Shower Scenes


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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Oddball »

Shower Scenes Part 4 of 3!

Laundry Boy

I stood there for a moment starring at the pile of women's clothing on my bed. After trying to swallow the lump in my throat a few times, and fighting off the feeling that I should in no way be doing this sort of thing, I got to work. The first thing I had to do was sort everything out. Shirts in one pile, skirts in another, one for shorts and pants, socks, panties, bras, and one for spandex things that I couldn't tell whether they were supposed to be shirts or underwear.

After that, I sat there for a few minutes just staring at the piles, unsure of what the next step should be when I noticed something that complete changed the game. Misha apparently wrote her name in all her clothes. She was now my favorite person on the whole planet. I was going to have to do something nice for her later. Maybe take her out to lunch. Or Supper. Maybe breakfast.

With that little bit of knowledge, I now had something to work with. I could just base the clothing sizes on whether a person was smaller or taller or thinner or whatever when compared to Misha.

At no point did I try any of it on to help me better understand the sizes. Nobody can prove otherwise. I just want to make that clear.

A few paint splashes helped me figure out what stuff was Rin's. The gym clothes were probably Miki and Emi's since they were running that morning. Okay this was starting to make sense. From there, a couple of guesses based on sizes and what I knew of their personalities, and it all fit together like a puzzle.

A puzzle where some of the pieces where the exact same shape as other pieces and where I didn't get to see the finished picture when I was done, but it was still a puzzle. … No. Let me change that. More like doing multiple puzzles at once and having the pieces for all of them mixed up in the same box. I like that analogy better.

It wasn't long before I had worked my way though the piles of shirts, and pants, and socks leaving me just two piles left to pick through.

The underwear piles.

This was completely foreign territory to me, a quite literal no-man's-land.

Why did some of the bra cups look like they'd cover the whole breasts and other look like they'd cover about half or less? Is that a style thing, or a comfort thing, or a size thing, or what? And why did all the panties look so small? Even the larger sizes looked tiny. How do they wear that stuff? I simply do not understand women's underwear.

So I sat there and thought about that for a while. I thought about that for quite some time. Several times, actually.

And once I was done …er… thinking …well, what I did next was more guess work than anything. Calling it educated guesses might be a bit too generous. Educated guesses usually didn't involve crossing fingers and praying.

Lilly probably wore plain stuff. You know, because she can't see it so she wouldn't be picky. Hanako had fancy lacy stuff. She would want to look pretty, even if nobody else can see right? Especially if nobody could see, I imagine. Some of the tinier panties threw me a bit. You know the kind that looks more string than fabric? They just looked like they'd be extremely uncomfortable to wear. I wasn't quite sure who would be into that sort of thing. So, I thought about that for a while longer. When I was thoroughly convinced I had made the best guesses I could, I put my pants back on, put the sorted piles into individual bags and made my way to the girls' dorms.

I made a quick phone call to Misha and made sure I had her room number right. It would be best to get her and Shizune out of the way first. If anybody was going to continue to pester me about this, it was going to be them. Also, they probably knew where Rin, Emi, and Miki stayed, so I could get that from them too.

I set off on the way to the girls' dorm carrying my large laundry bag filled with smaller bags containing women's clothing. If anybody stopped me, plan A was to claim I worked part time at a clothing store in the mall delivering clothes people had bought to them. Plan B was try to convince whoever stopped me that these were all my clothes. The school had no rules about crossing after class. Plan C was fake a heart attack and try to escape while they went for help.

I am horrible at subterfuge.

Thankfully, none of those plans were needed. I arrived at Misha's room with nothing more than a few strange looks. I knocked on the door and she answered wearing a towel on her head and a lime green bathrobe that hurt my eyes.

"Hey! Hicchan! Guess what? They've got the water back on! Turns out, whoever had been submitting the papers to have it fixed kept messing up so they were repeatedly calling the plumbers back to fix parts of the pipes that weren't broken!" That was a relief. On the other hand, I wanted to find out whoever was responsible for that and brutally murder them. I expected there would be a long line of people that wanted to do that.

"That is good news. Well, here, I brought you your things back," I said taking her personal bag out of the larger bag I carried.

"Thanks, Hicchan!" She took it from me and tossed it back into her room without opening it. "You noticed my name was written in all my stuff right?"

"I did. I really appreciate that."

"I have no idea what you mean by that," She said back staring at me blankly. Then, as if a light switch flipped her personality back on, she continued. "So, you have Shicchan's stuff too, right? She's just two doors down. I bet you she'll be really happy to see you!" She followed the statement up with that trademark laugh of hers despite the fact that nothing was really funny. I thanked her again and she went back into her room.

A went a few feet further down the hall and dug through the bag. When I had found the package I needed, I knocked on Shizune's door.

And I stood there.

And knocked again.

Then I remembered she couldn't hear. That was probably why she wasn't answering. So, I went and knocked on Misha's door again.

"It's unlocked. Come in," she called out in a cheery tone. I opened the door, stepped inside and … she was in her underwear. How these girls had not managed to kill me over the last several days, I still couldn't understand.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry." I exclaimed and covered my eyes.

"Wahahaha. You're cute when you're embarrassed, Hicchan! Seriously. It's no big deal. Swimsuits cover about this much and it's not like you haven't seen more anyway." She explained. I had no idea how she could be so casual about this sort of thing.

"If you insist," I said. I made it a point to try and look slightly to the left of where she was sitting without it looking like I was avoiding looking at her. "I tried knocking on Shizune's door but …," I point to my ears and shrug. "I didn't work."

"Wahahaha!" She laughed. I never noticed it when she was dressed, but she tends to … jiggle… a bit when she laughs. "I guess it wouldn't! Let me get dressed." She grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt from a basket in her room and slipped them on. Her shirt was faded with English letters on it. I tried to read it, but my English skills are right up there with my directional skills and my ability to perform brain surgery underwater.

"So, what's that say?" I asked casually.

"Oh, I just like the shirt." She told me. "But it says crazy girl …except it uses an impolite word for girl." She sounded a bit embarrassed to admit that last part. "I really had no idea what it said when I bought it."

So, after getting a woman to put her clothes back on so I could delivery laundry to another woman, I seriously wondered when exactly my priorities got so screwed up. Then we went to Shizune's room.

"This is how you knock on Shicchan's door!" Misha raised one finger in the air as if educating me. Then she took out a somewhat crumpled sheet of paper from her pocket and wrote her name on it followed by an exclamation point. "She has to know who she's opening the door up for!" Once she finished writing, she slipped the paper under the door. Then we stood there for a minute or two waiting.

"So, what do you do if she doesn’t see the paper?" I asked.

"First you se if the door is locked," she said and rattled the knob. "It is. Then, you do this." She raised her leg up and kicked the door several times. Hard. I heard something crash on he other side, but if Misha did, she didn't pay it any attention. "She'll notice the rattling even if she can't hear it!" Misha proclaimed, obviously proud of herself.

A few seconds later, the door flew open. Shizune stood there. She looked somewhat irritated and had just as obviously finished a shower herself. Her hair was still messy and wet. She wore a pair of old beat up denim shorts and plain black tank top that looked a size or two too big for her.

As soon as she noticed me, her faced turned a bright red. The door then slammed the door shut on us.

"Maybe I should have written your name on the paper too," Misha said with a slightly embarrassed look.

"That might have been a good idea," I agreed.

A few minutes passed and Shizune opened the door again, this time her hair was combed and she was wearing a much fancier looking black shirt with red trim and an expensive looking skirt that stopped just shy of her knees. The outfit looked a bit odd without shoes on, but I wasn't going to say anything. My life would be a lot easier if I just pretend that I hadn't seen her in her sloppy "lounging around" clothes.

"Hicchan's got a present for you!" Misha announced. I wished she had just signed it instead of signing and practically yelling it to the world but there wasn't much I could do about that.

I held the package out to her. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed it from me. She seemed to get more and more cheerful as she pulled the articles of clothing out of the sack... until she reached the panties. Then all that cheerfulness was gone. She held them up looking very angry at me. Again. I just starred at her confused so she waved them around a bit and held them up stretching them out.

Was she mad that I had saw them or what? Did she think I'd done strange perverted things with them? Okay, maybe I had spent a bit more time feeling the material than I needed, but there's no way she should be able to tell that.

Angrily, she signed to Misha, her hands forcefully cutting through the air while never once taking her glare off me. When she was done, Misha looked back at me and then at Shizune.

"Do you think Shicchan has a big butt?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said without hesitation. Of course, as soon as I said it, I wondered whether having a big butt was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. Judging by the look that Shizune gave me, it wasn't the compliment I thought it was. "No." I tried. That probably wasn't the right either. Before she even reacted, I went for a third answer. One that was neutral and safe. "It looks nice."

Based on her expression and the furious waving of her hands, that wasn't the right answer either.

Misha just gazed at me blankly. "You have never had a girlfriend, have you, Hicchan?" That question hit a bit close to home. I started to wonder if I really wanted to take Misha out to eat after all.

At Shizune's insistence, we ended up digging through the other bags to find her proper underwear. Well, actually I dug through the bags. But Shizune did supervise and occasionally had Misha yell at me for her. After finding her correct clothes and getting the room numbers for Emi, Rin, and Miki, I made a quick withdrawal.

I decided that going to either Emi or Rin's room next would be easiest, as they were the closest, then going a little bit out of my way for Miki's, and that would leave Hanako and Lilly's for the last. That way I could get my own clothes without having to drag them around and maybe if things weren't feeling too uncomfortable between us, we could spend a bit of time together. We hadn't exactly been hanging out much over the last few days.

"H-Hisao!" Hanako's voice called to me as I slunk out of Shizune's room. Well, my plan lasted all of three seconds. I think that was a new record for me.

"Hey, Hanako, I was just coming to see you." I said. It wasn't a total lie.

"Is that…?" she started, choosing to bite her lip rather than finish the sentence.

"Yeah," I patted the bag a few times. "We should probably do it in your room." Her eyes grew wide with unease at the suggestion. "You know, that way I'm not pulling out your laundry in front of everyone. People might ask questions."

"Yeah. You're right." She seemed to ease up slightly and even gave a soft almost unnoticeable smile.

I followed her into her room and sat down. I'd only been in there a few times, but I never much cared for it. It made me felt about as uncomfortable in there as Hanako seemed to feel everywhere else. It needed a splash of color. Maybe I could buy her a poster or a potted plant. New curtains maybe?

Hanako sat on the edge of her bed silently, patiently waiting for me to do something. I reached down into my sack feeling like the world's most perverted Santa Clause and rummaged around until I found her bundle of clothes.

'Have you been a good girl this year, Hanako? Hisao Clause has brought you underpants,' I couldn't help but think to myself and nearly choked suppressing a laugh. Hanako probably wouldn't have found that as funny as I did. She seemed a little concerned about my sudden coughing fit, but I was quickly able to change the focus back to the bag.

She looked through the items as she unpacked them, carefully folding them as she went, setting aside the t-shirt and pair of shorts that she said weren't hers.

Then she came to the red lacey panties and bra. She just froze. I sat there silently, waiting for some kind of clue that would tell me whether I had chosen wrong, or whether she was just embarrassed that I saw them at all.

"You -- You think these are mine?" she said. She stared at them, not daring to meet my gaze. So, another check mark goes in the "chosen wrong" box.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I decided that "I must have gotten things mixed up when sorting them," worked as a better answer than "I thought you were the kind of person that would wear sexy underwear," so that's what I told her.

She looked at me for a moment as if she was studying me. It was rather unnerving. "Okay," she said seemingly content with my answer.

After only a bit of digging, we found Hanako's things. Unlike Shizune, she actually helped so it didn't take that long. Once we did that, she told me that Lilly was in the shower, seemingly eager to have me out of her room so she could put her things away. I said I'd be back a bit later to drop off Lilly's stuff and pick up my uniform. I suppose I could have asked Hanako what stuff was Lilly's but I didn't want to put her on the spot.

I made a quick stop over Miki's where I ended up assuring her that nobody knew the teddy bear pattern panties were hers and then headed to Emi's room. No answer there, so I tried Rin's next.

Thirty minutes later …. Possibly two hours… Maybe three weeks… the passage of time doesn't seem to quite flow right when you're trying to talk Rin into making sense. Me and Rin where starring at two piles of clothes we had laid out on her bed. Emi took that evening to go to the city, meaning I had to get Rin to confirm which things where actually hers.

"So, how does this look?" I finally asked.

Rin stared at it for a minute before realizing this was actually something she'd have to respond to. "Like laundry lying on my bed."

"No, I mean, are you sure this stuff is yours and Emi's stuff?"

Rin tilted her head one way, then the other, just looking at the clothes. "I think I might be fairly sure. Probably."

That didn't really help me. "Would you say you're 50% sure, 80% sure, 10% sure… what?" I asked trying to get some further clarification. I know. I know. I really should have known better.

Rin looked them for a minute as if concentrating. "Eighty three percent sure. Point five. And a half."

"That's an odd number," I said more out of reflex than anything.

"Numbers are weird. They don't make sense. One and one is supposed to equal two, but it doesn't a lot of the time. Sometimes when you combine one thing with another thing, you don't get two things, you just get one thing that completely different than the other things. I don't get two paints if I pour red paint into the blue paint. I just get one paint that not quite red or blue. Purple usually. Sometimes a strange pink. I don't much care for numbers." Rin tried to explain her particular view on the subject. While she was talking, she gazed at the ceiling as if she was looking right through it into the sky above. I argued with her and tried to explain math to Rin for a while before I realized that, well, I was trying to explain math to Rin.

I ended up assuming that Rin's eighty-whatever point whatever guess was correct and went on to Lilly's room where I hoped to finally put an end to all this.

Lilly felt the fabric in-between her fingers and traced the outlines of the clothes with her hands. I probably should have expected it, but watching her hold up her undergarments as she caressed them was surprisingly erotic. I suppose she didn't have any other real way to identify them, but damn, it looked hot. Having reached some conclusion she sat them down on her bed and spoke.

"None of this is mine," she told me.

"What do you mean it's not yours? It's the only stuff left. Everybody else has already …" Then it hit me. "Hold up. I need to go find Rin."

"Rin? What does she have to do with this?" Lilly asked curiously.

"I think she might have grabbed your stuff by mistake," I said, hoping to avoid any further explanation.

"Very well, then I'll come with you. It should be easier to identify things this way." She said this so casually and so calmly, I wondered why I had even bothered to try to separate the things. It might have had something to do with avoiding Shizune's wrath now that I think about it. She scares me sometimes.

As we walked down to Rin's room, I couldn't help but worry. What if Rin wasn't there? What if Shizune had taken Lilly's things as part of their feud? What if Rin was there, but had already changed into the clothes that were rightfully Lilly's? What if she refused to give them back? …

Well, in that case Lilly would have had to take her clothes back by force. Rin would inevitably fight back, meaning they'd both be rolling around on the ground with each other as Lilly tried to strip Rin…

"You're breathing rather hard all of a sudden. Are you okay, Hisao?" Lilly asked me, snapping me back into reality again.

"Oh, ummm. Sorry. Just a bit …sorry. I messed up. I was thinking about that and I felt bad about it." I'm not entirely sure she believed me, but she didn't question me any further.

Thankfully, Rin didn't question us any either when we explained what we were there for. She really didn’t talk much at all. She just said, "okay" when we told her we needed to look through the clothes and then went back to looking out the window. I didn't ask what she was looking at. I'd had enough Rin logic for the day.

After Lilly had her correct clothes, I retrieved my stuff from Hanako. That marked the end of that little adventure. Everybody had their own stuff back, the showers were working, and nobody had died from embarrassment or a heart attack. On top of that, I had enough material to keep me in fresh sexual fantasies until I reached old age, so everything worked out.

As I walked down the hallway, I debated with myself whether to swing by Misha's and see if she wanted to go get some food or not. I'm not exactly sure I wanted to, but I did feel I kind of owed her and it's not like anything could go wrong by asking her.
Last edited by Oddball on Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Popo »

I haven't read many 'fics in general, but this is easily the funniest series I've ever read. There are some mistakes here and there, but the comedy makes it easy to look past them.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by nemz »

I find myself wishing this chapter came with a simple puzzle game so I can play the home version. :mrgreen:
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Mahorfeus »

Heh. Part 4 of 3. Reminds me of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

This keeps getting funnier and funnier. It seems like you're dragging it out a bit, but it works because everything seems go along with Murphy's Law.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by LOL WUT »

'Have you been a good girl this year, Hanako? Hisao Clause has brought you underpants,"

I Lol'ed to the point of my parents asking what the hell is wrong with me and giving me death stare after reading the story.

Totally worth it.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Helbereth »

nemz wrote:I find myself wishing this chapter came with a simple puzzle game so I can play the home version. :mrgreen:
There probably is such a flash game out there somewhere. Thought it wouldn't be as tactile a game.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Hoitash »

Another hilarious addition, yay!

You know, asking one of the girls for help in the underwear department might've been a good idea. Hey, his heart's had to deal with worse.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by random »

there were too many lines where I literally LOL'd

Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Karl_Ravech »

Emi's panties is the one with skidmarks, naw wuta mean?
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by txalolrn9 »

so who wears the sexy red lace panties?
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Helbereth »

txalolrn9 wrote:so who wears the sexy red lace panties?
My guess? Lilly.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Hoitash »

Helbereth wrote:
txalolrn9 wrote:so who wears the sexy red lace panties?
My guess? Lilly.
That's what I was thinking. Emi is my second guess. I have no idea why.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Silentcook »

This last part takes a downward dip, in the form of "fox perv in the chicken underwear coop" Hisao.

A pity, since so far the whole was thoroughly enjoyable, believable and funny without being overblown.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by Oddball »

Silentcook wrote:This last part takes a downward dip, in the form of "fox perv in the chicken underwear coop" Hisao.

A pity, since so far the whole was thoroughly enjoyable, believable and funny without being overblown.
I'll admit it was a bit of a departure from the previous chapters. Honestly, I had planned tings out for how it was going to go down, but as I was writing it, I just couldn't make the original ideas work like I wanted them to, so I tried to go a different direction. I was wondering if I had gone a bit too far with things myself.

Sorry you didn't care for it, but I'm glad you enjoyed the earlier parts.
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Re: Shower Scenes

Post by txalolrn9 »

Helbereth wrote:
txalolrn9 wrote:so who wears the sexy red lace panties?
My guess? Lilly.

Oh if so, Oddball missed a chance for naughty thoughts dancing around Hisao's head when Hanako tells him it's Lilly's
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