Learning the blues. Act 3: Scene 2 revives from the grave


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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by TheTealeaf »

Authors notes: And so here we are Scene 2, well ahead of schedule. I'm not happy about the scene in the pool, it feels a little off. This scene sets a few breadcrumbs down for future plot points so pay attention! Bonus cookie for those that spot the song reference.

Scene 2

Walk on the wild side

I don’t see much of Hisao for the next two days. From the lone text I got from my brother (Whom I haven’t seen much of either) I gathered that the student council were still trying to recruit him and were keeping him busy. Fortunately my brother was keeping some of the heat off of Hisao and was being ‘the male presence’ in Hisaos remarkably girl filled school life.

Seriously, I’d heard he’d been seen running with Emi, tea with class rep Lilly, painting with the oddball Tezuka and someone had even spotted him having a conversation with Hanako in the library. I was a bit bemused about the whole thing as even with all these presences, Shizune and Shiina were still trying to be his biggest influences at school. I know the council really is short on members but man they must really want new blood. I thought after my brother had indebted himself to Shizune (the idiot) that they had all the bodies they wanted. I guess not.

Still it is now Saturday, a glorious half day. I can feel myself drifting off in the muggy classroom as my English teacher drones on. She’s not into the lesson at all, due to the heat and her pregnancy she’s not feeling the best and it shows on her face. The class can tell that she’s not bothered by our lack of attention and most of the class have either drifted off into la-la land, on their phones or doing homework.

English is easily one of my best subjects, so I’m not too bothered. I rest my head on the desk and wait for the bell to go. After that it’ll take about an hour, hour and a half for sister to get here. I’ll probably kill some time with some manga or possibly a swim and grab a bite to eat before meeting sister at the front gate. She’ll be on her bike so I make a mental note to not put a skirt on. My thoughts drift about lazily as I vaguely register the other members of the class.

They all look as bored and listless as I feel. I try to stifle a yawn and the teacher drones on, her voice droning on like an annoying insect around my ear. She’s reading Oliver Twist to us and whilst I would normally be interested, today I’m not and no-one else is either. Seriously this heat is oppressive.

I sit right in the back right corner of the class, as it gives me the best view of the class and I don’t have any immediate blind spots either. Makes me feel safe.

My one good eye focuses on my only female friend, Fujiko and on lazy, lazy days like this she can be a godsend in the distraction department.

Today however she is away with the fairies in dreamland. I think she might even be snoring.

Yes, yes she is snoring. Fujiko you bore! Distract me! I scrunch up a piece of paper and lob it at her head. I score a direct hit and she snorts and stirs and groggily looks at me though sleep filled eyes. She muter and mumbles something that sounds oddly like ‘Murgle’.

I hide a giggle behind my hand as she drags herself up from slumber. Fujiko is a delicate waif of a girl, looks like a good breeze would blow her away with her porcelain looking skin and crystal like blue eyes framed by brunette hair.

She’s here due to something she was born with. I believe it's called Goldenhar syndrome. Whereas I have no vision on my right, the left side of Fujikos face, her eye and ear in particular, never really developed, meaning she's deaf in one ear and blind in one eye and her whole face has a 'droop' on her left side. She's a lovely girl doesn't have a bad bone in her body.

“What do you want Ayane?” She yawns, mouth opening wide, like a cavernous beast.

“Bored. Heats a killer too” I reply, shrugging my shoulders. We’re conversing quietly and teacher hasn’t noticed but we’re still keeping the conversation low key.

Fujiko glances at the clock “Only ten minutes left of class dear, can’t you keep yourself entertained?”

I gesture at the rest of class with a small movement “Everyone’s feeling lazy Fuji, you were snoring a few moments ago!” A smirk twitches at one corner of my mouth and I see a light flush creep up Fujikos neck.

“A lady does not snore!” She insists, crossing her arms in a huff.

“Good thing you’re not a lady then eh?” I jab at her, grinning as she splutters at my retort.

“Excuse me Ayane? Who’s the one here that only owns two skirts and the rest are all boys’ clothes? You even have a couple of pairs of waist coats!” Her friendly rejoinder commences the good-natured bickering.

I roll my eyes “Sure, sure, what ever you say princess” I say with a laconic drawl an a shoulder shrug “It’s comfortable, so sue me”


“Spoiled brat”

“Yankee hair dyer” That one makes an eyebrow rise.

“And how long have you been wanting to use that one?” I ask finally a wry grin settling on my lips.

Fujiko grins, her perfect pearly whites gleaming “A while” She admits. “You aren’t a delinquent though my dear Ayane, just a tomboy and a nerd with a book and anime fetish”

I mock swoon in my chair and I see teacher shoot me a glance over the edge of her book “Your words wound me so my dear Fujiko”

A not so delicate snort erupts from her “I highly doubt I’ve wounded you, after all it is the truth.” She leans a little nearer to me, scooting over on her chair and her voice drops to an even quieter whisper. “Just as a heads up Ayane, music club has a new president and he wants to head hunt you for lead –“

“NO” My voice is loud, too loud and it cuts Fujikos sentence off like a butchers cleaver swinging through a piece of meat and heads swivel in our direction at my outburst. Fujikos baby blue eyes widen as I feel an angry snarl bubble up unbidden from my chest “No. You tell whoever this idiot is Fujiko that the answer is no. Not ever. That chapter of my life is over and I am never, ever re-opening it again. It died with my father”

The room is suddenly too small, too tight; too warm and I can feel my head throbbing. Eyes are focused on me and I can see concerned, worried; pitying eyes playing over me like lasers. I sag, feeling like a deflating balloon all of a sudden. “I…” my voice echoes in breathless, muggy silence. I say nothing more; I simply pick my bag up and stride from the classroom. Ms Miyagi does nothing to stop me leaving and I slam the door opening, the noise cannoning around the corridors outside as my temper bubbles to a screeching, screaming boiling point.

“SON OF A BITCH!” The explosive outburst cools my ire a little and I swiftly march down the corridor. My dorm room calls to me with its siren call of safety and hiding and locked doors. Once I cool off further I’ll apologise to Fujiko. It wasn’t her fault but she prodded a delicate point on me and she unfairly earned my wrath.

My thoughts turn in turmoil over and over, until I suddenly realise I’m at my door. My sanctuary opens and I quickly secrete myself in my room and lock my door behind me. My phone buzzes twice rapidly and I narrow my eyes. It buzzes again.

Three texts. Fujiko, Arashi and Akiho are the senders. I check Arashis first.

“Heard you stormed out of class, are you ok sis?” I ignore his text. I don’t need hand-holding Arashi.

I check Akihos next.“Just left work, will be with you in an hour and a half if traffic holds”

Fujikos simply reads, “I’m so sorry” My heart gives a funny lurch in my chest. I’m sorry Fuji… I close my eyes. For the moment my head is spinning too much, my heart aching like a swift, sharp tug has been given on my heartstrings. For a moment I can smell my papas cologne, cinnamon and leather filling my nostrils with its phantom scent.

I slam that memory shut with a brutal wrench and rest my head against the cool wall, breathing slowly. No Ayane, do not go there. Papa is dead and buried keep him that way. No memories, no hallucinations or daydreaming.

I focus on keep my breathing even. I need something to distract me. My eyes skim over my selection of books, manga and light novels. The Dresden Files won’t distract me now, nor will anything that I own reading wise. I walk to my closet and pick out my swim gear. A swim for an hour will clear my head and stop my thoughts chasing tails like over eager puppies.
The pool is exactly what I needed. The scent of chlorine clears my nose and I breathe in deep, relishing the cleaning of my nasal passages.
It’s a lovely pool, deep and clear and today set at a lovely temperature. It’s just got that chill on my skin, briskness that adds an extra ‘pep’ to my motions and it also helps that it’s totally deserted at the moment.

I swim laps brutally for close to twenty minutes before my arms and legs start complaining. I rest in the deep end, treading water slowly, my nostrils just above water level. I’m tired and I can feel my muscles aching as I laze in the cool water. Footsteps echo in the cathedral like silence as someone enters the area. My good eye focuses on the intruder and I feel confusion ratchet across my brow as I regard the interloper. “Haruhiko?” My voice echoes and the confused tone is as plain as a bell in my voice.

He approaches me and squats down near me, still in uniform. He says nothing for what feels like a long, long moment. He reaches out a hand and I think he’s going to ruffle my wet hair and I move away from his touch. A hurt expression flickers across his eyes like storm clouds. “You ok?” he says finally, still squatting by the edge of the pool.

I shake my head slowly in the water, mouth hidden under water once more. “Want to talk about it?” He asks slowly, as if I’m some skittish animal liable to twitch and run at any moment. I’m not that waif Hanako, Haruhiko I think bitterly and immediately regret such a vicious thought.

I shake my head again and say nothing, simply regarding Haruhiko with both my eyes. He takes a deep breath, as if steeling himself for something. “Would you talk to Nakai about it?” His voice is bitter, like a dark coffee and I feel my hackles rise at his tone.

“I don’t know” I say quietly and the admission makes Haruhiko flinch.

Haruhiko pleads with his eyes and his voice “Why not me?”

I can’t meet his gaze and look away from him. First time someone’s ever beaten me in a stare down. “I’m not sure I can talk to anyone Haruhiko”

“I can help” His intentness to help is beginning to grate on my nerves that I had just recovered.

He opens his mouth to speak again and I cut him off. “Please… Just don’t Haruhiko. Don’t. Don’t push me on this or we will both end up saying things that we regret.” There is silence and my last weak plea echoes faintly.

I watch Haruhiko walk away from me, and I begin to swim like a woman possessed again, until my limbs are jelly and weakly, feebly drag myself from the pool and towel myself off.

Dammit Haruhiko, I know you want to help and I have an inkling of what you want from me but I don’t think I can give anyone that. I can be your friend Haruhiko but not your lover.
I’m thankful to be out of my school uniform in this heat, my cotton clothing is lovely in the sun. The gate behind me makes me muse for a moment. You can checkout any time you like but you can never leave. My mouth twists into a dark smirk. Not entirely true you leave the place physically when you graduate but does a place like Yamaku Academy ever really leave you?

A rumbling in the distance, like an old predator that time forgot, interrupts my ramblings. That would be Akiho and her mammoth bike. She adores that death trap of a machine ever since she brought it. The bike comes up over the hill, gunmetal chrome gleaming sinisterly in the midday sun.

She pulls up to me and I can feel the questioning looks from other students near me. She dismounts expertly cutting a quite a figure in her form hugging jeans, mans white shirt and her leather jacket, pulling her helmet off and shaking her blond ponytail free, her green eyes gleaming from adrenaline and the rush of her bike as she grabs me in a firm hug.

“Ready for this little sister?” She jokes, her breath tickling my ear.

I laugh and return the hug “Look who’s talking, I’m taller than you, have been for a while now!” She laughs in return and moves back from me, opening up a hidden compartment on her bike and handing me a silver helmet and a jacket in my size.

We remount the bike and she pulls away from the school, the world muffled by my helmet. Akiho is a speed maniac on this bike and as I grip tightly on her, I feel a scream burst from me as she kicks the bike into high gear and careens down the road into the city.

At least… if we survive the trip.
Twenty hair raising minutes later and three pissed off car drivers later, we reach town, my heart going about a bazillion miles per hour as I idly wonder if Hisao would enjoy a bike ride with my sister.

We dismount the bike and stash our helmets as my legs feel like they’re made from spaghetti as we walk into the shopping area in town.

“I have some news for you Ayane” Akiho says suddenly. “Akihiro has opened a restaurant here in the city, so you may be seeing more of him in the future at Yamaku”

I process that sentence for a moment as we wind our way through the hustle and bustle of humanity in the city. The thought of my sweary, smoky and gangly brother showing up at school makes me crack a grin. He’d probably scare some poor student witless and give them a heart attack in a cloud of nicotine vapours. I cackle slightly at the thought as it tweaks my slightly morbid sense of humour.

“His own place or one of the chain?” I ask finally, when the crowds subside somewhat, Akiho leading me down a side street.

“It’s… one of the chain, but he’s the boss for it, with the caveat that if it does well, he can go independent” Akiho says finally, her eyes darting over shop signs. “Here” she says suddenly, dragging me down another side road.

It’s a gaudy looking shop, with yakutas in the window on mannequins, in various poses and styles. Some of the colours make my eye hurt. The owner, a lovely looking and curved lady seems to know my sister as they seem to be discussing a previous order. Akiho has ordered from here before. I wonder what occasion the yukuta was for. A date?

I can’t help myself and burst into laughter and feel two surprised looks. “Sorry just had a funny thought,” I confess, grinning sheepishly.

“About?” My sister inquires, her head tilted to one side slightly.

I’m probably going to get a smack for my next comment but at the same time, I cannot help myself. “Wondering if your yukuta was for a date” and to my eternal surprise, a light blush appears on my dear sisters cheeks and I feel my jaw drop in surprise.

A stunned silence falls upon us for a moment, before the shopkeeper spins me away for a fitting and away from interrogating my sister. It’s a whirlwind of discussion on colour choices, bow choices, fitting and styles and I can feel my head spinning until I eventually say, “Look, I know very little about yukutas. You’re the expert do as you see fit. I’m at your mercy”

What follows next passes in a rapid blur as an almost sinister grin lights the shopkeeper and my sisters face.

Finally the torture stops and I’m dressed in a yukuta for the first time in years. It’s a light forest green, with a spiralling pattern of bursting fireworks, with a crimson obi to tie it all together. During my final fitting Akiho went and organised some accessories for me and finally, after everything was paid for and packed we could leave…

Back via the death trap motorcycle of course…
We don’t head back to school straight away. We stop off at the Shanghai on the way and after being greeted by a flustered Yuuko we’re sat and order some food.

I nibble lightly on a slice of lemon meringue and sip a milkshake, whilst my sister daintily eats a slice of chocolate cake and drinks a coffee. There is a soft, familial silence as we slowly eat and drink our respective meals.

Akiho breaks the silence. “Arashi texted me whilst we were out” she says softly, green gaze meeting my dark eyes. I say nothing and slowly keep eating. A tick forms above one eyebrow as Akiho struggles to keep her temper “I understand you had an outburst in class” she says finally, finishing her cake with a final, savage bite.

I say nothing again.

Akiho sighs and her hands reach for mine and she entwines her strong fingers with mine. “I know that it is hard. I know that you miss father but you cannot lash out at your classmates like that. I know that you are hurting sister but consider Akihiro and me. We have lost both our parents and I do not consider that…” She pauses as if she’s bitten into something sour “Thing” she finally spits out “as any member of our family”

“I’ve never considered her my mother either,” I say softly, squeezing Akihos hands. “I owe Fujiko an apology, I know that but…” I let out a breath. “My life is my own sister. I know that both you and Akihiro have lost both mama and papa but what happened” I feel a sob coming and I choke it down. “Can we change the subject please?”

Akiho weighs me carefully in her eyes, calculating and measuring behind her glasses. She nods once in acquiescence and slips me a business card of some kind and it slips into my pocket.

The rest of the meal passes in silence and the ride back to the school gate is as quiet as the grave.

End Scene 2

Enjoy! (Not sure how to link like the next thing I've seen on other routes! Will figure that out later!)
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

In Japan the teachers change classes, not the students, so her friend would be in all her classes.
Anyways, the only real complaint I have is more of a personnel preference of mine. Characters that say things like(I'm not sure I can ever love again) annoy me. I also don't like it when character's refuse to talk about things or accept help. Is it realistic? Sure. It's just something that's always gotten on my nerves. Not saying it's enough for me to stop reading, because its not, but it is annoying.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by CloudGrain »

I'm enjoying the fleshing out of your characters somewhat, wishing that it went into even deeper detail to give myself and other readers even more insight into the original character's you've created. Still; it makes sense to have things revealed more and more over time as you lay out that breadcrumb trail for us to follow.

Pacing still seems to be a bit odd in places; I don't see the need for separation of some segments from other much longer segments. It'd flow much better in my own mind to have a single continuous event rather than small 'skips' between them. Once again, a personal preference for me myself and I rather than something I could concretely point out as being objectively a problem rather than a style-preference. Still, the disjointedness of sorts does seem to clash with your natural writing style, the suddenness from which Ayane goes from cold to perfectly content in contrast to the obvious and fairly extreme, but explained, rage earlier. Just my two cents.

Regardless, impressed with the speed of your wordsmithing here, hope that the breadcrumbs you're leaving to a further and deeper story will indeed return exactly what they seem to promise. Keep it up!
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Good second chapter.

The canonical English teacher of class 3-2 is Miss Miyagi, and you might want to drop a reason why a girl with a middle-ear problem is in the class for the vision-impaired somewhere in the next few chapters.
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by LilyKitsune »

Just a note, Lilly Satou has two Ls together. They are both common names (mine has one L!) But hers is the "double L" kind.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by TheTealeaf »

HI all, thank you so much for the feedback so far!
AntonSlavik020 wrote:In Japan the teachers change classes, not the students, so her friend would be in all her classes.
Anyways, the only real complaint I have is more of a personnel preference of mine. Characters that say things like(I'm not sure I can ever love again) annoy me. I also don't like it when character's refuse to talk about things or accept help. Is it realistic? Sure. It's just something that's always gotten on my nerves. Not saying it's enough for me to stop reading, because its not, but it is annoying.
Anton: Don't worry that is going to be addressed soon, Early Act 2. I'll say it involves a scene with Ayane and her older brother and leave it at that. Thank you for your kind words so far though! Also fixed the class thing, still in British teacher mindset :lol:
CloudGrain wrote:I'm enjoying the fleshing out of your characters somewhat, wishing that it went into even deeper detail to give myself and other readers even more insight into the original character's you've created. Still; it makes sense to have things revealed more and more over time as you lay out that breadcrumb trail for us to follow.

Pacing still seems to be a bit odd in places; I don't see the need for separation of some segments from other much longer segments. It'd flow much better in my own mind to have a single continuous event rather than small 'skips' between them. Once again, a personal preference for me myself and I rather than something I could concretely point out as being objectively a problem rather than a style-preference. Still, the disjointedness of sorts does seem to clash with your natural writing style, the suddenness from which Ayane goes from cold to perfectly content in contrast to the obvious and fairly extreme, but explained, rage earlier. Just my two cents.

Regardless, impressed with the speed of your wordsmithing here, hope that the breadcrumbs you're leaving to a further and deeper story will indeed return exactly what they seem to promise. Keep it up!
Yay breadcrumbs! I think that it's better to show characters piecemeal as they develop and you'll get some more detail soon, the older brother gets some more fleshing out in Act 2 as he's not around until then. As for the breaks, that is an old habit from my FF.net days... better to leave the breaks out then?

Ayane is a bit flip-floppy but she likes to try and present a calm front to her family, when in reality she's like a pot boiling on the stove with a lid on!

I'm just glad people are enjoying my random words!
Mirage_GSM wrote:Good second chapter.

The canonical English teacher of class 3-2 is Miss Miyagi, and you might want to drop a reason why a girl with a middle-ear problem is in the class for the vision-impaired somewhere in the next few chapters.
Fixed and fujiko has been ret-conned. She now has 'Goldenhar' Syndrome. I work with a child that suffers from it so I know what it's like. Teacher fixed as well! Thank you for the heads up!

The lilly spelling is fixed too... this is why I need a beta reader.

Scene 3 should be up tonight as all my planning is done for tomorrow so I have the evening free!
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by TheTealeaf »

Act 3! Just shy of 3k words. Most of my chapters seem to be around the 3-4k mark hoping to have some hit 6k.

This here: http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Neopolitan/I ... urtsey.png is my mental image of Ayane in her casual wear (Minus the umbrella)

There may be mistakes, even though I've read through 3 or 4 times. But with that said... let us begin!

Act 1: Slow recovery

Scene 3

Fever dreams

When I reach the girls dorm, I feel so drained of everything, physically, emotionally and mentally. All I want is a book and bed, in that order so I can be ready for the festival tomorrow.

Arashi is probably going to be pissed at me but I’ll deal with that when the time comes. I’m a big girl I can handle myself. I feel a snort bubble up from me, as I know that there are some days when I’m a blubbering wreck and I do need help.

Ah well, pride cometh before the fall. I know what I’m doing is unhealthy in the extreme but my stupid sense of pride stops me from admitting to those that care about me, that yes I am afraid of facing my memories from that day and that those fears have stopped me, still stop me from doing what I used to and still do love.

My private musings are cut short by a slight figure on the dorm steps. It’s Fujiko. She’s trembling in the cool evening air and she’s cutting it close to curfew. I wonder how long she’s been here, waiting for me. I feel my shoulders droop further.

I don’t deserve a friend like Fujiko. I really, really don’t deserve her. She spots me and I see her tear streaked face wobble into a smile. I feel as if I’ve just kicked a puppy. “Fuji…” My voice trails off into the cool, crisp evening air. I say nothing further and simply open my arms and she rockets into my open arms, her frailty, hiding impressive hug strength.

I can feel hot wetness soak through my thin t-shirt and my heart clenches further. Ayane you can be such a bitch sometimes, I scold myself. I close the hug and hold the shorter girl close, the shopping dropping to the floor as I bury my face in Fujikos lustrous hair. “I’m so, so sorry Fuji” I mumble into her hair. I feel her hiccup through the hug and feel my heart twinge further. “You didn’t deserve that Fuji and you didn’t deserve me ignoring you like that. Sorry doesn’t cut it I think,” I say softly, making sure my words are heard on her good side.

Fists clench into my shirt “It’s ok” she mutters, “I’ve just never seen you that angry before. You scared me Ayane” she admits, her good eye meeting mine.

Guilt slams me over the head like a bludgeon. I scared her? I must’ve cut quite the sight in class. Shit, I should probably apologise to teacher too. “I don’t know why you hang around with such a bitch like me Fuji”

She pulls back from the hug and giggles, wiping her eyes “You’re not a bitch, Aya” Aya, haven’t heard that one in a while. “You’re my friend” Fujiko continues, her voice growing more certain “You might be a big nerd, dress terribly, swear too much, scare people witless sometimes and be a little rough around the edges but you’re Tsukino Ayane, my friend who during first year gave me a hug, fed me lunch till I was fit to burst, took me to the masquerade ball your family hosts every year, took me on my first double date and helped me find the confidence I wouldn’t have had in me otherwise!” Her voice rose to crescendo and I felt my jaw drop.

“I’m not that nice Fujiko” I say, embarrassed to meet her gaze. “I’m a terrible friend and sister”

Fujiko laughs suddenly and it sounds like wind chimes in the night. “Arashi adores you Ayane. He’d move heaven and earth for you and I’d know you’d do the same for him and for me. You’re my friend Aya and a little spat isn’t going to stop it. I know you’ve got your reasons and your baggage but it doesn’t matter to me. I’m your friend and that’s what counts”

You silly, naïve, beautiful slip of a girl. “You’re too forgiving Fujiko” I smile through tears. “I feel blessed by you sometimes Fuji” She hugs me again and I press a kiss into her hair. She pulls back, giggling and then notices the bags.

I move to slow to stop her and she snatches the bags away from me off the floor and begins to nose in them. I see her jaw drop as realization dawns onto the bags contents. I can hear the sheer incredulousness in her voice “Aya… is that a yukuta and obi?”

My silence answers the question as she stares at me. “No way!” She says, clapping her hands together in child-like glee. “Why? I’ve never seen you in a yukuta!”

I can feel a flush creeping up my neck and I shuffle my feet, like a child caught in the cookie jar. “It’s for the festival” I say eventually, hoping my game face is enough.

“I knew it was for the festival dummy” Fujiko retorts, her eyes gleaming. “Any reason why?”

I resign myself to my fate. “I’m showing the new guy round the festival after my shift on the stall and after he’s spent some time with Hakamichi” Fujikos eyes go saucer like and I hastily raise my hand to cut her off “It’s not…” I sigh and drop my head. Fuji isn’t listening to me anymore.

I swear to all that’s holy that she actually says “Squeee” Or a noise close to it. She grabs me by my hand and drags me into the dorm and up to her room, talking at a million miles per hour, the only sentence I manage to catch during the rush is “You mean Nakai is the new guy right, right? He’s cute and with that adorable hair! Oh Aya you should’ve said something sooner!”

The whirlwind that is Fujiko Jakuzure does not stop until I’m sat down in her soft animal filled room, ice cream in hand with spoons and my yukuta being analysed by her focused stare.

I feel a little as though the rug has been pulled from under my feet. Fujiko for all her frailness, general awkwardness and shyness, is a sucker for romance. She’s probably already day dreaming about me going on a date with Hisao…

Pfffft, as if that is ever going to happen. Oops. Must’ve made that noise aloud as she’s regarding me very intently now. “You do know how to put on a yukuta, right?”


Fujiko’s eyebrows shoot up to somewhere near her hairline. “When does your shift finish?” she asks, hands on hips.

I blink rapidly, slightly stunned by the rapid change of subject. “One pm –“

I don’t even get the chance to ask why as Fujiko nods and hurries over to her desk and starts sorting stuff into what looks like a bathroom bag. She flings it at me and I catch it, slightly bemused. “Take that back to your room later. I have early shift, so I finish at eleven. When you’ve finished your shift, knock on my room and I’ll help you get ready. Keep that bag safe Ayane!” I nod, slightly off kilter at this rare side of Fujiko. I can count the amount of times I’ve seen her like this on one hand, so I enjoy it whilst I can. She bustles around for a few more moments sorting what looks like some kind of soap or shampoo into another bag and that gets placed with the first bag she gave me.

She then sits down and serves herself some ice cream and leans on my shoulder. “Make sure you hang your yukuta up,” She says softly, munching on her ice cream. “Want to watch a movie?” she asks softly after we’ve polished the bowls off.

“Sure” I respond lazily “You choose” Fujiko scrambles over to her collection and picks something out at random. I can’t see what she’s picked but I’m not overly concerned. No wait, it’s Fujiko, for all her fluffy décor in her room she’s a die-hard horror fan. I wait as she turns the DVD player on and her television and as I see the movie begin I stifle a groan.


Joy. Is there a pillow I can hide behind somewhere? Or a stuffed animal I can offer up as a sacrifice?

Four hours later I beg off from seeing the fourth in the series and make my excuses to get to bed, which is a short way down the hall. There are goose bumps on my forearms that have nothing to do with the cold. I glance at the clock. It’s late, well past my scheduled bed rest and I do normally stick to my routine.

Not tonight though. Sorry Nurse but I need some good literature to get the images of xenomorphs out of my skull. Thanks Fujiko for potentially giving me nightmares. I browse my shelves before finally deciding on one of my new gifts from my older brother, book eight of the Dresden files: Proven Guilty.

I change into my sleep wear and then settle down on my cosy bed and proceed to lose myself in the world of Harry Dresden, wizard and detective in Chicago.

I don’t know what time I drift off to sleep.

Rarely, I have rather vivid dreams. Tonight appears to be one of those nights. I’m sitting in an old playhouse, empty seats surrounding me on all sides, like old gnarly sentinels of the abandoned stage.

It’s dark and grim in the playhouse with dust and must the relevant themes of the night. Faded red curtains and what was a once golden yellow tassel flutter fitfully in the passing breeze on the stage.

A muted groan rumbles through the chairs and the room, as power begins to pour into the room. Spotlights creak into life, flickering as they begin to beam onto the dilapidated stage. Speakers crackle and mutter into life, dust falling from them, making it hard to breathe in the chairs.

Music comes through the speakers, muffled and muted. It sounds like something you would hear in an old Vegas act, something from a corny television show. The curtains jerkily pull open; the mechanics appearing to be rusty and ill cared for.

It is at this moment I realise that I am not alone in this theatre. There is what appears to be an older man in the front row, several rows ahead of me, his head of dark hair beginning to silver with age. I can only see his back and he appears to be wearing a well-worn suit.

I can detect a faint smell of cinnamon in the air, under all the dust and must and something twists uncomfortably deep in my gut. A figure walks out onto the stage, spot light highlighting him against the stark bare background of the stage.

It’s a man in his late twenties, fair skinned, lanky, five o’clock shadow on his face, about six foot four, dressed in a dark leather duster. He has a wooden staff in one hand and I can feel a burp of laughter bubbling in my throat. I guess reading about him before bed meant he’s going to appear in my dreams.

Harry Dresden, fictional wizarding hero detective of Chicago is on the stage. He clears his throat and his baritone American tinged voice echoes throughout the seats. He spreads his arms wide as he approaches the edge of the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome tonight to our show! It’s a show of magic, mystery and wonderful show tunes!”

The twist in my guts settles in chips of razor sharp ice. Dresden smiles widely and bows to one side as the first act on, looking oddly like Hakamichi and Mikado taming a big black cat of some kind, that has an odd resemblance to my brother.

It’s still only me and the mystery man in the seats and during the interval between the first acts, Dresden scuttles up the aisles and approaches me, looking serious.

“Hells bells grasshopper, where have you been?” He hisses, tugging at my sleeve. “You’re due on stage the act after mine and I’m going on next”

My mouth suddenly goes dryer than the Sahara desert. On… stage?

My lack of response frustrates Dresden and he drags me from my seat, taking me backstage via the staff routes. I’m frozen and helpless to resist even though I’m screaming in my head. Dresden drags me to the wings of the stage as the curtains open and he performs his magic act. I can’t pay attention to what he’s doing as I still feel so numb.

In what feels like seconds, Dresden wraps his set up and bows to the audience of one. He strides off stage briefly and comes back on stage with a microphone. My heart starts pounding like a jackhammer.

Dresden steps forward to the edge of the stage again and one spotlight focusing on him, whilst the other focuses on where I will emerge from the wings on stage. “And now!” His voice booms into the seats “The act you’ve all been waiting for! The one, the only and back from retirement…”

“TSUKINO AYANE! Performing live on stage tonight only, a selection of her favourite tracks” his eyes glitter like obsidian chips under the lights and they slide slyly towards me, waiting in the wings “The voice you’ve all been dying to hear…” He steps to one side and bows to me as he leaves stage left and I enter stage right.

I can’t control my feet. I walk forwards robotically, the scent of cinnamon and old leather getting stronger and stronger as I approach the microphone. I’ve kept my eyes closed during the walk to the microphone but as my hands grasp the mike involuntarily, my eyes open and focus on the man in the front row seats.

Glassy dead eyes meet my good eye as a torpid trickle of blood slowly oozes from one nostril of the dead mans face in the front row seat, his hands permanently fixed in a gesture of silent applause. My heart feels like a thousand pneumatic drills going at once and as I open my mouth…

All that comes out is a scream bursting from my throat like a wounded animal, tearing at my vocal cords in it’s panic to escape.

A scream that goes on and on and on…

I’m shaken awake still screaming and it is abruptly swallowed by my sudden awakening. I’m covered in cold sweat and I struggle violently as I’m seized in a hug. The smell of vanilla and nutmeg fill my nose and I relax as I realise that Fujiko is hugging me. She has a spare key to my room in case of me fitting or needing assistance in the night.

“I heard you screaming,” She whispers into my ear. Her eyes are bloodshot; she must’ve been indulging in a movie marathon during the night, she doesn’t look like she’s been to bed yet. I hear whispers in the doorway but they’re dispersed by what sounds like Lilly.

Uncertain footsteps approach my bed and Fujiko pulls away from me. Delicate hands wrap over my more calloused ones. “Are alright Ayane?” Lilly asks.

I think I choke out a ‘no’, but I’m not quite sure. My throat feels fucking awful, no small surprise there. “Most of the dorm heard you I think” Lilly says diplomatically.

Wonder-fucking-ful. Now the whole dorm must think I’m having some kind of psychotic break down. Lillys hands leave mine and a glass of cold water and some painkillers are pressed into my hands. I gulp both down quickly and I begin to feel more human. “Nightmare” I rasp out eventually “really bad one”. Lilly says nothing but I get the feeling she wants me to continue. “About…” My voice trails off.

Can I do this?

My families’ faces swim in my vision. Concern is written over Fujiko and Lillys faces. I can do this. I need to do this. “About… about my father. When he died.” Fujiko buries me in another hug and the glass tumbles from hands to the bed. The pair says nothing, one wrapped around me and the other looking inscrutable.

Lilly breaks the silence first “Do you need anything Ayane?”

I lick my lips “Can Fujiko stay the night?”

A soft, small smile graces Lillys lips “I do not think that will be a problem Ayane. Will you be able to sleep after this?” Concern is evident in her voice.

“I’ll try” I choke out, still feeling rather emotionally shocked.

“Good” Lilly says, rising from her position near the bed. “Then I shall bid you goodnight and to have more… pleasant dreams.” She leaves the room, my door shutting and she leaves me and Fujiko in the dark of my room as we tangle ourselves in amongst the sheets and settle down to sleep wrapped tightly around each other to guard against the dark fever dreams of the night.

Sleep does not come easily to me for the rest of the night.

End scene 3
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) (working title)

Post by CloudGrain »

Yay breadcrumbs! I think that it's better to show characters piecemeal as they develop and you'll get some more detail soon, the older brother gets some more fleshing out in Act 2 as he's not around until then. As for the breaks, that is an old habit from my FF.net days... better to leave the breaks out then?

Ayane is a bit flip-floppy but she likes to try and present a calm front to her family, when in reality she's like a pot boiling on the stove with a lid on!

I'm just glad people are enjoying my random words!
Character development pushed too much too fast usually comes off wrong, so I do think you're doing it one of the better ways by exploring them slowly and allowing them to develop in the reader's mind as it all goes along. I would indeed suggest leaving out the breaks, just for the sake of ease for the reader. Your style would definitely benefit from merely having a very brief 'filler' that explains what the character does rather than a cut-to-black and start-a-new-scene type of deal. For example, between Ayane storming out of class angry and appearing in the pool, all you'd really want to have might be a single paragraph having her go to her room, grab some swimming clothes and say she changed, head to the pool and dive in. Exactly that, a paragraph, maybe two. Maybe a slammed door or something to show she's still angry, or maybe keep it strictly informative of her actions. Either way it dispenses with that break and keeps the fluidity of your 'chapter'. Something similar could easily be put for drying off and getting into some fresh new clothes before she goes and meets with her sister. Once again, it keeps your writing fluid and descriptive; which I do believe suits what you're going for here.

In regards to Ayane, fair enough; further character development, ahoy!

Cheers, hope to see more of this in the near future!

*Edited as it was posted; Scene III already? Guddam. Will likely redo this post momentarily to reflect Scene III as well as my response.

* In regards to Scene III; Enjoyed it, good additional fleshing out of Ayane and alliteration to her past. Especially with tying in some of the more active parts of her imagination in the dream (the horror movies and book she was reading). It flowed much more naturally to me with being a singular entity rather than having the various breaks. There's really very little that I think I could recommend in regards to either stylization or grammar from this point forwards. I'm still brushing off a lot of my own writing cobwebs, and if I don't see anything the first time that jumps right out my second scrutiny all falls to personal opinion rather than objective fact. All in all? Can't wait for more!
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Scene 3 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Really enjoyed this last chapter. I'm glad Ayane is making an effort to open up somewhat. I understand it will take time, but as long as she makes progress in that regard, I'll be happy. I think I've said enough about that though in my last post. Anyways, I loved her reaction when "Alien" popped up on the screen. I'm personally a horror fan, so I get a kick out of seeing(in this this case reading about) it freaking people out.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Scene 3 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

The end of act 1 folks! There is small nekkid scene in the bath between Fuji and Ayane but it's tame. No update tomorrow as It's open evening at school. 4.5k words. Enjoy!

Act 1

Scene 4

If we could live like every day was Sunday.

(She wonders if she'll ever find him, wonders if she'll ever fall in love. Maybe she's right there behind him now)

I’m not sure what time Fujiko and I drifted off to sleep. Most of the night is a fuzzy memory of whispered conversation, comforting mumbles and assurance.

Someone pounding on my door wakes me from my dreamless sleep. Heads are going to roll. I still feel groggy and sleep deprived and I realise my bed is empty. Fujiko must’ve left at some point.

As the hamster wheel in my brain squeaks into gear, I realise why. Fujiko is helping set the stall up, so…

More knocking. My head hurts and the knocking doesn’t help my mood. Whoever is behind that door is getting both barrels.

I stomp over to the door and yank it open a growl armed and ready, which rapidly turns into a squeak as I realise who was knocking.

It’s Hisao. He is trying to look anywhere but me. I can feel a flush creeping over my skin. I’m still in my sleepwear, which is just a pair of light panties and thin, rather short ratty t-shirt of mine. I must look a sight, sweaty and flushed.

Why haven’t I shut my door yet?

Not sure.

Hisao smiles and then says “Nice… t-shirt” he chuckles and rubs the back of his head awkwardly and looks at the floor.

Smoooooth Hisao, real smooth. It’s enough for my brain to re-engage though and for me to move the door over so I’m hid mostly behind it’s comforting wood. “Why are you knocking on my door Hisao?” I ask, voice still groggy and my throat a little rough.

“Your brother sent me to get you. It’s quarter to eleven Ayane, stall shift starts in fifteen minutes,” Hisao gently reminds me a small smile tugging at his lips.




OH SHIT. My brain lurches into high gear. I dart into my room, grab some yen and my toiletries and almost throw the coins at Hisao. “Grab me a coffee! I’ll be down to the stall in five!” I ask as I rush past him with a towel and wash stuff. It only registers when I’m standing under the shower thirty seconds later that Hisao must’ve had a wonderful view of my panty clad behind when I went running past him.

I hope he enjoyed the free show. Honestly what was my brother thinking sending Hisao up to my room? Normally he’d do it himself, he has a key for pities sake! Maybe he’s just busy with the stall I think as I towel my hair dry. He’s probably getting some of the ingredients prepared.

I head back into my room, the corridor being Hisao free and rapidly get dressed into some casual wear. If I’m managing the food on the stall along with brother dearest then some light casual clothes I don’t mind smelling of various food odours are the way to go. I grab my medication from the side and pop them in my pocket. I’ll down them with the coffee that hopefully Hisao has got for me at the stall.

As I turn to leave my room I catch myself in the mirror. I look a mess. Bags under my eyes, my good eye is incredibly bloodshot, hair a mess and I look… drawn out, a little ragged around the edges. Eye patch. Mustn’t forget my eye patch. In a red mood today, so I pick my red one up and slip the eye patch over my bad eye. Set… kind of.

Now I can face the day, feeling semi human.

As I bounce down the stairs to the school grounds my mind wanders back to this morning with Hisao at my door. He was trying not to look I realise. He wanted to look but he was a gentleman about it. Part of my brain thinks this is a good thing, shows he can be chivalrous about it, whilst another part, the darker part of my brain fires at me but shouldn’t you be flattered that he did want to look?

I’m still slightly pink by the time I get to the stall. Stupid brain. Stupid, stupid mental images. Did I want Hisao to enjoy looking at me? General consensus was fifty/fifty.

My internal monologue died a swift death as I approached the stall through the morning bustle of the crowds at the festival. It’s always a fairly busy festival with plenty of traffic from the town below but the real hustle and bustle begins after twelve.

The stalls easy to spot and I wind my way behind it, Arashi spotting me and throwing an apron in my face. I splutter and pull it off of my face and tie it round my waist. [You made it with two minutes to spare] Arashi signs, whilst Hisao stirs a pot of what smells like miso soup.

“ I know, I know” I say tone apologetic “Had a shitty nights sleep thanks to a bad nightmare. I think I woke most of the dorms” Ah damn it, I should probably watch what I say in front of Hisao as he seems concerned. “Keep stirring the soup Hisao”

[You ok?] Arashi signs, placing his knife down so he can sign at me.

I switch over to sign myself, as I want this conversation slightly private. Sorry Hisao. [It was a dream about the day Dad died] I confess, my hands trembling as I sign.

Arashis eyebrows shoot up into his hairline [You mean… like a flashback or a dream?]

[Bit of both. There was a stage and…] I let out a breathe and my hands go slack. I owe this to Arashi, Akiho and Akihiro. I owe them all an apology I realise. I’ve been a stubborn bitch over the last two years and it’s only now I realise what stress I’ve caused my family and myself. [He was in the audience of an empty playhouse] I sign finally.

[Dead?] The sign is very final, very swift but I can sense that Arashi is reluctant to ask it. I nod in response my throat feeling tight all of a sudden. Arashi simply nods back and gives me a hug, patting my back, before releasing me and going back to preparing vegetables.

I turn to Hisao, who promptly hands me a can of coffee. I blink and then it registers what he’s given me. “Thank you Hisao” The nod I receive is a serious one in turn and he knows I’m not just thanking him for the coffee, I’m thanking him for the privacy.

I pop the tab on the coffee and retrieve my tablets from my pocket. I swallow them down with the coffee, the sweet nectar of the gods and I see Hisao, trying and failing not to be curious about the medication I just had. “I know that feeling,” He says eventually, after serving a couple “I take a lot of pills too” He says with a soft smile.

“How many?” I ask softly.

A shrug and he answers “About seventeen different types, some twice daily others once” His tone is slightly bitter as I digest that information. Seventeen? That must merit a serious condition. Part of me wonders what’s wrong with Hisao as we begin to work the stall. It’s early still before the rush and I have time to ponder. It’s definitely an internal problem. Heart? Liver? Cancer or some autoimmune problem?

Could be any number of things and I should respect the unwritten rule of Yamaku. People tell you, you don’t ask. My train of thought about Hisaos condition is shunted to one side as I lose myself in the routine of running the stall.

It’s soothing in a way, reminds me of the days when Arashi and me worked with Akihiro in one of Dads restaurants at weekends. The lulling rhythm of the knife and the sizzle of the woks and pans are very therapeutic. I’m running on instinct, almost on automatic as Hisao calls out orders and Arashi and me carry them out.

We work like a well-oiled machine, perfectly in tune as vague flashes of memories play across my brain. Dad teaching me how to handle a knife, cut an onion, how to use a wok, making pastry with him in the house kitchen. A small smile flickers across my face as I fry some noodles.

Good memories of Dad. I have many of those but that fateful evening and the events afterwards tend to dominate my memories of Dad. It shouldn’t. I had fifteen years with Dad. I can remember the good times I had with him but I struggle. The memory of that evening is like a blight, a thundercloud hovering in my head and I’m never sure when it’s going to strike.

I can see Arashi out of the corner of my good eye and he’s smiling, silently laughing as he tosses his wok, fulfilling another order. I need to get past what happened. I need to try, for my brothers and sister.

For Arashi.

For Akiho.

For Akihiro.

The lunch rush then hits us like a freight train and all extraneous thoughts are banished from my mind as we fall into the hot sweaty work of running my class’s stall.

The two-hour shift flies by in the routine of sweat, food and orders. As our relief comes in and takes over, I notice Hisaos face it drawn and tight. He’s pale too and sweating. Well I’m sweating too but he seems to be really sweating, almost drowning. I guide him to a bench nearby and I see Arashi move off into the crowd, presumably to find some water.

I sit Hisao down and wrap an arm over his shoulder. I’m the same height as him so it’s fairly easy to do. “You ok?” I ask softly “You look like shit, no offense”

A strained grin and soft chuckle that turns into a cough is my response. “Really out of shape” Hisao wheezes, “Didn’t think managing the till would affect me so much” he admits.

“Maybe you should keep up the running with me then!” A sweet chipper voice cuts into the conversation and the effect is like driving an ice pick through my brain.

Ibarazaki Emi. I can feel my jaw clenching. One of my many flaws and certainly my biggest flaw is my ability to hold a grudge and I definitely have a grudge against the ‘fastest thing on no legs’. She’s only just registered who’s sitting next to Hisao and I feel a savage, toothy grin spread wide on my face. Yeah it’s me Ibarazaki remember what you did?

She pales slightly at the sight of me next to Hisao and I do feel a small amount of vindictive glee at her expression. “Ah Tsukino” she says with a sweet saccharine smile “Didn’t see you there” she says, still eyeing me warily.

I nudge Hisao gently “Didn’t realise you were Ibarazakis running partner Hisao”

He glances at me. His breathing is better now and his face looks better. “I was. Sent myself to the nurse after pushing myself too hard” He admits.

I sweep my gaze to Ibarazaki. “Sent him self to nurse hmmm?” I say “Guess someone didn’t know when to tell him enough was enough” My voice is oozing with vicious barbed sarcasm and Ibarazaki flinches. I could say more but I hold my tongue. Hisao is probably friends with the pint-sized runner.

My history with Ibarazaki is about a boy. During my first year I began to date one of the track and field members. His name is banished from my memory banks now, the scum-sucking prick doesn’t even deserve to be remembered properly in my headspace. First year was when Dad died and I was a mess afterwards. I was a mess but instead of even trying to support me, the little prick started flirting with Ms Ibarazaki. She did nothing to stop his advances, even though she knew I was dating him and he then dumped me for her.

The runner then dumped him.

Prick deserved it.

Yes, I’m still a little bitter about it.

So sue me I’m only human.

Thing is Ibarazaki knows I still hold her partially responsible and as a result our interactions are always a little… chilly.

Fortunately my brother arrives with ice-cold water and breaks up the unpleasant atmosphere. We all guzzle down the cold water and I see Hisao returning to almost normalcy. As we drink Ibarazaki takes her leave, trying to bug Hisao into running with her tomorrow morning. That girl really doesn’t know when enough is enough. “You going to run with her?” I ask Hisao as he finishes off a second bottle of water.

I get a shrug from him in response and I can see my brother smirking. We sit there in the sun for a good fifteen minutes simply sitting in companionable silence. It’s a good feeling.

Hisao breaks the silence first “Thank you for today” He says. “I wasn’t going to do anything today, probably just sit and read in my room” His smile is a little bitter, a little wistful in equal measures “You’ve got me out here and for the first time since my… incident” And the word ‘incident’ is phrased very deliberately. “I guess what I’m trying to say is… thank you for befriending me. Friends are something I’ve had in short supply for some months now”

I can tell that took a lot for Hisao to say, so all I do is smile, my ass of a brother takes a bow and I say “It’s what friends do Hisao but the day isn’t over yet. You’ve got to deal with Shizunes tender mercies first” The face Hisao makes is priceless. I think he’s had enough of Shizune over the past few days.

And speak of the devil and they shall appear. Shizune and her shadow loom over my brother who grins and engages Shizune in conversation hands flashing rapidly back and forth. “I think you’d best have a shower before you tangle with Shizune. Your shirt looks a little drenched” Hisao gives me a wan smile and stands. I tune the conversation he has with Misha out as I suddenly feel as though someone’s pulled my batteries out.

I flop back against the bench and watch Hisao and Arashi head to the dorms presumably to shower and change. Shizunes hands moving shock me out of my exhaustion. [Please repeat that] I sign slowly.

Shizune moves her glasses back with a gesture of impatience whilst Misha laughs.

[Fujiko is going to help me. She said it would take a couple of hours] my signing is sloppy and I can feel the disappointment in the air.

Shizune huffs silently then signs [I shall have your brother text you when Hisao is free. Is that acceptable?]

[Sounds good] I sign then perk up as a familiar face appears nearby. [See you later Shizune!] I sign as I move to meet Fujiko [Don’t treat the boys too harshly]

[Who do you think I am?!] is signed back a frown on her face.

I laugh and say aloud “The student council president who likes to try and get her own way!” I see Misha sign what I say to Shizune and I laugh at her facial expression as I grasp Fujiko by the arm and we glide through the crowd to the girls’ dorm.

I only catch half of what Fujiko is saying as she is chattering a mile a minute. I register climbing the stairs, Fujiko barging into my room with me, getting my showering kit, a towel and one of the bags she gave me last evening.

Pushed down the hallway again we end up in the bathroom. It’s when Fujiko starts peeling my clothes off that my brain begins to switch off from autopilot. “What are you doing?” I squawk, flapping my hands.

A cheeky grin lights her face “You’re practically asleep on your feet Ayane” She says, peeling my trousers off.

“I can undress myself thank you!” I say, batting hands away from my bra. Fujiko nods and then shimmies out of her clothes lightning quick. For a moment I admire her form under the bathroom lights. Fujiko is a pretty thing, all porcelain skin, smoothness and slight curves, the lights giving the patches of shadow more depth. She preens under my look and then gestures for me to divest my remaining clothes. I shuck my bra and panties and step under the shower Fujiko has running for me, sitting down on the stool.

Fujikos careful delicate hands lather soap into my hair and a groan escapes my lips.

“Damn Fuji that feels good” I say as somehow she finds knots in my head that I didn’t even know I had. “What’s in the shampoo?”

“My own secret mix” She whispers in my ear. “Mum helps me make my own mixes when I’m at home. Feels good don’t it?”

I stretch under her ministrations and the next fifteen minutes passes in a blur of nakedness, tender touches, perfumed soaps and scents as Fujiko works her magic on my skin and hair. I feel like a goddess!

After the shower and the unexpected head masage, I step into the bath Fujiko had drawn up earlier. I sigh as the water relaxes my tense muscles. Then tense up again as Fujiko slips in opposite me. “Er… Fuji” I say, water rippling around me “Why… why are you doing this? I’m beginning to question your sexuality here”

Fujiko relaxes and a toe touches mine “Does it bother you?”

“Not particularly” I say with a shrug water splashing as I do. “You’re my friend Fujiko just not sure how I’d react to you hitting on me” I say honestly.

“As for why… I did say I’d help you get ready” Nothing else is said and we marinade in the water for the next ten minutes before Fujiko drags me out of the bath and wraps me in warm scented towels. She's really spoiling me.

Fujiko would make an excellent therapist I muse as I’m herded down the corridor into my room festooned in towels. I smell of jasmine and vanilla and I think every muscle in my body is relaxed.

But it’s not over. For the next hour or more, Fujiko primps and preens me; face scrubs and other odd things that I’ve never even considered are applied to me. She then dresses me in my yukuta, ties my obi and fixes my hair with the hairpins my sister had brought for me. I’m allowed to put on my sandals at least.

“One last touch” I hear her murmur. She pins my coloured lock of hair back, exposing my eye and then hands me a colourful box. I open it and nearly drop the box. It’s an eye patch but it’s a beautiful one. It’s in my favourite shade of green and a dragon is embroidered in gold thread spiralling into the centre of the eye patch. “It’s made from silk” Fujiko says, “Dad helped me to make it. I hope you like it. I was going to give it to you for your birthday but I think you could make more use of it now!”

I can feel tears in my good eye. “Fuji” I whisper reverently “It’s beautiful” I hold it out to her. “Help me put it on?” I turn and face the mirror and I feel her gather my hair back in a ponytail. She ties my hair up and then slides the eye patch on. It’s gorgeous and the person looking back at me certainly isn’t Tsukino Ayane.

Fujiko nods approvingly “My work here is done. Hisao isn’t going to know what’s hit him!” It’s eerily accurate then when my phone vibrates, skittering across the desk. Fujiko reads the text as I’m still slack jawed at my reflection. “And your date has been freed from the presidents clutches” She says.

“It’s not a date,” I grumble half-heartedly, although with all the preparation Fujiko’s put into me I’m pretty sure that Hisao is going to think this is a date.

Well this might get awkward quickly. Still Fujiko is ushering me out of my room, a clutch (one of hers I notice) is pressed into my hands and in rapidly short order I find myself outside the girls dorm a beaming Fujiko hands me over to a stunned Hisao.

He… cleans up nicely. I think he’s borrowed some of my brothers’ clothes but that sweater vest is certainly his style and it really suits him. He’s dare I say it… cute. “Hi” I say softly and he seems to shake himself out of a stupor.

“Good evening Ayane” Hisao says, a light blush decorating his cheeks. Nice to know I’m not the only one that blushes that particular shade. “You… you look really good” He says in a rush.

Ok he’s just as embarrassed as me. Equal ground here. Good, good. I think I see Shizune spying from the steps with my brother. Yes, she is and I think if my brothers’ jaw went any lower it would hit the ground.

[Wow, you clean up nice. Never would’ve guessed it] He can even sign sarcastically it seems. I give him a universal sign, the middle finger and he laughs it off silently, guiding Shizune by the arm into the lights of the festival. Her expression is unclear. I’m not sure if she’s happy, pissed or smug at something. It’s that bobcat expression again.

Hisao offers his arm to me and I take it and we descend the dorm steps into the festival crowds. He opens his mouth to speak and embarrassingly my stomach rumbles rather audibly. He laughs and the earlier awkwardness shatters like fragile glass “I guess that answers my question then” he says with a smile. “Shall we get something to eat?”

“Onwards my good sir to nutrition!” I jest as we vanish into the festival crowds.

We have a grand time at the stalls, sampling foods and playing the silly games. Hisao tries to not let me spend anything but the allowance my mother gives me is more than enough.

He does win me a small stuffed eastern dragon though. He says it’s because of the eye patch I’m wearing. I’m not normally one for stuffed animals, its more Fujikos or Akiho thing but I’m a sucker for dragons as they are after all, awesome!

We have a good time, laughing and chatting in the crowds. We share a love of reading and I wiggle a promise out of him to exchange books. I learn more about Hisao and in return… I open up a little.

I tell him about my father. How he was a chef, how he taught all of his children.

I tell him about my family. My siblings. Blond teacher Akiho with her love of motorbikes and her no-nonsense attitude. I tell him about my older brother Akihiro, the chef, my gangly, smoky and sweary brother.

He in returns tells me more about his. He’s an only child, career parents, looked after himself for the most part. We spend the festival connecting.

For the first time in a long while, I feel connected to someone else apart from my siblings and Fujiko and it feels… nice. Really nice. We can be good friends I think.

An announcement goes off. It’s time for the fireworks! It’s my favourite part of the festival and I often thank my lucky stars I’m not photosensitive.

“Can I show you something Hisao?” I say, my voice trembling with childlike anticipation and glee.

“Sure” He says immediately, his eyes trusting. I take his warm, soft hand in mine and lead him to the edges of the school grounds. There is a small off the road path and it leads up to a small grove of trees, on a slight hill and it gives a perfect view of the school and the display when it begins.

We settle down on the grass and say nothing. In a few short, breathless moments, the sky erupts into an orgy of lights and sounds. It’s then I realize that my head has found it’s way into Hisaos lap and I’m looking up at the display and Hisao. His dark eyes reflect the display and I find it mesmerizing. His hands are running through my hair and it feels so damn good.

Time slips away and it’s only when the lights from the fireworks fade do I realise we’re staring at each other. I push myself up and Hisao climbs to his feet. We meet each other’s gaze for a moment and I smile as does he. “You should smile more often” I say.

“You and your brother are helping that to happen” He says taking my hand as we head back to school. We stop outside the girl’s dorm and there is a beat of slightly awkward silence “Thank you for this evening Ayane” Hisao says.

“No, thank you” I say with a smile. I draw him into a hug and I feel him stiffen slightly before relaxing.

He surprises me then, drawing back and then taking my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of my hand. I think I might be glowing in the night. “Goodnight Ayane.” Hisao says his voice having a mischievous lilt to it. “Sweet dreams and see you tomorrow”

He begins to walk away to the boy’s dorms. Oh no you don’t Nakai. “Hisao” I call out and he stops, turning around. I swoop in, in a cloud of jasmine and vanilla and place two feather light kisses on him. One on each cheek. Less than a second contact. It’s his turn to look flustered now. He's standing there, hands touching his cheeks, looking as if a herd of elephants has just stampeded parts.

“Sweet dreams” I say, as I saunter to the dorm entrance “See you in the morning!” I say sweetly and I as I look over my shoulder, I see Hisao still resting his hand against his cheeks and a glazed expression on his face. I think he's still in shock the poor boy!

That image sends me into the sandman’s embrace with a grin on my face.

If only we could live like everyday was Sunday.

End Scene 4

End Act 1
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 1 complete!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Really enjoyed it. Probably the soonest any route has reached the first kiss(even though he didn't have time to reciprocate, there's only one way a kiss on the lips can be interpreted). Also,
TheTealeaf wrote:Why haven’t I shut my door yet?

Not sure.
I loved that line.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 1 complete!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nice chapter, though I agree the pacing is rather high...

There are a few places where you slipped into past tense, and also your use of the possessive "s" is a bit sloppy.

About the bathing scene - usually in Japan you'd do all the showering and washing of hair before soaking in the tub. Since most baths are communal in Japan, they place great emphasis on cleaning your body before actually climbing into the tub that everyone else is also going to use.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 1 complete!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Really enjoyed it. Probably the soonest any route has reached the first kiss(even though he didn't have time to reciprocate, there's only one way a kiss on the lips can be interpreted). Also,
TheTealeaf wrote:Why haven’t I shut my door yet?

Not sure.
I loved that line.
Thank you Anton! :D I fixed the pacing now I think. She pecks him on the cheeks instead!
Mirage_GSM wrote:Nice chapter, though I agree the pacing is rather high...

There are a few places where you slipped into past tense, and also your use of the possessive "s" is a bit sloppy.

About the bathing scene - usually in Japan you'd do all the showering and washing of hair before soaking in the tub. Since most baths are communal in Japan, they place great emphasis on cleaning your body before actually climbing into the tub that everyone else is also going to use.
Argh... possessive "s". Missed those.. ugh. I'll go over it tomorrow and fix it.

Fixed the bath scene, I knew i'd mucked something up there. I think I've fixed the pacing too.

Act 2 begins tomorrow as I'm dead on my feet from open evening.

I think I've lost my voice! :cry:

Also here are the names for the remaining three acts.

Act two: Finding your feet.
Act Three: To carry a tune.
Act 4: The music of the night.

(And is no-one spotting the song references? If any gets the big one in Scene 4 I'll be pretty impressed as they're a not so well known band!)
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 1 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Well after open evening, talk like a pirate day and marking 60 exams I still manage to churn out a 3.6k chapter. I've read over it 3 times but there may still be mistakes. Enjoy!


As act 1 ends the cinematic begins.

The screen fades out to black, then pulls out into an old ‘movie screen’ style. On the screen from a young Ayanes perspective she is learning to walk from the help of her father, who helps her to her feet and then holds her hand. The perspective then changes to the side of Ayane and as she walks she ages. Her father let’s her hands go and she walks forward on her own until she falls to her hands and knees. Perspective changes to Ayanes again and she looks up from the ground to find four hands waiting for her. The hands belong to Arashi, Akihiro, Akiho and Hisao. They all help her to her feet and they join hands in a line and walk off screen. The opening screen of Act Two is a masquerade ball mask lying on the ground with couples feet in background presumably mid dance.

Act 2: Finding your feet

Scene 1

Louder than words

The morning after the festival is always the worst. It’s another night of a thrown off course sleep schedule (Nurse will kill me if he finds out, keeping to a strict sleep schedule helps prevent/regulate the chances of me having a seizure)

The blaring of my alarm clock is like a siren blasting into my ear as it rouses me from slumber. My hand slaps it off, knocking it to the floor in the process. It is way, way too early for this but due to the fact exams begin to day I need to stir from the warmth of my cosy, cosy bed.

Morning routine is on automatic. Kettle on, stagger into bathroom, shower, towel off, stagger back to room, make myself a coffee and then glug down the brew of life with my pills. The routine and caffeine rouse me from automatic into first gear and I can begin to assimilate more.

Uniform and eye patch on. I hate the bows on the uniform, always a pain to do and I’m always worried the skirt is too short and I’ll end up flashing someone a lovely view of my behind. My brain sleepily provides me with the fact that Hisao had that view yesterday morning due to me running to the shower in front of him.

Not my brightest of ideas.

Mind you I often have a lot of not-so-bright ideas. Some go well… others… not so well.

I yawn widely and pick up my study books and writing materials. I also prepare a thermos of coffee. I am something of a coffee fanatic and I share this taste with my older brother Akihiro. He often supplies me with really good quality coffee for birthdays and Christmas and I make sure I stash some for mornings like this. I also need cups, some sugar and a sealed jug of milk… check.

All I’m missing now is Fujiko. I leave my room, lock up and trot down the dorm corridor. Fujiko is three doors down from me so less than thirty seconds later I’m rapping on Fujikos door.

It opens promptly and Fujikos beaming face meets mine. She’s a morning person. I loathe morning people until I’ve digested my coffee. “Morning Fujiko” I mumble, yawning afterwards.

“Good morning Ayane!” She chirps. Ugh… morning people. Why are they so cheery in the mornings? She smothers a giggle and says nothing more; she knows far too well what I’m like in the mornings. We descend the stairs and leave the dorms heading out into the school grounds.

Like I said, it’s early, barely another soul in sight. Apart from two figures waiting near the girls’ dorm in the early morning light, the place looks and feels like a ghost town. Arashi and Hisao are waiting for us as we leave the dorms, Arashi carrying a large picnic basket and Hisao has the blanket. Hisao looks like I feel, so he looks pretty sleep deprived but upon seeing me, a small grin lights his face and a small dusting of pink graces his cheeks.

I feel my own matching grin settle into place as we meet the boys. I introduce Fujiko to Hisao properly as the first course of action as she didn’t get much of a chance to meet over the previous few days. “Jakuzure Fujiko, Meet Nakai Hisao” I say with a sleepy flourish.

Fujiko actually curtsies; freaking curtsies at Hisao and shakes his hand. Hisao and Fujiko exchange the usual greetings and I nudge Arashi, signing [good morning] at him. He waves one hand back, beaming widely; he’s another morning person.

Hisao and Fujiko exchange greetings and we begin to make our way onto the school lawns. “Hisao how did you know about the exam breakfast?” I ask. It had become something of a routine that after the festival, the morning of the exams, we three, that is Fujiko, Arashi and myself would go out onto the school lawns and have breakfast along with cramming for the exams that day.

A scowl crosses Hisaos face and I see my brother hide a grin behind his free hand “Because someone banged on my door rather early this morning. I thought Emi had decided to break my door down to make me go running!” Fujiko stifles a giggle behind one of her sleeves at Hisaos slightly terrified expression at the though of the pint sized runner kicking his door in.

We quickly reach the lawns and I help Hisao set the blanket up. We all settle down, Fujiko making sure her right side is facing everyone so she can see and hear everyone. I give everyone a cup a crack open the thermos as Arashi begins serving. He’s been a busy bee I realise as he produces a lot of different dishes from the picnic basket.

There’s a mixture of western breakfast items and traditional Japanese breakfast items. Another thermos joins mine and the smell of fresh miso soup joins the heady aroma of coffee. There are pickled vegetables, grilled fish, bacon, scrambled eggs and even some western cereal. I lose track after the cereals come out as the siren call of my coffee is too much to resist and I pour myself a cup, savouring in the smell before slowly drinking the glorious, glorious brew down.

I can see Hisao eyeing the coffee thermos “Want some?” I ask, offering him the thermos.

Hisao frowns. I can see he’s tempted but in an unconscious gesture his hand comes up to rub his chest. “I’m not sure coffee is the best thing for me at the moment” He says slowly. “It smells gorgeous though” He says, a disappointed look in his eyes.

I eye his hand that is still rubbing his chest. I can probably assume he’s here for some kind of heart problem then. “It is. Akihiro, my older brother gets good coffee for me. It’s no problem though, Fujiko did you bring the juice?” I ask.

“Yup!” She says, rummaging through the bag she brought with her. Assorted fruit juices join the coffee thermos in the middle of the blanket and Hisao takes one. Melon I note as I have another cup of coffee. Fujiko pours herself a cup and one for Arashi and drinks hers down slowly.

Hands clapping together draw our attention. Arashi holds up his white board with the words [Dig in!] written on the board along with a smiley face and thumbs up.

You can be such an idiot sometimes brother.

We snap chopsticks open and dig in to the feast that Arashi has prepared. I think that Akihiro would be proud of the food laid out as we all tuck into the feast.

For several minutes we simply enjoy the food and the cool morning air. Hisao keeps sneaking glances at me whilst we eat and I can tell something is on his mind. I find him surprisingly easy to read, which is odd as normally the only people I find easy to read are my immediate family. I struggle to read Fujiko sometimes. The food supplies are dwindling so we break open the books and begin the arduous process of cramming for today’s exams.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” I ask, through a mouthful of fish.

[Maths] Arashi signs and once I translate Hisao nods in agreement.

“Maths” The word leaves a foul taste in my mouth. “I hate maths” There’s a hum of agreement from Fujiko.

“Maths isn’t so bad” Hisao says, “its a little like science. Formulas and memorisation mainly, not as interesting as science but it’s not difficult”

“I prefer my science when the word ‘Fiction’ follows it” I mutter and I draw a cheeky grin from Hisao.

“Not your best subject then?” He asks

I shake my head “I struggle with Mutous lectures. I struggle with sciences in general” I admit. “English is easily my best subject” Arashis head bobs up and down in agreement as well.

“Oh?” Hisao says “Opposite problem here” He rubs the back of his head awkwardly “I struggle with English”

“Don’t worry” Fujiko says, rolling her good eye “These two have an unfair advantage just like our class rep Lilly”

“Oh?” Hisao asks, his voice alight with curiosity, “What is this unfair advantage?”

“Dad was English” I say “We grew up listening to English at home. It’s our second language. Same situation as Lilly” I’m omitting a lot of information here and I can see the glance thrown my way by Arashi.

The Tsukino family is… complicated. Akihiro and Akiho are only our half siblings. We have different mothers. Like I said it’s complicated and the less Hisao knows at the moment, the better.

“That really is an unfair advantage” Hisao jokes and my darkening thoughts are abruptly derailed.

“Less talking more studying!” Fujiko says, huffing and opening her maths textbook. “I want to pass this exam this time!” We share easy grins and we all put our noses into books and for the next hour before classes start, we share an easy camaraderie as we cram and test each other in preparation for the dreaded maths exam.

When the bell goes, it is with great reluctance that we disperse to class, packing the picnic up as we do.

The air in the corridors is one of tense anticipation as we head to homeroom. I get the feeling lots of people haven’t revised and are hoping for the best. Homeroom carries on as normal and then the feeling of dread intensifies in the classroom as the maths teacher enters the room. Hisao and Arashi are lucky, they don’t have maths until later, I have to suffer first!

As the paper comes round and the exam begins, I take a look at the first questions and struggle to hold a groan back and smash my head against the desk. This is going to be a nearly two hour-long torture session instead of a maths exam.

When the teacher finally tells us time is up, I’m not the only one who heaves a sigh of relief, amid the clatter of pens and pencils hitting desks in an odd synchronisation. My brain is swimming with maths formula and numbers and I think I feel the beginnings of a headache incoming.

I still have two more classes before lunch. I glance to my left and Fujiko gives me a discrete thumbs up. I let my head hit the desk.

I can’t take two more classes… Someone or something just kill me now!

My pleas aren’t answered though and I resign myself to more classes before lunch. The maths teacher leaves and the heavily pregnant Ms Miyagi waddles into class. It’s a revision session for the exam later in the week so I coast by in the lesson, only paying a little attention to the class.

It’s her last statement that gets my attention. “Now as you are all aware” And here she indicates her baby bump “I am having a baby and as a result I will be leaving Yamaku after the three day weekend. A new replacement teacher has been found and she will be introducing herself at some point in the following weeks” We, the class, had all realised that she would be leaving us at some point but it was a surprise that they had already found someone to cover Ms Miyagi. Guess whoever she is, she really impressed the school.

In the lull of teachers switching, the class bubbles into gentle chatter. “Wonder who the new teacher will be” Fujiko asks, leaning over towards me.

“Beats me” I say with a shrug. “We’ll find out in due time, no point worrying about it, so long as whoever it is isn’t a giant bitch” I see a frown from Lilly. Oops. Guess she heard me swearing. She doesn’t like it when I’m ‘uncouth’ but it’s something that happens on a regular basis, something I picked up from my older brother.

It’s then that Mutou walks in, mumbling about being late. Yay… time to be bamboozled by science.

I really do try to pay attention to the lesson but my mind wanders off as I begin to hear terms that I struggle to understand. I am never going to pass the science exam in a couple of days.

My mind wanders to plans for the weekend. Akiho mentioned that Akihiro would be in the city, so I may pop into the city to see him. It’s at this moment my attention slips and my head slips out of my hand and impacts the desk. The thud draws the attention of Mutou and the frown on his face makes me try to pay more attention to the lecture.

That and the throbbing headache I now have made for excellent focus tools.


Thankfully the rest of the lesson passes quickly after my slip up and lunch rolls around. The bell goes and students quickly leave the room apart from a few in the back row and Fujiko. She’s prepared lunch for herself and I realise that… I forgot.

Damn it.

Guess I’m going to go hungry. I pout at Fujiko but she hides her box from me. “Uh… Ayane?” Hisaos hesitant voice comes into the classroom. He’s holding what looks like a large collection of yen notes in one hand.

“Hi Hisao” I wave him over and I can hear murmurs from some of the other students in the room. “Where’d you get the cash?” I ask.

Hisao appears uncomfortable “Your brother gave it to me. Wrote on his board saying that you’d probably forgotten lunch that I need something to eat as well and then thrust the money in my hand” He pauses and looks at the notes “It’s a lot of money Ayane”

I sigh “Not really” I say finally, trying not to meet Hisaos disbelieving look. “Look Hisao” I say, cutting him off “My family is… wealthy. Dad made a lot of money before…” I grit my teeth. “Before he died. Mother has helped manage that wealth and all the restaurants Dad opened are still bringing in money. What Arashi has given you is probably a small percent of his monthly allowance Mother has given him” There is a stunned silence from Hisao and I feel embarrassed.

I’ve never really flaunted the money I have. A lot of it goes unused as Akiho insists on sending me manga and anime ‘care packages’ and Akihiro supplies my expensive coffee and some of my reading materials that he gets sent over via the Internet.

Arashi is a lot more free with his money and spends it fairly liberally and often on other people. I do spend my money on other people I just dislike flaunting it so much.

The money comes with strings attached though. Good grades and that we ‘toe the family line’. That means if Mother asks us to do something we do it. Akiho and Akihiro do sometimes ignore Mother but for the most part they tolerate her and have the money supplement their income.

“Hisao” I say softly “I’m sorry if my brother made you uncomfortable. He can be very… overly generous at times but you need to know Hisao that the money doesn’t bring me happiness. That’s my siblings and you two that make me happy” I say indicating Fujiko and Hisao “And sometimes the money brings more trouble than it’s worth.” I meet Hisaos gaze steadily “Please don’t treat me any differently because of this fact”

He nods once solemnly and then smiles, rising from the seat he’d taken. “Well then, I shall go get us lunch and come back.” He takes my hand and then asks impishly “Is there anything that milady would like in particular?”

The whispers rise in volume and I feel a flush creeping over my face “I’m not a fussy eater Hisao, quite happy with anything, so long as it’s edible”

I gently try to pull my hand from his grasp but he tightens his hold slightly as he bends his lips to my knuckles and lightly kisses one of them as he says “Of course, as milady wishes” Did his voice just go husky?

I think I must be glowing bright neon pink as he walks out of the classroom. The whispers have reached a fever pitch around me and I feel slightly pole axed. Fujiko giggles and I feel slightly indignant. That smooth prick got one over on me!

“That was so sweet!” Fujiko says, still giggling.

“It was not sweet” I growl “He’s trying to one up from last night”

I immediately regret that sentence as Fujiko pounces on the gossip with a gleam in her eye “Oh… care to share Tsukino?” She says sweetly, bringing her desk closer.

“I kissed him on the cheeks last night when he brought me back to the dorms after the festival” I say, still feeling highly embarrassed by Hisaos antics. “He seemed rather stunned by that fact”

Fujikos mouth goes into a little ‘o’ of surprise “You kissed him?”

“Less than a second on each cheek” I grouse, arms folding “Just saying thank you for the evening”

“Oh Ayane” Fujiko grins and I can hear her teasing tone “You my dear” she says, poking me in the chest “Must quite like young Mr Nakai”

“He’s a good guy,” I admit. “Poor bastard looked so lost when I saw him last week and he had Shizune and Lilly locking horns near him. I just… wanted to help him,” I say.

Fujiko leans back in her chair and smiles. “Will he get an invite?”

“An invite? Fujiko dear what on earth are you on about?” I ask confused.

“Well the three day weekend is coming up in several weeks isn’t it?” She says.

Oh. The yen drops in my head. The masquerade ball that Mother hosts every year during the three-day weekend. Some years I go, some years I don’t, the times I don’t I get my allowance slashed. I hadn’t even thought about the masquerade ball in a long while and it had totally slipped my mind.

“Until I receive an invite, I’m going to assume it’s cancelled. Mothers made no mention of it during our weekly emails” I say, my tone of voice closing this particular discussion. Fujiko just smiles a small, secretive smile and goes back to eating leaving me in silence.

A few minutes later Hisao comes back with lunches and drinks for us. He pulls up a chair and we have a desk lunch. The theme of conversation is exams and the tension in the students in the academy. Lunch passes us by in a swift fashion of idle conversation and eating.

Just before the bell goes though Hisao frowns for a moment and asks me “Ayane do you think you could tutor me in English?”

I try to process that statement. The best I manage is an eloquent “huh?”

Hisao grins and gains more confidence in his voice “Well I’m fairly good with science. Can’t do anything about the maths now but I though we could… trade. You tutor me in English and I’ll help tutor you in science. We both benefit!”

It… makes sense. English is my strongest subject. In fact I think the only person who scores better than me is Lilly. Science is one of my weaker areas and in her last email Mother did hint that she didn’t want any failing grades. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth Ayane I scold myself. “Ok, sure. I think my science exam is Friday”

“My English exam is on Friday” He exclaims, “Perfect!”

“Fujiko I can help you with your English too” I throw in and she nods in agreement.

“Sure” She chirps “but I may have to leave early as I have club activities this week. Nomiya has a bee in his bonnet about the art club so there’s various things going on in the week”

Ah, I had forgotten that Fujiko is in the art club. “Sure, that won’t be a problem.” I say “Do you not need help with science then?”

“Not particularly” Fujiko says, “I pay more attention than you do in class”

Ouch Fujiko that stings!

“Ok, so does Wednesday after school sound good?” Hisao says. Fujiko and I nod in agreement and it’s all settled just before the bell goes.

As Hisao leaves it suddenly dawns on me that I’ve had another fast one pulled on me but this time by sweet little Fujiko.

We agreed to have the sessions in MY ROOM. Fujiko will be leaving early leaving me to tutor Hisao on my own in my room.

I look left as the teacher comes into the classroom.

“That was evil Fujiko” I mutter under my breath “Pure evil and sneaky”

“Of course,” she says smugly, primping and flashing me a grin “I learnt from the best after all”

End Scene 1


Thanks for all feedback so far, I'm off to finish Tokyo ghoul now if anyone needs me!

Enjoy the scene!
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 1 up!

Post by Frosticle »

I'm calling it right now, Ayane's new English teacher will be Akiho!

Another great chapter Tea, I really liked the cinematic you came up with as well.

Keep up the great work! :D
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