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Re: Chapter 3

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:38 pm
by scott1and
hatori1181 wrote: I want to jump for joy, and dance in the hallway, but I'm naked and one doesn't dance naked.
I've just found my 3rd rule of life, Thank you

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 3 up!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:28 pm
by Sgt_Frog
I love the fact that Kenji is actually kinda helpful in this story, though for COMPLETELY different reasons.

Also, don't worry about the lack of stutter in Hanako's dialogue. She's comfortable enough around Lilly to speak normally.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 3 up!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:57 pm
by hatori1181
Chapter 4! Looks like two more chapters and this'll be wrapped up. I've decided not to include Rin or Emi into the story as I couldn't include them and make it flow, and I didn't want to sacrifice the story just to include all of the main characters. I'll be away at anime Boston this weekend, so likely no updates untill Monday. Once again, thanks to the amazing Mirage_GSM for editing. have a good weekend and enjoy!

“And that's why we need your help! You're the only one we can count on. WHAHAHAHAHAH!”

I sigh inwardly. Despite how long we've known each other, I'll never understand why she feels the need to sign her laugh every time. I look from Misha's hands to Yuuko's face to see her expression. Much like I thought, she looks as if we had just asked her to kill an infant with her teeth, as opposed to asking her to proctor the student exams.

“The staff is spread a little thin this year,” I sign, “I'm sure we could ask the principal, and have you put with the sight impaired class. That shouldn't be too bad.”

Yuuko seems to be slightly less nervous about this prospect, which I suppose is a step in the right direction. Ungh. Why were we assigned to this task? We're students. Muto probably guessed, correctly enough, that Misha and I spend a great deal of time at the Shanghai, and thus Yuuko would be more at ease with us. Clever bastard.

“We should go, Misha,” I sign, “We have student council work to do before it get's too...”

My hands stop as I see Hisao come into the library. He's breathing hard, and he has a sheen of sweat on his forehead. Running. Why would he run to the library, it will be open for some time yet. To see someone, then. Yuuko? No, she's here as long as the library is open, then someone that might not be here. Got it. Hanako.

He walks over to Yuuko and speaks, Misha's hands translating for me.

“Yuuko, have you seen Hanako?”

I smile to myself, but why would Hisao run to the library to see Hanako? We don't have any projects in class that are due, so I doubt they are working on something together. Hanako misses classes more often than not. Perhaps he's here to give her some work she missed? Not likely, he has no books with him. It would be far more difficult to show her her missed assignments without them. No, this is something personal.

“She's in the back, I think.” Yuuko responds.

My mind is racing. I want Hisao in the student council. He's fairly smart and able bodied enough to help us out. And if his student council activities give him less time to spend with Satou, well that's not my problem. The rumors about the two of them seem justified enough. I've seen them together myself. It's not that I'm jealous, Hisao is decent looking, but too laid back. That being said, I don't want Satou to have him easily.

If Misha and I were to overhear something personal, I could use that to blackmail him into council work. I adjust my glasses and get Misha's attention.

“Misha, I want to listen in on what Hisao is going to talk to Hanako about.”

“Isn't that rude?”

“don't you want some help on the council?”

She's unconvinced by that argument. Okay, what about a different track.

“Did you notice that he ran here? Maybe he rushed here to talk to her because they are having an affair behind Satou's back.”

I think the likelihood of that is next to nothing, though it would fit my purposes perfectly.

“Ehh! Do you think that's what's going on? We have to find out to be sure!”

Too easy. Misha reads that romantic drivel on a daily basis, and would never let the injustice of a broken heart or scorned love go unaided. We make our way to the back of the library and stop as soon as Misha can overhear what's being said.

“I'm sorry things worked out this way, Hanako. I know you probably don't want to see me, much less talk to me.

O-ho things are already looking up. I focus again on Misha's hands.

“I'm not here about me, though. I'm here about Lilly. Right now she needs friends in her life. She needs you. I'm not asking you to forget everything that happened, I'm just asking you to put it aside for the moment. Please.”

“Do you understand how I felt when you cam to talk to me that afternoon?” the sudden change of tone is confusing at first, but I understand that Hanako is speaking now. “I thought you were going to confess that you had feelings for me, that my feelings had reached you and you were going to return them. Then you told me you had feelings for Lilly. It was cruel.”

“It was poor judgment, and I'm sorry. You can hate me if you want, but don't extend that hate to Lilly. After everything that happened, she needs someone other than me that knows what's going on. I'm begging you.”

Something happened to Satou? Very interesting.

“Hisao, please get up.”

“Not until you agree to be there for Lilly. Please.”

Misha looks at me with a puzzled expression, and it takes me a moment to realize that Hisao is begging for Hanako's aid. Misha starts to sign the conversation again, but then stops. Turning back to me, her expression is incredulous. She must have heard something important.

“What's going on?” I sign impatiently.


I look at her, shocked. “What do you mean, No?”

“This is something very personal, and I wish I had never heard it. I'm not telling you, Sicchan. It's not right.”
I furiously begin singing at her, but she walks back to the entrance of the library. I follow her with my arms folded and glaring at the back of her head. She leaves the library, stops for a moment then goes to the unused classroom around the corner. She knocks before checking the door, then opens it. Inside is Satou, drinking tea.

Misha walks over to her, speaking, and kneels down next to Satou. Satou's face loses it's colour at one point, but then relaxes as Misha continues to speak to her. Misha stands up after a while, and puts her hand on Satou's shoulder. Satou smiles and puts her hand over Misha's, bowing slightly. I stare incredulously at Misha as she turns to leave the room. She ignores the glare and keeps walking.

“Didn't you say we had council work to do, Sicchan? Whahahahahaha!”

Okay, Misha. You win this round. I evaluate what I know. There's something involving Hanako, Hisao and Lilly. Something that Lilly is terrified about other people knowing. Something that Misha felt the need to intervene on. Try as I might, I can't put the pieces together.

I have a plan, however. Tomorrow, I'm going to use what I know, and corner Hisao. I'll get him to tell me what's going on, whether he wants to or not.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 4 up!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:57 am
by scott1and
Once again, really good read. Its good to see Misha acting against Shizune for once, although it could be justified.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 4 up!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:05 am
by Leotrak
Glorious writing, my friend, glorious indeed 8)

Chapter 5!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:19 am
by hatori1181
sorry for the delay, guys and gals. Anime Boston took a lot out of me, and getting back into the rhythm of things took longer than I expected. Here is the newest chapter, just one more, unless my imagination runs off with me. This one was a little tricky to get right. hopefully you guys enjoy it. final chapter should be up withing a week. enjoy!

Looking back, it's hard to say what led me to where I am now. Some things just happened, like my condition. Others were decisions, like my choice to not be a shut in when I came to Yamaku. It's interesting to see how one event shapes the next in a series leading all the way back. By not being a shut in, I met Lilly. By talking to her, I fell in love with her. Falling in love with her brought me to where I am today.

Well, kind of.

Right now, I don't thing anyone could have foreseen my current position just based off of my relationship with Lilly. No. I think, that like my Arrhythmia, this is an act of the gods, or maybe this has something to do with chaos theory. Yeah, maybe that's it...

A piece of paper is slid across the desk to me. It reads: “Ignoring me won't make me go away.”

I look up from the paper to see Shizune's eyes trying to burn through my soul. I look away, but out of the corner of my eyes, I can see her scowling so hard, it's making the usually spacious council room feel cramped.

She's right. Ignoring her will not make her go away. She's too patient for that. She dragged me in here, sat me down and shoved a piece of paper in my face. Shizune knew that something was going on with Lilly and me, she wasn't sure what, but she wanted to know.

This is bad. Shizune and Lilly are rivals on the best of days, and out and out enemies otherwise. I have to be really careful what I say and do here. Every motion, every word can be analyzed by Shizune's eyes. I could give her more info than I want to by saying the wrong thing.

I take the pen and the paper, “Two things,” I write. “First, I don't see how any part of my relationship is any of your business. And two, Why are we talking this way? Why not get Misha here to translate?”

I made sure to write so that she couldn't see what I was writing. I have to watch her reactions carefully, try to keep ahead of her in this game. As she's reading it, I see a brief look of.. anger? I can't be sure, but I'm going to remember that. Shizune is writing a reply, not caring if I see what she's writing or not.

The paper reads, “We can communicate this way just fine. Misha is unneeded. I know something is going on, and it's my responsibility as a student council president to report any serious rule breaking to the teachers.”

She pauses for a moment, and I mull over what she's written so far. She knows that something is going on, but isn't sure what. Misha is uninvolved, and it seems like they're fighting. Interesting. Somewhere, there's a connection there, but Shizune is writing again, and I can't grasp it right now.

“I will tell you what I'm thinking. I think one of two things is happening here. One possibility is that you did something to upset her, or, inversely, she did something to you and you got really angry. Maybe you even lashed out at her. I rather doubt that, but I can't dismiss it as a possibility, seeing as how I don't know you well enough to know for certain.”

“The other possibility is this: you were caught doing something that you shouldn't have been doing, and the person that caught you is blackmailing the two of you. I noticed that Satou and Hanako haven't been spending much time together recently. Did she catch the two of you in the act? Is she in a jealous rage? Threatening to make a big deal about it unless you do as she says?”

She stops for a moment, thinking. I'd like to think, but my mind is in shock. Is this the way that Shizune sees other people? Always trying to one up the next person over? Is that the way she lives her life? It makes me wonder if she really considers Misha a friend, or just someone that makes it easier for her to outmaneuver everyone else.

An evil grin crosses her face. “Maybe you suggested something perverted,” She writes. “maybe that's what upset her?”

My vision goes red for a moment. I stand up suddenly and shout “Enough!” before realizing how pointless that is.

Shizune looks at me in shock. I'm pissed. I take the paper from Shizune and begin writing slowly so that she can read as I write it.

“This discussion is over. If you ever bring it or your crazy assumptions up again, I will go to the teachers myself and accuse you of harassment. Do I make myself clear?”

I must look really frightening right now, as she merely nods slightly and stares at me wide-eyed. I take the paper and shred it in front of her. I crumple the shreds and take them with me. I don't want her to even have evidence that this conversation happened. Gods, I'm starting to think like her...

My head clears as I walk through the corridors of the school. It's late afternoon, and only the extra-curricular activities are still going on. I look at the mass of paper in my hand and clench it a bit more tightly. What was that all about, really? Was Shizune looking to hang something over Lilly's head? Or mine? Was this a ploy to try to get me to help out the council? It seems rather elaborate for that, but I'm not sure of what Shizune's capable of any more.

The question of why Misha wasn't present is still running through my head when I realize that my feet are taking me to the tea room automatically. I might as well stop in and see if Lilly's there. We haven't had much time to spend with each other lately, and I miss her.

I pause at that thought. It's not like I haven't seen her, we just haven't spent time together. Is this what it feels like to be in love? Hmph, my sentimental side is getting the best of me. Good to know that Shizune didn't frighten it away. As I reach the door, I hear a voice inside. Good, Lilly is here. As I open the door, I'm greeted by a surprise.

“Hey Hicchan! We were just talking about you! WHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”

“Misha? What are you doing here?”

“Hisao?” Lilly says, making sure of the speaker. “Hello! Misha and I were in fact, just talking about you.”

“That's funny,” I reply, “I was just having a... conversation with Shizune”
Misha looksat me with a questioning look, and Lilly's brows furrow.

“I see...” Lilly is quiet for a moment. “What did she want?”

“She wanted to know what was going on between us. She's got some crazy ideas, but doesn't seem to know the truth.” I look at Misha. “I though it was weird talking to Shizune without Misha, but now I think I understand why you weren't there.”

Misha looks at me. “Your secret is safe with me.” She says in a tone more serious than I thought possible for her, then a smile covers her face. “You know, I think I might skip classes tomorrow. I bet Shizune will have a bit of a hard time getting all of her assignments. Too bad, huh?”

Lilly chuckles and I suppress a shudder. I think a bit of Shizune has rubbed off on Misha. Something about that is terrifying to me.

“Well, I'll leave you two alone.” Misha says “have a good night!”

Both Lilly and I say goodnight, and when she leaves, I walk over to Lilly. I touch her shoulder, and she turns slightly to me. I touch her chin with my fingers and lift it slightly, and I kiss her. Even though this is our regular routine whenever I kiss her, I can still feel her stiffen with surprise at first.

“I've missed you.” I say while nuzzling her ear.

She pulls my face to hers, and kisses me. “I've missed you, too.”

We kiss for a while, but the question that's on my mind is preventing me from enjoying it as much as I want to.

I break off the kiss and ask “How did Misha find out about everything, anyway?”

If Lilly is upset about the interruption, she doesn't show it. “Shizune got her to eavesdrop on you talking to Hanako the other day. But when she heard what was going on, she refused to tell Shizune.”

“ I see.” I am honestly surprised. I wanted to ask why Misha would do something like that, but Lilly takes the opportunity to renew her attack, not that I mind one bit. I pull her out of her seat, and kiss her deeply, pulling her close to me. I kiss down her neck, to her collarbone.

“Hisao,” she says, in a nearly out of breath voice, “I want to spend the night with you. Will you wait while I get a couple of things from my room?”

“Of course” I reply.

The room is dark, and Lilly and I are in my bed, arms and legs wrapped around each other. Her skin feels cool against mine.

I break off our kiss. “Are you sure about this?” I have to know.

“Yes, Hisao. I have never been more sure about anything in my life.”
As we kiss again, I realize that Neither have I.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:03 pm
by traitor
I like the story and the continuous change of perspectives, I've never expected Misha to act so out of character, but that's okay by me. Please keep up the great work.
Did you purposely make the title to look like "The Ties that blind"?

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:56 pm
by scott1and
Am really enjoyin this fanfic. I like the different styles of each character and cant wait for the next installment.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:30 pm
by Nightlinks
These are pretty awesome, props!

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:56 pm
by hatori1181
I'm working on the last chapter now. tying up loose ends, and making the ending hit home. As for Misha, I like the idea that she is her own person, and that if there was something that she and shizune really disagreed on, that she would walk her own path. I also had an image of her sitting down watching soap operas and crying her eyes out whenever something sad happens. A "Love conquers all" kind of mentality. I'm not sure where the image came from, but I loved the thought, and decided to run with it.

It could be that I'm a hopeless romantic at heart...

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:35 pm
by trekki859
really good stuff, i gotta say i was infuriated with how cyptic it was, and still is. youve never once confirmed, or denied with lilly is pregnate or not. but i have to say im very exited to see the next chapter.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 3:18 am
by Mirage_GSM
I'm afraid, I'm responsible for that. I advised him to keep up the suspension longer.
Though, by now he's kept it up far longer that I would have expected.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:25 pm
by trekki859
i ment that in a good way, its the kinda thing that keeps you reading and it sure as hell hooked me heh.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:58 pm
by Jaden82
I enjoyed reading this so far. I love that you change perspectives each chapter. I look forward to reading the final installment soon.

Re: The Ties that bind. LillyxHisao 18+ Chapter 5 up!

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:51 pm
by Rocket Royal
I found Kenji's part to be the most enjoyable.