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Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:50 am
by Kayo12
This is supposed to take place near the end of Lilly's route, so it happens after their date when Hisao talks about the letter.
I guess that may ruin a little of the drama, since you know he's on the way to a Good End...

It was a little draggy, but I felt the need to get it clear what Lilly's state of mind is and her reasoning for what she's doing. Not an easy subject since Lilly is such a blank state when it comes to her motivation. The route left a lot to be desired when it came to Lilly, so I felt the need to fill in some holes. Also to imply how much she internalizes her problems and tries to deal with them without troubling others with her issues, hence why she was so embarrassed when Moriya brought attention to her distress.

Thank you for pointing out that Miyagi was female. I imagined good ol' Pat Morita and it snuck into my writing.
Always nice to get a little correction from someone who knows the inner workings of the game.

Thank you for the comments, everyone. I really hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:42 am
by Mirage_GSM
There's a semi-canon fanfiction by... I think it was by cpl_crud... Featuring her in the secret santa two years ago. So not really inner workings of the VN :-)
I used her personality from that story in Katawa Kijo.

Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:16 am
by Kayo12
Mirage_GSM wrote:There's a semi-canon fanfiction by... I think it was by cpl_crud... Featuring her in the secret santa two years ago. So not really inner workings of the VN :-)
I used her personality from that story in Katawa Kijo.
The rooftop star gazing story? I'll have to reread that, then.

Re: Clarity: Part Three

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:23 pm
by Kayo12
Part Three

The bell chimes through the school's halls announcing that the lunch hour has begun. I can't believe I spent almost the entire morning hiding! I'm ashamed I left class like that, but I don't know what else I could have done.

I leave the bathroom and find myself torn between hurrying to meet Hisao and Hanako for lunch and delaying my arrival to their class. I don't want to miss lunch with them, but I have so much on my mind, I'm not sure what to do when I get there.

Maybe I should speak with Hanako and Hisao together and explain what's happening. Or maybe it would be better to talk to them separately? Oh, but Hisao is my boyfriend, I should tell him first. But I have known Hanako longer and she may need more time to come to terms with me leaving. Then again, maybe Hisao would become upset enough that something may happen to his heart. Should I tell him now or wait till later? I don't have that much time!
Maybe Hanako could be there and we could tell him together? Or would he be upset if I told her first and left him out? What if he gets angry that I've kept this a secret from him? What if he gets angry enough that something happens to him?

Oh, dear....

I need to tell both of them about my parents, especially Hisao, but I don't know how to approach the subject safely. What if something happens to him because of what I do or say?

What if Hanako withdraws and refuses to speak to me? By the time she can talk to me again, I may already be gone and then what would happen to our friendship?
What if I tell Hisao and he has a heart attack? What would happen to our relationship then? Do we even have a relationship to begin with? I've been holding back this entire time and he has been nothing but honest and open with me.
I would never forgive myself if I hurt Hisao, but it doesn't matter what choice I make, I'll end up breaking his heart no matter what I do.

The irony of that makes me cringe and I push it to the back of my mind for later.

When I arrive at Class 3-3, it's very quite and I don't think anyone is present.

Strange, Hisao said he and Hanako would wait for me here.

No answer.
How very odd....

A noise inches from my face startles me and I flinch from it with a gasp. A disproportionately loud laugh fills the room after the sudden finger snap and then I know I know I'm not alone.

“Hello~, Lilly! Long time no see!” Misha practically shouts at me.

I shudder slightly. Being alone with Misha and Shizune is not how I wanted to spend the afternoon, certainly not after the way this morning has turned out. I pull myself together after Shizune's rude greeting and put on as polite a smile as I can manage given the circumstances. “Hello, Misha. Hello, Shizune. Have either Hisao or Hanako been here recently?“

“We haven't seen either of them, Lilly! Hichan left class almost an hour ago and Hanako went with him!“

I can understand if Hanako needed to leave suddenly, but I'm surprised by Hisao doing so in the middle of class. “Where did he go?” I ask.

A moment passes and I presume Shizune signs before Misha translates. “Hichan had to go to the Nurse and back to his dorm! When he came to class this morning, he was out of breath and he said that he had forgotten his medi-medication this morning,“ she stammers, fumbling over translating the word for a moment.

A flash of worry stabs through my chest and makes my throat go dry. “ he all right?”

“He was a little pale, but he looked all right to us! He really didn't want to go, but teacher insisted he do so!“

I think back over the events of the morning. I had thought Hisao would have taken his medication as soon as he woke up. I become worried, thinking that he may have been too busy preparing breakfast for the two of us or was concerned with my presence there and neglected his medication.

“Speaking of which,” Misha continues. “We had been looking for you! We wanted to speak to you about Hichan!”

I'm a little surprised and concerned by the way Misha says that. “Well, all right, what is it you wanted to ask?”

There's a long pause and by the sound of rustling sleeves, I imagine Shizune is signing very quickly. I brace myself for the long lecture she has likely prepared for me ahead of time.

“We have observed over the last several weeks a very disturbing trend beginning to emerge in Hichan's behavior! Within the last month he has been recorded tardy for class several times and has shown a severe lack of interest during his study period. In addition, this is not the first time he has made mention of forgetting to take his medication! While his test scores are still exemplary and his health seems to be within safe par-ra-meters, we can't help but wonder if his recent distraction is in some way your fault!“

I'm a little stunned by Shizune's words translated through Misha. “My fault? What do you mean by that?”

“It means,” Misha continues, “that while we were hesitant to comment on your relationship with him before now, it seems we'll have to have some sort of intervention on Hichan's behalf! It's plain to see your laziness is beginning to rub off on him and it would be a shame if such an excellent student such as Hichan were to be dragged down by your lack of work ethic with exams well on the way! Even worse if this trend of neg-li-gence were to spread to his health!“

My fist tightens on the handle of my cane, but I keep any signs of frustration out of my voice. “If Hisao's grades are not suffering and are as good as you say they are, I can't imagine why you should be concerned. As for his health, thank you for the news, but I think perhaps it should be Hisao himself you would mention your concerns to and not to me. I most certainly will speak with him about it. Either way, I honestly do not know what business it is of yours, Shizune.“

I can feel the arrogance coming off of her even while I'm speaking. I imagine she must have some sort of self-righteous expression as she snaps her fingers near my face again. This time though, I don't let her see me flinch, I only allow myself a little scowl.

“It is our business when school rules are being broken at the same time!“
“And what rules would those be?”

Misha laughs. “Curfew and conduct!”

A heavy pit begins to grow in my stomach.

“The last several nights you have not been in your room after curfew!“
“And how exactly would you know that?”
“We checked!”
“So you admit you yourselves were out after curfew, is that it then?”

Misha stammers a bit before Shizune cuts her off with several noises, palm striking against palm, I think. “As Student Council, even you can see it is our duty to ensure all students follow the code of conduct laid out for us by the Yamaku Foundation! It may have been some time since you actually did any official work, but you at least remember that, correct?“

My frown deepens. “Even if ensuring those rules are being followed means that you yourself break those rules?“
“In order to ensure the population is within regulation, then yes! A few must be placed above the others to ensure order! As Student Council, that is our privilege!“

I sigh in frustration. Typical of Shizune to believe that somehow she has the right to police others actions and ignore those selfsame rules when it comes to her own conduct. “I honestly don't think anything I do in my private life is your business, Shizune. What I do during my own time is my own concern, not yours.“

“It is when it affects other students! Hichan was late this morning and showed signs of distress and had to take time out of his schooling to take his medication and check in with the Nurse! One can only suspect that somehow you may be responsible for that!“
“Again, I don't know how I could be responsible for such a thing.“

Misha laughs and I can hear Shizune's superiority translated through her. “Hy-po-theti-cally speaking, if one were not located in their own room at night, they would have to find some other location to sleep in. And perhaps once they found a place to sleep, perhaps with someone they are familiar with, that could prove a distraction to this individual, enough so that they begin doing other things in the morning than take their medication and arrive in a timely manner!“

My cheeks begin to turn red.

“If Hichan continues to be troubled by whatever the cause of his recent distraction is, we'll have no choice but to investigate further for his own good! If his school work and health begin to suffer, we'll have no recourse at that point but to intervene! We've turned a blind eye to your little late night tea parties because they were between you and Hanako, but if Hichan is spending time after hours in the girls dorm or you in his dorm after dark, we have reason to suspect that your little parties have become something far more sinister! Perhaps the distraction to Hichan would have to be removed or perhaps it might have to become public knowledge where Hichan has been as an example to other students of what happens when they break the rules! One can only wonder what would happen to this individual's normally sterling reputation!“

That pit in my stomach begins to burn in anger, but I swallow it down like a bitter pill.

How dare she threaten Hisao and me like this! I am in no mood today for Shizune's attitude! She's taken what has already been a bad day and made it even worse!

“Misha, you will tell Shizune that I will not be intimidated by her! What Hisao and I do is our own business, not hers. Tell her that....“

“What's going on in here?”

The sudden and sharp interruption cuts my own heated words off. The voice is Hisao's and his footsteps enter the room from behind me. Somewhere near him, I hear Hanako whisper in a shaky voice. “L-Lilly....”

I turn towards the sound the pair of them make. “Hisao! I was...just having a discussion with the Student Council.“

“Yeah,“ he says, his voice still tightly drawn. ”I heard Misha.“

I'm not sure if Hanako joins him, but Hisao stands next to me and I can feel the tenseness radiating off of him. “Is there a problem, Misha?”

She stutters for a few seconds. “We were...just talking to Lilly, Hichan.”

“Like I said, I heard what you were talking about. Is there a problem?“

There's a moment where I imagine Shizune takes back control of the situation. “We were only informing Lilly about our concerns over your recent behavior and the possible ram-i-fa-cations.“
“Your lateness and lack of focus, as well as your recent health issues.”
“And you think Lilly is responsible for that?”

There's something in Hisao's voice I've never heard before, a degree of sharpness, a curt and stressed edge. It sounds dangerous and it concerns me.

“One can only imagine that a relationship would be stressful to maintain at this time of the school year,“ Misha says on behalf of Shizune. ”We were only inquiring whether or not her presence was detracting from where your attention should be focused.“

“I don't think either my attention or my relationship with Lilly is either of your concerns. Like what Lilly said, what we do is our business, not yours.“

“If it breaks school conduct and rules then we have to....”

“I heard what you said, and you don't have to do anything. Now tell Shizune what I'm saying, Misha; I don't like what she was saying about Lilly. If it's true, then it's none of her business and if it isn't then she's being a gossip and an annoying pest!“

I hear Misha gasp and feel the roughness of Hanako's hand lace between my fingers.

“Lilly and I,” Hisao continues with that same tenseness to his voice, “are none of her concern and she's to keep out of our business. And my health is definitely none of her concern and I won't let her use that as an excuse to antagonize Lilly, understand? Shizune should focus on Council business, not my personal life. Tell her that.“

There's a moment of silence where I'm sure Misha is trying to get her thoughts straight before she begins translating for Shizune. The mood in the room darkens and a few steps come near us, stopping right in front of Hisao. I'm sure it's Shizune from the height that I hear the level, controlled breathing coming from as she faces him. She could only be a few inches away from him and I doubt Misha would ever invade someone's personal space like that. The situation becomes very uncomfortable and I don't hear either Hisao relenting or Misha on behalf of Shizune.

Hanako squeezes my hand very tightly.

A movement in front of us, hands waving back and forth. “Fine,” Misha hesitantly says for Shizune. “It's none of our real concern anyway. Just see that it doesn't affect your schoolwork and we won't have to report anything.“

Shizune steps around us and I hear her footsteps begin to leave, followed by Misha's hesitant echo.

Hisao leaves my side and follows after them. “Hold up.”

Misha and Shizune stop walking. “What is it, Hiichan?“

“I want you to apologize to Lilly and me for what you said.“

The sounds of more signing, this time rapid and fast. “I most certainly will not,” Misha translates, though I imagine her voice carries none of the fire Shizune intended it to. “We are merely doing our job! Why should we apologize for that? It's our responsibility, and we will not shirk that duty like some people do!“

"I'm sick of you taking shots at Lilly, Shizune! I want an apology now!"

The door clicks open and both Hanako and I jump when it forcefully slams shut, hard enough to make the wall shudder.

“Did I say you could leave yet?” Hisao says.

Hanako clings tightly to my side and I even find myself a little alarmed by Hisao's tone.

I can only imagine how angry Shizune must be at this point. I've never known anyone to treat her this way and I'm not sure where Hisao summoned up this confrontational attitude. I'd be lying if I wasn't impressed by the confident tone he speaks in and pleased someone other than me is standing up to her, even if I can't fully approve of the way he is doing it.

“I don't like the things you said about me and Lilly, Shizune,“ Hisao continues. ”So I want you to apologize to her for implying those things and apologize to me for butting into my personal issues. I won't have you spreading rumors about Lilly around school and my heart has nothing to do with you. You will not use it as a way to manipulate me or Lilly, do you understand? I want that apology right now.“

“Hiichan, please....”

“Tell her, Misha! Now!”

Misha makes a panicked squeak and she must sign frantically to Shizune because there is the sudden and angry stomp of a foot followed by several moments of tense silence, Hisao and Shizune probably staring at each other, facing against the other with anger and hard glares.

The door clicks open and is again slammed shut.

What follows feels like several minutes of unbearable silence, Hanako quietly shivering next to me.

“We were only worried about you, Hichan....“ Misha says, a worried tone to her voice.

“If that's true, then thank you for your concern, Misha. I'm sure you're at least sincere. I doubt Shizune is being so honest. Now tell Shizune I want that apology again and she's not leaving until I get it.“

More hesitation, followed by sharp movements and the cutting sound of hands signing rapidly. “Shichan says she's sorry for suggesting some immoral conduct on your part, Lilly. She was only trying to ensure school ethics were being followed.“

“Thank you, Shizune, apology accepted," I say, still a little stunned.

“And she apologizes to you, Hichan. She says you won't have to worry about her being concerned for you anymore.“


“Shichan wants to know if we may leave now, or are you going to continue to physically detain us?“

“No,” Hisao replies in a hard, but polite tone. “In fact, let me get the door for you.“

The door clicks open and I hear Misha and Shizune's steps rapidly vanish down the hall. Once they are gone, I hear Hisao give a very long, drawn out sigh and he must slump against the wall from the rubbing sound of cloth I hear. His breathing, while not labored, is louder than it should be.

Neither Hanako or I say anything, unsure of what to do. I've never heard Hisao sound so angry before! I never thought Hisao was the kind of person to have a temper. It makes me think of what I was afraid of, of him learning the truth and being upset enough that something happens to him.

I don't know what I would do if he yelled at me like that....

Something touches my shoulder and I flinch from it.

“Lilly! I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to....“ Hisao says, a hurt tone in his voice.

I find Hisao's hand and hold it in my own. “It's all right, Hisao, I was only surprised. That was...well, I don't know what that was.“

Hanako, silent the whole time, still stands very close to me, now clinging to my sleeve.

“I'm sorry,“ Hisao apologizes. ”I didn't mean to lose my temper like that. When I heard what they were saying about the two of us, I got pretty angry. I know how careful you are about appearances and the thought of them spreading rumors about you really pissed me off. I wanted to start screaming at Shizune, but I know that would have just made me look like an even bigger jerk than what I feel like right now“

“It's all right, Hisao. Thank you for being so careful about the matter, I appreciate it. I just...I never expected something like that from you.“

“Yeah, I guess it surprised me too. I could have handled it better, though.”

Hisao is silent for a few seconds. “Hanako, I'm sorry I dragged you into that. I'm sorry if I frightened you. Thank you for going to the Nurse with me.“

“It-it's all right, Hisao. It's okay.”

I hear Hisao give a sigh of relief, pleased that Hanako forgives his outburst. I on the other hand am not so relived. It wasn't a screaming outburst, but it is still a cause for concern.

“Are you...still interested in lunch together, Hisao?“

When he replies, his voice is far more lively, relieved, almost chipper. “Of course! I've been looking forward to it the whole morning.“

“Are you sure? Is there...something bothering you?”

Hisao doesn't say anything at first, not responding to my question. I wish there was some way I could tell what he was thinking other than the tone of his voice.

“L-Lilly,” Hanako says, “I'll go get everything ready in the tea room, okay?“
I realize Hanako is giving me and Hisao the chance to talk privately. I'm very glad for the opportunity and I give her hand a squeeze in gratitude. “Good idea, Hanako, we'll catch up with you in a little bit. Set the chess board up, all right? Perhaps we can play a game before lunch is over.“
“Okay, sure!”
“I'll play winner,” Hisao says, a smile in his voice.
Hanako laughs a little before her dainty footsteps recede and soon vanish.

Hisao and I are left in the classroom alone for a minute before I speak. “Hisao, are you really okay?”
“Yes, Lilly, I'm all right.”
“It's sounded very upset. And Misha said you had forgotten your medication this morning.“
“It's...fine, Lilly. It just slipped my mind, that's all. I wasn't that mad, just frustrated with myself.“
“It wasn't because of me, was it?”
“No, of course not! Don't let Shizune make you think something like that. I'm perfectly fine, Lilly.“

I don't fully believe him, but neither do I want to keep pressing him further on the subject. It's clear something is bothering him, but I'm not sure what it could be. Perhaps it has something to do with him forgetting his medication or perhaps it is me and he doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

I may also just be imagining things. I sometimes get too protective of those around me. If Hisao was capable of standing up to Shizune and making her back off, perhaps I've underestimated his strength. Goodness knows I never expected Hanako to have made such leaps and bounds these past several weeks. Maybe Hisao is the same, stronger than I gave him credit for.

Perhaps strong enough for me to tell the truth to him, maybe even strong enough to get along without me.

Hisao loops his arm gently into mine, his other hand resting atop my hand. “Come on. I don't want an argument with Shizune to ruin the rest of our day. We still have Akira's surprise to look forward to!“

I put on a smile and nod. “Yes, we do, don't we?”

Hisao squeezes me lovingly before putting a kiss on the back of my hand. The touch of his lips against my fingertips makes me forgot all about what I was thinking as we leave the classroom arm in arm.

Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:08 pm
by Yellow 13
Holly shit Hisao got mad

Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:00 am
Yellow 13 wrote:Holly shit Hisao got mad
Bro, Bro, Bro. Wouldn't you do the same thing if someone was talking about your girlfriend like that? I know I would. Hell, if they were guys I would probably punch the male version of Shizune! Maybe in the testicals.

Re: Clarity: Part Two

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:06 am
by Yellow 13
LOL WUT wrote:
Yellow 13 wrote:Holly shit Hisao got mad
Bro, Bro, Bro. Wouldn't you do the same thing if someone was talking about your girlfriend like that? I know I would. Hell, if they were guys I would probably punch the male version of Shizune! Maybe in the testicals.
Of course, he stand up for Lilly, and himself against Shizune, again

Re: Clarity: Part Four

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:25 am
by Kayo12
Part Four

The midday break passes by quickly and we don't even have the time to complete a single game of chess between lunch and preparing the tea. Hanako spends most of the lunch break excitedly telling us of her recent activities in the newspaper club.

It seems that the Foundation recently upgraded the computers the club uses to put together the school's little publication and none of the current club members understood how to work the new program. When Naomi and Natsumi discovered Hanako was quite adept at computers, she was recruited to help them learn the new system and Hanako decided to stay on to join the club itself.

Hanako shares with us several articles about the school she's been asked for her opinion on and even shares an idea of an article of her own she thought to write about the school concerning it's history and connection with the Yamaku Foundation. She is hesitant at first and it takes some encouraging on our part, but I think Hisao and I convince her to share her idea with Naomi and try to get it published.

It warms my heart to hear how Hanako has blossomed the past few months and how she has started to make friends at school beyond Hisao and myself. I may have been there to help her longer than him, but it seems Hisao's friendship has had an even greater effect on her in boosting her confidence. I love her dearly and I'm very grateful to her for her willingness to give Hisao and me time alone together. She's come such a long way in such a short time and I'm so proud of her tapping into those reserves of courage and determination that I knew existed just below the surface.

With her progress, I think she'll be fine without me.

Lunch ends and we part ways, Hisao and Hanako heading back to their class, but not before Hisao gives me a kiss on the lips that lingers longer than normal. I blush when I hear Hanako let out a bashful little giggle at the two of us and I hear him playfully tease her about watching as they leave, to which she protests in a flustered and embarrassed tone.

I make my way back to my own class, the path through the halls posing little difficulty for me to navigate. When I arrive, I hear the familiar chime ring out and I announce my presence to the students who have arrived from their own lunch periods, and they greet me in turn. I hear one familiar voice give an exclamation of relief when I call out. “Lilly! Thank goodness you're here!”

“Moriya? What is it?”

Moriya's steps approach me along with the metronome clicking of her cane. “Well, I have a little bit of bad news, but I can handle it if you're not up to it.“

“Moriya, of course I'm up for it, why wouldn't I be?“

“Well,” she says with a hesitant tone, “you seemed upset this morning and had to go the the Nurse, remember? Are you okay?“

Embarrassed over my forgetfulness, I quickly come up with an excuse. “Oh, it was nothing, Moriya. I must have eaten something for breakfast that didn't agree with me. I feel much better now, I just needed some air.“

Moriya laughs, sounding relieved as she does. “Oh, good! You had me worried!”

“I'm very sorry for troubling you and interrupting class, Moriya.“

“Don't apologize, Lilly, it's all right. I'm just glad you're okay, we could use your help! Follow me.“

Moriya finds me and gently takes my hand in hers, leading me down along the classroom wall, avoiding the line of desks. She stops and places my hands on a worktable. “There's some paperwork here that we need to fill out! There's so much of it!“

I tap my fingers around the table's surface until I find a large stack of papers.

Then I find another.

And another.

“Goodness, where did this all come from?”

“Student Council just dropped it off! Said it was backlogged and needed to be turned in by tomorrow morning! This much work could take us hours!“

I scowl and want to call Shizune a foul word, but I restrain myself. She always needs to have the last word, I note with some ill-tempered humor. Not to mention she's dragged my whole class into her little vendetta.

“All right, it'll be okay, Moriya. We'll get a couple of the other students to help us and we'll have it done before you know it.“

We begin working, using the classroom's many braille readers and putting them to good use, several other students lending their hands as I delegate tasks to them. Communication is smooth and work is verbally addressed to the whole group, each student ticking off their progress to their fellow workers as the minutes turn into hours. Teacher Moriya excuses some of us from the afternoon lesson in light of the amount of paperwork, but it is still late in the afternoon and there is much work left to be done.

The clock chimes, announcing that school is over and we have only just started to make some headroom with all the work before us. I hear chairs being pushed away from desks as the other students begin to gather their things to leave.
I sigh and grimace, realizing I need to hurry and change out of my uniform before meeting Akira at the gates with Hisao and Hanako.

“Lilly, are you okay?” Moriya asks from my side.

I smile and laugh. “Yes, Moriya, please! Don't be such a worrier, I'm fine.“

“If you're not feeling well again, I can handle the rest of this. You can get going if you'd like.“

The offer is very tempting, I admit. If I do stay around I most certainly will be late for the meet up, but I would feel guilty leaving Moriya and the rest of the class to do all this work alone.

An idea occurs to me and I smile, mostly to myself.
“Well, I would like to get going, if that's all right with you, Moriya.“
“Of course, Lilly!”
“Well, all right. I do feel a little bad leaving all of you to do this work alone.“
“I can get a couple more students to help.”
“Then we should definitely hurry, they've already started to leave.“

I hear Moriya stand and clap her hands three times, a sign used in class to attract attention and cease conversation.

“We need several helpers to handle all of the paper work the Council gave us this afternoon,“ she says aloud. Moriya calls out a couple names of students to stay and help and two even volunteer to stay till the evening.

I stand and lean over to Moriya, whispering to her. “Perhaps Kenji Setou would be a help? With him around the work should go by quickly.“
Moriya hesitates. “Setou? Are you sure? He's a little...weird, don't you think?“
“Yes, but he is one of our few sighted students. I'm sure he'll be able to do a lot more work than the rest of us in a shorter amount of time.“
“Oh, good idea, Lilly! Kenji!”

From the front of the room, suspiciously near where the door is located, there is a squawk of alarm and the sound of several objects tumbling to the ground. “Huh!? What!? Who was that, what do you want!?”
“Kenji, can you stay and give us a hand with the paperwork?“
A moan of distaste soon follows.
“It would be a big help,” Moriya pleads.
A groan of dislike.
“Please~!” Moriya practically begs.

A heavy sigh. “Yeah, sure, fine. Not like I had anything planned today anyway....“

Several desks are bumped into before a chair is pulled out nearby and Kenji gets to work.
“Thank for the help, Lilly,” Moriya says. “Talk to you Monday!”
“You're very welcome, Moriya, thank you for covering for me. I'll buy you lunch to pay you back.“
Moriya giggles. “Thanks! But you know I have expensive tastes, right!“
I laugh. “I don't mind in the least.”

I fold out my cane and begin to leave.

“Thank you for staying behind, Setou,” I call behind me.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, not a big deal, I guess. Happy to help, Satou,” is the reply I get. Kenji is obviously disappointed about being coerced into spending the evening doing paperwork.

Serves him right, I think to myself with a satisfied smirk. He deserves it for what he said about Hanako and me this morning.

Things have a little way of working themselves out for the best, I note with some pleasure.

I leave the school and head to the girl's dorms, Hanako meeting me at the front entrance of the main building. She tells me Hisao said he may be a little late at the front gate, but she says she doesn't know why. We go arm in arm to the girl's dormitories and I quickly change in my room. I can take some time getting ready, so Hanako finishes first and waits outside my door, but once I am dressed, I call her into my room and ask for her help and she gives me a hand with a little bit of makeup for tonight. I want to look my best for Hisao and Hanako is very good at applying makeup.

The two of us leave, my arm around hers and we make our way to the front gate of the school. I can hear a few cars pass by, likely staff or teachers leaving after the day of work.

When we arrive, I ask Hanako if Hisao is around and she answers that he is not. I was expecting it, but I'm concerned about his absence after what happened at lunch, but my worries are put to rest only a few minutes later when I hear him call out to me and Hanako, joining us outside the school.

“Sorry I'm late, I had to take care of something," he says as he draws near to us.
“Is everything all right, Hisao?”
“Yeah,” he says with a laugh. “I stuck around after class to apologize to Misha and Shizune about what happened at lunch.“

I smile a little, pleased that Hisao was trying to make amends. “How did it turn out?”

“Pretty good, considering everything. I never thought Shizune would speak to me ever again after that. Uhm, well, you know what I mean.“

Hanako giggles. “She kept st-staring at Hisao all day! She looked r-really angry! And Misha looked pretty upset t-too.“

“Yeah,” Hisao says bashfully. “I spoke to them after class and apologized for what I did. They seemed all right, but they did make me promise to help with some Council work later. They said it would make my apology more sincere if I had to sweat for it before they accepted. Shizune even seemed a little impressed I stood up to her. I'm just glad she's not the kind of person to take something like that personally or hold a grudge. Well, not against me, that is.“

I don't say anything about Shizune's little surprise for me and my class to Hisao. I'm glad the two of them were able to come to terms, and I wouldn't want to spoil that. I know Shizune can be a pain at times, but it seems she and Hisao and Misha have become friends with each other and I would never want that to fall apart because of my actions or presence.

I remember how much I enjoyed the time I had with the two of them on the Student Council, how exciting it was to become friends with my cousin even with the difficulties we had communicating or the times we strongly disagreed with each other on policy. Despite all the issues between the two of us individually, with Misha along for the ride, and the larger issues between our families, I do miss being close to her at times.

“I hope you weren't waiting for me long,” Hisao continues.

“N-no, we j-just got here. Akira hasn't showed up y-yet.“

“I wouldn't be worried, Hanako. Akira is always late for appointments,“ I say.

Almost as if on cue, I hear an engine roar from down the road and tires squeal, followed by a slight buffeting of air, the smell of exhaust and burning rubber flowing up around me.
Hanako flinches slightly at my side and I feel Hisao's arms wrap around my hips to pull me a few inches from the road. I smile, enjoying the feeling of his hands on me more than any concern for Akira's reckless driving.

A door clicks open and I hear someone step out, calling in a casual, devil-may-care attitude. “Yo!”

I feel a broad smile cross my face upon hearing my sister's voice. “Akira, hello! I'm glad you could join us.”
“Hey, I'm only a few minutes late! Cut me some slack! They had some stupid excuse to keep me around the job, but I managed to blow them off and get here with only a little trouble on the road.“
“He-hello, Akira.“
“Hanako, looking nice, as usual! I've always loved that hat! Very sharp!“
Hanako giggles in an embarrassed tone. “Th-thank you! I like your hat too!“
"This old thing? Got it off the rack, wasn't even made for me. Still, it fits well enough."
“Akira, aren't you concerned about driving that fast?“ Hisao asks.
“What do you mean, kid?”
“Well, aren't you afraid you'll get a ticket?”
“A ticket? Hisao, I'm a lawyer! I haven't had a single ticket stick to me in my life! Now as your legal representative, I suggest you get in. You guys are wasting time standing there like a group of loiterers!“


The trip to Akira's little surprise takes longer than I expected. With her driving and Hanako in the front seat, Hisao and I sit in the back together. He sits closer to me than what may be strictly necessary, but I enjoy it, holding his hand the entire time.

It takes some time, but eventually Akira stops long enough that I know we've arrived and not just halted for a stop light which usually only lasts a couple seconds before she makes the engine roar and the acceleration push me back in my seat. A couple of times I hear Hanako yelp in surprise and even Hisao tightens his hand in mine when Akira takes a particularly sharp turn. It doesn't seem to bother me in the least as I've driven with my sister so many times, it hardly concerns me anymore.

“All right, everyone out! We're here!”
We step out of the car, Hisao taking my hand and holding the door open for me. Outside, I hear the sounds of cars some distance away, the wind blowing over a large, open area, loud echos of far away noises and and even a siren off in the distance.
“Akira, where are we?”
“Well, it's a surprise! I can tell you we're in the city, so don't be worried. Come on, it's this way! You guys are going to love this!“

The group of us begin walking, my arm in Hisao's. I lean over to him and whisper in his ear. “Where are we, Hisao? Akira always hides things from me till the very last moment.“

Hisao replies in his own whisper. “We're in the city in a big parking lot, but we're the only car here. There's a building in front of us, but I don't see any signs or anything like that. It doesn't even have any windows!“

“Hey!” Akira shouts back at us. “No whispering, Hisao! It's supposed to be a surprise!“
“Sorry, Akira, but I don't even know where we are.”
“And let's keep it that way! It's just a little ahead, so keep your pants on! And I should hope a young gentleman such as yourself wouldn't be familiar with a dive like this!“

Oh, no, I think. What does she have in store for us this time?
“Akira, I hope you aren't planning anything too drastic or foolish.“
“Foolish? Me? You must be thinking of someone else, Sis.“
I sigh. Akira has always been purposefully rebellious, a trait that I can't wholly approve of and the source of her difficulties with Father. The two of them would go on and on arguing about her actions and his expectations until Mother would intervene. Mother was the only one Father ever relented to. Akira may have inherited Mother's free spirit, but she has all of Father's stubbornness as well, a dangerous combination.

Whatever this place is, we enter through a door, then a short hallway, and then another door into a large room which must have a very tall roof from the echoes I can hear. The ambient sound and temperature suggest metal or concrete and not walls of wood or plaster. I can smell smoke and the strong scent of alcohol as well.
“Akira, you haven't brought us to a bar, have you?”

Akira chuckles. “Well, that depends on what you mean by 'bar'.”
“Are we even allowed to be in here?” Hisao asks.
“It's fine!” Akira assures us, yet I still find myself concerned despite her carefree attitude. “I know the owner, I come here after work every now and then and I gave him some good legal advice. He's cool with it. Besides, this place is absolutely dead in the afternoon, no one comes here! It's my little secret hang out when I just want to unwind and don't have to worry about getting hit on at the club. Besides, that's not the real surprise!“

We walk a short distance before I hear chairs being pulled out. Hisao pulls one out for me and I sit, thanking him as he pushes me in and sits down near me.
“Wh-what's the surprise?” Hanako asks.
Akira giggles conspiratorially. “You'll like this, Hanako. I thought since we've been out for karaoke a few times before, we'd try a little public performance! Give us all the chance to shine!“
“What does that mean?” Hisao asks with a careful tone.
“Oh, It'll be great, kid! They just have the karaoke machine right in the bar and you can sing where everyone can listen! It's like having a little concert all to yourself!“

I find it hard not to be amused by Akira's enthusiasm. Hanako seems hesitant, though.
“Sing? L-like in front of p-people? Where everyone c-can w-watch?
A chair is dragged against the floor closer to Hanako. “Hey, don''t worry about it, squirt! Like I said, no one comes here this time of day. You've sang with me and Lilly plenty of times before, it'll just be us having some fun. And if you don't want to, then you'll just have to beat me at a game of darts to make it up to me!“

There's a slight hesitation, but Hanako must agree in some way because Akira pushes away from the table and laughs. “That's the spirit! Now, I'll go talk to the owner and get something for us to drink!“
“Oh, lighten up, Lilly! I'll get you guys some soda or something, jeeze!“
Akira leaves the three of us at the table, whistling as she goes.

“So,” I ask, “how does this place look? Is it as bad as I imagine?”
“Well,” Hisao replies, “it looks like it wasn't built to be a bar at all. It looks like it was a small warehouse or something. There's some big metal beams above us and a lot of tables in the center of the floor. We're near the left next to a little stage with a television on it. I think that's the karaoke machine Akira mentioned. The walls are concrete and there's a lot of posters covering them, but they're all in English. No windows and I don't even see a clock anywhere. Overall, it's a little dumpy, to be honest.“

“It l-looks pretty cool, I th-think.” Hanako says. “I like th-the stage.”
“Do you want to sing, Hanako?” I ask.
There's a long pause on her part before she answers. When she responds, she says it with a very firm tone. “Yes. Y-yes, I would.”
I can't help but smile at her response.
“That's great!” Hisao says. “I'll finally get the chance to hear you sing, Hanako. Lilly told me you had a great voice.“
She must be a little stunned by the compliment, because she thanks Hisao in a very meek whisper.

I hear whistling approach and Akira rejoins us, sounding as if she throws herself into her chair. The sound of several glasses being placed on the table follows soon after. “All right! Now we're ready for the fun to start!”

“Akira, what exactly is this stuff?“
“Never ask a lady that question when she buys you a drink, Hisao! You'll never like the answer!“


Re: Clarity: Part Four (Update 7/14)

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:04 am
by Mirage_GSM
I scowl and want to call Shizune a fowl word,...
As much as I like fowl, I think you were going for foul here.

And "Western" Karaoke doesn't seem to be so uncommon in Japan. There was one place just a few minutes walk from my hotel and I heard about several others.

Re: Clarity: Part Five (Update 7/17)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:59 pm
by Kayo12
Part Five

I'm not sure how much time we spend around the table, but it is enough that Akira comes and goes several times, bringing more drinks for us with each trip.

At first it was just soda while she said she was drinking a beer, but soon enough she starts bringing back harder drinks for herself and even makes a suggestion that we should have a bottle of wine or two brought to the table. I at first refuse, but she keeps insisting that the owner is a friend of hers and that he owes her a few favors, that it would be perfectly fine to do so. I'm reluctant to accept at first; it's one thing to drink with my sister in my dorm with Hisao and Hanako in private, but doing so in a public place seems daring enough to be foolish. Akira seems to take a perverse delight in breaking rules and even taking a part in the corruption of others, especially me.
Eventually though, while Hisao and Hanako play a game of darts on the other side of the room, she tells me it would be a good way to get Hanako to open up a little and sing for us. Her argument is somewhat convincing and I wouldn't mind a little drink myself to be perfectly honest.

By the time Hisao and Hanako come back from their game, Hanako sounding very proud that she remains undefeated, there is a glass of wine waiting for each of us. Hisao is hesitant just as I was, but a little convincing on my part is all it takes for him to start enjoying himself. Hanako needs no such compulsion and soon the three of us are laughing and chatting with each other freely.

"Okay," Akira says loudly as she stands from the table. "Time for a little performance!"
She steps away from the table and towards where I presume the stage is located. A loud, static filled bang fills the room as she must handle the microphone roughly.
"Test!" she says."Test! Is this thing on? Oh, good, I can hear myself. Okay, let's see what we have here...."

Akira takes some time going through the selection of songs before she settles on one she must like. Soon enough the music starts to play and she starts by snapping her fingers to the beat before she begins to sing. Akira has always had a very pleasing voice when it comes to music. Taking singing lessons was one of the few acts of obedience she willingly undertook at Mother and Father's request. She seems to take more pleasure from the act of singing the lyrics rather than getting them perfectly right, though. I hear her moving back and forth on stage, presumably dancing and swaying to the music, taking several moment to draw out one particularly long line or to even, as Hisao tells me, to spring from the stage and swing her arm around during an invisible guitar riff.

I'm not sure the exact song she's singing as I've never heard it before, but she sings with such intensity and zeal that it's hard not to get excited and applaud when her outstanding performance is over. Chairs are pushed out and I join Hisao and Hanako in a standing ovation, Hisao loudly calling for an encore.

"Heh, thanks!" Akira says returning to the table, "I haven't had the chance to cut loose like that in a while!" She sits down with us and takes a drink from the sound of the long and satisfied sigh that follows. "So, who's next? Hisao? Hanako? Lilly, you should try! Come on, it's fun! I'm sure they have something you can sing from memory!"

I smile and shake my head. "Even if they had any songs I know, which I doubt, I don't think I'm up for something like that."
"Aw, you're no fun, Sis!" Akira whines.
"Sorry, Akira," I say with a smile and a laugh.
"Hey, Hanako, would you like to try?" Hisao asks.

We're all silent for a while for her to answer, but soon enough I hear Hanako giggle a little bit, her laugh a little spurred on by the amount of wine she's had. "O-okay! It-it looks like fun!"

"That's the spirit!" Akira says encouragingly. "Here, I'll help you pick one out that will be perfect for you!"

They both stand and leave the table. I overhear the two of them talking about what songs she should sing, but Akira makes mention that many of them are fairly old and Hanako doesn't seem to be very comfortable trying them out for the first time. Eventually she finds one she recognizes and eagerly chooses it, Akira rejoining us at the table.

The music begins and plays for a few seconds and I overhear Hanako breathing shakily into the microphone. There's a few moments of hesitation where the song plays but no words come out, only a low murmur which builds into a hesitant stammer mixed with a few long, embarrassed pauses.

A worry starts to build in my chest and I'm concerned maybe this might be too much for Hanako to take so quickly.

"Hisao," I whisper, "is she all right?"
"Yeah, she's fine," Hisao replies. I hear him stand in his chair. "Sing! You've got this, Hanako! I want to hear you sing!"
"That's right, girl!" Akira shouts. "You're a superstar!"
I smile and it's enough to make my cheeks hurt. "You can do it, Hanako!" I call out, clapping my hands.

The song continues without any words, but then, very softly and barely heard, I begin to hear Hanako stutter out the first few verses. She's hesitant, and has trouble keeping up with the tempo of the song, but as it goes on, she begins to catch up, starting to match the song's upbeat and rapid pulse. As she does, her voice becomes stronger and louder, her tone becoming more sure and her voice begins to match and then overpower the music in the background.

By the time she reaches the second chorus, Hanako is following right along with the intended score, her voice lovely and strong, perfectly suited for performance. What was once a weak and tiny whisper is now a level and pitch perfect voice, a strong voice that just keeps building and building in intensity. Before long, Hanako's music fills the room and she begins to throw off the constraints of the verses, singing freely and clearly without concern and with her whole self thrown into the experience.

In the midst of this, Hisao leans close to me and whispers in my ear. "You weren't kidding, Lilly. Hanako has a great voice!"
"I told you she did," I whisper back.
"You know what else," he says with a little sly tone.
He laughs. "She isn't stuttering as much anymore."
I feel out and squeeze his hand gently. "I know."

Hanako continues to sing and by the time the song ends, her voice echoes in the large room long after the music fades. None of us need a cue as we all stand and applaud loudly, Akira whistling shrilly in celebration and Hisao loudly proclaiming that Hanako was the next idol.

Somewhere in the room I hear a far off clapping, which I can only assume is the owner or perhaps the bartender Akira has been getting her drinks from. I realize that not only did Hanako sing in front of us, but for someone she doesn't even know!

The thought of it makes me almost want to start crying and I feel ashamed for ever doubting her.

Over the microphone, I can hear Hanako stammer a little before she thanks us in a quite and very bashful voice.

"Encore!" Hisao yells once again. "Again! One more time!"
"The crowd demands it!" Akira adds in support.

"O-okay! If you really want me to...." Hanako says, her voice amplified by the microphone.

A few moments later and Hanako has chose a new song to sing. This time there is no hesitation at the start or the uncertain stammering from before. This time she immediately launches into the performance of the up-beat song, bubbly, something you can dance to and from the sound of her feet shuffling, I think she may have even started to dance herself! Hisao and Akira laugh in approval. If Hanako can dance half as well as she can sing, it must be a wonderful thing to witness!

I feel a little upset that I can't share that with her.

"How is she doing, Hisao?" I ask.
"Great, Lilly! I've never seen her like this!"
He stops with a groan and takes my hand in his. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

I pat his hand softly. "Don't be silly. I'm just glad I'm here."

He kisses me, the taste of wine on his lips.

Hanako continues to belt out lyrics to our delight as the song picks up tempo when I hear a sound barely noticeable below the music and her singing. I start hearing voices coming from somewhere near where the door was located.

Hanako sings for a few moments but begins to slow down.

"Hisao, what's happening?"

Hisao doesn't answer at first, but from the sound, he must twist in his chair to look behind him. "A little crowd of people just walked in. It looks like they're a party."

Oh, dear.

Hanako's words begin to falter and soon she's stuttering once more, trying to get through the words, the effort painful to listen to. All the while the voices keep getting louder as the new bar patrons, oblivious to what is happening, take their seats somewhere nearby.

"I thought you said no one would be here, Akira."

"I'm sorry, Lilly, but we've been here a couple hours. They don't have any windows here and I lost track of time. I wasn't expecting it to get this busy so quickly, though."

Chairs are being pulled out and people are beginning to talk in low, conversational tones. Still, Hanako keeps trying to continue, but soon I begin to hear her stammering turn into whimpering. My heart begins to beat loudly in my chest.

"Hisao! Hisao, go get her. Take her off stage, please. Bring her back." I take him by the sleeve and gently shake him into action.
Hisao doesn't answer at first, but when he does I can hear him smiling. "I have a better idea."
"What are you going to do?"
"Heh. You'll find out."

Hisao leaves his chair and walks away from the table. A few painful moments pass as Hanako continues trying to manage singing, but I hear a sudden bark of laughter coming from one of the people which is soon joined by others.

My pounding heart races even faster and I feel a horrid feeling of terror begin to grow in my chest.

They...they wouldn't laugh at Hanako, would they!?

My fears are relived when I hear Akira next to me begin to laugh as well.
"Akira! What is it, what is happening?"
Akira continues to laugh even as she tells me. "It's Hisao!"
"What? What is he doing?"
"He's dancing! And he's terrible at it!"

I'm confused for a few moments before I begin to hear the other patrons egging Hisao on.

"That's right, kid! Looking good!"
"Who is this guy?"
"He's an animal!"
"Sit down, I need to record this!"

I'm not sure exactly what the point of this is, but then I begin to hear Hanako sing once more and her voice becomes stronger.
"Akira, what is it? What's going on?"
"It's your boyfriend, Lilly! He's making a complete spectacle of himself!"
"But why?"
Akira chuckles. "No one is looking at Hanako anymore, that's for sure."

As if to prove Akira's point, Hanako begins singing once more, perhaps not as assuredly as before, but without the panicked stuttering she was trapped in just a few minutes prior.

"Excuse me, Lilly, I'll be right back," Akira says, patting my shoulder. "Your boyfriend desperately needs a lesson in style."

Akira gets up from the table and a few moments later I hear more exuberant encouragement and even a catcall and whistle come from the other patrons for the two of them to continue on.

I can't help but giggle, thinking of the two of them making total fools of themselves for Hanako's benefit as she continues to sing, the music filling the room. By the sound of their movements, Hisao and Akira must be dancing arm in arm or very close together. Soon I hear clapping along with the beat and from the sounds of more feet, I imagine others have begun to dance as well.

My heart melts in my chest not being able to join them.

The song comes to an end with outrageous applause and congratulations. I am joined at the table by the laughter of Akira and Hanako, the latter of whom is bursting with excitement.
"D-d-did you hear, Lilly! Did you hear? Th-they l-l-liked it! They liked my s-singing!"
I wrap her in a tight hug, tears of joy trying to break free from my eyes. "I did! Of course they loved it, you were wonderful!"

I release Hanako and she laughs, getting congratulations from Akira as well.
"Good job, kid! Don't look now, but I think your fans want to meet you. You up for it?"
She giggles. "O-okay, sure!"

The two stand and leave the table to go meet the other patrons.

Next to me, Hisao sits and I hear him panting heavily. "Hisao, are you all right?"
He takes a deep gulp of air followed by a long, drawn out drink of something, then sighs heavily. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm all right. Just needed some water."

He sounds terribly out of breath, but I'm filled with a mixture of admiration and pride for him and his actions. "That...that was...Hisao, that was amazing! Thank you!"
"It looked like Hanako just needed to get some of that attention off of her."
I fold my hands over each other, feeling embarrassment over the way I would have handled the situation. "I wanted to take her off stage, but you knew she just needed a little help."
"That's okay, Lilly. I think sometimes Hanako just needs to know there's someone supporting her in the background. She doesn't need us to protect her."
I think about what Hisao says. "Yes," I say sadly. "I guess she doesn't need me to protect her, so long as you're here."
Hisao pauses. "Lilly, are you all right?"
I lift my head and smile. "Yes, Hisao, I'm all right."

I think about what's happened today; Hisao standing up to Shizune, Hanako singing in public for the first time, the two of them supporting each other without my interference.

Perhaps I've been putting too much focus on what will happen to them if I leave. They seem to be doing just fine without my help, maybe I've been overestimating the worth of my presence here. Maybe once I'm gone they'll be all right if they have one another to rely on.

"Lilly," Hisao says again, "are you really okay? Is there something bothering you?"
I hold my hand out and Hisao takes in in his own. "I'm quite all right, Hisao. I'm very proud of what you did for Hanako. Don't be worried about me."
"Well...okay, if you say so," he says, kissing me on the cheek as he does.

Re: Clarity: Part Five (Update 7/17)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:18 pm
This whole time I was like "Wow Hanako is gaining confedence, Psh Hisao dancing LOL. Lilly thinking that they will be okay if she leaves Hell Yea- Wait what?
No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,NO! Hisao I swear if that happens you better pull a Lilly good ending."

Re: Clarity: Part Five (Update 7/17)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:27 pm
by Yellow 13
LOL WUT wrote:This whole time I was like "Wow Hanako is gaining confedence, Psh Hisao dancing LOL. Lilly thinking that they will be okay if she leaves Hell Yea- Wait what?
No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,NO! Hisao I swear if that happens you better pull a Lilly good ending."
Rleax, check ... 15#p111347

Re: Clarity: Part Six (Update 7/22)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:33 pm
by Kayo12
Part Six

Akira and Hanako eventually rejoin us, Hanako sounding a little shaken, but happy about the attention given to her from the other table.

By the sounds of it, they really enjoyed her singing and were looking forward to hearing more. Akira assured them that the starlet didn't want to risk overexposure, which Hanako thanks Akira for after they return to our table.
"Thank you, Akira. I-I really enjoyed s-singing, but I th-think I'm done for the n-night."
"That's okay, kid! You did great!"
"She's right, Hanako, you were wonderful!"
"Well done, Hanako," I say. "I'm very proud of you."

No sounds come from Hanako, but when she replies, it's with a little sob of happiness. "Th-thank you...."

We go back to talking and pleasing conversation with one another, but soon enough Akira grows impatient. "All right, Lilly's turned it down, so it's up to you, Hisao. Time to face the music!"
"Oh, I don't think that's a good idea...."
"Come on, kid! Don't you want to impress your girlfriend?"

Hisao stammers a little when he hears me giggle. Even so, I don't think I could be more impressed with him today than I already am.

"Well, I guess I could give it a try...."
"That's the spirit! But before you do, I'm going to need my hat back."
"Oh, wow, I totally forgot about it! Sorry about that, Akira."
"Hisao, how did you get Akira's hat?" I ask.
"Well, she put it on my head when we were dancing."
"Yeah, Hisao's an okay dancer, I guess. He just needs to watch his second left foot and he should be as smooth as I am in no time!"
"I'd be pretty smooth too if I went around everywhere in a pinstripe with a car like the one you drive."
"Always nice to know I'm a role model for the younger generation."
"Maybe in how to act like a delinquent."
"Ah, see, now you're just flattering me."

We all laugh and it makes me feel good to hear how well Hisao and Akira get along.

"Okay, okay," Hisao finally relents. "I'll give it a try. Just don't blame me if I burst a few eardrums."

Hisao leaves the table and the microphone pops a couple times from him handling it. Somewhere in the room, I hear someone shout in a well meaning, and slightly drunk heckle, that the 'dancing fool' is about to start singing.

Hisao makes an embarrassed sound which is amplified across the room. What follows is him trying to find a song and failing.
"No, no, no, not that one, never heard of this one. Is there anything here made after I was born? Nope, no, no, I don't think that's appropriate at all given the situation, no, ah, here! I know this one!"

A few moments pass and music begins to play. Hisao chuckles a little before he starts to sing. Unlike the songs Akira and Hanako sang, this is one even I have heard before and it makes my heart leap in my chest.

Hisao sings a song about departing, about leaving the one you love and dreaming about them every moment you are away from them, regretting the times you must leave them and of the longing and sadness of being separated and the joy of being reunited, about being so alone without them that you feel as if you were dying without them.

He has a surprisingly good voice, a deeper tone than I would have thought, but it's the words that paralyze me in my chair, that make me shudder at the end of every verse. I'm not sure if he realizes it, but he and I may as well be the only people in the room for how the words make me feel.

The song continues and I feel as if my heart is about be burst free of my chest. I clench and unclench my hands and try to keep a straight face, but I can feel my breath beginning to quicken as he keeps singing and my eyes begin to burn.

"Are you all r-right?"
"I'm fine, Hanako."
I turn away from the sound of her voice. "Akira, could you take me to the bathroom, please. Now."
"Yeah, sure, Lilly."

Akira takes my arm and we stand from the table, her leading me, but I pushing her to lead me faster.

Some distance away we move through a very small hall, the walls close on either side and a door opens before me, Akira leading me into a restroom that sounds very tiny, the acrid smell of cleaner in the air and the sounds of my steps clicking against the tile.

I feel around and find a sink which I lean over, turning it on, the water ice cold as I splash my face with it.

"Lilly, are you okay?" Akira asks, her voice thick with concern.
I swallow and breathe until I'm sure my voice is all right. "Yes, I'm fine. I just felt a little sick, that's all."
"You didn't drink all that much."
"I'm all right."
Akira sighs at me. "Lilly, how is it you think you can still lie to me after all these years?" She hesitates. "It wasn't the song, was it?"

I nod slowly.

"Oh, Lilly," Akira sighs.

We're both quite a while and I'm thankful for it. I don't know if I would be able to speak at all right now.
"How are you handling this?" she finally asks.
"I'm...managing, I guess."
"It doesn't sound like it."
"I'll be fine, Akira. I just need some time."

She sighs. "Lilly, to be honest, we don't have that much time left. Pretty soon you're going to have to make a decision one way or another."
I turn towards the sound of her voice after turning the water off. "I've already made my decision. I'm going to be with my family."
Akira dryly laughs. "So are you going to stay in Japan?"
"Of course not. I'm going to Scotland to be with Father and Mother, my real family."
"Some family," she spouts.
"Akira, please, I don't want to have this discussion with you again."

Akira takes a few steps towards me and takes my hands gently in hers. " don't have to go, you know that, right? You can stay here."
I shake my head. "I can't."
"Yes, you can! It's your life! I know I'll miss you, but you have so much here!"
"My family...."
"Screw the family!" she shouts and I flinch from the sound of her anger. "What family? Mother? Father!? To hell with what he wants! He's the one who left, not us! He's the one who's been gone our whole life! Now he can afford to have us around so we're just expected to come running when he summons us?"

"Akira, please! I don't like it when you say these things about Father!"

She groans in disgust and I don't like hearing that from her either. "I know you have this idea of the kind of person he is, Lilly, but that isn't the real him, all right? You think everything will be like what it was when you were little or when we visited them, but it won't, it just won't! He wants us around now, but when the novelty wears off, when he's done showing us off to all his business associates, everything will just go back to the way things were when he left!"

"I don't believe that," I tell her. "And what about you? You're going, are you not?"
"Of course I am, but if you think it's because of him, you're wrong! I'm not doing this for him at all! This is for my career. It's a good move for me, but a bad move for you! You don't have any reason to go and don't do it to make him happy because he'll never be happy no matter what you do! I should know!"
"But, Mother...."
"I know, I know. She was thrilled when we came to visit and I know she's missed us a lot. I know we both miss her too, but she would understand if you didn't come to Scotland, she wouldn't blame you for wanting to stay, you and I both know that. She would want you to follow your heart."
I shake my head hard. "No, I can't, I already accepted their summons."
"Damn it, Lilly! That's your biggest problem! You're so scared to disappoint someone, to let them down! You think too much about what other people think of you!"

I snap.

"I'm in this situation because I didn't think enough!" I yell at her. "I'm not like you, Akira! I just can't do things, be impulsive like you, follow where the wind takes me! Whenever I do that it hurts the people I love! I'm not you! I just can't do what I want, I can't!"

I keep shouting at her, tears beginning to collect on my cheeks. "I didn't think before accepting the summons, I didn't think enough before saying 'yes' and I didn't think when I told Hisao I loved him!"

I choke on my sobs and cover my face, turning from her and again leaning over the sink to hide my crying.

I sense Akira standing behind me before she puts a hand on my shoulder, rubbing my back gently.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. You want to be a good daughter for Father, I know. I don't blame you. It was what I wanted to be once, too. But I learned the hard way that will never happen, Lilly. You have a great thing going here and you shouldn't leave it for any reason other than what you want. You've got Hanako and Hisao here and both of them love you very much."

I sigh and wipe my cheeks of my tears. "They'll be all right. They have each other, they don't need me."
"That's not true and you know it. Hanako may be a lot more outgoing than when I first met her, but it's only because she has you to support her. And you have something special going on with Hisao. He's a fantastic guy! I know you've never dated before, but usually the guys you attracted were losers! But Hisao...I'm honestly starting to like the kid."
"He'll be all right," I tell Akira. "He's strong. He'll be okay without me."
"Are you really sure about that? What did he say when you told him?"

I cringe away from her.
"Lilly, you talked to Hisao about Scotland," she says, a statement, not a question.
I wring my hands together and hesitate before shaking my head slowly.

Akira is silent, stunned, I'm sure. She takes some time to collect herself before speaking "You haven't told him? I knew he couldn't have known what he was doing singing that song! Lilly, what have you been doing this whole time?"
"I know, I know! I've been...trying to find the words to tell him...."
"But Hokaido, you said you told him you loved him there....."
"Yes, I did."
" knew about the summons...."

I hide my face in shame. "Yes, I know!" I wail.
"Why didn't you say something then? Let him know what he was getting into?"
"What if he said 'no'? What if he refused my confession because of that? Akira, I would have been devastated! I didn't want to lose him! I didn't know what I was going to do and I was so afraid of losing Hisao! I didn't know what I was feeling, I was so upset about what almost happened to him, I just said those things without thinking!"
"Well, you've had plenty of time to tell him now and you're almost out of it! What were you going to do, call him on the air phone on the trip over?"
"Akira, please!"
"No, Lilly! That isn't fair! Not to him, not to Hanako and not to yourself! He has a right to know what's happening, to know what he's gotten himself into!"

"Hisao...Hisao's fine! This is just...we're just dating, that's all. He'll be okay when it ends, he will!"
"It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that's true when you really don't believe it. And what about you? How will you be if you leave him for Scotland?"

"I'll move on, I'll have to."

Akira groans in frustration. "I said you never dated before, Lilly. You aren't the kind of girl who just has a fling and leaves it at that. Once you decide to do something, you throw your whole heart into it, so don't tell me what you and Hisao have doesn't mean something to you."

"Of course it means something to me, but I can't stay here after you're gone! School will be over soon, then what will I do?"

"Who cares? There you go, thinking too much again! If it comes down to it, you can stick with Hisao, hell, maybe even Hanako! The three of you could get by! I would help, I'd send money if you needed it!"

"No, absolutely not! I couldn't, I couldn't...impose on you and Hisao that way."
"Impose away, Sis! I'd be happy to help! But Hisao, why don't you ask him, at least give him the chance!"
"Too afraid to put yourself out there for him?"
I turn towards Akira's voice, a little anger in my own. "And what have you told your boyfriend?"

Akira stammers a bit. "Well, I'm planning on it. I've set up a special date."
"So you don't really have a reason to criticize me, do you?"
"Now that's not fair, don't make this about me, Lilly. The boy toy and I have been dating a long time, it's different with you and Hisao. The two of you have just been dating a few months."

"There. That's it then; we've 'just' been dating. How can I turn my back on my family, the family I've missed for so long for a boy, no matter how much I love him? A boy, I should add, that I've only known just a few months?"


"And what would happen if we didn't stay together?" Even saying it makes my throat catch and I have to take a minute before speaking again. "What would happen then? Admit it, Akira. I don't like saying it, but would Father really offer to take me in again after I turned my back on him and the family?"

Akira doesn't respond.

"There. So we both know the truth."

Akira is silent for a long time before speaking in a sad and defeated tone. "All right. Okay, Lilly. You seem to think you know what you're doing, so you go ahead and take care of it your own way. I'm warning you though; once you make this choice, it will determine the whole rest of your life! You let Father tell you what to do now and you'll never be able to go against him ever again, believe me."

She puts a hand on my shoulder. "And I know you won't be happy about this, but you know the deadline we have here. If you don't tell Hisao yourself, I'll do it for you."

I fumble for her and grab her shoulder tightly. "No! No! No, don't do that," I cry, "don't do that to me, Akira! Please!"

Akira hugs me tightly and holds me against her. "All right, all right, calm down, I'm sorry. I'm only trying to do what I think is best for you. You may have taken care of me all these years, but I'm the elder sister here and I'm the one who has to make the hard choices, to do the things that are too hard for you. Hisao deserves better than this, Lilly, and you know it. He deserves the chance to make his own decision and tell you what he feels."

I nod, burying my head against the soft cloth of her suit. "I know. I'll try, I promise."

We hold each other for a little while longer before separating. I face away from her and wipe my eyes carefully, then turn back towards her. "How do I look? My makeup isn't running, is it?"

Akira laughs and kisses me on the cheek. "No, you look like a million bucks! Come on, I'm sure Hanako and Hisao are worried about you."

Arm in arm, Akira and I return to the main room where a new song, a slow-dancing one, is thankfully playing in the background. We reach the table and sit, Hanako and Hisao waiting for us with questions. "Are you all right, Lilly? You left right in the middle of the song...." Hisao asks, his voice filled with concern.

"I'm okay," I reply. "Just a small headache. I think I drank a little too fast."
He gives a satisfied sound. "Hey, Akira," he says, "can I borrow Lilly for a second?"
"Sure, kid, just bring her back in the same condition I lent her to you."

Hisao takes my hand and leads me away from the table. "Where are we going, Hisao?"
He laughs and takes both of my hands into his. "I asked the bartender to play something special for us. I saw how you looked when Akira left to dance with me. It's only fair you get the chance as well. We're the ones who are dating, right?"

I realize Hisao has taken me into a larger, open area and he is holding my hands to dance.
"Hisao, you've done enough tonight...."
"I think my heart is up for a little slow dancing, Lilly."
"But...I'm not a very good dancer...."
"That's okay, neither am I. And I should be the one leading, anyway."

He moves, his hands directing me slowly back and forth to the music. I smile when we begin to step in time as I listen intently to the sound of his feet and follow the music. It's a little hard to keep up and several times I step on his toes and he hisses in pain, for which I profusely apologize and he laughs it off as nothing.

We dance for a little while, but my clumsiness starts to get the better of me and I quickly become frustrated.
"I'm sorry, Hisao," I apologize in a disappointed tone. "I'm just not cut out for this sort of thing, I guess. I think dancing is just something you and I won't be able to do together. I'm sorry...."
Hisao leans in, his lips against my ears. "You're a beautiful person, Lilly. Never apologize for that."

My tongue catches in my throat and I'm lost for words.

I smile, remove my hands from his and wrap them around his back, his sweater warm against my skin. I hold tightly to Hisao, my chest and hips pressed tightly against him as much as I can, every inch of me against his body.

He chuckles a little shyly. "Pretty close, huh?"
"It's easier to tell when your moving," I say with a smile. "You don't mind, do you?" I pout.
"No, not at all. I kind of like it."
I smile and lift my chin, Hisao answering me with a kiss on the lips. "Good. So do I."

Hisao and I dance pressed tightly against one another, my body following his movements, the music and his warmth the only things concerning me at the moment. Not airplanes, not Scotland, not even Father, just Hisao and the music.

Eventually it ends and we are left standing on the floor, our arms wrapped around each other.
"Lilly," Hisao says, "the music's over."
"I know. I just...can we stay like this for a little while longer?"
Hisao's arms tighten around me. "Of course, Lilly. For as long as you want."
Hisao is lying to me and he doesn't even realize it. I press my face into his shoulder so he won't see me cry.
"Thank you...."


Next, the conclusion....

Yes, I did just throw some John Denver into this fic, what's it to you? Wanna fight about it?

Re: Clarity: Part Six (Update 7/22)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:24 pm
by Kyvos
Wow. Very nice. Your writing is so good, you've got me excited waiting for fan fiction. Fan fiction! How dare you?
In all seriousness though, this is really good. Have you got anything else in mind for after you're done this?

Re: Clarity: Part Six (Update 7/22)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:25 pm
"If you don't tell Hisao yourself, I'll do it for you."

I fumble for her and grab her shoulder tightly. "No! No! No, don't do that," I cry, "don't do that to me, Akira! Please!"
"Hehehe, I am gonna do it."

"No! Akira, please!"

"I'm going to."

"Please, don't!"

"Hehe, too bad the game creators already put it in the game."

Yes, I did just throw some John Denver into this fic, what's it to you? Wanna fight about it?
Lets go! Come at me, bro