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Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:09 pm
by Gandara
Enemy | wrote:This is now part of my headcanon
I see what you did th-

*gets his head smacked against a desk by Enemy*


But seriously, if I'm remembering the same scene, wasn't it both Misha and Shizune that did that? I could swear they were, like, conspiring about it right before they did it. If it's the case, I'm sure they were just being... well, girls. They think that sort of shit is funny sometimes.

And hey, at least they didn't punch Hisao right in the chest.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:43 pm
by SirLadette
Oddball wrote:
Synthus wrote:Wow. I won't even explain how utterly bugfuck retarded it is to think that a smack like that could cause damage, and complaining about it sounds even sillier when you consider the context.
Regardless of context or if it causes actual damage, most people don't enjoy getting their head smacked against desks. Crazy, I know, but it's true.
A lot of people will whack their friends just playing around, which is what happened there. Some people are annoyed by it others find it endearing, humans are strange like that. The original comment made it sound like she drove his head into the desk with enough force to cause a concussion as a show of dominance when it's fairly obvious that wasn't the case.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:53 pm
by Megumeru
Mysterious Stranger wrote: I'm fairly certain in happens in Shizune's arc, probably in Act 2 - either that or one of the Shizune/Misha/Hisao scenes towards the end of Act I. They're in class, and Hicchan is dozing off, so Shizune smacks his head across the desk to wake him up.

Actually I'm pretty sure she does it twice to get her point across. I'd look it up this instant if I could, but unfortunately I can't.
So...we move the frontline again now?

I'll look this up. I have time, so I'll see if I can find it

ACTII is a good start; can't be the end of ACT I since that's where she open her arms to show Hisao the view and his 'reward' for his hardwork.

What I actually remember--I think--is she slamming her hand on the table to get both Misha and Hisao's attention on their work. But dozing huh...let's see if I can shoot that down

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:33 pm
by Synthus
SirLadette wrote:
Oddball wrote:
Synthus wrote:Wow. I won't even explain how utterly bugfuck retarded it is to think that a smack like that could cause damage, and complaining about it sounds even sillier when you consider the context.
Regardless of context or if it causes actual damage, most people don't enjoy getting their head smacked against desks. Crazy, I know, but it's true.
A lot of people will whack their friends just playing around, which is what happened there. Some people are annoyed by it others find it endearing, humans are strange like that. The original comment made it sound like she drove his head into the desk with enough force to cause a concussion as a show of dominance when it's fairly obvious that wasn't the case.
Thank you. Also, consider that she's the class rep, and Hisao is dozing off RIGHT NEXT TO HER. A light smack is getting off easy.
Enemy | wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Synthus wrote:Wow. I won't even explain how utterly bugfuck retarded it is to think that a smack like that could cause damage, and complaining about it sounds even sillier when you consider the context.
No, Synthus, don't you see!? It's foreshadowing the domestic abuse that will ravage the relationship between Hicchan and Shicchan in the future! Clearly the most significant scene in the entire arc!
This is now part of my headcanon
An alternative.

Shizune = dom and Hisao = sub.


Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:42 pm
by SirLadette
I figured Shizune having a dominance kink was a given considering her first love scene, and Hisao does seem inclined to do as Shizune says...

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:20 pm
by ravenlord
To be fair to Shizune, Emi also slams Hisao's head into a wall a few times, and she purposely headbutts him once pretty hard too. So no one owns a monopoly on blatant physical Hisao abuse.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:22 pm
by Enemy |
Synthus wrote:An alternative.

Shizune = dom and Hisao = sub.

That IS what I was thinking.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:32 pm
by Mercutio
ravenlord wrote:To be fair to Shizune, Emi also slams Hisao's head into a wall a few times, and she purposely headbutts him once pretty hard too. So no one owns a monopoly on blatant physical Hisao abuse.
yeah, but there's a big damn difference between getting knocked around a little as part of making out and someone thinking "hey, he's about to fall asleep, I'll hit him in the head to wake him up."

with Emi, it was 'cause she's physically aggressive and tends to shove Hisao against convenient surfaces when she wants some makeout time. :mrgreen: (the headbutt was a little much, though, talk about a mood-killer.) I don't remember the scene in Shizune's route, but I know if someone decided hitting me in the head was a good way to wake me up, I'd be pretty damn pissed off at them.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:47 pm
by Walrusfella
ArazelEternal wrote:Shizune. She is too bossy and competitive for me. She doesnt seem to care what you think and will override you without much thought. She is way too forceful and will strike you like she did to Hisao by slamming his head down on his desk in one of the paths. I would have very likely backhanded her hard enough to cause damage. I cant remember anytime in my life I have actually hit anyone, Im very passive. However, I think that she would be capable of driving me to retaliate.
I remember that scene, and I didn't think anything of it. My friends (such that there were) and I were pretty physical with each other in high school and we often head-slapped one another or head-locked and suchlike. That was fine for us, but It's likely someone who's your friend would know that's not cool and wouldn't do that to you.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:02 am
by MishaAtHerEmiest

Maybe It's just me being me but I've never been one for shy ones. Sure, she's adorable. But that's not what I'm looking for.
Her route had a lot of feels, I admit. But I didn't like the way that they were given. In the other routes you were told the girl's back story and Hisao tried to comfort them without being a total dick. In Hanako's, Hisao was the definition of a dick and therefore I got feels through being guilt tripped over things that I didn't want to say.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:48 pm
by Helbereth
Being honest, Emi bugged me.

Chipper, perky, exuberant people make me wary; usually for good reason. She's short, cutesy and indignant with a mean streak and attitude problems. Her sob story is compelling, but she really takes it too far at times -- being hurtful and flippant to selfishly close herself off from loving and being loved. She pissed me off.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:33 pm
by OtakuNinja
Lilly and Hanako are class 1 girls = Love 'em! :mrgreen:
Shizune and Misha are class 2 girls = They're cute sometimes, but they are very annoying most of the time. :|
Emi and Rin are class 3 girls = Not really the kind I'd be friends with. I'd probably avoid them. :?

But, unlike Emi, Rin has charm. Therefore Emi is my least favorite girl. ;)

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:46 pm
by Kyvos
While Rin's route was my least favourite, that's only because it was just confusing and it just didn't feel right. She seems like a good person though.
Shizune, especially in Act 1, is just such a bitch.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:12 pm
by Dream
I would have to say Shizune, when i played act 1 i actually thought she was a jerk (Althought i was glad she was in the game because she made things interesting with her shenanigans), but when i played the road to her festival ending (still haven't played her route) i think i started understanding her a little, and took a liking to her. So, basically i like her but i like all the other girls way more.

Re: Least favorite girl?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:15 pm
by Pseudogenesis
I can't believe Rin is the second least favourite. D: Her route was touching.