Learning the blues. Act 3: Scene 2 revives from the grave


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Scene 9: Dance the night away

Post by TheTealeaf »

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Dance the night away

A surprise, some dancing and a date.


Act 2

Scene 9

Dance the night away

The awakening process for me today is slow, like rising through quicksand. Very comfortable quicksand, though, as I feel very comfortable, warm and safe - like I’m wrapped in a giant ball of cotton wool.

My left eye cracks open, and the image I’m greeted with is Hisao’s uniform clad chest. Have I left my bed again and gone to join Hisao on the futon? No, I’m covered in my duvet as I can see the fetching shade of green. I look down; I’m still in my casual clothes from the evening before, rumpled from sleep. Hisao is still in his uniform from the previous evening as well, looking similarly rumpled.

I’m snuggled against Hisao’s chest, one side of my face against his front, my ear faintly picking up his irregular heartbeat.

He smells good. I can’t quite place my finger on what it exactly is that makes him smell so good even without a shower, but his natural scent is just yummy. He smells like a mix of vanilla, apple with faint hints of black coffee.

Hisao is still asleep; the gentle rise and fall of his chest with occasional small snores is oddly soothing, and I feel myself being lulled back to sleep by the rhythm of his breathing. Oh no, Mr Sandman, I’m awake now, and it’s a school day. Hisao is sleeping near to the wall, and I have a deliciously wicked idea.

I slowly wiggle out of his grasp, and he grumbles in his sleep. I roll him gently onto his back and feel him begin to stir out of slumber. I straddle his waist; feeling most sinfully wicked as I do so. Hisao is beginning to come around so I swoop down, and just before I kiss him I whisper “Good morning sleeping beauty.”

I then kiss Hisao gently, my lips just brushing his in a feather light motion. Once, twice, three times I repeat this feathery kiss, simply savouring the touch of my lips on his.

I pull back as Hisao speaks, seeming slightly bewildered, “Well that’s one way to wake up.” His hand then curls gently into my hair and pulls me down to him. I don’t resist and meet his lips again. The kiss is more demanding this time, harder than the light kisses I just placed on him. I gladly reciprocate and bask in the sensations generated by our kiss.

I feel warm and fuzzy as we kiss, delightful tingles running down my back as the hand not in my hair, skims up and down my spine over my thin t-shirt. The kiss begins to deepen, tongues entwining, hands tangling in hair, one of Hisao’s hands resting on the bare skin of the small of my back.

I move backwards, and a jolt of something sends shivers up my spine. I suck in a breath, and Hisao’s wild gaze meets mine. I rock again, and we both hiss in unison.

We are treading very, very dangerous water here. I meet Hisaos gaze, he shakes his head in a faint warning and gives a gentle sigh. I gently slide off him, coming to rest besides him on the bed, one leg hooked over his legs.

“Good morning,” I murmur softly, stealing another kiss from him (not that he resists) “How’d you wind up in my bed?” I ask sleepily, a quiet yawn escaping from me.

“You… You were crying in your sleep,” Hisao says softly. Ah. I don’t remember the dream, or nightmare, whatever it was, likely the former rather than the latter. “You… You asked me to hug you when I went to check on you, then… dragged me in and refused to let go.” He runs a hand through his hair awkwardly.

“Sorry, didn’t know I talk in my sleep, I don’t even remember asking you to hug me,” I admit. Hisao just gives a gentle laugh and gives me a peck on my cheek. “Didn’t mean to drag you in.”

“I’m not complaining,” Hisao says with a small chuckle. “It was a rather comfortable sleep.”

“So I’m only good as a pillow then?”

“Skinny pillow,” is the immediate retort. I give him a little push in retaliation and he envelops me in his arms, eliciting a small squeal of laughter from me.

“Thank you, Hisao,” I say against his chest.


“For caring enough to check on me.”

Hisao turns languid eyes on me. “Anyone else would do exactly the same thing.”

“Not anyone else would be in my room,” I retort sarcastically.

“Not even Fujiko?” He asks, genuinely curious.

I shrug. “I’ve had some girly evenings. Not often. Fujiko does have a key but that’s for emergencies. Arashi has a key as well but he doesn’t use it, knocks instead when he visits, which isn’t often mind you.”

“Well, you see each other regularly in school as it is?”

“True.” I concede the point with a nod. We lie there in peaceful silence for a few minutes more, basking in each other’s warmth. “Don’t you have running to do soon?”

Hisao’s grimace tells me exactly what he thinks of that. He does begin to get up reluctantly, though. “I hope I’m not spotted by anyone,” He murmurs under his breath.

“Risk versus reward,” I whisper into his ear as I hug him from behind. “You’ve had the reward but now comes the risk.”

“I think the trade-off is worth it,” Hisao quips back.

I give him a quick swat on his behind “Go running or face the midgets wrath” Hisao pecks me on the cheek as a goodbye and then gently eases my door open, trying to be as stealthy as possible. I chuckle to myself and begin to get myself ready for the day. Before I get on with my day, I jot down times and how I slept in the sleeping journal nurse gave me.

I’ll need to try to get my schedule back on track over the next few days. Not sure how I’ll be able to do that, but I really do need to try.

My morning routine runs past me in a blur, and I head into school, eating breakfast on the move.

Thursday passes in a rush, my body still exhausted from the seizure earlier this week. I half sleep through all my lessons. The only thing keeping me going is the fact it’s weekend soon.


Friday morning I wake up feeling remarkably more human. Today is an easy day, Japanese, English, Maths, History and Science. The only subject I struggle with on Fridays is science, so apart from that; the day will probably be fine.

I go about my morning routine, showering, dressing and taking my medication. I also fulfil nurses request by filling out my sleep diary. Part of me is tempted to start the entry with ‘Dear diary, last night…’ but I’m not sure Nurse would appreciate the joke.

As I enter the dorm corridors I see Fujiko leave her room. She spots me and gives me a wave, wandering over to me, a bright cheerful morning grin on her face. Morning people. How I loathe them.

I give her a grunt in response to her cheerful morning face, and she pulls a face at me. “How’re you feeling?” she asks as we walk side by side.

“Ninety percent more human than yesterday,” I respond dryly. We bypass the dorm kitchen and walk across the grounds to the cafeteria. I’m in no mood to make breakfast today, and apparently neither is Fujiko, so by unspoken agreement we decide to brave the cafeteria breakfast.

As we enter the cafeteria I spot a familiar head of hair. “Hisao!” I call and he turns, a smile breaking across his face as he spots me. The smile makes him seem more childlike and carefree, less worn and weary than he can be. He already has breakfast in his hands and gestures with his head towards the table Arashi is sitting at. I give him a thumbs-up, and he nods back as Fujiko and I join the breakfast line.

We get our respective breakfasts quickly, Fujiko settling for cereal and toast, while I have something a little more traditional: some rice, miso soup and grilled fish. We join the boys at the table, Arashi lazily signing [Good morning] at us, before placing his head on the table and taking a small nap.

Guess someone didn’t sleep well.

I look at Hisao sitting opposite me, and I realise the bags under his eyes have gotten worse. I snake a hand out and grasp his gently. “Are you sleeping okay?”

Hisao shakes his head, punctuating his speech with a wide yawn. “No. Had a nightmare, odd for me, normally it’s the insomnia that causes the bags.”

“About?” I query Hisao. He shakes his head at me gently, and then pointedly looks at Fujiko. She sighs dramatically and turns so her deaf side is facing Hisao and me. “Better?” I ask.

He gives a nod, then issues a long drawn out sigh. “I had a nightmare about the hospital” Hisao pauses and twists his mouth into a grimace. “Well more accurately it was about our very recent visit to the hospital, instead of getting the staff involved, Arashi and I pushed your uncle a bit further. He lashed out… hit me in the chest.”

“Hisao –“ I try to speak but he carries on, looking grim.

“I had a heart attack, bad one, and I woke up in the room you’d be staying in but… none of you came to visit, and I was stuck there, alone, exactly like before.” It looks like it takes a lot for Hisao to admit that, and it looks like the nightmare really shook him up. I walk around the table, sit next to him and wrap him in hug.

“That isn’t going to happen” I reassure him, using the tone of voice I’ve dubbed ‘Akiho’s teaching voice.’ It’s a firm tone, meant to inspire belief and hope, and it looks like it works as Hisao brightens slightly at my words and touch and gives me a small hug in return.

Fujiko mimes retching into her bowl of cereal as we cuddle gently. “Enough!” She says dramatically, sliding my food that I’d left on the other side of the table over to me. “Eat your breakfast, and then lets head to class… after waking your brother.”

I smile gently at Hisao, and then nod my thanks at Fujiko. She knows when to lighten the mood, and her timing is always good.

I finish breakfast with one hand in Hisao’s bigger hand, giving a reassuring squeeze every so often as I eat.

Gently, we rouse Arashi... Well, by gently what I mean is that Fujiko pokes him with chopsticks in his ribs until he squirms awake. The flat eyes look he gives Fujiko when he stirs awake is priceless. It’s like watching a grumpy bear emerge from its lair after hibernation.

We leave the cafeteria as a group, heading towards our respective classrooms. I walk with Hisao to his classroom, and as he walks inside I reach up and give him a quick kiss on the lips, a small gesture to help cheer him up. I hear a chuckle from inside the classroom and see Miura gently laughing. I wonder why she’s laughing and then realise why. The look on Shizune’s face says it all. I don’t think she is pleased about this small public display, although she’s one to talk. I simply give her a cheeky wave and step aside, letting my brother into the room as I head to my own classroom.

Fujiko meets me at the classroom door with a small grin on her face. We go to our seats and begin to face the school day.

First period, Japanese is relatively easy. The teacher seems zoned out so I coast along the lesson - like most of the class does - and the first period rapidly becomes the second.

Ms. Miyagi waddles in and places her bits down on the desk. She smiles widely at us. There is silence for a moment, as the class seems puzzled. Normally Ms. Miyagi starts the lesson pretty promptly, so why the delay?

“Well, as I told you before the festival, after the three day weekend, I shall be leaving you in the capable hands of another teacher. She’s come by today to take today’s lesson!” An assortment of curious voices rise at Ms. Miyagi’s proclamation. There’s a rapid knock at the classroom door, and Ms. Miyagi grins and says, “That’ll be her now.” She raises her voice. “Come in!”

The door opens, and time - at least for me - slows to crawl. The blond hair in a ponytail, the dark trousers, shirt, suit and tie, the eyes that glimmer like emeralds. All these fine little details make my jaw drop to the ground as my sister walks into the classroom, her pale skin seeming to have a soft, almost glowing sheen in the late morning light.

She smiles widely at the class, and as she bows I can hear whispers from those who are partially sighted like myself, describing Akiho to the blind members of my class. She opens her mouth to introduce herself, and the class falls silent.

And that’s when I open my big mouth without engaging my brain first and blurt out, “Big sis saber?”

The silence after that little outburst is almost deafening. I can feel Fujiko goggling at me from the seat next to me, and I want to vanish into a hole in the ground. Someone giggles quietly in the silence, and I can feel Akiho’s gaze boring into the top of my head.

Kill me, kill me now, please!

I can feel my face is a flaming mess of red blush. Why oh why did I have to blurt that out? She’s going to kill me, as that nickname will follow her for the rest of the school year at least, now that it’s out there. The whispers are rising, and I hear brief snatches of a few conversations in the classroom.

“Saber? Like the…”

“Big sister? But they look nothing alike!”

“So Tsukino knows her? Family?”

I want the ground to swallow me up right now. I’m not embarrassed that Akiho would be teaching me, I’m fine with that. I’m more ashamed by the fact I blurted out her nickname in front of my whole class!

It is Akiho who rescues the day in the end. “Quiet, please!” The statement is not shouted, or yelled but is said in such a way, - even though it is spoken gently - there is no question that it is a command issued.

The class falls silent instantly, the whispers and chatting dying as though wheat falling before a scythe. My sister pans her gaze around the classroom, her eyes stopping on me briefly. “As you’ve been told, I am to be Ms. Miyagi’s replacement after the three day weekend.” Her eyes traverse the classroom once more, taking in everyone. “I am Ms Tsukino.”

There is silence in the room as she writes the Kanji on the board, the traditional symbols for ‘Moon’ and ‘field’. I hear more murmurs as again people whisper to others, letting them know what’s going on.

“I will be clear about this,” Akiho states. “Yes, my sister is in this classroom, but while we are in school she is my student. Nothing more and nothing less, no favouritism of any kind. She is here to learn, as are all of you. Am I clear?”

The response is a chorus of “Yes, Tsukino Sensei!” and the smile that blossoms on my sister’s face is dazzling.

She launches into the lesson with aplomb, and I have to say it is the most interesting English lesson I’ve had in a long time. Akiho has mainly been teaching in - and I hate to use the term - a normal school, but she has prepared printouts in Braille, and she handles the lesson in what she calls an ‘immersive’ style. We speak nothing but English for the lesson. Some of my classmates do struggle, but she helps those who require it gently.

When the bell rings for break, the rest of the students disperse from the classroom. Akiho is talking to Ms. Miyagi, and I wait patiently for them to finish their conversation. Ms. Miyagi notices me loitering and wraps up speaking to Akiho. Akiho notices me and comes over to me, guiding me by the shoulder over to a corner of the classroom for a private discussion.

“Are you angry with me?”

“Why would I be angry?” I ask genuinely confused. “I’m shocked, more than a little embarrassed at my outburst” – Akiho frowns at that – “But not angry, no!”

Akiho nods and breathes a relieved sigh. “Good. I wanted to surprise you which I think I’ve succeeded in doing.” She gives a small chuckle and I just frown at her. “I hope to surprise Arashi next,” she says with a small grin, “So don’t spoil it!”

I agree, after apologising for my outburst in class, which she waves off. She then takes her leave, watching through a slightly open classroom door. When the coast is clear Akiho darts from the room, presumably to her next class and to surprise Arashi.

At least he can’t blurt anything out like I can. That mistake is going to haunt me for a while. I sit down at my desk and rest my head in one hand. A clunk of a can on my desk stirs me from my stupor, and I look up to see Fujiko’s beaming face. It’s a can of mango soda, and I pop the can gratefully, chugging the sweet drink rapidly.

“Well,” Fujiko says sitting at her desk next to mine. “That happened.”

I make a noise of agreement while drinking and nearly end up with soda up my nose.

“Guess we’re being taught by your sister.”

I let my head rest on the desk. “Don’t remind me,” I mutter. “I can’t believe I blurted out her nickname. I’m never going to live that down.”

“Ah, so it was a family nickname.” The sound of the class representative jolts me up from the desk, and I meet her cloudy eyes as she stands near my desk, cane clacking against one of my desk legs.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack, Lilly,” I grouse, finishing the soda off.

She raises one hand to her mouth and gives a little giggle, “My, my, a little twitchy today are we?”

I huff a breath and glower. I wish Lilly could see my facial expression; it would communicate things a lot better. “If you had a sister show up and become a teacher here, out of the blue, you’d be a little twitchy, too.”

“Mmmmm. If Akira did become a teacher here I would be worried,” Lilly admits.

“Akira?” Fujiko chimes in. “You have a sister?”

“An older sister.” Lilly inclines her head in Fujiko’s general direction. “She’s a lawyer in my father’s company. So if she suddenly decided on becoming a teacher… Yes, I would be most surprised.”

“Sister has always been a teacher,” I confess. “I just… didn’t expect her to end up here.”

“What does she look like?” Lilly asks. “I didn’t catch any of the class’s comments”. I describe Akiho to Lilly, and all of a sudden she bursts into giggles. “Give her red eyes and you’d have my sister,” she says, laughter lighting up her face. “Does she like to drink?”

“Bit of a wine connoisseur,” Fujiko answers, while I shoot her a glare. We shouldn’t be divulging some information to future students. Lilly laughs gently, one hand over her mouth again.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would honestly think you’re describing Akira.”

“They even have similar names,” I say with a small laugh. “It’s going to be a little odd though, having to address her as Tsukino sensei.”

“You mean Ms. Tsukino” Lilly corrects me in English. I snort a short bark of laughter as the bell rings and Lilly bids us goodbye, heading back to her seat.

The next two classes pass in a blur, and when I get out at lunchtime, after the rush of students, I find Hisao waiting for me with a small smile, two bentos in one hand and a pair of drinks in the other. “Surprise?” He says with a small laugh. I simply smile at him and give him a small hug, taking the drinks from him at the same time.

“I’ll see you two later!” Fujiko says with a wave as she saunters down the corridor, chatting to... one of the newspaper clubs members, I think. I give her a wave in return as she turns the corner, out of sight.

“So,” I say, eyeing the bentos. “Are you trying to dazzle me with your cooking?”

“I’ll be honest, I made a deal with Arashi,” Hisao admits. Good, he’s being honest. I like that. “He helped me make these. Although I did most of the work, he did help.”

“What did you have to do in return?” I ask. My brother can be highly mercenary at times and may have extorted Hisao.

He wriggles under my frank gaze. “A double date on Sunday with Shizune and him.”

I process the sentence and then nod. All in all it’s not too bad. “Is Arashi arranging this?” Hisao nods, and I lean in, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “A date with you is a price I am more than willing to pay, Mr. Nakai,” I tease. “We’re going after dancing lessons I assume?” Another nod.

We then leave the school, going out onto the front grounds, where we first had lunch together I notice with a small sense of irony. Except this time the roles are reversed. “Do you know what Arashi is planning?” I ask curiously.

Hisao swallows his mouthful of food and then answers. “I have no idea. I just know that he’ll meet us with Shizune at your brother’s restaurant and we’ll go from there.” I nod and snuggle into his side as we lay back on the grass. We both finish our lunch and lie there, bellies full and feeling content.

“Afternoon, Ayane.” A voice, one I haven’t heard for a while, snaps me out of my reverie. I roll around so I’m lying on my stomach (and partially on Hisao’s legs) and look up at Haruhiko who’s wearing a small, sad frown. He doesn’t have a black eye anymore so it’s either recovered, or he’s covering it up. I notice Hisao’s eyes have narrowed as he regards Haruhiko.

I settle on a neutral “Afternoon” instead of a number of other choice words I may have for him. Haruhiko shuffles under the combined gaze of Hisao and me.

He struggles to find the words and looks almost like he won’t say anything until a girl comes up to him and gently presses her hand into his back. She’s not someone I recognise - possibly a second year. She’s a redhead, unusual for Japan, so possibly some foreign blood in her somewhere, a dusting of freckles across her button nose and brown eyes. She’s in the standard Yamaku uniform, but I notice what looks like an instrument case, possibly a flute, slung over her shoulder. Haruhiko seems to draw strength from her presence and bows deeply to me apologising as he does so.

“I’m sorry for my thoughtless words earlier. I… wasn’t thinking straight,” he admits.

I don’t want bad blood between us. It reminds me uncomfortably of my misinformed grudge against Emi. I stand up, dust my skirt off and extend my hand. Haruhiko takes it, seeming surprised as I say, “Apology accepted, brave of you to do that.”

“I ah… had some help with that,” he admits, eyes shifting over to the girl next to him. She regards me with some wariness as if I’m treading on her territory.

“I can see that,” I remark dryly, my eyes flicking over at the shorter girl. “Get going,” I say as I see the girl shift from foot to foot. “Looks like you have somewhere to be.”

Haruhiko gives a little nod, and the pair heads off towards the school gates, leaving me to idly wonder where they’re heading.

I settle back down next to Hisao and rest my head on his stomach. “Wasn’t expecting that,” I say idly, staring at the sky.

“Neither was I,” Hisao says in return. “He’s been in class the past few days but was actively avoiding Arashi and me.”

“Nice of him to apologise” I say idly, fingers idly tapping on one of Hisao’s hands. Hisao gives a grunt of agreement, and we idly while away the rest of the lunch break, before we have to face lessons once again.

Just after classes end for the day and I’m in my room, my phone lights up with a text from Arashi. He’s not amused that I didn’t tell him about Akiho and her new position.


End part one of: Dance the night away
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Scene 9: Dance the night away part 2

Post by TheTealeaf »

Part 2 of: Dance the night away

Saturday passes into Sunday fairly rapidly. The talk of the school is - of course - the new English teacher. I’ve had no end of people ask me about my sister, but I’ve remained tight-lipped. If she’s to be a teacher here, the less the students know about her the better.

Akihiro stated in the hospital that he’d pick Hisao and me up at one, but I’m already up and ready at ten a.m.

I head down into the kitchen to grab a drink and spy Fujiko standing in the lounge. She appears to be waiting for someone and is dressed up, even wearing what I think is a light amount of make up. I observe her covertly; she’s wearing a light green skirt, some kind of light coloured t-shirt covered by a denim jacket – I know that jacket, I was there when she bought it – and is wearing what appears to be a little beret hat… thing, perched upon her head and she has her hair in her usual style. She doesn’t notice me, and her hand dives into her handbag as her phone goes off.

She checks it and nods, beginning to leave the lounge. I scuttle back to lurk in the kitchen and then begin to follow her at a distance. I’m curious about what she may be up to. Fujiko does always have a certain taste in fashion, and she prides herself on being well dressed, but makeup is unusual for her. It’s something that she gets from her mother, as she insists that there is nothing better than a ‘female’s natural beauty’.

So if dear little Fuji is wearing make up…

So Fujiko is going on a date. Odd. She rarely goes on dates. In fact the last one I recall was with me on a double date during our first year! By the time I get near to the gate Fujiko is just heading through further ahead. I think I see a flash of pink near her, but I can’t be quite sure. I’m stumped. If I see Fujiko later I’ll try to subtly interrogate her.

Subtle? Who am I kidding? I’m about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

With that mystery tickling my curiosity, I decide to go visit my boys and pester them before Akihiro picks us up. I send a text to Arashi as I head over to the boys’ dorm.

By the time I reach the dorms, Arashi is already holding the door open and is regarding me with a weary expression. [Morning,] he signs as I shimmy past him.

[Morning,] I sign back, giving him a quick hug. He seems surprised by the hug, but hugs me back.

[How’re you feeling?]

[Good,] I reply as we walk down the corridors. [Want to tell me what the plan is for tonight?].

[Nope,] is the quick response. How Arashi even makes his hand signs seem sarcastic is beyond me. [You’ll find out later.] He gives me a cheeky grin and a wink.

[Fine.] I pout, and he just shakes his head.

[Are you going to visit cowlick?] Arashi asks. I just sigh and nod. [Fine, but keep the noise down please.]

I just splutter as Arashi vanishes into his room, eyes twinkling like a damn cat that’s got the cream.

Screw you brother dearest… Oh wait that’s what Shizune will be doing to you in the future. I shudder at the rails my thought process has gone down and quickly derail it before it can contaminate me further and I need brain bleach to scour my mind clean.

I knock on Hisao’s door but find that there’s no answer. I give a gentle push, and the door begins to open. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I open the door fully to find Hisao fast asleep on his bed, mouth open and small snores escaping his mouth every so often.

I venture over to him after I gently close his door. He looks adorable as he sleeps, his face fully relaxed, the drawn lines that normally adorn his face absent. I set an alarm on my phone for half past twelve then slide into the bed besides him, gently nudging Hisao to one side. He doesn’t even stir as I move him and wrap my arms around him. I quickly fall asleep as I listen to his rhythmic breathing and have his warmth and scent envelop me in an invisible hug.

My phone blaring its ring tone wakes Hisao and me at the same time. I say nothing as he comes to and groggily rolls over me to get my phone I left on his desk. He stops as his weight rests on top of me, and his eyes clear from sleep. “Ayane?” he blearily murmurs.

I gently grasp his waist and pull him down to me. His weight settles fully on me, and I realise as I kiss him that he’s a little underweight but the same slight thrill from earlier in the week dances across my nerves.

Hisao sleepily kisses me back, and then pulls away suddenly as his brain finally kicks into gear. My hand darts out and silences my phone by flipping it open. “Ayane?” Hisao asks again, sounding very confused.

“That’s my name,” I giggle. “Are you awake now, sleeping beauty?” I ask impishly, and I feel a grin form on my face. I crane my neck up and draw him into another kiss.

“What’re you doing in my bed?” He seems dazed as he asks the question.

“Not happy to see me?” I pout.

Hisao shakes his head. “Happy to see you just… confused as to how you got here.”

“Your room was unlocked” I confess with a guilty grin, “I came in, and you were fast asleep, and I couldn’t help myself but to join you in your comfy bed.” Understanding dawns in Hisao’s eyes. “I would kiss you more,” I say with a leer, “but we’ve got less than half an hour until Akihiro arrives, so lets get up and about shall we?”

That shocks Hisao awake, and he gets up, his weight leaving me and for a moment I have a pang of regret almost missing the pressure from him on me. “What do I need to wear?” Hisao asks, rooting through his wardrobe.

I roll onto my side and face him saying, “Something light, so that means no sweater vests as adorable as they are but bring a change of clothes. Double date afterwards!” I sing song at him.

Hisao rummages further through his clothes and settles on some light clothes. He packs some smart casual stuff in the bag I brought along before gesturing at me to turn around. I comply, rolling over to face the wall as I hear the rustle of clothing being taken off and put back on.

I am tempted to look, but I do manage to restrain myself. “I’m decent,” Hisao says softly. I turn back over and get off the bed, giving Hisao a hug. He seems slightly upset over something. I think, as he mentioned in hospital, he has arrhythmia, so that may mean he has scarring on his chest from surgery, which may explain why he asked me to turn around.

“Silly man” I chide him gently. “You’re not the only one who has scars here Hisao. I’m not going to judge you for it” There is a beat of silence. “Remember the first day we met?” Hisao nods. “You saw my eye. You didn’t flinch or look away. I’m not going to look away from your scars, Hisao”

There is a deep sigh from Hisao, and he presses a kiss on the top of my head. He doesn’t say anything, but I know the kiss is his silent way of saying ‘thank you for being so patient’.

No more words are exchanged between us as we make our way to the gates for pickup. We don’t need to exchange words. We’ve said everything that needs to be said about that subject.

When Hisao is ready, he’ll share it with me.

Akihiro is already waiting for us at the gates. His car is a sleek, sporty thing in a rather fetching shade of red. “Sling your stuff in the back” Akihiro says, popping open his back storage. I pop the bag in the back and then sit down in the backseats, Hisao joining me. “No funny business back there!” Akihiro jokes before pulling away in a squeal of tyres.

Akihiro drives like he usually does: Aggressively. I think it’s a combination of his temperament, his job and his general attitude, but he’s a decidedly angry driver, and although he gets us to where we’re going it’s a decidedly hairy journey, and Hisao looks rather pale when we arrive.

We arrive at a set of apartments and go up to the penthouse where Akihiro opens the door. Akiho is waiting for us, dressed in a light blue dress, her hair back in a bun, held by a pair of ornamental chopsticks. “Whose place is this?” I ask.

“Mine” Akiho answers. “The extra money from our lovely stepmother goes quite a way to paying the bills, although the pay rise from teaching at Yamaku is a pleasant bonus compared to my old wages.” The living area is covered in laminate flooring, and Akiho has moved all of her furniture to one side for the dance lesson.

Hisao coughs, gaining everyone’s attention and says softly. “Before we begin, I have something that needs to be said.”

I already know what Hisao is about to say but I move to him, giving him some much needed support.

His hand grasps mine as he begins to speak. “I’m at Yamaku for a heart condition” There is silence for a moment before Akihiro breaks it.

“Wow. Well that fucking sucks.”

I scowl at Akihiro at this rather blunt statement.

Akiho nods and says “So, what does this mean for today?” she asks evenly and smoothly remaining unruffled.

“I need to avoid straining my heart.” Hisao takes a steadying breath, my comforting presence giving him fortitude. “I’ve been running under orders of the nurses with a friend, and my condition has begun to improve, but I do still need to be careful. If I feel weak or dizzy at any point then I’ll need to sit down”

Akiho nods. “Nothing we’ll be doing today will be particularly straining. Still when it actually comes to the ball I would recommend dancing only one or two dances as the ballroom at home can become rather warm when it gets crowded”

“Like a fucking furnace” Akihiro chips in helpfully.

I bite my lip. I didn’t think about how Hisao’s condition would affect him at the ball; I just simply dragged him along with me. “We don’t have to do this, Hisao,” I say softly. “If it’s going to be too much then–“

Hisao cuts me off with a kiss. I can feel Akihiro’s eyebrows shoot up, and I can see Akiho’s lips set in a firm line. How bold of you Hisao!

“I want to do this,” Hisao says softly. “When the time comes for the actual ball, we will simply have to be careful. I’m sure you’ll be keeping a good eye on me anyway,” he adds with small smirk.

I simply nod dumbly, my head still spinning slightly from the sudden kiss.

Akiho steps forward and grasps Hisao by his arm. “You’ll be with me for the moment, learning the man’s part of the dance, Ayane will be with brother and learning her part, we’ll put you back together at the end and see how you do.”

Hisao steps away from me, and Akiho picks up a remote from her table and clicks a button. Music springs to life from speakers hidden somewhere in the room. I think the music is Chopin, but before I can be certain I’m already whisked away by Akihiro.

We take a break after an hour of dancing. Hisao seems okay, though there is a light sweat on his brow and he seems a little winded. After the break Hisao and I are placed together, and we start to dance.

I’m pleasantly surprised. He only steps on my toes three times, although judging by the way my sister is moving around, I think she got stepped on a fair bit more.

We dance, and we twirl around the small floor, Hisao holding me close. If Akihiro and Akiho weren’t here it would be rather romantic, but with the two of them watching us closely it rather kills the romance. The dance is rather rough and ready on both our parts, but we have time to refine and learn our parts. We arrange a time for another practice, the same time next week and get dressed into something more suitable for a double date.

It’s then that I notice a problem. I don’t want to bring the bag with us, but I can’t just leave it. I mention this to Akiho as she ties my hair back in a bun like she has and secures it with another set of chopsticks she has lurking around. She reassures me that she’ll give the bag to Akihiro, and he’ll pick all four of us up later and drive us back to school.

The final touch before I’m ready is swapping out my plain eye patch for the one Fujiko gave me. It’s rapidly become my favourite, and as I wore it to the festival, it already holds some important memories for me.

We leave Akiho’s apartment and head out into the streets below, Akihiro giving us a lift to his restaurant where Arashi and Shizune are waiting for us. We arrive a bit early, but Arashi and Shizune are already waiting for us.

My brother is smart casual, in his usual wear for such a situation and - dare I say it - Shizune is looking kind of cute. A white halter top, a red belt and dark dress, she certainly looks well dressed and matches Arashi’s own red and dark theme.

Arashi gives us a wave, thanks my brother for the lift and then puts us in a taxi that was summoned earlier, leaving Akihiro on the pavement behind us yelling that he’s too young to become an uncle just yet.

“So,” I ask in the taxi. “What’s the plan?”

[Food,] Shizune signs after Arashi translates what I said. [After that… I don’t know. Arashi has been very secretive about this.] Even her signing is frustrated; I’m guessing she doesn’t like being kept out of the loop.

I frown at Arashi as he quietly converses with Hisao via his phone, and I shrug signing back. [I don’t have any idea either; both the boys have let nothing slip. Guess we’ll have to wait and see what they have up their sleeves.]

Shizune huffs silently before signing [I really want this to go well.]

That’s odd coming from the normally uber confident council president, so I cock an eyebrow at her.

[I’m just worried the boys will do something silly.] And there’s the council president again.

[I’m sure it will be fine,] I sign back, lounging back in the taxi. It’s only a few moments later when the taxi pulls up and Arashi signs that this is our destination. We appear to be eating at a sushi place. I feel my mouth begin to water. I adore sushi.

[Not a bad choice,] Shizune admits as we troop in, Hisao acting as our spokesperson and getting us led to the booth we’ll be sitting in. Not a bad choice? This is one of the more upscale places in the city.

This is going to be good.


The dinner is good and passes by in a haze of delicious sushi. I think my brother is beginning to regret bringing me here, as he knows my appetite for sushi. I’m pretty much a bottomless pit. Shizune seems pleased as well, delicately patting her lips with a napkin and giving a silent sigh of satisfaction. Hisao seems stunned at the amount I put away. “Where’d it all go?” He asks, half shocked, half amused.

[She probably hopes her bust will increase,] Arashi signs with an eye roll, only to get jabbed in the shin by my foot. Part of me is glad Hisao can’t read sign and Shizune doesn’t appear amused by the comment either.

“I have hollow legs when it comes to sushi” I say with a sage nod. “Now, is this the extent of your planning?” I taunt.

Arashi grins, and Hisao calls the waiter over. Arashi pays the bill while Hisao takes a piece of paper from Arashi and phones what I presume is a taxi company. “While we’re waiting we,” I say indicating Shizune and myself, “need to freshen up”. When I have repeated everything in sign Shizune nods, and we head to the bathroom.

[Everything okay?] I ask when we’re in the bathroom, washing our hands.

[I’m surprised. I thought Arashi would take us to your brothers’ place again,] Shizune admits.

[That’s the thing about my brother: He’s never predictable.]

Shizune gains her bobcat grin. [Oh, I know that all too well. He well and truly surprised me on Monday]

[I don’t need reminding about that.] I really, really don’t. That image is pretty much seared into my brain.

That basically kills the conversation, and we head back into the restaurant, to find the boys waiting for us. [Taxi’s here,] Arashi signs. We leave the restaurant, climb into the taxi, and it rattles off on the planned journey.

In relatively short order, we arrive at our destination on the edge of town. A carnival, it’s bright lights and noises illuminating the senses. I shoot a look at Arashi. I wonder if he planned this without knowing about Hisao’s condition. Wait, he was in the hospital on Monday. He probably overheard us talking about it. So he’s either being a complete ass, or he and Hisao have planned something else taking Hisao’s heart into consideration.

I’m hoping its option b.

We get out of the taxi, and Arashi dramatically signs as I translate for Hisao [Welcome! This is where our evening splits up as several factors, which were planned for, come into play. Enjoy!]

He offers his arm to Shizune and leads her into the carnival, the lights and sounds swallowing the pair up in a short time.

“You planned this?” I ask Hisao, slipping my hand into his.

“Arashi’s idea,” he says with a shrug. “There’s plenty to do here, and Arashi did say that you’re not good with the fast rides”.

This is true; I’m not good with roller coasters or anything like that. I’m honestly surprised that Akiho and Akihiro’s driving doesn’t make me throw up on some occasions. Still I do enjoy carnivals, and as Hisao said there is plenty to do here.

“Well?” I ask with a grin, the lights reflecting in my eye. “What’re we waiting for?”

We enter, and Hisao pays for the tickets. It isn’t long before we’re playing silly games at the stalls trying to win prizes. Most of the games are rigged of course, as is to be expected, but I can’t help myself - especially when I see the large stuffed dragon.

I’m not a fluffy toy person but it’s a dragon! I can’t resist the temptation and shell out for several tickets on the stall. It’s a hit the moving target game, and due to my poor depth perception I end up wasting all my tickets.

“Hold on,” Hisao says, as I slump my shoulders in dejection. He pays for three tickets. His first attempt seems pretty poor, his second goes just the same, but he seems to learn something from the two attempts.

The third attempt he nails all five of the targets and gets me the bright green dragon that he knows I’d been aiming for. The damn thing is about half my size, and I laugh as I squeeze it tight.

“Thank you,” I say with a massive smile.

“My pleasure,” Hisao responds, and I give him a kiss for just being, well, himself.

We finish the night on the Ferris wheel. I’m good with heights; it’s just roller coasters I’m not good with. I snuggle up next to Hisao as we go up in our own cage thing. The night air is fairly cool, and Hisao is warm. We’re reaching the top when I lean up and kiss him very thoroughly, our mouths and tongues entwining in a dance that’s as old as mankind itself.

There’s no need for words. Hisao knows what I’m trying to say. It’s a perfect end to the perfect day.

Thank you Hisao.

Thank you.

End scene nine.
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 up!

Post by griffon8 »

Well, the grammar took a noticeable hit by not being looked over, but it’s up to your standard writing quality. There were a lot of your missing apostrophes & periods and I-me confusions.

And, committing what seems to have become my biggest peeve about Japanese cultural mistakes, you had Hisao leave a tip. Japan has no culture of tipping.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 up!

Post by CloudGrain »


Currently indisposed to making other comments because booze. But hey, it was fluffy. :lol:
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I'm on my phone so I'm gonna have too leave my reply short. Suffice to say, another great chapter. Looks like Misha is at least giving Fujiko a chance, which should be interesting.
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

griffon wrote:Well, the grammar took a noticeable hit by not being looked over, but it’s up to your standard writing quality. There were a lot of your missing apostrophes & periods and I-me confusions.

And, committing what seems to have become my biggest peeve about Japanese cultural mistakes, you had Hisao leave a tip. Japan has no culture of tipping.
I was attending a wedding this weekend, so betaing got a bit delayed, but the edited version addresses that - and hopefully most apostrophes and punctuation issues.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Thanks to Mirages beta reading. You sir are awesome! -tips hat-
AntonSlavik020 wrote:. Suffice to say, another great chapter. Looks like Misha is at least giving Fujiko a chance, which should be interesting.
Oh Anton you are really going to like the next chapter 8) -cackles-

Anyway beta version is now up and about, again, thanks to mirage and work on Scene 10 I can feel it in the air is about halfway through.

Once I finish my planning for tomorrow, I'll get back on it.

Oh and cloud, that gif always makes me giggle. Despicable me = one of my fav films.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 9 (beta) up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

"'Cmon Hisao, what're you waiting for? An invitation?"
"'Cmon Hisao, what're you waiting for? An invitation?"
2014-10-08 18.43.06.jpg (1.57 MiB) Viewed 7121 times
The very foreign urge to draw overtook me after doing marking today... so here's a very bad attempt at Ayane and a bad umbrella, as it was raining. And forgive me for the size >< I am not tech savvy.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Scene 10: "I can feel it in the air tonight" Part 1

Post by TheTealeaf »

Ah, I love the smell of a fresh post in the evening!

Thanks to my beta readers for beta reading you guys are awesome!

This chapter brought to you via the musical strains of the RWBY soundtrack.

Act 2

Scene 10

“I can feel it in the air tonight”

A couple of school weeks pass by with not much deviation from the normal routine. It’s the Sunday - today - that I’m both looking forward to and dreading.

I’m looking forward to seeing Hisao in a suit, but I loathe going shopping for myself. As I’ve stated before I’m not a girly girl. I’m more comfortable in trousers than in skirts, and the very idea of being in a dress for any length of time sends shivers of fear down my spine.

Basically it boils down to ‘my mother is a bitch.’ I need to attend this ball, so that means I need a new dress for the event, and if mother is footing the bill for both a suit and a dress, I’m not going to complain too much.

Fine, I am complaining but not about the money being spent!

At least Akiho will be sharing my misery with me - she’s more comfortable in a suit than a dress. Shizune will be with us too, since Arashi manned up and gave Shizune an invite, so now there are four of us learning to dance in Akiho’s apartment.

It’s beginning to get a little crowded, but we’re learning.

Which brings us to the present. Chopin is playing again as I dance with my brother. It’s harder for Shizune as with her deafness she can’t – quite obviously – hear the rhythm of the music. She’s trying, though - and learning, giving it her best. I think she’s made a bet or deal of some kind with Arashi becuase she has that bobcat expression on her face as she watches Arashi and me dance.

Arashi releases me on the final beat, and I give him a half sarcastic bow at which he rolls his eyes. Shizune moves up, taking my place, and I flop on the couch next to Hisao, taking a gulp of the iced tea that Akiho had prepared for us earlier. We watch the two dance for a moment, the music floating around us. “They’re pretty good,” Hisao remarks evenly.

I flap my arm about in a vague gesture. “Arashi has always had a natural grace about him. Shizune is doing well, all things considered.”

Hisao gives an agreeing nod, and his arm slips around my waist, his bare fingertips skimming across the base of my spine. A delightful shiver runs up my spine at his touch, and I lean on his shoulder gently. Over the past couple of weeks Hisao and I have become more comfortable with gentle skin-to-skin touches.

We’re not groping each other, but little feather light touches are exchanged between us. Mostly running fingers down spines, touching cheeks and once or twice hands exploring tummies. We’ve become closer, and while we haven’t said it to each other yet, it’s basically common knowledge around the whole school that Hisao and I are dating.

It seems a little silly to put labels on what we are. We know we care about each other; we’ve just never really spoken about it. It doesn’t really need to be spoken about. It just is.

There’s not much difference between a ‘friend’ and a ‘girlfriend’. Seems like it’s exactly the same thing just with more… physical intimacy. Although you could argue that the emotional closeness is different from what you’d have with someone who is a platonic friend.

Ramblings aside, it’s nice. There was some good weather yesterday, so we had another book picnic after classes ended. It was lovely sitting in that small dappled area with good reading material. It was also a way for Hisao to practise his English as he was reading his way through the Dresden files. I’d turned him into a convert, and it was awesome to have a fellow reader.

I shake myself from my thoughts as Shizune and Arashi finish up their dance. Akiho congratulates them on a job well done, and now it’s our turn again. Hisao wipes the sweat off his brow, hoists himself off the couch and extends a hand to me.

I take it, and we stand in the centre of the floor, one of my hands on Hisao’s shoulder and the other clasped in his. He rests his free hand on my shoulder blade and we begin.

The music restarts, and we launch into the waltz that we’ve been practicing. We’re certainly improving and are able to dance without hurting ourselves – or my feet - but I don’t think we’ll ever be professional dancers. Not that I mind. I’d rather be reading than dancing, but the closeness to Hisao is always appreciated.

Around and around we go, as thoughts spin round my mind. Part of me wants to throw this whole charade out the window, turn around and say ‘screw you mother’. Another larger part of me is still a scared five year old, fearing her mother’s wrath, trying desperately to placate her, although in this case her wrath would be cutting my education off.

I love the academy. More accurately I love the people I’ve met there. Fujiko, Misha, Shizune and Hisao - all people I’ve met at Yamaku, and in a short space of time I’ve quickly grown to care for them all in my own unique way.

If I don’t do this, mother will cut my funding. It is as simple as that. She controls the purse strings, and Yamaku is rather expensive. I’m sure Akihiro or Akiho would help me out if push came to shove, but I’d rather put up with my mother than impose on them in that way.

I hate dancing to her tune, but for the moment I need to comply until I can cut the strings and go on my own way. Difficult but I’m playing the long game here. Arashi is in the same boat and making the same, if slightly different plans.

Suddenly, I stumble and meet the floor, nearly dragging Hisao to the floor with me, jarring my elbow and knee. “Fuck it” I hiss through clenched teeth as pain lances through me.

Hisao helps me to my feet, his eyes glimmering with concern. “What happened?”

I shoot him a glance and he gives an awkward grin, “Dumb question I know.” He says softly, helping me to the couch.

“I got distracted,” I say bitterly, “thinking about an unpleasant topic,” I admit, teeth clenched. I sit down gingerly on the couch and roll up my trousers, exposing my rapidly developing bruise.

Looks like it will be a fetching shade of purple. Akiho presses an ice block into my hands, and I place it on my knee, sucking in a breath at the sensation.

[What was distracting you?] Arashi asks. [Thinking about alone time with cowlick?]

I resist the urge to throw the ice block at his head and snarl furiously, “No, I was thinking about mother and how we’re jumping to her tune by doing this!”

The suddenness of my angry snarl - half brought about by pain and me fuming at my own idiocy – sends the room into a sudden, still silence. “I don’t know why you two are still trying to please her, she’s not even your mother” My tone is bitter and waspish, and I see Akiho flinch at the accusation.

“Oi, you grumpy brat,” Akihiro interjects, striding across the room. “Why the fuck do you think we’re doing this?”

He comes over to me, kneels and then flicks me in my forehead. I jerk back in surprise as he continues. “We’re doing it for you, you fucking idiot. Both you and Arashi are our brother and sister and the reason we’re doing this, this stupid fucking charade, is because we care, you shitty little brat.” His tirade rocks me back, and I blink in surprise as he carries on. “If we didn’t ‘toe the line’” –and here he makes air quotes with his fingers – “Both Akiho and I are pretty damn sure that she would make it very difficult for us to see you. We don’t want that, obviously.”

The last word is said in a tone that is dripping with sarcasm. My brother, as crass and as bluntly as he’s said it, is right. Mother has access to the money and the power to delay, hassle and make it difficult for my siblings to see Arashi and me. She’d probably move us halfway across the country or something equally ridiculous – I’m not quite sure what - but she would do her level best to get her way.

I chuckle dryly. “I am being a stupid brat aren’t I?” I ask rhetorically, sighing as I lean back on the couch.

“’Course you are,” is Akihiro’s cheerful reply. “But you’re our sister, and we love you even when you’re being a shitty brat.”

“I stand by what Akihiro says,” Akiho says evenly, “Even if he could have phrased it less crassly.” Disapproval is evident in her tone. Akihiro’s swearing habit is something she has never agreed with.

She comes over to me and kneels, taking one hand. “As brother stated. You are family, and we love you.” The sheer simple sincerity in her voice knocks the wind out of me.

[We love you too!] Arashi signs, rolling his eyes as he does so. Akihiro sees him signing and grins in response, loops an arm around his shoulder and drags Arashi over to Akiho and me.

“Family hug!” Akihiro cheers and then dives on Akiho and me. Akiho has time to utter an undignified squawk of surprise before we’re buried under the pair of them, and the couch topples over. I’m buried under the bodies and engulfed by the body heat. I’m glad Hisao wasn’t sitting next to me as that could’ve been problematic and potentially fatal.

Instead he’s leaning on the doorway to the kitchen in Akiho’s apartment, and I spy through the tangle of limbs, he’s nearly doubled over in laughter. Shizune is near him and her facial expression looks as if she’s not sure if she should laugh or be disapproving.

“Cease this behaviour at once!” Akiho grumbles from the dog pile of bodies. “I am struggling to breathe properly!” She insists forcefully, beginning to push Akihiro up off her.

“Oh all right you stick in the mud,” Akihiro says with laughter in his voice.

“How on earth I’m related to you I’ve never understood,” Akiho grumbles, dusting her dress off as she stands up right. Arashi helps me to my feet, my knee and arm still hurting slightly.

“You’re all crazy,” Hisao says, shaking his head ruefully.

“You’re the one that voluntarily joined this crazy family,” I shoot back, making my way over to Hisao gingerly and leaning against him. I sign what I just said, and Shizune rolls her eyes at my comment.

[You can pick your friends but you can’t pick your family,] she signs with a sage nod, adjusting her glasses.

[Should I be worried or glad you picked me?] Arashi signs, lazing on the recovered couch.

[Honoured,] is the razor sharp response given, and I giggle at the mock offended look on Arashi’s face.

While I may be smiling on the outside, my thoughts still whirl around in ever decreasing circles. My siblings have basically declared their support, so I guess at the ball we’ll stand united against mother. I rub the bridge of my nose and hiss under my breath in frustration.

Part of me wants to take the coward’s route and simply run for the hills, with Hisao in tow and have as little to do with my extended family as possible. In an ideal world this would be possible.

Guess I’m just going to have to suck this up, grin and bear it.

Another thought skitters across my frontal lobe, and I scowl. I hate going back to the house I grew up in. Too many memories - both good and bad - are entombed within the walls of my childhood home.

Hisao sees me scowl from the corner of his eye as he curls an arm around me in a hug and places a kiss on the top of my head. I feel some of my tension melt away at his touch and unconsciously lean further into his embrace.

Music is sounding again as Shizune and Arashi have taken the opportunity to sneak another practice in. I idly look up at the clock and realise it will be the last dance as time is running short for the day, and we still have clothes to get in preparation for mothers ball.

The pair draws their dance to a close and Shizune gives my brother a hug and a peck on the cheek, a faint blush on her cheeks. Akiho shimmies us out the door, heading down out of the apartment and to a booked taxi that is already waiting for us.


The taxi ride is short and drops us off right outside the shop. It’s what appears to be a rather classy clothing boutique catering to both men and women. I gird myself for the unpleasant experience to come.

Fujiko would probably be having a field day at a place like this, but I just can’t bring much enthusiasm to the table.

We enter, and a bell gives shrill ring above us as the door opens. A shop worker, a young man in his twenties who seems to be oozing charm and sophistication in spades, instantly greets us. He’s so fake; I nearly gag at his bowing and scraping.

Akiho simply raises an eyebrow and gestures to the men in the group and comments that they need suits. The young man’s head bobs up and down in rapid agreement, and we’re led through racks of dark clothing and white shirts.

Akiho, Shizune and I have all come to an unspoken agreement. We get to see the guys in suits first. Then they see us in our ball gowns.

Akihiro waves off needing an entirely new suit. He simply noses around the shop, waving off assistance, for a new bow tie and some cufflinks.

Arashi needs a new jacket and shirt as he’s outgrown his last pair. After some indecision Akiho and Shizune settle on him wearing a burgundy coloured shirt, which I would describe as a spilled wine colour. A black pinstripe jacket is selected next and with his thin frame, it fits him nicely. I can see a definite smile of approval from Shizune, and they are signing rapidly to each other.

Hisao needs everything. I leave most of the decision making to Akiho; she has a better eye for suits than most men. In fact she dismisses the attendant early on as his inane comments seem to be driving her to the edge of distraction. I sit nearby, watching as Akiho tries different combinations on Hisao. The trousers are selected pretty quickly, a dark charcoal colour. The suit part is going to be the same colour, but Akiho can’t decide on a cut. She settles on a traditional dinner jacket style and then she begins deciding on a shirt.

It is then that I notice something from the corner of my good eye. It’s a dark forest green shirt with faint glimmering threads catching the light every so often. I consider the shirt for a moment and then make up my mind.

I take the shirt from the rack and wander over to the dressing area. Akiho is frowning at something as I pass the shirt to her. “He seems unusually shy,” she remarks, one emerald eye fixed on the dressing room.

I catch her attention then point at my chest and whisper in a low voice, “I think he may have surgical scars”.

The light dawns in Akiho’s eyes. She takes the shirt I offer her and when Hisao emerges from the drawing room he takes it with a suffering sigh and goes back in.

A few moments later he emerges from the dressing room, and I feel my breath catch in my throat. He looks so handsome. His hair a mess, and his brown eyes slightly bloodshot, but he still makes my heart skip a beat in that dark suit and green shirt, his gaze never wavering from mine. “I think we have a winner,” Akiho murmurs, watching me slyly. “And now for the final touch,” she adds, approaching Hisao and tying a scarlet bow tie around his neck.

It adds a splash of colour to his outfit and my morbid sense of humour rears its head and suggests it looks as if someone’s slit his throat. It does look very, very good on him, and the whole ensemble gives Hisao a very dashing appearance.

“Looking good,” I say with a leer and wink, and he simply shakes his head at my antics, going back into the dressing room and undressing.

Hisao re-emerges from the dressing room in his casual wear and ever-present sweater vest. “So,” he asks, with a twinkle in his eyes. “Your turn now?”

I groan in response and earn a laugh from Hisao as he takes my arm and leads me into the women’s section of the store.

Akiho has already got a dress. Typical. She’s always been the organized one of the family; I guess that’s one of the reasons she makes a good teacher.

Shizune has picked something out, and it makes my brother's jaw drop. I can hear Akihiro baying like a hyena at Arashi’s reaction, but I can kind of understand it.

Shizune is wearing a black dress. Nearly backless, it hugs her figure like a glove, accentuating all of her generous curves. It suits her perfectly, and judging by the proud smirk on her face, I think she’s enjoying the reaction she’s getting from my brother.

[All right,] I sign, catching her attention. [Get back in the changing rooms before my brother has a brain haemorrhage].

Shizune smiles triumphantly. [I think I’ve found the perfect dress.] She then saunters off back into the changing room with a definite swing in her hips.

I thump Arashi in the shoulder. [Stop drooling brother, before you flood the shop.]

I receive a glare from him. [I was not drooling!]

[You so were.]

[So what? I’m allowed to look!]

[But there is such a thing as being discreet about it,] I sign back, a smug grin on my face.

“Children!” Akiho interjects, levelling a look at us. “Stop bickering.” Akiho turns to me. “Now, Ayane, we simply have you left to shop for,” she states with a firm finality.


It takes nearly an hour of searching and trying different dresses, but eventually we find one that suits me.

It is – according to Akiho and the female assistant who helped – a mermaid scoop style dress. It’s not as daring as Shizune’s but it accentuates my less generous curves, coming up to my shoulders and leaving them bare. Below my waist the dress flares out gently until it touches the ground.

It’s in the same shade as Hisao’s bow tie, a vivid shade of scarlet, and I have to – grudgingly – admit that, yes, the dress does look good on me.

Hisao seems to think so too, as the lustful gaze he gives me when I emerge from the changing rooms is strong enough to send a shiver down my spine.

Still, I can relax a little now. The dreaded shopping trip is officially over, and once we’ve paid and had our items packed, we head back into town where Shizune, Hisao, Arashi and I all head back to school by bus.

By the time we get back to school, I’m feeling rather drained from today’s activities, as is Hisao, so we give each other a quick kiss and then head to our respective rooms.

I’m out like a light as soon as my head touches the pillow and sleep claims me.

End part 1
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
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Scene 10: "I can feel it in the air tonight" Part 2

Post by TheTealeaf »

Part 2 of 'I can feel it in the air tonight'


I’m shaken awake by Fujiko. I blearily glance at the clock, my eyes gummy with sleep. “Am I running late?” I ask, voice slightly husky.

“You will be,” Fujiko scolds me, getting a uniform out of my wardrobe as she speaks. “I’ll start your coffee. You’ve got time for a quick five-minute shower. Go!”

The urgency in her voice – and the promise of coffee – gets me moving out of bed and dragging myself into the shower, where the hot water gives me back some semblance of humanity.

I hurriedly brush my teeth and head back into my room, towelling myself down as I do so. Fujiko is holding a steaming mug of coffee, and I feel myself begin to drool slightly. I take the mug, the scalding heat almost burning my hands as I say, “Marry me.”

“Careful what you say darling,” Fujiko says, tone semi-serious. I give a small chuckle, rapidly down my pills and my coffee, nearly singeing my tongue and get dressed as Fujiko sits on my bed, idly flicking through a book.

I finish dressing and open the curtains. It’s rather dreary outside, grey and rainy. “Cafeteria breakfast?” I ask Fujiko.

She hops off the bed and gestures at me to follow her. I follow her down to the dorm kitchens where she’s already laid out a plate of toast for me. I tuck in and then get a sinking feeling. “What’re you trying to butter me up for?” I ask slowly, chewing on a piece of toast.

Fujiko tries to look innocent and fails miserably. “Okay, guilty as charged” She admits, giving a small giggle.

“So, confess” I say with a joking tone, “What is it you’re after?”

Fujiko fidgets on the spot for a moment then blurts out a sentence all at once and so fast I can’t hear it. I simply stare at her, a piece of toast hanging from my mouth. Fujiko coughs and relaxes before saying more slowly. “I was hoping that you would like to help me host a girly night in.”

I relax and then realise something. “Normally our girly nights in are just you, me, pizza and horror movies. Why go to so much trouble to ask?”

“I want to invite Shizune and Misha.”

I hide a small, evil little giggle. Those two don’t know Fujiko’s taste in movies. This has the potential to be entertaining! “I’ve got no problem with getting the pizza.” Fujiko is, in a rather roundabout way, asking for me to buy the pizza for this little shindig.

Fujiko is here on a scholarship and needs to keep her grades up to stay here. Her parents aren’t exactly well off so Fujiko doesn’t have much spare cash. I don’t mind helping out. She’s my friend; she’s just too embarrassed to ask up front if I mind spending for four instead of two.

I don’t.

“So you want to do this tonight?” I ask. Fujiko nods. “Actually given those two an invite?”

Fujiko shakes her head vigorously, hair flying about. “I’ll get on that,” she says with a small smile. “I’ve already picked the movies.” There is an undertone of almost sadistic glee in her voice.

“I dread to think,” I say with a tremble in my voice, scoffing down my last slice of toast. No, I really do dread to think what Fujiko has to offer. I’m generally not that easy to scare, but Fujiko always manages to find the films that scare the living daylights out of me.

If her cackle of glee was any indication, Fujiko has some horrific choices lined up for us.

I worry what state my sanity is going to be in after Fujiko and her films are through with it. I think that’s a worry for later though - now it’s time for class.


Fujiko finds Misha and Shizune at lunch. They’re about to head off somewhere, possibly the council room, but Fujiko manages to shanghai them before they vanish.

The conversation is short, but from down the corridor I hear Misha’s distinctive “Whahahahaha, of course we’ll be there! We’re looking forward to it and the challenge of the films!”

Oh that is all Shizune. Offer her a challenge, and she can’t back down. Clever, Fujiko, very clever. Fujiko almost skips back towards me.

“So, we’re all set then,” I say, as we head to the cafeteria.

“Yes!” Fujiko chirps. “I can’t wait for tonight!”

Tonight, as it turns out, is five pm. Misha knocks on my door and then barges in, carrying a rolled futon and a small fabric bag.

I jump out of embarrassment as I’m only in my bra and panties. “Misha!” I yell as she gives me a sly grin. “Fujiko isn’t even here yet!” I splutter, hastily throwing on some casual clothes.

“Better early than late Ayachan!” Misha chirps.

As my head emerges from my t-shirt I sigh. “Yes, but I thought Fujiko had told you six.” I think I sound exasperated. Misha simply gives me a cheeky grin at my look. “What’re you going to want to eat?” I ask, as I brush my hair and give a critical look at my coloured lock. The dye is fading so I’m probably going to want to re-dye it sometime soon.

I notice that Misha is wearing a t-shirt with an American political slogan on. Why is she wearing that? My mind boggles. She’s most certainly not American…

I am never going to fully understand Misha. Not in a million lifetimes.

“What’re we having, Ayachan?” Misha asks with childlike glee.

“Pizza,” I say absentmindedly. “My treat.”

“From the place in town?”

I give her a nod, and she laughs exuberantly.

“Yay!” She cheers. “I want pepperoni!” I laugh at her childish antics as she whirls around and lands on my bed.

“Pepperoni, sure, that won’t be a problem. Any idea what Shizune will want?”

Misha holds one finger to her chin, looking at the ceiling. “Ummmm. I think Shicchan would like something spicy.”

Something spicy, all right. I know Fujiko will want seafood. “Want to watch something before the others get here?”

“Sure! What do you have in mind Ayachan?”

“I mainly have anime,” I say, gesturing to my collection. “Choose anything you want!”

Misha – of course – chooses one of my girly ones. A childhood classic, Card Captor Sakura. The DVD goes in, and we’re whisked away into a world of magical girls capturing cards.

We’re three episodes in when there is a very loud knocking at my door. “Oh, that’ll be Shiichan!” Misha says, bouncing over to the door. When she does that, all of her bounces, and I feel a little jealous. I don’t have the assets for that kind of bounce.

The door is practically yanked off of its hinges by Misha, and Shizune strides in, almost as if she owns the place. She’s in casual wear, a small bag with her. She’ll be using my futon then.

Seconds later, Fujiko comes in through the open door, with her own roll and bag. My floor is going to be crowded tonight, not that I mind. The company is always appreciated.

While Shizune and Fujiko exchange greetings, aided by Misha of course, I phone and place the order for the pizza.

We all settle down, futons spread out, laughter both silent and not silent bouncing off the walls of my room.

It makes the place lighter and brighter. It’s a nice feeling.

Then Fujiko reaches into her bag and produces several DVDs. I feel an ominous shiver travel down my spine.

There are several choice films there, and I know ‘Alien’ all too well. The selection also includes ‘The Thing,’ ‘Arachnophobia,’ ‘The Grudge,’ ‘The Exorcist’ and last but not least some new film called ‘Paranormal Activity’. That one must’ve been one from her parents as the other ones are gifts from friends. Movies are all she asks from us on birthdays and Christmas.

I am so not getting any sleep tonight.

Fujiko pops the first choice in, ‘The Grudge,’ and we settle down to watch the film after putting on the subtitles for Shizune to enjoy the film as well. She has that intense look on her, almost as if she’s preparing herself for battle.

Battle with Fujiko’s choice of film of course.

The food arrives somewhere a little way into ‘The Grudge.’ The scent of pizza fills my room, and we spread the boxes out, happily chowing down as the film continues.

Misha is practically clinging to Shizune at this point, hair frazzled and her eyes wide and darting around and it's only the first film.

Fujiko must be a sadist, as I think she genuinely enjoys watching other people’s reactions to her choice of films. I swear she gets a kick out of it.

We’re halfway though the film when the first flash of lightning illuminates the night sky through my curtains. The rumble of thunder follows soon after, and I cringe reflexively. I wrap myself in my duvet and concentrate on the film, even as blood splatters across the screen and everyone in the room collectively cringes at the gory death.

We wrap the film session up just after midnight, and we all change into our sleepwear and head to bed. Slumber follows rapidly as soon as my head hits the pillow.


A clash of thunder wakes me from my sleep, and I feel dots of sweat bead on my brow.

My room is pitch black, the brief second of lighting from the lightning sending crazy silhouettes over my walls, and I burrow further into my bed.

It’s hard to explain, but something about thunder and lightning sets my lizard brain off, and I have to fight panic. Fortunately it only seems to be a brief clash. The sounds fade after a few moments, and I relax as I drift back off to sleep again.


I wake up, fuzzy from a memory of my childhood. A painful one. It’s a memory of the gilded cage I grew up in and a night of thunder and lightning. I remember trying to find my parents in the large house, wandering through corridor after corridor, hunting for anyone to hold me and give me comfort.

This memory-dream though, I just keep going in endless corridors, turn upon turn and doors everywhere, while my reedy childish voice wails for Mama and Papa and Mother’s voice taunts me from patches of shadow.

I shiver under my duvet and feel myself weeping silently.

I want Hisao.

I must sound like a child, but it’s the only thought pounding against the edge of my skull. I want Hisao. I want to fall asleep enveloped in his scent and with his arms wrapped around me.

It is then I hear Fujiko’s whisper in the dark of my room. “Misha?”

“Yes Fuchan?” is the response.

There is a rustle of bed sheets and the suggestion of movement. I hear a soft sigh come from Fujiko. “You’re warm.”

“Your feet are cold Fuchan!” Misha squeals softly. “Are you sure Ayachan isn’t awake?” I hear the tremor in her voice, also the slight thrill.

“She sleeps like the dead unless she has a nightmare,” Fujiko hisses back.

Part of me wants to say something, but another part of me can’t stop eavesdropping. It’s like watching a train wreck about to occur, you know it’s wrong but you simply can’t look away.

“Fuchan…” Misha’s voice carries a note of warning. “I’m not sure we should be doing this.”


There is another rustle, more movement before Misha answers, oddly serious. “I enjoyed our last day out Fuchan, but – “

Fujiko kissing her cuts off whatever she wants to say, as the sound of lips crashing into lips reverberates in the stillness of my room. “Enough talking Misha.” Fujiko sounds like a scalded cat. She’s a little angry. ‘Enough dancing around the subject. I know you confessed to Shizune last year, and I’m trying to help you, Misha.”

“I’m scared Fuchan,” Misha whimpers.

“So am I,” Fujiko admits in a light whisper. “I am so very, very scared but I want you Misha, why is that so hard to believe?”

Fujiko is almost begging, and I feel so fucking awful for listening in. There is a moment of hushed silence, almost as if the world is holding its breath for something.

“I’m ugly Fuchan, I -"

Fujiko cuts her off again with a kiss that goes on. I can hear their breathless little sighs and the faint, faint sound of hands sliding over clothes. The image I paint in my head is of Fujiko sliding over Misha, her delicate hands dancing all over Mishas soft skin, caressing and touching her.

“Fuchan!” Misha exclaims suddenly in the dark. I hear soft sounds that I can’t identify, and I suddenly feel like a voyeur. I shouldn’t be hearing this.

I feel sick.

I stretch and fake a yawn and the noises stop suddenly. There is another rustle and more quiet noises, and then a guilty silence settles in the room.


No more.

I’m not staying in my room a moment longer.

I get up; throw on the lights, not looking at the tangled mess of Fujiko’s hair, Misha’s bruising lips or the smell of arousal in the air. I ignore it all.

I slip on my slippers, a jacket, grab my phone and keys and leave my room, turning the lights off as I leave.

I have one thought on my mind as I open my phone.


I can’t - won’t - spend tonight alone. I need Hisao’s arms wrapped around me.

Hisao answers on the third ring, voice tired but alert. “Ayane?” He sounds worried.

“I can’t sleep,” I confess in a rush. “I need to see you, please.”

“Sure,” is his swift unhesitating response. “I’ll get the door.”

I hear the sound of movement from the other end of the phone and quick, hurried footsteps. A few moments later I hear a sigh of relief as Hisao says, “You’re in luck. Guard’s asleep at his post.”

My heart surges with love for Hisao. He doesn’t seem to mind that I’m calling him at some ungodly hour in the morning and barging in on him. Then again, I don’t think most people would complain when someone calls you to cuddle with them.

I dart across the grounds in the dark, feeling like a thief in the night as I surge across shadowed ground, my pace hurried and stride large.

Hisao is right; the guard is asleep at his post, and I slide past him into the dorms as Hisao holds the door open.

He doesn’t say anything, simply takes my hand and leads me to his room. I settle into his bed as he changes into his sleep wear in the bathroom. When he comes back, he sinks into the bed, gives me a hug and kisses the top of my forehead.

“Goodnight,” Hisao whispers tenderly.

“Goodnight,” I whisper back, pecking him on the cheek as we settle down.

The irregular rhythm of Hisao’s heartbeat sends me off to sleep, this time for the rest of the night.

End Scene 10.
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 10 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I hope Fukiko is able to help Misha get over Shizune's rejection of her. Additionally, I hope Misha won't simply use Fujiko as a rebound. Either way, Fujiko has her work cut out for her, but we can't control who we have feelings for.

Onto a happier note, the scene at the very end was sweet, even if it came as the result of a nightmare.

And even though I know I'm going to hate her, I'm oddly looking forward to the confrontation with the mother.

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I love Fujoko's taste in movies. I'm a horror buff myself, and I loved the Grudge, though the sequels(as horror sequels tend to be) were trash. Come to think of it, Alien was the same way, with the exception of "Aliens".
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 10 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Hmm... I read up the plot summary when I edited this chapter...
It's basically A murders B in a House. Ghost of B kills A.
C comes into the house and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones D beforehand
D comes into the house looking for C and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones E beforehand.
E comes into the house looking for D and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones F beforehand.
F comes into the house looking for E and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones G beforehand.
G tries to burn down the house but fails and is murdered by one of the ghosts.

It's not a synopsis that woke my interest in the movie...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 10 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Hmm... I read up the plot summary when I edited this chapter...
It's basically A murders B in a House. Ghost of B kills A.
C comes into the house and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones D beforehand
D comes into the house looking for C and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones E beforehand.
E comes into the house looking for D and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones F beforehand.
F comes into the house looking for E and is murdered by one of the ghosts. Phones G beforehand.
G tries to burn down the house but fails and is murdered by one of the ghosts.

It's not a synopsis that woke my interest in the movie...
There's more to it than that. You can make any movie sound uninteresting if you remove all context. But if it's not your kind of movie, that's fine. I happened to like it.
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 10 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:I hope Fukiko is able to help Misha get over Shizune's rejection of her. Additionally, I hope Misha won't simply use Fujiko as a rebound. Either way, Fujiko has her work cut out for her, but we can't control who we have feelings for.

Onto a happier note, the scene at the very end was sweet, even if it came as the result of a nightmare.

And even though I know I'm going to hate her, I'm oddly looking forward to the confrontation with the mother.

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I love Fujoko's taste in movies. I'm a horror buff myself, and I loved the Grudge, though the sequels(as horror sequels tend to be) were trash. Come to think of it, Alien was the same way, with the exception of "Aliens".
Yup, Fujiko does indeed have her work cut out for her!

Even with Ayane and co's well intentioned meddling later.

Well after scene 11 (which is going up at some point later this evening I hope) things begin to pick up pace for the crescendo of Act 2 and we then move on to Act 3. So the confrontation is coming up soon! :twisted:

I'm a horror buff myself too, although I confess I've never seen the grudge. I've heard the Japanese version is better... Alien and Aliens two of my favs hands down.

I do like the hand held camera ones although they can be a bit crap, (Blair witch, Cloverfield, paranormal activity etc)
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 10 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

TheTealeaf wrote:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:
And even though I know I'm going to hate her, I'm oddly looking forward to the confrontation with the mother.

Also, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I love Fujoko's taste in movies. I'm a horror buff myself, and I loved the Grudge, though the sequels(as horror sequels tend to be) were trash. Come to think of it, Alien was the same way, with the exception of "Aliens".
I'm a horror buff myself too, although I confess I've never seen the grudge. I've heard the Japanese version is better... Alien and Aliens two of my favs hands down.

I do like the hand held camera ones although they can be a bit crap, (Blair witch, Cloverfield, paranormal activity etc)
The Japanese version is always better than the American version, though the only movie I've seen both versions of is Dark Water(I think that was the name). The Japanese version was significantly better.

And I like the hand held camera ones too, though the paranormal activity series has gone on for to long, though I did really like the first one.
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