and it sounds pretty interesting from what General Internets says about it." and downloaded it. My mind was blown when I'd finished Lilly's path and now I'm doing everything I can to get as many people as I know to go play the visual novel.

It's changed my life, and since they won't accept donations, all I can do is use it to change other people's lives. :)

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:28 pm
by Wakagana
A random level one in gold shire on moon guard (Yuck, I know.) told me about it. They said they felt all the feels.
I didn't understand and asked them about it.

so they told me it was Katawa Shoujo, at first I was scared to google it thinking it'd be some freaky-deaky sex-website or something.

Glad my curiosity got the best of me though :D

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:03 pm
by Pechee
Link on Fakku when Katawa Shoujo was just released. Im glad that I found KS so late because I hate waiting good things too long.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:10 pm
by gRaViJa
I honestly can't remember where i found out about Katawa Shoujo. I came to this forum after finishing my first route and hadding the need to tell my story and shed manly tears with fellow KS'ers.

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:54 pm
by demonix
I didn't find out about katawa shoujo until after it was released when it was (and still is) announced on the baka-wolf main page although I didn't pay much attention to it until news on the release hit other places I frequent so I decided to give it a go since I'd gotten back into VN's after a lengthy hiatus a few months prior (after spending the rest of my giffgaff payback on 5 VN's), but at the time only the torrent links were available (and my ISP (which I'm due to ditch soon) is pretty anal about torrenting at certain times) and after waiting about a week or so I caved in and used the (now dead) torrific to get the game downloaded and I haven't looked back.

I only registered on the forums a few days ago primarily to get involved and secondly to post the story I'm currently writing (I won't be making it public until I have the first chapter (this is not going to be some 1000 word affair since I've gone well past that) completed and cleaned up).

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:51 pm
by Omurice
Strangely enough, I was searching Google for Kana Little Sister, and I ended up in the KS main website instead...

Re: How'd you find yourself here?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:05 pm
by RC626
Hi, all- been lurking on the site for a couple weeks since downloading KS, and figured I'd finally register. I found out about the game on the Know Your Meme website- sounded mildly interesting, so I thought I'd give it a playthrough. It's blown my expectations away, and given me a lot to think about.