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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:17 pm
by Guest
nonsense, OP. I went with Hanako first for the CHOCOLATE, and Rin second because LAWL FOOT FETISH.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:24 am
by Worthington
For this theory to be true, one would have to assume that Hisao is a tabula rasa protagonist. Personally, I despise tabula rasa theory in all its forms, and I especially dislike it in storytelling; it makes for bland characters in my opinion. Rather, I think Hisao is a character that is multifaceted and we've only known him for 4 fast-forwarded months and a week (One may argue that "you" are Hisao, but this is a VN, not a traditional videogame. It's more like reading a book, so the basis for self-insertion into a virtual word isn't really there). I think rather than changing his personality to fit a girl, the facets of his personality that complement each girl will be more prominent, and the way he reacts to each situation is just based on previous experiences and his personality. This lends a bit more depth and nuance to the "blankety blank blank" protagonist we have no, I think. Sure, Hisao will "change" over the course of his relationship, but no more than regular people do; it's normal to mature and change over a relationship. I doubt it's as drastic as the "6 different personalities" the title implies.
Nonetheless, interesting conceit.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:30 pm
by Normal Deviant
Hisao is a blank slate. He has no personality and never will. Therefore, he and Rin are soul mates.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:31 pm
by sabre98
Normal Deviant wrote:Hisao is a blank slate. He has no personality and never will. Therefore, he and Rin are soul mates.
That´s not true. They both have their own personalities but they´re very different.

Rin sees world differently than we do which is apparent in her art and the way she talks. She thinks a lot about everything and she would probably make a great philosopher back in ancient Greece. She is great when it comes to art but generally useless in real life situations - which could be applied to many great minds in human history.

Hisao is just an average guy living average life just like milions of others. He would probably have died as an average guy if he hadn´t had that heart attack. That forced him to leave everything behind and start from scratch. His personality will simply change a bit depending on personality of girl he picks

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:43 pm
by Rocket Royal
Whether or not he is tabula rasa depends on how consistent his decision making is along the various storylines. Getting easily frustrated and annoyed with the student council attempts and sipping tea in one, and going along and being aggressive in risk in the other, are nuanced differences. The 6 different hisaos isn't so much an insight as a mere statement. In just the demo we have, the story is cut at a point where you've just started slightly deviating, and this was intentional. Even being very consistent, your choices affect outcomes drastically. As it was said your interaction with the other girls gets played down much more later on, the differences will be stark. He will have vastly different opinions, being arty and expressive with footsy, more athletically inclined with racey, and more competitive with racey and mutey while more reserved with see no evil and the grue.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:47 am
by Rohalmen509
Rocket Royal wrote:Whether or not he is tabula rasa depends on how consistent his decision making is along the various storylines. Getting easily frustrated and annoyed with the student council attempts and sipping tea in one, and going along and being aggressive in risk in the other, are nuanced differences. The 6 different hisaos isn't so much an insight as a mere statement. In just the demo we have, the story is cut at a point where you've just started slightly deviating, and this was intentional. Even being very consistent, your choices affect outcomes drastically. As it was said your interaction with the other girls gets played down much more later on, the differences will be stark. He will have vastly different opinions, being arty and expressive with footsy, more athletically inclined with racey, and more competitive with racey and mutey while more reserved with see no evil and the grue.
Emi's route versus Lilly's route: MORE MOE versus ACCEPTANCE
Hanako's route versus Shizune's route: IT'S FINE versus JUST GO WITH IT
Rin's route versus Kenji's route: HUH WHAT? versus GODDAMNIT NOW WHAT?

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:11 am
by acidhedz
The first time I played through I just made choices that fit my own personality and ended up with RIn. The second time around I was going for hanako because I myself am a hyper shy bookworm, but ended up getting run over by Emi as one poster put it, the third time I got Hanako's ending.

Lily can wait, and Shizune is the sort of personality I can't stand so i will likely leave her for last if at all.

I don't really see it as having different personalities, but rather adapting to someone he finds interesting. He is creative, interested in books is quite smart, as well as mellow. Lilly, Rin and Hanako appeal to him in those different ways. He isn't all that aggressive or in very good shape so Shizune and Emi are challenging, which also has it's appeal since he has a strong desire to not let his disability rule him.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:19 pm
by digiboy0001
DMGnome wrote:Dissasociative Identity Disorder is the closest thing to Hollywood-style multiple personalities. However, it's so rare that many psychologists think it probably doesn't exist.
It exists. I have a close friend who has it, and I have experienced her "shifts" to the alternate personalities (yes, that was plural intentionally) many times. She starts seizing when she shifts, to the point where I've had to hold her down. I seriously doubt she's faking it.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:58 pm
by purple haired Katawa Shoujo character
"fuck bitches, get money" for all 6 endings

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:30 am
by Worthington
digiboy0001 wrote:
DMGnome wrote:Dissasociative Identity Disorder is the closest thing to Hollywood-style multiple personalities. However, it's so rare that many psychologists think it probably doesn't exist.
It exists. I have a close friend who has it, and I have experienced her "shifts" to the alternate personalities (yes, that was plural intentionally) many times. She starts seizing when she shifts, to the point where I've had to hold her down. I seriously doubt she's faking it.
That sounds rather severe. Something that she should probably see a psychologist about it, and probably has. And if she has, the therapist would probably publish their results in a scientific journal because holy fuck a proven case of DID would be fucking amazing. But since that hasn't happened, colour me skeptical.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:46 am
by digiboy0001
Worthington wrote:
digiboy0001 wrote:
DMGnome wrote:Dissasociative Identity Disorder is the closest thing to Hollywood-style multiple personalities. However, it's so rare that many psychologists think it probably doesn't exist.
It exists. I have a close friend who has it, and I have experienced her "shifts" to the alternate personalities (yes, that was plural intentionally) many times. She starts seizing when she shifts, to the point where I've had to hold her down. I seriously doubt she's faking it.
That sounds rather severe. Something that she should probably see a psychologist about it, and probably has. And if she has, the therapist would probably publish their results in a scientific journal because holy fuck a proven case of DID would be fucking amazing. But since that hasn't happened, colour me skeptical.
She hasn't gone to see a psychologist or therapist about it, despite my pleas that she should, because she's actually pretty sensitive about the whole situation. She thinks that it makes her some kind of a freak, and she's never been fond of therapists in general. She says something like, "I'm not gonna sit in a room for hours and hours just so I can have someone tell me everything that's wrong with me."

And honestly, if I were the one with DID, I wouldn't want people to know about it, either, despite how "fucking amazing" it would be for the psychological study community. As someone who's seen what it's like to have DID, it's completely understandable that my friend wouldn't want to be published in some kind of journal for the entire world to see. She's always been a very private person. Fuck, the only reason she even told me in the first place is because her "alternates" came out and freaked the shit out of me, and so she had to explain what happened.

So honestly, I think the main reason DID is so rarely reported is because those that do have it are afraid to tell anyone about it, because really, most people they tell probably wouldn't believe them anyway.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:41 pm
by Hanako-san
digiboy0001 wrote:She hasn't gone to see a psychologist or therapist about it, despite my pleas that she should, because she's actually pretty sensitive about the whole situation. She thinks that it makes her some kind of a freak, and she's never been fond of therapists in general. She says something like, "I'm not gonna sit in a room for hours and hours just so I can have someone tell me everything that's wrong with me."...
Now that's... interesting. What are her personalities like?

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:33 pm
by Rhaegar
you make choices but your choices also make you. so yeah, hisaos gonna be different in each route. potentially drastically so. yes, even in that short of time. especially around highschool age.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:58 pm
by pedrosorio
digiboy0001 wrote: And honestly, if I were the one with DID, I wouldn't want people to know about it, either, despite how "fucking amazing" it would be for the psychological study community. As someone who's seen what it's like to have DID, it's completely understandable that my friend wouldn't want to be published in some kind of journal for the entire world to see.
You have a bit of a skewed view of what scientific publications are, don't you? It's not like they publish her name and pictures along with the study... Scientific journals != Tabloids :wink:

Also, from what you describe, it seems her personality shifts manifest themselves in a rather dramatic way, that anyone in public can see, so if I had it and wanted privacy, I would definitely want it to be studied by professionals to have any hope for a cure, it's not like she can hide it easily the way she's now.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:18 pm
by Worthington
pedrosorio wrote:
digiboy0001 wrote: And honestly, if I were the one with DID, I wouldn't want people to know about it, either, despite how "fucking amazing" it would be for the psychological study community. As someone who's seen what it's like to have DID, it's completely understandable that my friend wouldn't want to be published in some kind of journal for the entire world to see.
You have a bit of a skewed view of what scientific publications are, don't you? It's not like they publish her name and pictures along with the study... Scientific journals != Tabloids :wink:

Also, from what you describe, it seems her personality shifts manifest themselves in a rather dramatic way, that anyone in public can see, so if I had it and wanted privacy, I would definitely want it to be studied by professionals to have any hope for a cure, it's not like she can hide it easily the way she's now.
This. Pedro said it better than I ever could.