Wine (Chapter 2 - 26/8/15)


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Wine (Chapter 2 - 26/8/15)

Post by Munchenhausen »

Behold, another newspaper-based fanfic!
Because finishing previously existing and currently unresolved stories is for nerds.


Underage Connoisseurs

It's past school hours on a Saturday afternoon, which makes us some of the few people still in the main building. The majority of the students have gone back to the dorms to begin their weekends, and most of the teachers have no doubt gone home. Naomi and I, however, have decided to stay behind in the main building, favouring the silence over the bustling dormitories. Not much can be heard over the tikk-takking of laptops in our empty classroom.

I steal a glance at my friend across from me, hard at work on Page Four of the Yamaku Journal. She's doing that cute little pout she has when she's concentrating, the one she denies even exists. She starts to speak before looking up, giving me a chance to quickly pretend I wasn't watching her.

"Have you read Hanako's report on the roof?” Her eyes flick between me and the text a few times as she speaks. "It's really not that bad, we could probably do with more of it".

"I admit, it's just what we need to fill the last gaps of space. LeLouch's... Departure left quite a few holes in our pages.”

“It’s a shame he’s gone, yeah.” Neither of us were that close to him, but his book reviews were excellent way to meet page quotas. Naomi looks up to me again, a bright idea suddenly forming in that scatterbrain of her's. "She isn't in any clubs at the moment, is she?"

"Nah, pretty sure she just hangs around with 3-2's rep and the newbie."

Naomi rubs her hands together and meets me with a mischievous grin I know far too well. "Let's get her."

I can't help but snicker at her. After a few more minutes of discussion and planning, we get back to work. Fix a few spelling errors here and there... and I'm done with the front page! An article on the Yamaku Book Burglar, with a few 'crime scene' photos of the Library in police tape. It seems Misaki can have a sense of humour when she wants to!

Eventually, one of the school's cleaners comes in and tells us to finish up. We've lost track of time and apparently we're practically the only reason the staff haven't already locked up. Crap, we've still got to go over the whole paper one more time for mistakes! I'd never live it down if I spell someone's name wrong again... There's only one thing left to do.

"I'm gonna head back to my room and finish this, you in?"

Naomi looks up, a half-eaten pastry dangling precariously from her mouth. She shrugs and nods, making a muffled grunt. That's a yes, by her standards.


We stand in the elevator, slowly ascending to the first floor of the girls’ dorms. It's supposed to be for wheelchair access only, but my knees are in agony at the moment. I'd rather risk a detention than creep up a staircase right now.

Being early evening on a Saturday, with no school tomorrow, there's a moderate buzz of muffled chatter and laughter behind closed doors. We shuffle at a leisurely pace down the main corridor, discussing anything and everything. I’ve come to learn that a conversation with Naomi can change topics with each sentence. Halfway through a rant about the choice of carpet, Naomi stops me and points down one of the branching halls.

I’m shocked to see Ikezawa leaning against the wall, alone and swaying to-and-fro. She looks far from alright... Naomi has probably had some of the most conversation with her from the rest of our class, so I suggest we go and see if she's okay. As we get closer, we notice some things. For starters, she's laughing to herself. Loudly. That is beyond usual for the girl. And now she's noticed us, she... She's approaching us? Something's really quite off; I've never known her to move in such a care-free manner, with her arms freely dangling by her sides.

"Helloooo~" she slurs, waving sloppily at us. She has a grin plastered on her face, accentuated her unusually rosy cheeks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she almost looks like she's drunk

"Hey, Hanachan!" On the bright side, Naomi doesn't seem phased by her out-of-character demeanour at all, and goes in for the conversation. "You seem quite upbeat today!"

Her grin grows slowly and she chuckles, like she knows something we don't. It's a little creepy, especially since it's coming from a girl who I admittedly barely know.

"...Yes,” I eventually speak, when it becomes clear she’s not going to reply. I might as well ask her about joining us now. She's actually not flinching with every word, so this may be the best chance we get. “Anyway, we were actually looking for you! You wrote the piece about the School Roof and its dangerous fencing, didn't you?"

Hanako's face goes blank for a few seconds, before the vacant grin gradually comes back. "I did, didn't I? Y-Yeah!"

"Well, we loved it!" Naomi throws her arm around my shoulders and gives our out-of-character friend a little thumbs-up. I continue our proposal.

"We could definitely use more material like that. It was detailed, well thought-out and surprisingly fun to read! We were wondering, if you'd be so kind as to supply us with another article later on? Next week, perhaps?"

"Sooooo... Like, s-so you want me to join in with you two?"
Her face is a combination of sleepiness and poorly hidden joy.

"Sure!" Naomi answers before I get a chance. I don't mind her joining, but I wasn't going to offer full-on membership just yet. There'll be a lot of form-filling I'll need to do...

"Okay! I like you two, you're both best girls!" It seems her grammar has deteriorated, too. She starts swaying again, smiling away like it's her eighth birthday, when she suddenly brings her hands up to halt us. "W-Wait! I know, I know! Let's celebrate!"

She goes into the room next to us and apologises profusely to someone unseen, all the while sounding absolutely ecstatic. She comes back out with... A bottle of wine? What is she doing with wine? How did she get the wine in the first place? I'll be honest, I'm about as surprised as I think I could be. I'd imagine Miura or Enomoto with such contraband. Hell, even Maeda. Certainly not Ikezawa!

"Why, Hanako! I had no idea you were holding out on us!" Naomi snatches the bottle from her hands, inspecting it thoroughly.

"W-What?" I know Naomi's no saint, but she certainly surprised me with that one. The blonde gives a knowing wink and continues to read the back label... I swear, she is going to be the end of me.

Ikezawa laughs, but suddenly begins shushing the three of us, herself apparently included. Taking the wine bottle and poorly hiding it under her shirt, we begin walking. She details where the bottle came from; apparently 3-2 Rep's older sister is a bit laid-back when it comes to the law. Naomi begins detailing all we probably needed to know about the wine. She seems to be quite the connoisseur! Well, as much of a connoisseur as one can become with three teenage brothers who would drink whatever they could get their hands on.

I'm not too sure about this, but I also don't want to be the killjoy... I suppose a bit won't hurt? Sure, just a glass. We make our way to my room, and I can already guarantee that tonight is due to be interesting.

Last edited by Munchenhausen on Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:28 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Wine

Post by brythain »

Wine, women and song. Yay! It's pleasant, and it fills a longing I never knew I had. Well done, Munch!
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: Wine

Post by Alpacalypse »

Drunk Hanako with soon-to-be-drunk Naomi and Natsume? Heavens, what on Earth is going to happen? :o ladies and gentlemen, please turn on your yuri goggles, the show is about to commence!

Anyway, I'm in on this! I'll be looking forward to what transpires :wink:
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Re: Wine

Post by forgetmenot »

This can only end poorly. Either with vomiting or ill-advised yuri.

I'm in.
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Re: Wine

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

forgetmenot wrote:This can only end poorly. Either with vomiting or ill-advised yuri.

I'm in.
Who says it has to be one or the other? Why not both? Possibly even at the same time? :P
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Re: Wine

Post by d2r »

Good work so far; I like it and hope to see more.

Let me be the devil's advocate here: I actually recommend you DON'T go the Yuri path. There aren't enough fics about the simple reward of friendship, IMO: it'd actually be rather more daring and new to NOT go the yuri route.
Comrade wrote:infinite options does not mean all options, just like that between every two numbers there are infinite numbers, but not all.

If I see that sentence anywhere I am going to send your head to your mother with a replacment order
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Re: Wine

Post by Munchenhausen »

Alright, given it a slight tweak to round off some edges.

Also, I have some news.
The yuri route would have been a little too easy.
God only knows how I'll be able to finish this without said yuri, but I'll see what I can do.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Wine

Post by swampie2 »

Munchenhausen wrote: God only knows how I'll be able to finish this without said yuri...
That's a good quote if ever I've heard one.
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Re: Wine

Post by Oddball »

Munchenhausen wrote:Alright, given it a slight tweak to round off some edges.

Also, I have some news.
The yuri route would have been a little too easy.
God only knows how I'll be able to finish this without said yuri, but I'll see what I can do.
.. well that's disappointing.

Fun story though.
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Re: Wine (Chapter 2)

Post by Munchenhausen »

Strange Company

It turns out that wine is alright, but it's really strong. I couldn't help but wince when I first tasted it, but neither Hanako nor Naomi seemed to mind. It has a weird taste. It tastes like... like... dry? I dont even know how I could describe it. It's just a really intense flavour.

Hah. Wine, the dry drink. That makes you dizzy. And makes you admit things regarding your classmates that you normally wouldn't.

After a while, it started sweetening to my taste. I don't honestly know how many glasses I've had, since Hanako kept topping me up before I was finished. I can guarantee my balance is off, mind you. It's hard to sit still when the floor keeps rocking! Oh right, Hanako's talking. I'd probably better listen.

"...Sooo~ I let them two g-go at it; thought I'd give 'em some p-privacy, y'know? And then... -hic- ...Then you two showed up!"

Hanako is swinging an empty glass somewhat violently around, emphasising her 'detailed' recollection of the day so far. A few droplets fly out of the glass and land on the carpet, giving Hanako something to quickly study before lamely scrubbing the area with the palm of her hand, as if it would magically disappear. To noone's surprise, it doesn't. Naomi quickly swallows what remains of her Rosé and grins widely, meeting our friend with a double thumbs-up for her story.

"So it sounds like the new guy has managed to pull already; with none other than the blind Amazon with a tea fetish," I mull my words over before realising I'd already spoken them out loud. Oh well, moving on. "Well, good for him, I suppose. She seems nice enough!"

"Can't blame him, can you? She's gorgeous. Hell, if the opportunity came, I'd go for it." Naomi smiles and leans back onto her forearms. I raise an eyebrow at her, and she casually shrugs. I didn't know she felt that way, but I can't honestly say that I'm too surprised. Naomi's always been very laid-back in all aspects of her life. To paraphrase what she once told me; She does what she likes, and she likes what she does. "Hey, I'll give anything a shot."

It's an interesting concept, though. I've never really thought about another girl in that way before. Hanako seems to be taking it into serous consideration, however.

"Isn't she part British or something?" I decide to continue the conversation.

"Yeah, you know what she's like with tea!" Naomi chimes in again, eyes droopy and mouth in a near-constant smirk. She shudders suddenly and her face turns to disgust. "Although I can't stand tea like she has it. There has to be milk in mine-"

"Sh-She... She's half S-Scottish, actually..." Hanako butts in, in defence of her friend. I've never known her to speak much, let alone stand against what someone else has said... Is it the alcohol, or does she actually feel comfortable around us? Either way, I feel glad she did for some reason. The chance for a debate is tantalisingly close, but I refrain. Maybe once she's come out of her shell a bit more, would I'll tell her that Scotland is part of Britain.

Naomi stands and stretches, opting to start wandering aimlessly around the small room. The first few steps are done with noticable care, but she soon starts spinning on the spot and watching the ceiling. Hanako looks up bemusedly, but passes it off and reaches for the bottle again.

"You know what?" Naomi drops onto my bed and starts kicking her feet, apparently having found a new topic. "Ever look at Mutou's face?"

"What kind of a question is that? Where are you looking?" At my counter, her head jolts upwards and she tries her best to glare at me. It's apparently quite hard to do when you're laughing. Hanako guffaws and settles her glass down, turning to look at Naomi.

"I-I-Is is me, or does he look rough? in, like, th-the... In a good way?" Hanako takes another swig from her glass. I kinda see what she means, now I think about it. He's kinda got that retired-badass look to him.

----20 minutes later----

"I dunno, I like the way Taro feels. Have you ever hugged him?" Naomi wobbles in her place on the floor, deep in thought. "He's all cuddly and snuggly and squidgy, but he is also super duper strong!"

I've certainly seen him in action. I remember one time when Yamaku sent a few students over to a local playschool to help build public relations, he became a great novelty. I'm certain having 15+ children dangling off of you is a health and safety risk, but nobody seemed to mind... In fact, the kids loved having a sentient climbing frame. He really is surprisingly strong for someone of his physique.

Naomi's eyes fall closed as she presumably begins fantasizing away in her own erratic mind. The way she wobbles and occasionally slurs, it's clear that she's drunk by now. I myself feel pretty out-of-it, but somehow I feel drunker than my friend looks. Does that make sense? I wouldn't mind, but I've only drunk about half as much as she has!

"Heeeeeee~!" Hanako, on the other hand, is absolutely wrecked. I'd offer her to slow down on the wine a bit, but this is really quite funny to observe. She lies on her front and has her arms and legs spread out in all directions. "He's a steel f-frame wrapped in M-Marshmallow!"

It's alarming how insistent her stutter is, even if this is the closest I've ever seen her to being completely at ease.

----35 minutes later----

"Fine, fine!" I sigh. Hanako and Naomi have guilt-tripped me into recounting previous romantic interests. Naomi sits with her chin in her hands, listening intensely. She'll pay for this. "Remember Motoki, way back from when I was in 1-8? He and I kinda had something going on..." I smile despite my embarrassment.

"Is tthhhhhat the guy with one arm? Super friendly? Glasses? Greasy mop-like hair?"

"Yeah, that's him," I try my best to ignore her chuckling. "Don't laugh, he was really nice!"

"He was too nice, Nat! He wouldn't have known you were interested unless you sent him a god-damn hand-written letter explicitly stating you wanted his dick!"

"Naomi!" I hide my face in my hands, but can't suppress my laughter. I can't believe she just said that! "I didn't want... that!"

"Oh, I see, you just wanted his pretty little face smooshed up against yours?" Naomi pulls my hands down, so I throw myself backwards in an attempt to remain hidden. Hanako's laughter fills the air, alongside our own. Naomi finally establishes eye contact, and watches my every facial movement. "What about nowadays, I've heard he looks completely different?"

I blush even harder. We're not in the same class anymore, but I do see him from time to time. He's definitely lost some of that puppy-fat he had going. Not to mention how he's cut his hair, now. And has new contact lenses... and his jaw seems a lot more noticable... and that smile of his... that laugh...

It's when Naomi jumps off of me in hysterics that I realise I'd been totally zoned out, thinking about this guy I only kinda know.

"Oh, shut up," I try my best to regain control, but it's too late, I've lost her. I hate how contagious her laugh is, and I soon find myself laughing at how hard she's laughing at me. The two of us inevitably laughing for no other reason than the other's laughing harder. Alcohol is fun.

"...I l-like Hisao," Hanako's voice is once again quiet, almost going unheard. I suddenly realise that she hasn't really made much conversation for the last few minutes. She looks to her knees then back up to Naomi. Just like that, she's suddenly depressed again. I knew alcohol could play with your emotions, but seeing it first hand is quite sad. "He was the first guy wh-who didn't react to my... The first guy who didn't s-s-stare, as if I were disgusting... But I guess I was too slow. Lilly g-got him first..."

With the following silence, the atmosphere in the room becomes painfully thick. I know they're just words, but those words have suddenly made me feel terrible. It's obvious to everyone that she hasn't been dealt the best hand, but to hear her speak like this... It really puts into perspective how she sees herself. Someone's gotta bring up the tone quick, before Hanako can sink any lower.

I turn to the master of optimism, but Naomi just looks back to me, lost. She's got nothing. Well, I guess it's up to me.

I realise I have the perfect opportunity to support our soon-to-be club member. I don't know Hanako very well, but I know she's emotionally sensitive. I need to formulate my words into a way to cheer her up, offer our support and to boost her confidence!

I carefully roll onto my knees, straighten my back and point at her. She looks up to me, suddenly becoming rather aware that I am making her my focus of attention. Now for the carefully planned, motivational speech. My great, detailed vocabulary shall be put to the test once more...

"Fuck 'em!"

Or I could say that.

Hanako looks up at me, startled by my sudden outburst. "F-Fuck them?" She whispers the words, almost as though she never before dared say them.

"Yeah! You don't need that baggage! Fuck 'em both!" I lean over and give her a solid handshake. I don't know why, it just feels like it would come next.

"Yeah..." Hanako looks up now, slightly more confident. "Y-Yeah!"

Naomi chimes in with yet more motivation, "Fuck 'em!"

"Fffuck 'em!" Hanako's bordering on shouting, now, repeating the words with a strange relish.

"Fuck them, yeah! There's no need for them two to have all the fun!"

"Preach it!" cries Naomi, who's getting carried away.

"Y-Yeah! I'll F-Fuck 'em! Both of them!"

Wait, what the fuck?
There's a long moment of silence.

"Come again?" manages Naomi.

"I'm... Y-Yeah, I'm gonna fuck 'em!!"

"W-wait," I stammer, "Hanako, that's not what I-"

"FUCK 'EM HARD!" she emphasizes, cutting me off.

Hanako jumps to her unsteady feet and wobbles to the exit. Halfway through the door she turns back once more and throws us a peace sign, a fire of determination in her half-lidded eyes.
"See ya later, space cowboys..."

She pulls it shut... and we hear her collide with the door opposite us. After spending twenty awkward seconds collecting herself and apologising through the wall to whomever she may have disturbed, Hanako sets off down the corridor.

Naomi and I look at one another.

"What the fuck just happened?" she says.
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
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Miki fic? Miki fic!
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Re: Wine (Chapter 2)

Post by Sharp-O »

Awww! This was an absolute delight to read! I had a genuine smile all throughout.
"Y-Yeah! I'll F-Fuck 'em! Both of them!"
:shock: Oh dear...

I believe my Akio said it best when dealing with drunk, impulsive Hanako: Stop her, stop her now, you better fucking stop her!

Let's hope N&N can.
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Re: Wine (Chapter 2)

Post by Decadent Albatros »

I approve the rising amount of drunk Hanako that is happening in the forums :D
I like this, I wonder how things will develop with this little trio, especially knowing how Hana can be while she's drunk :lol:
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Re: Wine (Chapter 2)

Post by Alpacalypse »

You were right, ill-advised yuri is too mainstream; Ill-advised threesomes are way better! :lol:

Seriously though, that was frickin' glorious. Enough to get me to post using my I-Pod. I salute the grandeur of thine enterprise. (-_-)7 anybody who recognises that line gets a cookie.
Nice work, Munchy!

Also, did I detect some references to the recent Lilly-related posts over on the headcanon thread? 8)
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Wine (Chapter 2)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Naomi doesn't seem phased by her out-of-character demeanour at all
Unless this is a Star Trek crossover you probably meant "fazed"
"Although I can't stand tea like she has it. There has to be milk in mine-"
I never really asked a Japanese about that, but I can imagine they would be repulsed by the very idea of putting milk into tea...
"Remember Motoki, way back from when I was in 1-8?
Yamaku only has four classes per year.

Well.. this Hanako left her usual character far behind way before she started to get drunk, but somehow I get the feeling characterization and realism are not at the top of your priority list for this story :-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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