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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Day 3, 14:30
“Hey, look at this figurine!” Ikuno picks up a small porcelain figurine in the shape of a cat and shows it to Emi. “I’m looking for something to bring home for my mom. What do you think?”

Emi regards it critically. “Does your mom like cats?”

“Not, real ones, no, but that’s because she’s allergic.” She grins – a grin that vanishes when she looks at the price tag at the underside of the figurine. “Well, I guess I’ll look for something else then.”

I thought Emi and Ikuno were fighting yesterday during dinner, but looking at them now, they look like best buddies. Probably a girl thing...

Hisao and I are standing a bit behind the two and share a glance, trying to decide whether to be bored, amused or both.

The two nurses, Mrs. Ogawa and Ms. Uehara have stayed behind in a nice café on the main street and told us to call them if there should be any trouble. I have no idea what kind of trouble they are expecting. My Asthma hasn’t acted up at all since we arrived in Hokkaido, and none of the others seem to have any critical conditions... Oh well, they’re probably just following regulations...

Anyway, Satou and Ikezawa soon split from the rest of the group, and Jun decided to take off on his own a bit after that. Mizuki decided to go with him, probably because he’s the only one in our group she can ‘talk’ to. I’m pretty sure Jun wouldn’t have cared for the two-person-rule one way or the other.

So that leaves Hisao and me to accompany Emi and Ikuno on their shopping spree. Okay, ‘spree’ might be stretching it a bit, since both seem to be running on a tight budget, but we’ve been frequenting the shops in town for some time now, and the girls don’t seem to get tired of trying on dresses and looking at fancy souvenirs.

Well, at least there’s air conditioning in most of the shops. It was pleasantly cool this morning, but since noon the clouds have disappeared and the sun is burning down mercilessly on the town. I didn’t think it got this hot so far north. This has to be one of the last truly hot days this year.

The girls seem to be done in this shop, and we step outside into the sunlight. I blink a few times to adjust to the glare; then I look around. We’ve almost reached the southern end of the town. At the end of the street I can see a small hospital, behind that there are only fields and a small forest.

Hisao seems to have the same thought I do. “Figures that there’s a hospital close by. They don’t take any risks, do they?”

Ikuno giggles. “Well, I don’t think we want to take a guided tour there, and there isn’t anything else in that direction, so should we head back? We can take another road and see if we find any more shops.”

Nobody objects, so we change to a parallel street and double back north. The area we’re in now is mainly residential, though. Only nice little family homes with no interesting shops at all.

We walk on in silence for a while, the heat killing the mood for idle conversation. I notice Emi glancing sideways at Hisao from time to time with an unreadable expression. What is she... When I follow her gaze, I notice that Hisao’s face looks more strained than usual. He looks uncomfortable for some reason.

Just as I am about to ask if he is alright, Emi points to a small café at the next corner. “Why don’t we go in there and have a break?”

Even though I haven’t known her for very long I know that asking for a break is not like Emi at all. Does this have something to do with Hisao’s condition? Being his girlfriend, she obviously knows why he attends Yamaku. Maybe it is something more serious than I thought...

Well, if he’s not comfortable telling others about it, I shouldn’t pry. And stopping in a café is a tempting idea as well... “Count me in. I wouldn’t say no to an ice cream, either.”

We enter the café and sit down at one of the few tables and order four bottles of water. There’s no ice-cream but a small selection of cakes that look quite delicious.

“So who else wants some cake?” I look around at my companions.

Hisao and Emi share a glance, and I feel like I miss out on some unspoken communication between those two. Then Emi stands up and walks over to the counter. “Okay, I’ll pick you something without too much cream, Hisao.”

I also rise and turn to Ikuno. “Should I bring you something as well?”

“Sorry, I can’t,” she replies dejectedly.

“Oh, come on. My treat.” From the panicked look on Hisao’s face I think I’ve said something wrong, but…

“It’s not the money. I can’t eat cake. I have Diabetes, remember?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you could compensate for such things by adjusting your insulin dose. A cousin of mine did that when he ate something extra.”

This seems to agitate Ikuno even further. “And how the hell am I supposed to get my blood sugar to stabilize when I randomly eat whenever I feel like it? If I start making exceptions, how do I know when to stop? How high should I raise the dosage, if I eat whenever a whim strikes me? You have no idea what it’s like to see…” She trails off, a single tear glittering in the corner of her eye.

I sit back down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know this was a sensitive topic for you.”

Ikuno takes a deep breath and blinks away the tear. “No, I’m sorry. I lost it there for a moment. Please go ahead and get your cake, but I won’t be having any.”

I nod and follow Emi to the counter. I don’t like eating the cake in front of Ikuno, and her outburst more or less stifled my appetite, but I have a feeling that refusing the cake for her sake would not make her feel any better.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by scott1and »

Another good chapter, I wasn't so sure about the 'different character' each time thing but now I actually look forward to who its gonna be each installment. Keep up the good work ^_^
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

New Chapter:

Day 3, 20:30
Sighing softly, I run my fingers over the pages of the book I am reading. It has been a long day and walking around town all day with Hanako in the basking heat has been strenuous.

Well, you could say we literally walked around town most of the time to avoid running into too many people. Sadly, apart from the occasional copse of trees there is little in the way of shade to be found in the fields around Teshikaga.

On the positive side I finally got Hanako to tell me what happened this morning before breakfast, though I did not manage to convince her that it was probably a misunderstanding.

Right now, she is lying on her bed, reading one of her books. The only things I hear from her are her calm breathing and the occasional turning of the pages.

Hanako is always calm when she is reading. It is a skill I have always admired. I have never been able to become so absorbed in literature that I can leave all my cares and worries behind me…

Someone is knocking at the door. “It is all right, Hanako, I will go.” I put a placeholder in my book, close it and place it on the small table. Even though the room is small enough that I do not really need the cane to find my way, I pick it up, rise, walk to the door and open it.

“Hello Lilly, hi Hanako.”

“Hello, Hisao. Is there something I can help you with?”

He hesitates. “Actually… Could you come with me for a few minutes? There’s something you should see… Sorry, you know what I mean.”

I wait for him to elaborate, but it seems like he is not going to do so for the moment. I turn around to Hanako. “Hanako, I am going out for a moment.”

She calls out an “Okay” and goes back to reading her book. I take it as a good sign that Hisao’s presence doesn’t seem to bother her that much anymore.

I step into the corridor and close the door behind me. Hisao offers me his arm and leads me towards the stairs and down to the ground floor.

“So what is it, Hisao? Is there some problem with the day-trip to Lake Akan tomorrow?” At the base of the stairs we take a sharp left. Where is he leading me? The cafeteria?

“No… Actually Leon wanted to talk to you and asked me to get you.”

My mind is racing. What could Leon want? Is this about this morning?

We enter the cafeteria and are greeted by Leon. “Lilly... Hisao.”

“Hi Leon. You sure I shouldn’t stay?”

“No stay… ah… thank Hisao.” Hisao leads me to one of the tables and excuses himself.

Leon sits down opposite of me. Although I am a bit uncomfortable not knowing what this is about, I give him time to compose himself. This cannot be easy for him. I know he is very good with sign language and when communicating with others he can probably use gestures to help others understand him or even write things down, but none of these things will help him with me.

Finally, Leon takes a deep breath. “Lilly… eh… tell Hanako… and Leon meet… and ah… breakfast… crash… yes crash, yes?”

I furrow my brow in concentration, but I think I understood what he was trying to say. “Yes, Hanako told me she ran into you this morning.”

Leon sighs relieved. Then he starts speaking again. “Leon… and ah… yes tell Lilly… not want bump… eh Hanako.”

I smile. “I’m sure you didn’t run into her intentionally. Hanako told me she was scared by Emi and tripped. Was that what you were worried about?”

“Yes… No… ah… more, yes more. Lilly… and Leon… uh… in love…”

My mind goes blank for a moment. Is he going to confess to me? But we barely talked before… What should I do now? “I am sorry, Leon, but I do not feel the same way…”

“No!” He interrupts me, and I trail off confusedly. When he starts talking again, he is speaking every word for itself, as if he is listening to what he said so far and consciously chooses the next word. “Leon… … not… … uh… love … … Lilly, yes. Leon… … love… … Hanako.”

I feel the blood rising to my face. “I… I am sorry, Leon, I did not expect…”

I trail off. What did I not expect? That someone would fall in love with Hanako? Why should I be so surprised about that? Has hearing Hanako tell me time and again how unattractive she is finally made me believe her? After all I have no way to see for myself if it is true, and I never talked to anyone else about her appearance, let alone to a boy…

But right now a boy is sitting right in front of me and waiting for an answer. Leon. I try to recall what I know about him. He is in her class. He came to Yamaku a bit more than a year ago. What was his real name again? I don’t remember. He is well liked by most people. Very good grades. Good looking, too, if the other girls’ gossip is to be believed.

There have been several girls who asked him out over the past few months, but he turned them all down, so if he says he is in love with Hanako, I am inclined to believe he is serious, even though I don’t know him very well myself…

I start over, this time with a smile on my face. “I am sorry, Leon, this really came as a surprise to me. But why did you come to me?”

I hear him fidget on his chair. “Hanako eh… hate Leon, yes?”

“No, Hanako doesn’t hate you, I am sure of that.”

“Hanako… fright?”

I hesitate, but decide to be honest. “Yes, I think she is a little afraid of you. I already told her you did not mean any harm, but when you saw her face this morning, I think that was a bit of a shock for her. She always takes care not to let anybody see it.”

“Lilly… ah… help?”

“I am sorry, Leon, but I do not think I can be of much help. If I told her you love her, she would not believe me, and it would probably make things worse than they are.”

He seems to think that over for a moment. “Lilly… ah… tell about… and Hanako likes?”

It takes me a few seconds to grasp his meaning. “Well, you probably know she reads a lot. She spends most of her free time in a corner of the library. She does not have any friends besides me… and maybe Hisao. At least she does not feel too uncomfortable when he is around. He once stuck up for her in front of Ms. Hakamichi, so that is probably the reason…”

I suddenly realize this could create the wrong impression, so I quickly continue. “I do not think she has any romantic feelings for Hisao, though. At least she did not mind when he started dating Emi.”

“What else… There is an unused classroom on the second floor where we often sit and drink tea. Sometimes Hanako tells me about the books she has been reading, sometimes we play chess, and sometimes we…”

“Hanako… uh… and play… chess, yes?” Leon interrupts me. There is excitement in his voice.

“Yes, she likes to play it a lot. I think she used to play against her father before he… Well, now she can only play against me, and I think I am not much of a challenge for her, although she never complains.”

I hear Leon rising from his chair. “Leon… thank. Lilly… ah… and great… uh help. Leon… stairs… to room… help… now, yes?”

I rise as well and hold my arm out for Leon. Together we return upstairs and Leon takes his leave before I enter my room again. I quickly think of a likely excuse for taking so long, but I do not think Hanako will have even noticed the time. I find myself wishing Leon all the luck he can get. He is going to need a lot of it.


Brace yourselves for another Rin Chapter next week ;-)
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by scott1and »

Its good to see Hanako getting a little love...well, not yet but if things work out :mrgreen:
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Re: Tripping

Post by moonpalace »

Yay! Hanako actually was my least favorite character in KS, though I'm sure I felt as teased at her ending as anyone else. But in this series, I have to say, you make all the characters so likeable and I love them all very much. In fact, I think KS will have it's work cut out to compare with your writing (regardless of visual novelry buffering the experience). Anyway, I can't wait to see what happens between these two potential lovers!

Just a little nit - when Lilly starts explaining Hanako's behaviour she says, "I think she went a bit into shock,". I think it might sound a bit more natural if it's, "I think she went into a bit of shock,".
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Thanks for the laurels, even if I don't think they're completely justified ^^°
Anyway, you can't really compare VN-writing against text-only writing.

Regarding Lilly though, you might have noticed that I'm not exactly going for natural speech in the first place. (I've taken a few liberties with her speech patterns compared to the VN to make her more distinct from the rest of the cast.)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by WoopSlim »

Another nice chapter (b'_')b. Hope you will write more awesome stuff, EmixHisao is such a nice couple and LeonxHanako is even more awesome, biting my nails and waiting for futher chapters.

Re: Tripping

Post by Guest »

WoopSlim wrote:EmixHisao is such a nice couple and LeonxHanako is even more awesome
Everything about this statement is wrong.
Just thought I'd let you know.
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Re: Tripping

Post by WoopSlim »

Guest wrote:
WoopSlim wrote:EmixHisao is such a nice couple and LeonxHanako is even more awesome
Everything about this statement is wrong.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Whatever, bro. I don't get what you mean ;D
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Re: Tripping

Post by moonpalace »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Regarding Lilly though, you might have noticed that I'm not exactly going for natural speech in the first place. (I've taken a few liberties with her speech patterns compared to the VN to make her more distinct from the rest of the cast.)
Yeah it's a fair point, it's just that I can't say I recall hearing "she went a bit into shock" (reading it, I keep automatically editing it) and as a native English speaker I believe it's grammatically incorrect. Passable perhaps, but I think it's colloquial rather than upper class.
WoopSlim wrote:Another nice chapter (b'_')b. Hope you will write more awesome stuff, EmixHisao is such a nice couple and LeonxHanako is even more awesome, biting my nails and waiting for futher chapters.
I share the sentiment :wink:
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Re: Tripping

Post by scott1and »

moonpalace wrote:
WoopSlim wrote:Another nice chapter (b'_')b. Hope you will write more awesome stuff, EmixHisao is such a nice couple and LeonxHanako is even more awesome, biting my nails and waiting for futher chapters.
I share the sentiment :wink:
I second it :mrgreen:
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

moonpalace wrote:Yeah it's a fair point, it's just that I can't say I recall hearing "she went a bit into shock" (reading it, I keep automatically editing it) and as a native English speaker I believe it's grammatically incorrect. Passable perhaps, but I think it's colloquial rather than upper class.
Yes, it is a bit colloquial, but your version sounds just as colloquial to me. I went for a third one. Hope that is better.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

New Chapter... Good Luck! 8)

Day 4, 9:00
It seems like everyone has finally gathered. The driver is also waiting, so our daytrip is probably going to start soon. I wonder if it will be interesting. What was that dream Ooki told me about yesterday?

Mr Nomiya said it would be interesting, but I wonder how he knows. He’s never been to Akan before, so he shouldn’t be able to know. But then he’s a teacher, and teachers are supposed to know all kinds of things, so…

“Hey, Rin!” Emi calls from the door of the bus. “Hurry up, or all the best seats will be taken!” Mom didn't like the book I got for her birthday.

I remember it was something about airplanes… I walk over to her. “Aren’t the seats fixed to the floor of the bus?”

“Of course. Why?” But how could teachers know things they couldn't know?

“So how is anybody going to take them?”

No, it was about a waterfall. Well, Airplanes would have been nice as well. She ignores my question like she does sometimes. It is mildly annoying, but she probably just doesn’t want to admit that she said something stupid. Mr. Mutou knows a lot about physics and math. I wonder why that is.

I walk to the front of the bus where most of the seats are still empty. From the back I hear Ooki’s voice. “You sure you want to sit next to me again, Leon? That means you get only half as much space as everyone else.” A clearing in a forest with a lake in the middle.

I turn around, and Ooki catches my gaze. He winks at me and plops down into his seat, disappearing from my view. He must have learned that in school. She always used to like reading.

I see that Takumi sat down in the seat behind me, directly in front of the exit. Maybe he is trying to be the first to get out of the bus when we have a break. Does he have a weak bladder? I know he is at Yamaku for his eyes, but he could also have a weak bladder. I’ll have to ask him… Mrs. Tsukamoto knows many old stories.

As I am just about to open my mouth, Mr. Nomiya calls for order and tells everyone to sit down. Maybe she doesn't have as much time now that she took up this volunteer work.

“Good morning, everyone! Today’s trip will be to Lake Akan and the town of Akanko, where we will be able to take in the famous scenery and visit a small Ainu museum or two. Don’t worry, the drive will be only about half an hour, so we should be there before you know it.”

Oh well, if it is only half an hour even Takumi’s bladder should be up to the task. Water the colour of sapphires.

I move over to the window seat and take in the view as the bus drives from the youth hostel’s parking lot through Teshikaga and then west towards Lake Akan. After a few minutes the fields are replaced by thick forests…

So, no book for Christmas. It might make an interesting painting. She probably reads a lot. It's kind of hard to paint something I haven't seen myself, though… But I don't think Mr. Nomiya learned about Lake Akan in school. Gloves might not be a good idea either. At least I never heard about a lesson about Lake Akan. Sweets are a bit unimaginative, but I guess I can't go wrong there. Not that I ever saw most of the stuff I paint. I should get something special, maybe have some sent from abroad…

“Hey Rin!” I turn my head to face Emi who has climbed onto the seat next to me. “You dreaming or something? I swear you’re worse than Ooki sometimes.” What were those chocolate biscuits, that Ooki had yesterday, called again?

I brighten at the thought. “So I’m making progress?” Maybe he's a psychic?

Emi looks as if she’s having trouble understanding my simple question. Not with my eyes at least. I usually see them with my mind. Maybe she didn’t get enough sleep tonight? No, I think she was asleep most of the night. It must be something else.

I decide to go easy on her and don’t press the subject. But even that is hard if I only have Ooki's descriptions to go by.

I think he said they were from a British company… The silence between us stretches for a few moments, then Emi shrugs. “Anyway, Hisao and I are going for a walk around the lake later to look for marimo. Do you want to come along?” Oh, well, I'll just have to give it a try. That would be cool. And to think that I never noticed before.

I ponder the question. Cadbury Fingers! I'll ask Ooki where he got them and order an extra large pack. “No, thanks.” Mr. Nomiya told us we should visit the Ainu museum and that it would have some interesting exhibits. I wonder why he never told us about that.

Emi seems to wait for me to say more… Wait, did I say that last thing out loud? I don’t think I did. Should I explain to Emi now? She would think the museum is boring anyway. Maybe she’s right. The museum could be pretty boring, but it’s hard to know in advance. I mean, I hope it’s not but it could be. Anyway, I should tell Emi and let her decide for herself.

When I turn to Emi, I find that she has returned to her seat and is chatting with Hisao, Mai and Kenta, so I return to look outside at the forests. I think I can see the water of Lake Akan glittering through the trees…
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by WoopSlim »

Understanding Rin is hard -_- especially when you are stoned. How can you write in such manner? Cuz it doesn't look like it is difficult for you to write from her PoV or you use special stuff to write about Rin I dunno LSD?
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Re: Tripping

Post by scott1and »

Thought you got Rin just right there, well done. Pity it was just a short entry though, oh well :mrgreen:
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