Learning the blues. Act 3: Scene 2 revives from the grave


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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Early, ahead of schedule... enjoy!


Act 2

Scene 4

Lean on me
(When you’re not strong)

I feel very warm. Comfortable and snuggly so wherever I am, it feels good. Feels safe like I’m at home.

I snuggle deeper into my pillow and let out a sigh of contentment. My alarm hasn’t gone yet so I can sleep for longer. I feel so drowsy. I yawn contently and I feel myself smile sleepily. That is until I hear my door creak open.

Must be Fuji. She’s the only one with a spare key after all.

I crack one eye open and see Fujiko staring at me from the doorway. Her mouth is hanging open. She then shuts my door and three seconds later, opens it again.

She stares again and then repeats the previous steps again. It is when my door opens for the third time, do I realize that I’m sleeping on my floor and that my pillow is in fact another person.


The events of last night come crashing into my head like a runaway freight train. I hug Hisao a little tighter and he grumbles under his breath, beginning to stir.

Last night I broke down on him. Bawled into his sweater vest and asked him to stay the night on a futon. I guess during the night I’d wound up joining him on the futon. Fujiko is saying nothing but she’s entered my room and is staring at me very intently. This is awkward. Me wrapped round a boy like he’s a living stuffed toy whilst he’s sleeping on my floor and my best friend staring at me in my doorway. “We’ll talk later” Fujiko whispers, eyes narrowing at me as she steps out of me room.

Well that’s one bullet dodged for the moment… Now time to deal with the other.

Hisao saw me at my worst yesterday evening. He saw me when I was having flashbacks. That is never a pretty sight. Most of them are on my own but I know the mess I’m in afterwards. Hisao stayed and comforted me, listened to me pour my guts out. He didn’t deserve that.

I feel a small, soft smile form. Yet he did stay. He listened with no judgment; he simply listened and held me. Hisao is one of a rare breed and I’m glad that I stumbled upon him.

I can feel him begin to stir from sleep. I relax my arms a little as he stirs further, gradually emerging from the depths of his slumber. I feel him stiffen in my arms and slowly turn to face me.

“Morning” I say softly, not directly meeting his gaze. It’s soft and filled with awe and wonderment.

He looks as though he’s searching for the right words to say but he settles simply with “Good morning to you too” There is a beat of silence and he draws me in closer in a hug “I’m not dreaming am I?” He asks.

I shake my head in his chest, his chin atop my head, a small giggle coming from me “No Hisao you’re not dreaming” I say softly, returning the hug.

“How are you feeling?”

I give a small shrug “All things considered, it could be a lot worse.” I nuzzle deeper into his sweater vest. He smells good. “Just… thank you”

“For what?” Hisao asks genuinely puzzled.

“For listening,” I whisper softly, “And for staying and holding me. Not everyone would do that”

I can feel one hand stroke my hair and I relax under his ministrations “I don’t mind Ayane” He says “In fact anytime you want to talk, you know I’ll listen, after all I am your friend. Friends do that”

Friends… I’m not sure who you’re trying to fool Hisao but we both know that this isn’t purely platonic friendship we’re feeling. This is far, far too intimate to be labeled ‘friends’. Although is it something that a label can be placed on? We haven’t crossed the line into boyfriend/girlfriend turf yet but we are treading dangerously close to it. I like you Hisao. You’re good for me, I feel as though I can finally begin to breathe with you around, finally begin to lay some demons that still cling to me to rest.

I feel his lips on top of my head. I squirm at the feeling. Hisao… never stop being you. “Then all I can do is say the same to you” I wiggle back out his arms a little and look at him “Lean on me when you have to as well. I’ll listen”

A sigh comes from Hisao “I’m not sure I’m ready to share yet” He says, looking slightly downcast “I’m sorry”

I place my hand where his heart his and I feel him suck a breath in and retreat slightly, my fingertips grazing his vest. “I understand. I haven’t shared everything. Last night… wouldn’t have normally happened.” I pause, trying to find the right words “I bottle things Hisao, the only other people that know the full story are my family” I shake my head “What I’m trying to say Hisao is don’t apologize for not sharing. Do it when and if you’re ready”

“So what was last night?” He questions me.

“Last night was the bottle breaking,” I say “And you helped pick up the pieces and mop the mess up”

“Is it that bad?” He asks gently.

I snort. “Last time I had a dream about those… events I woke half the dorm up screaming” Hisaos eyes widen slightly at that revelation. “It’s rare I have a dream or flashbacks but as you’ve seen… it can happen”

“Why keep the CD?” He asks gently.

“Sentimentality mainly. As much as the memory is painful I can’t bring myself to throw it away. Part of me still remembers when I was little and we’d sing in his study together. If I throw the CD away, I feel as though I’m throwing all those memories out with it as well.” Stupid reasons I know but one can’t explain the intricacies of the heart and memories well.

Hisao nods gently “I can’t say I understand entirely, but I’m trying”

I give him a small, thankful smile and give him another hug. We stay embraced for a good couple of minutes in peaceful silence.

At least until the peace is shattered by Hisaos phone ringing. “Better answer that,” I say, pulling myself from the futon and checking the time. Early still. Enough time for a coffee and my tablets. I put my kettle on and turn to regard Hisao. He’s finished his conversation and hangs up, sighing and rubbing his eyes. His hair is a mess, his clothes wrinkled and creased and he looks positively adorable.

“I need to get going” Hisao says softly, rising from the futon. “I’m running late for my morning run with Emi”

I have to stop myself from saying anything immediately “Running partners?” I ask softly.

“The nurses idea” Hisao says, “It’s to help manage and improve my condition”

I nod gently “Enjoy your run Hisao.” I sweep forward and plant a kiss on his cheek, exactly like I did at the festival. “Remember me whilst you run Hisao” I say softly in his ear.

He swallows sharply and steps back eyes widening at the coy grin I sport “I find that it would be very hard to forget you Ayane” He says before leaving my room.

The silence after he leaves is almost deafening. I idly pour myself a coffee and am mid sip when Fujiko barges back into my room. “You, me, talk now!” she growls at me as my coffee begins to burn my lip.

I hastily swallow my pill along with my mouthful of coffee. “What do we talk about?”

Fujiko actually stamps one foot, hands on hip and demands, “You know full well what we need to talk about! Hisao stayed the night Ayane, what happened?”

I worry my lip for a moment. “It went well to start off with Fuji” I say softly, sitting on my bed. “He really helped me understand a lot of the science stuff.” I heave a sigh, “I went down to get the desserts. I came back up and he’d gotten curious” I look her in the eye “He found something that set me off” I admit.

Fujiko sits next to me and embraces me; “Oh Ayane” is whispered in my ear. “What happened?” she asks.

“He hugged me” I say with a small shrug “and he listened. Even tried to leave after he realized it was past curfew. I asked him to stay, got the futon out for him and then you found us this morning. Guess I moved there during the night”

“I did say that you liked him Ayane but don’t you think this might be going a bit too fast?”

“I know Fujiko” I lean on her shoulder “But we only slept. He’s gentle Fujiko and I feel safe with him” I sigh “Safe isn’t quite the right word but it’s close enough. He feels like home Fuji”

There is silence as she digests the information I’ve just given her “I’m guessing he’s left to head back to the boys dorm?”

I frown “Not quite, Nurse signed him on as Ibarazakis running partner to help his condition” My tone is grouchy and a little bitter.

“Worried?” Fujiko says softly. Normally she’d be teasing but not this morning.

“You know my history with her” I say, staring into the distance. “But I can understand Hisao wanting to improve his condition. I think it’s a heart or lung problem, not sure but all the signals seem to point in that direction and if running with her will help him, why should I stop him? I’d just be being a giant bitch basically.”

“Have you asked Hisao about it?” Fujiko asks.

I give her a wry look “You know the unwritten rule as much as well as I do Fujiko. Even if the problem is very obvious, you wait until they say something. You don’t ask”

“I’m not some naïve first year” Fujiko grumbles “But changing the subject, what’re you going to do?”

I sigh and then lean back against a pillow, moving off Fujikos shoulder. “Business as normal I guess” I give a small shrug “I mean he’s already agreed to come into the city and meet Akiho and Akihiro.”

“That could be entertaining” Fujiko muses, “I’m not sure how Hisao will take Akihiro”

“Not a lot of people know how to take Akihiro,” I say dryly. “You know how he is”

“So, presenting him to the family?” Fujiko teases.

“He’s not some show dog” I say, “Not that my family has any say in who I date but for the moment, Hisao is my friend that…” I sigh. Ok time to bite the bullet in front of Fujiko. “Don’t get me wrong Fujiko I do like Hisao, I could see us dating I’m just not sure when I should broach the topic or how”

“At least you’re being honest” Fujiko says, “Do you think Hisao feels the same?”

I frown again “I’m reasonably confident he feels something” I feel my face light up as I confess, “He kissed my forehead this morning. It… felt good”

I’ve never been particularly ‘girly’, so why does talking like this with Fujiko make me grin and feel slightly giddy? “Can I give you some advice Ayane?” Fujiko asks me gently. I nod and she smiles her lopsided grin at me before she says, “I wouldn’t leave him hanging too long I think. I’m no expert but you both feel something and if you don’t do something about that spark it might fizzle out before it has a chance to burn”

Wise words Fujiko. Advice that I think I’ll take to heart. “Thank you Fujiko,” I say softly. “English is first period isn’t it?” I ask. Fujiko gives me a nod. I get up and head over to my desk and scribble out my phone number on a piece of paper. “I’m going to take my test then take the rest of the day off. I need some space,” I say half to myself and half to Fujiko. “Can I ask you to give this to Hisao?” I hand Fujiko my hastily scrawled phone number and she nods. I clap my hands together to energize myself. “Good time to get ready for that test I think”

This time Fujiko leaves me to shower in peace.

After my shower, whilst my hair is still damp with Fujiko lounging on my bed, my phone buzzes at me. Fujiko is nearest as I’m still reaching into my wardrobe. “Arashi” She chirps at me “He’s got breakfast and he says that your lover boy is with him” That’s odd. It’s only been forty minutes in total since Hisao left and I’ve spent half of that in the shower. I thought his run would’ve taken longer?

Maybe Ibarazaki pissed him off. The thought makes a small smile inch across my lips. I’m a terrible person sometimes.

“Arashi didn’t say those exact words,” I mutter, grabbing my phone. Sure enough he didn’t but I guess Fujiko is taking her points where she can get them. It’s taken her two years but she’s learning when and where to score her shots. She’s got that lopsided grin again and I just huff out a breath, “Come on giggles” I say dryly, “Lets get breakfast”

Fujiko bounds up off my bed and we march from the dorms, down the stairs, outside to meet the boys. As soon as I see Hisao I understand why he was able to join us for breakfast. He’s still in his running gear and looks pretty sweaty. He gives Fujiko a wary wave and she hides her grin behind her arm. He then gives me a very tentative, shy grin a hint of pink on his cheeks.

I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach. Heat blossoms on my face and I give him a shy grin back. My eagle-eyed brother has noticed the interaction and is watching our interaction with narrowed eyes.

We set up the exam breakfast and rather deliberately Arashi sits between Hisao and me. Breakfast begins, and Arashi takes the chance to interrogate me, whilst Fujiko distracts Hisao. Thanks Fujiko, throw me under the bus why don’t you?

[Something’s changed] He signs, eyes narrowed slightly.

[What’s changed?] I sign back. If he wants to interrogate me, we’ll do it privately thank you.

He cocks his head to one side before signing [Not what. Who. Something about you has changed] He pauses and marshals his thoughts [You’re different from yesterday and the days before that. You seem lighter. More like the you before Dad died]

My brother is perceptive little shit sometimes. [Hisao helped me unload some of the demons that have been haunting me] I confess.

[Good] My brother signs, nodding with authority. I nearly spit my coffee in shock. [It’s about time you spoke to someone else] he continues signing, oblivious to my shock.

[You’re ok with him?] I sign.

There is an ambivalent shrug [If he’s good for you and treats you right of course I’m ok with him. If he hurts you though Akihiro and myself have cleavers]

Brothers. They never change. [It’s not an overnight fix] I sign. [I’m still getting shivers and sweats at the thought of a stage or even just singing in private. I miss my music I miss listening to music]

[What did happen?] Arashi asks

I nibble my lip,

Arashis eyes widen [I… I wasn’t expecting that] He admits.

[Neither was I. It just happened] I sign with a shrug. [But it felt good] I admit with a small smile [After all the crying and screaming and snot of course] Arashi looks mildly repulsed and waves me off to continue breakfast.

I turn back to find Hisao with an odd expression on his face. “Can I ask what that was about?”

I ‘hmmmm’ before saying “Just Arashi in ‘over protective brother mode’”

“Should I be worried?” Hisao asks, partly in jest. Arashi nods and I punch him on the shoulder.

“Only if you be a dick,” I said bluntly. Arashi signs rapidly and Hisao raises a questioning eyebrow. “He said if you’re a dick, you lose your dick via cleaver”

Hisao turns slightly paler. “Straight to the point I see” Arashi just grins in response and gives him two thumbs up. Hisao shuffles close to me and my brother rolls his eyes, pulls out his whiteboard and heads over to Fujiko. “How’re you feeling?” He asks softly, his lips nearly directly on my ear.

Goose bumps fly down my arms. “I could be better” I admit. Although the pair opposite are trying to be discrete, I can tell that they’re listening in. “It was cathartic in a way Hisao but it’s just the first step.”

“Admittance” Hisao suddenly says, breath hot in my ear. I shiver again as he continues, “The first step is admittance, then the rest follow”

“I know but Hisao it will be a long journey, not just for me but anyone that comes along for the ride” That is a stark blunt warning to you Hisao. I’m damaged goods are you sure you want to begin walking this thorny, thorny road?

Hisao holds my hand in his and says “I need to go on my own journey too Ayane and you’re ahead of me. I still haven’t really accepted what happened to me yet.” I open my mouth to speak, swiveling to face him and Hisao cuts me off, “but I’m getting there. Slowly. So… I may want to walk that road with someone to lean on”

“Hisao” I say softly… I chicken out. Instead I gesture at Fujiko and she throws me the paper with my number on it. “My number. Ring me during lunch.” I glance at my watch “You need to go get showered Hisao, you stink and class begins in about fifteen minutes. Shoo” Hisao takes my number, winks at me and then strolls off in the direction of the boys’ dorm.

Cue two sets of interested eyes on me. “No” I state flatly. Fujiko pouts and Arashi rolls his eyes. We finish what little remains of breakfast, pack up, with me swiping the blanket and head to class.

I’m feeling confident about the English exam, so when the paper comes around and the exam begins, I crack a small grin and begin to tackle the paper.

I finish the paper early, even after triple checking my answers. The only person who’s finished ahead of me is Lilly. That is usually the case for English so I simply place my head on the desk and take a nap.

The bell ringing and Ms Miyagi’s sweet voice wake me from sleep. I take in the sights and sounds briefly, sweep my bag up and head out of the room. It’s not unusual and during the teacher swaps sometimes students leave. We are given a large amount of leeway here at Yamaku and I have a very good attendance record. One day isn’t going to affect my records.

At least, I hope it isn’t.

I head back to my room, staying in my uniform and grab a selection of books, putting them in a backpack, along with the blanket I’d swiped earlier. I pack some drinks, pack some snack stuff and leftovers in tubs from the kitchen into the bag and then leave the dorms.

I head out of the back gate of the academy, winding my way through the dappled forest and the stream nearby. There is not a sound and the silence is blissful and I can feel myself unwinding.

There is a spot here, a tree near the stream, not far from Yamaku that I found during my first year. It has this tranquil feeling and this lovely dappled shade that I adore.

It’s only a few minutes walk and I find myself at my special spot. I set the blanket up, flop down and draw some of my reading material from the bag. I pop a can of soda and relax back and enjoy the silence.

It gives me time to organize and collate my thoughts that have been stumbling and bumbling around. I feel myself falling asleep even as I try to stay focused but the cool, calm air and the bubbling of the stream lull me with natures lullaby and I cannot resist its call.

I wake, not sure of the time and yawn blearily. The aftermath of a dream hovers at the front of my conscious and before it wriggles away I can hear a sentence ring in the clearing.

“Every journey begins with a single step but no-one ever said you have to make that journey alone”

Wow subconscious way to tell me what I’ve already been told today. I guess even my own brain thinks I’m stupid.

I lean over and rummage in my bag and pull my phone out. One missed call from a number not programmed into my phone. I guess that’s Hisao. The call was only two minutes ago… and yes my phone goes off even as I’m looking. I always have very timing when it comes to phones.

“Ayane?” Hisao sounds a little confused.

I giggle a little at his confused tone “Right number Hisao”

“Why’d you ask me to call you? You could’ve found me at lunch” He states.

I hear the bustle of students in the background and possibly echoes of Mishas distinctive laugh. “Not possible Hisao, not on school grounds at the moment. Needed some… time” I give a beat of silence. “I’ve gone on a literary excursion with drinks, food and snack. Care to join me?”

I can hear the moral battle go on in his head for almost five seconds. “Where are you?”

A grin curls up my mouth. Excellent. “I’ll come get you. Do you know where the back gate is?”

Another voice chimes in and Hisao responds, “Fujiko says she’ll show me the way. See you there?”

“Of course” I say and hang the phone up. I dust myself off as I get off the blanket and then head back, leaving my stuff there. It’s only a short trip back but when I’m there, Hisao is already waiting at the gate, hands in pockets, a very small faint smile on his features.

I extend my hand and Hisao takes it and I lead him through the dappled forest to my quiet spot. He sees the blankets and books and a bigger smile crosses his features. He turns to speak but I simply shake my head, point at the pile of books and smile at him again. He gets the message and we settle down on the blankets with or reading material.

We sit in the shade listening to the stream; Hisaos head eventually finding it’s way into my lap. The silence is blissful and the only communication between us is through small gentle touches. It is when I abandon my book and begin running my hands through Hisaos hair that I break the silence. It almost seems like sacrilege to break the silence but I do.

I pick my words carefully. “Hisao…” He flicks his eyes up to mine. “Is it just me or does this feel really, really right?” Hisao nods, my hands still entangled in his hair. “It’s a little scary though. It’s been what, two weeks now?”

“I know what you mean.” Hisao says eventually. “I’m… not good with girls Ayane. I came here because a girl confessed to me and I had a heart attack”

That got my attention. Heart attack? Wow after a girl confessed. Talk about really, really shitty luck. Hisao looks like he wants to say more but his face is twisted in indecision. I shake my head. “You don’t need to tell me anymore” I say softly. “Tell me when you’re ready.” He nods and I ask. “Can we go back to the first topic? Like I said two weeks, it’s a little scary. Where do we go from here?”

He muses for a minute and then finally says, “For today, can we just stay like this? As for Saturday… after I meet your other siblings…” He sucks in a breath, looks at me and rather bluntly states. “After I meet and am threatened by your siblings, how about we get something to eat, maybe see a film”

“You mean a date”

Hisao sighs in defeat. “Yes Ayane, a date”

A smile graces my features. “I’d love to” Hisao blinks, seemingly surprised by my easy answer. I tangle one hand in his hair again and go back to reading and the silence descends on us again as the evening begins to draw in.

It is a few minutes later when Hisao speaks. “Ayane?”


“I know you said it this morning, I could lean on you but I just want to let you know that you can lean on me too”

“I know Hisao, I know”

We read in contented, peaceful silence until there is no more natural light to read by.

End scene 4
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Another great chapter. Kinda cheesy at points, but still good. Really looking forward to Hisao meeting her older brother. I know I said I don't like him, but in this case it should be fun.

Also, I think "I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach." was my favorite line.
Best girl

Best route
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by azumeow »

Knew it was worth staying along for the ride. The past two chapters were perfect D'AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! material.
"I don’t want to be here anymore, I know there’s nothing left worth staying for.
Your paradise is something I’ve endured
See I don’t think I can fight this anymore, I’m listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn-I don’t want to be here anymore"
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nce chapter again.

A few typos here and there, but I chalk that up to that insane release schedule of yours...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Another great chapter. Kinda cheesy at points, but still good. Really looking forward to Hisao meeting her older brother. I know I said I don't like him, but in this case it should be fun.

Also, I think "I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach." was my favorite line.
Sometimes a bit of cheese is needed.

As for the meeting, prepare for swearing, that is all I will say!

Thank you for your kind words as always Anton.

I'd been playing some of Rin's route so dive bombing butterflies tickled me! :D
azumeow wrote:Knew it was worth staying along for the ride. The past two chapters were perfect D'AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! material.
Thank you very much! Yes these were some 'cutesy' moments. The route does not always run smooth though -insert evil laughter here-
Mirage_GSM wrote:Nce chapter again.

A few typos here and there, but I chalk that up to that insane release schedule of yours...
I'll go over things with a fine tooth comb after I've finished I think.

As for the schedule. I write after I finish work as it helps me unwind, so 7-11 so four hours of writing. I can type roughly 1000 words an hour on a good night and it flows pretty well, so my schedule is a little insane.

Still Mirage you are consistent in commenting and always have kind words for me, so thank you!

Also over 1000 views! Wow!

Now all I need is this added to the library and I will be a very happy bunny! :shock:

Edit: Scene 5 is at 2k words and we haven't even reached the city and restaurant yet. Expect a two parter!
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Ok. Big update. Nearly 8k words. I think I've got everything but there may be typos. Scene 6 will be delivered tomorrow night and scene 7 on Sunday night. I hope you enjoy!


Act 2

Scene 5

Through the fire and the flames…
(At least for Hisao)

Friday was a hectic day. The dreaded science exam was my main concern and I didn’t see Hisao all day as I missed him in the morning due to sleeping in and unfortunately the student council grabbed him for something during lunch.

We did however swap several texts. Most of them were about planning for the following day, Saturday. I didn’t give Hisao a warning about my brother that would be entertaining.

The trip numbers had gone up though. Instead of just Hisao and me, Arashi, Shizune, Misha and Fujiko would be joining us as well. I think it was the promise of free food from a high-class chef that was the deciding factor.

Bunch of gluttons.

Although I shouldn’t be so quick to cast the first stone. Akihiros cooking is delicious and I am quite looking forward to having it. He did curse at me down the phone when I told him the booking had gone up in number but it was half hearted. I haven’t properly seen Akihiro in nearly six months so seeing him will be nice.

All this leads me to being incredibly twitchy during Saturday lessons. I’m eager for the bell to go and to get ready for the rest of the day. The teachers have noticed too and I’ve been told repeatedly to stop fidgeting and being a ‘distraction’.

Fujiko seems oddly nervous for some reason and I haven’t been able to squirrel it out of her. I have however agreed to another form of ‘torture’ via Fujiko dressing me up.

Finally, the long horrific half day of classes comes to an end. We have an hour before needing to be at the gates and then getting the bus. Fujiko and I are heading to the door when Lilly stops us. “Ayane?” She asks, “May I have a word please?”

I stop, nod at Fujiko and tell her “I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes Fujiko.” She nods and I turn to face Lilly. “What do you need Lilly?” I ask, trying to stop my feet from twitching or my impatience showing.

“You left class early on Thursday” Lilly says slowly, weighing her words carefully, “Is everything ok?”

Part of me is amazed by the fact that she knew I’d left, that or someone’s informing her and the other part of me is debating how to answer that question.

The darkly sarcastic part wants to go “Aw gee Lilly, I’m just peachy. Still got Daddy issues but a boy just as broken as me is trying to help with that”

No, no I think that would not be a good idea. “Just some personal stuff Lilly.” I’m glad she can’t see my facial expression, as that would give the game away totally. “Took a personal day after doing the exam. I have a good attendance record, so I figured one day wouldn’t hurt”

Liilys tone carries a slight reprimand “That I am not concerned about Ayane, I’m concerned about you. I am not Hakamichi”

Ooooo ouch, burn. “Sorry Lilly” I say contritely, “I’ve been better but with some help from friends… I’m making progress”

Lilly nods firmly, that small mysterious smile back across her face. “Good. I’m assuming those friends include Mr. Nakai?” The stunned silence speaks for itself and Lilly giggles lightly behind one hand. “It’s the talk of the school rumor vine, the mysterious Tsukino Ayane from 3-2 in a whirlwind romance with the new transfer student? It’s popular lunch gossip”

Oh dear god in heaven no. Hisao and I are gossip topics? Kill me kill me now. Please. Lilly steps forward, her cane sweeping forward and catching my ankle. She touches my forearm gently and says “Don’t concern yourself with it, if it gets out of hand I shall stamp it out” Her tone is firm and reassuring and I begin to breathe again. “I’m just glad you’ve found someone Ayane, I was worried about you last year, you were rapidly becoming an angry shut it, it’s good to see you opening up”

Fuck it. I move forward and grab Lilly in a hug. “Thank you” I whisper as she stiffens in shock. “I don’t think I could ask for a better class representative”

A prim “I am simply doing my job” Is the swift but awkward response to my hug.

“L-l-lilly?” Ikezawas stutter is recognizable anywhere so I release Lilly from my hug and step aside as Lilly greets her friend.

“Take care Ayane” She says as she walks away arm with Ikezawa. “Enjoy the rest of your day” The tap-tap-tap of her cane as she walks away echoes lightly down the empty corridors.

Thanks Lilly. I plan on having a very good day and some good food.

I leave the classroom and quicken my pace to the girls’ dorm. Running a little behind schedule, I take the stairs two at a time and knock on Fujikos door. She answers the door and in the five to ten minutes I’ve been away Fujiko has got dressed in a long pale blue sundress, with a large floppy brimmed sunhat, her hair in her usual style with locks covering the left side of her face in a dark curtain of hair. Her arms are bare, unusual for Fujiko but the long pale sundress looks really, really good on her.

“Wow Fuji” I say, “You look really, really good! Got a reason for dressing up this well?”

She gives me a small smile “Do I need a reason?” She remarks enigmatically as she drags me into her room. She’s already laid out some options on her bed. I’m not so good with choices and as Fujiko regularly reminds me, my style of dress is rather tom boyish in nature.

“You know I haven’t got any idea” I mutter as I regard the choices.

Fujiko lets out an exasperated, long suffering sigh. “Go with your gut” she says “Choose what you feel comfortable with”

“Arashi is the one that goes with his guts and gets himself in stupid situations” I mutter as I regard the clothes as one would regard a poisonous snake.

I finally gravitate towards a set of dark blue jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with some ruffle bits on the front and a sleeveless cardigan that is oddly reminiscent of a tan waistcoat I own but in a different shade of brown. Fujiko nods approvingly at my choice and then rummages through her wardrobe before shaking her head. “No, no hat. Hair in a ponytail and put your special eye patch on.” I do so as she suggests and then she pins my colored lock of hair to one side, so my eye patch is visible.

She nods approvingly and then smacks my butt with one hand and grins as I let out a yelp of shock. “Hisao should approve of that bum in those jeans,” she says with her lopsided grin. I frown at her as we leave her room, grabbing wallets and phones and other necessities before heading to the front gate.

When we arrive at the front gates, Shizune and Misha are already waiting for us. [Where are Hisao and Arashi?] Shizune signs, one foot tapping [We are almost behind schedule]

I shrug and sign [They had better be on time if they know what’s good for them]. Misha’s distinctive laugh rings out and I spin to find that Fujiko has engaged her in quiet conversation.

Shizune nudges her glasses up and signs [Indeed if they know what’s good for them!] We share a smug satisfied grin and check our watches in eerie unison.

It’s not long before the boys do show up and on time fortunately. Shizune has engaged me in conversation about my brothers’ restaurant. I only give her sparing answers; I want it to be a mystery for a little bit longer. Hisao has again borrowed some of my brothers’ clothes (That thin silk crimson tie is certainly one of my brothers) and looks good even with his trademark sweater vest. He looks…

Can adorkable even be a word?

I should make it a word.

My brother approaching cuts off my musing. He’s wearing his black cargos and his button up black shirt and a casual, thin necktie. He looks good and Shizune seem very, very pleased to see him judging by the way she eyes him like a well-hung piece of beef. I pull Hisao into a gentle hug and see Shizune raise one eyebrow and then rapidly question Arashi via sign. “Come on” I say, tugging Hisao along. Shizune spots the movement and like a chain of dominoes falling we make our way to the bus stop, talking in a mixture of sign and speech.

The bus arrives a few minutes later and we pile in, Hisao sits next to me, Shizune and my brother in the seats behind us, whilst Misha and Fujiko sit behind them, whispering and giggling quietly to each other. I didn’t know they were friends. The bus rattles off, the journey into the city beginning. “How long is the journey?” Hisao asks softly.

“Around twenty minutes” I say softly back. There is a nod from Hisao and his hand finds mine and squeezes softly as the view rolls bye.

There is a calm, peaceful silence between us, only broken by the occasional rumble and judder of the bus. I lean my head against Hisao and simply soak in his warmth and scent. “Did you run this morning? I ask drowsily.

“Yes, it’s getting easier and easier.” He lapses into silence for a moment “Emi invited me to the track meet tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to come along with me?”

I try not to tense at that but I fail miserably. Hisao gives me a questioning look. “Me and Emi have a history” I say, frowning.

“About?” Hisao asks gently.

I give him a flat look and mumble against him “History about a boy”

“Oh” Hisao says and then gives a small laugh “But out of the two of you, who’s going on a date with me?” He gives my hand a squeeze as he says it.

Ok that does score you points. “Sorry” I say. “I must seem jealous”

“No it’s understandable, like you said, history” Hisao says.

“Still think I come off like a crazy paranoid.” I mutter.

“No, crazy paranoid is Kenji my dorm mate” Hisao says in a long-suffering tone. “I’m glad that your brother is opposite me on the floor, if I only had Kenji for company I think I would worry”

I nod knowingly “Does he still go on about feminist conspiracies?”

Hisao gives me an odd look. “You know Kenji?” he asks oddly.

“He’s supposed to be a member of my class Hisao” I point out and then add “Well, when he shows up that is. Which is pretty rare”

“So I gathered,” Hisao says with a nod. “He does seem like the hermit type”

I poke him in the ribs and he squirms in his seat “We’re getting off topic but the answer is yes, I’ll come along, cheer Yamaku on just if things get weird… history”

A small, satisfied smile comes from Hisao and he slips his hand from mine; giving me a one armed hug quickly, before putting his hand back in mine. “Thank you” He says softly.

“Don’t thank me when Ibarazaki starts a cat fight” I grumble.

“I’m pretty sure it wont come to that,” Hisao says with a slightly reproving tone.

“I’ll try for you Hisao,” I say. I can try. I will not like it but for you I will try.

Hisao gives my hands a gentle squeeze again “That’s all I can ask”.

We fall into a comfortable silence as the bus rides onwards into the city where our destination awaits us. I quickly listen out for Fujiko and Misha and they seem to be having a rather quiet, serous conversation judging by the tone of their voices. I can’t make out what they’re saying but it seems to be fairly intense. They’re not arguing just having a serious conversation. I tune it out, rest my head against Hisaos shoulder and wait the journey out.

It’s only a few minutes later when I spy our stop approaching. I nudge Hisao and he rings the bell and the bus pulls over, its door opening with a pneumatic hiss as we disembark.

End part 1
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Part 2 of 'Through the fire and flames'

Akiho is waiting for us at the bus stop. I wasn’t expecting that. She’s in what I dub her ‘bike gear’. Black jeans, black button shirt, leather gloves and her frameless glasses. All she’s missing is the tie and suit jacket and she will look like Saber. She spots the group and she gives us a bright wave. “Is that?” Hisao asks in a whisper.

“That’s my older sister Akiho,” I confirm and I see Hisao straighten himself and try and fail to smooth his errant hair down. Akiho strides forward, sweeps me into a hug before I can utter a greeting. She gives me a squeeze then moves onto Arashi, gathering him in a hug, even though he’s taller than her. Akiho then moves onto Fujiko, gives Misha a glance then sweeps her into a hug as well, earning a surprised squeak from the pink haired girl.

The look Shizune gives Akiho is priceless. It’s a look that screams ‘hug me and die’. Akiho does not hug Shizune. She then steps back and gives Hisao a long measuring look, made all the more fearsome by her glasses. She sees something she approves of as she gives him a nod and then offers him her hand in greeting. Hisao shakes it as she says “Tsukino Akiho but I’m assuming you already knew that”

“Nakai Hisao” He says in response.

“Mmm the mysterious Mr. Nakai” Akiho teases lightly. “I trust you're treating my little sister well?”

“Of course” Hisao says, with a firm nod.

“Leave him alone big sis Saber” I butt in “He’s got to deal with Akihiro later, leave him alone”

She narrows her green eyes at me in reproof. “You know how I feel about that cursed nickname” Fujiko giggles, whilst Misha appears confused at the byplay. Arashi is translating for Shizune and there is an amused glint in her eyes at the interaction between my sister and I.

“Well give Hisao some breathing room and the nickname vanishes for today” I grin at Akiho and she sighs in defeat.

“I was simply doing my sisterly duty” She says primly, adjusting her glasses “But I shall cease and desist as it is nearly lunchtime and I shall guide you to the eldest male Tsukino and his domain”

Wow sis way to make it sound ominous. Shizune makes a sign for [Food!] and proceeds to frog march my brother along, following my sister. Hisao and I follow more sedately behind, exchanging idle conversation with Fujiko and Misha. Misha seems to adore my sisters’ blonde hair and begins debating the merits of having her hair dyed blond. That mental image is weird. Misha with blonde hair? That image does not compute.

We walk in the heat for roughly three blocks. Hisao seems a little out of breath but ok as we spot Akihiros restaurant. I take it in for a minute. I think the title is rather tacky to be honest. The front looks good, wide windows, looks appealing, inviting and it uses the buildings old fashioned décor brilliantly.

The name however… leaves much to desire.

‘The Dragons shadow’

I thought I was the one that read too much tacky manga. I think most of us have had the same reaction. Akiho simply shakes her head and opens the door and strides in.

A nervous looking waiter approaches our group and is beginning to mutter an apology when my sister cuts him off “We have a booking under the name Tsukino”

The simpering attitude vanishes quickly. The waiter checks the reservation book, vanishes quickly into the kitchen and then strides back moments later. “Chef extends his welcome to you and offers you the chefs table”

As we are lead into the restaurant, Misha whispers in my ear “Uh Ayachan? What’s the chefs table?”

“I think it’s a table that’s in the kitchen. It’s a recent thing I think. We get to watch the chefs work up close pretty much”

“Isn’t that going to be really warm?” Misha asks thoughtfully.

I shrug “I think my brother will have something up his sleeve”. We’re lead into a small door at the back of the richly decorated restaurant. Glimpses of curtained off tables and couples dining privately are seen as we are ushered past. The small door leads into a large, long room. A large circular table is in the middle of the room, a chandelier above. The room apart from the wall where the door we came in from is made from clear glass. We can see clearly into the hustle and bustle of the kitchen, the chefs striding by and the heat haze from the stoves and grills. The room is fairly plain but seeing the inside view of the kitchen well I can see the appeal of the chefs table.

The waiter ushers us to our places, Hisao pulling my chair out for me, Arashi doing the same for Shizune and Fujiko pulls out Mishas chair. I give her a confused glance and Fujiko smiles a mysterious smile at me. We are all sat and the waiter bows to us and says “Chef Tsukino will be with you shortly and will take your orders personally. Would you like anything to drink?”

Akiho orders a bottle of white wine and seven glasses and a jug of water. The rest of us order an assortment of soft drinks. The waiter reappears a few moments later with the glasses and the jug of water. He then vanishes and nearly two minutes later whilst we all chatter idly, he reappears with the drinks order, along with another waiter. The soft drinks are dispersed and the waiter pours a small amount of wine into Akihos glass. She takes a small sip, nods and the glass is filled. She then indicates the rest of the table and the waiter half fills all our glasses.

Once the waiter leaves Akiho stands and raises her glass “You are all young adults and I trust that you are al mature enough to handle a glass. All I wish to say is to your health and education and that you can endure the rest of the meal” Yeah, sounding ominous again sister dearest. “Cheers” She says taking a small sip. We follow suite and there are mixed reactions. Most enjoy the wine, but Fujiko pulls a face and reaches for her soft drink instead.

“What is this?” I ask, swirling the wine in the light.

“Poulet Fume” My sister answers. “A French wine. Father drank it often and Akihiro adores it, so I knew he would have it in stock. A nice light wine a good starter wine for young palettes”

It is at that precise moment, the door flies open. Akihiro stands proudly in the doorway in his pristine chef whites looking every inch a regal, noble man.

Well that is until he opens his mouth.

“Well if it isn’t my bratty little brother and sister and my wine stealing older sister. How’re you fucking doing?” There is a stunned silence in the room. All we need is tumbleweed to roll past and the scene will be complete.

I can see Arashi translating for Shizune and I’m giggling quietly at the look of horror on Misha, Shizune and Hisaos faces. My brother grins, then bows with a flourish and says “Tsukino Akihiro at your service!”

Misha is the first to speak “Hello?” she asks, not sure what to make of Akihiros entrance.

He beams at her and then I see him spot the hair. No Akihiro, no. Too late. “Wow, pink hair! Haven’t seen that. Curtains match the drapes?”

Chaos erupts. Misha matches the color of her hair; Shizune slams her hand on the table, Fujikos mouth drops open in shock along with Hisao and me and Akiho are on our feet yelling.

Akihiro simply rolls his eyes waits until the commotion dies down with his hands in his pockets. When we’re done he simply huffs and says, “It was just a shitty joke. Relax” If looks could kill, I think Shizune and my sister would’ve dropped a tactical nuke on Akihiro.

“Could you be more tactful brother?” I ask.

“Let me think for a moment…” He pauses and taps his finger on his chin. “Nah. No fun in that.” There is another stunned silence. He grins, shark like and then turns his gaze on Hisao. “And this is Mr. Nakai. A pleasure” There is nothing pleasant in my brothers grin. “I’ll be your chef today” The grin gets wider “I hope you enjoy the food!”

Hisao gulps. “Oh stop it Akihiro” Akiho says. “He’s a good young man, so stop the ‘over protective’ act.”

“Dads not here so someone has to” He retorts, then shrugs and pulls out menus from a sideboard nearby. He hands us all a menu then grins and says, “Take a look and enjoy. I’ll be back in a few moments, I’ve just seen a fuck up I need to correct” He then strides from the room, leaving a stunned silence in the room.

“And that everyone, is my older brother Akihiro” I say dryly. There is some small laughter at that.

“Is he always like that?” Misha asks quietly.

I sigh “Unfortunately, yes” I say. “Being related to him, we’ve become inured to his habits but he is a very crass, blunt and sweary individual.”

Shizune seems very flustered with Akihiro and is signing rapidly at Misha and my brother. “You ok Hisao?” I ask.

“Nervous” is his prompt reply. “I’m worried anything I eat will be laced with poison” That gets a laugh out of everyone and the tension breaks.

The menus get cracked open and we begin to debate over choices. The restaurant is certainly influenced by the time my brother spent in France under an apprenticeship with one of Dads old chefs. Arashi, Akiho and I have to explain several of the dishes to the others.

When Akihiro appears several minutes later we are all ready to make our orders. We place them, Akihiro giving us minimum sarcasm and then vanishing back into the kitchen. [I’m sorry about earlier] I sign at Shizune.

She waves my apology off [Your brother is an incredibly rude individual] She frowns and then continues signing [Nothing like Arashi] she concludes. She huffs silently and the conversation is concluded and she engages Misha in conversation.

The starters arrive several minutes later, brought in by Akihiro and another chef. He’s a red head, rather tall and some rather stunning amber eyes. The dishes are served rather quickly and all of us had plumped for Akihiros fish skewers. It’s the same mix I made the other day for Hisao and Fujiko but professionally done and the difference is astounding. We all hungrily tuck in and there is nothing but the sounds of eating for a few moments.

The door opens again and Akihiro strides in with a glass of white wine and a chair. He joins us at the table and waits until we are done before speaking. “Well the main courses are on the way, the shitty sauce chef Shirou is making them”

“Who?” My sister asks.

“The lanky red head that was in here with me a few minutes ago” Akihiro says.

“You’re one to talk” I say.

Akihiro snorts and gives me the finger whist taking a sip of wine. It appears the table is becoming inoculated to his antics as the starter is finished and people recline back, finishing drinks and wiping mouths.

Akihiro takes a good long look at Hisao and nods slowly. “So. Taking my sister out tonight?”

“Yes sir” Hisao says nervously.

I elbow Hisao gently “Don’t encourage him” I hiss “You’ll only make it worse for yourself”

Akihiro gives me a glance next and then his eyes slide back towards Hisao. He doesn’t say anything for a long moment then finally says, “Just treat her right, or suffer the consequences, namely me and a cleaver”

“Are we done with the posturing?” I ask with a huff, “Have we sufficiently scared Hisao enough now?”

Arashi shakes his head and I give him my patented one-eyed glare of doom. He smirks and Shizune elbows him and he relents, shaking his head. Honestly, brothers they’re all pains.

The door opens and the red-haired chef from earlier wheels in a trolley. On the trolley is several dozen different varieties of dim sum, fried rice dishes, noodles, vegetables and a huge selection of sauces and side dishes. “Oh Shitty Shirou” My brother greets with a wide grin. “Treating them to the house special?”

The red-head gives a wide grin, and the dishes are placed on the table. I guess this Shirou has known my brother a while if he can tolerate the casual abuse thrown at him, either that or he knows it’s a joke/nickname. As we begin tucking into the literal feast, I notice my sister has become a little flustered. Odd as she never gets flustered. My brother rises after snagging a few treats from the table and says with a bow “Well my part in the feast is coming up next, so get prepared for the best desserts you shall ever taste”

“I want parfait!” Misha says suddenly even as she tucks into the food in front of her.

“Then you shall taste the best fucking parfait you’ve ever had my dear” Akihiro says with a grin.

“That a promise?” Misha pouts.

“Cut it with the cutesy shit” he grimaces, “I’m a dessert specialist, so yes, it will be the best you’ve ever had” He bows to the group, then jerks his thumb at Shirou. “I’ll leave you in this ones hands. If you need anything just ask him”

Shizune signs at Shirou [How do you put up with him?] Once Akihiro leaves the room. Misha translates for Shirou and he laughs and rubs the back of his head.

“I’ve known him for a few years now. The nickname is a sign of affection from him,” The read-head explains with a grin. That answer seems to stun Shizune. He then turns to my sister “I wanted to thank you for the lift you gave me the other day. If you hadn’t, I would’ve been late for work!”

“It was nothing!” Akiho exclaims, waving her hands in front of her. “I would’ve done it for anyone!” I cough into my hand, something that’s sounds suspiciously like ‘Liar!’ and she pins me with her emerald eyes.

“Well” Shirou says, “I still owe you a thank you Ms Tsukino, so I would like to buy you a drink as thanks at some point in the future” You could’ve heard a pin drop in the silence that followed.

“You’ve got guts,” Hisao mutters under his breath and mentally I agree with him. Asking Akiho out in front of her siblings and whose brother is your boss? Yeah… definitely guts or sheer stupidity.

“I – I – I would love to!” Akiho manages to stammer out. That floors me. Akiho rarely dates and she tends to be very, very picky about her men. This is a rather large surprise. Shirou smiles widely and sits next to Akiho and she gives us all a look that clearly tells us to mind our own business.

“Well this day is full of surprises” Fujiko says quietly. “Akihiro being fairly tame for once and your sister going on a date. Is the world about to end anytime soon?” She asks dryly. Misha attempts to laugh at this but her mouth is full and she ends up coughing, Fujiko giving her a thump on the back to release the errant food.

“Fuchan that’s mean!” Misha pouts. “Why is it so surprising she wants to find love?”

I lean over and interject “Its because he’s not normally her kind of man. She likes the business types, the prim and proper ones, you know the type I mean” Misha gives me a hesitant nod. “so, Shirou is not my sisters type, at least not that I’m aware of”

“Unless she wants to sample something different?” Fujiko suggests innocently.

“Well he certainly does look yummy” I admit, Hisao giving a weird cough “But I don’t want to have the mental image of my sister ‘sampling’ the goods” I shiver, then ask, “What do you think Fujiko?”

“I prefer something softer,” She says after a moment.

Softer? “What you mean like someone who looks…” I trail off at the look on Fujikos face.




Oh my. “Really?” I ask. Fujiko nods. “Well that’s cool” Fujiko seems to relax. Misha has caught the meaning but Hisao remains oblivious, although he does give me a questioning look. I wave him off.

That was an interesting revelation. At least if I understood it right. We go back to eating the delicious main course and Shirou serves us more drinks. We’ve very nearly finished the main course when Akihiro comes back in. “So dessert time! He announces. “I already know that pinky here wants parfait, but what would the rest of you like?”

I already know what I want. Growing up, Akihiro often used us, his siblings as taste testers. His best dessert, hands down that he learnt from Dad has to be his dark chocolate and whiskey fondant puddings with homemade vanilla ice cream. They are to die for. I order one for both Hisao and me and he frowns “Trust me,” I say with a grin, “you’ll love it!”

My brother does the same and I see Shizune frown. My brother gets a grin on his face and I catch him sign something at Shizune. I don’t catch what he signs but Shizune signs back [This had better be good!]

She then signs [But if I lose?] Oh dear brother don’t lose to her again and wind up with more debt but whatever it is he signs at her makes her turn a lovely shade of pink dusting on her cheeks and she signs back [Acceptable terms but I do not believe that you will win!]

I catch my Arashis attention but he simply grins at me. You’d best be careful brother, last time you challenged Shizune seriously you essentially became her slave! Misha remembers too judging by her laugh and flying hands “Whahahahaha Arachan! Be careful! Remember what happened last time!” She chirps. He gives her a mysterious grin and shakes his head as if to indicate he’s got it in the bag.

Fujiko orders a parfait herself and my brother gets an odd gleam in his eyes. Akiho then orders the fondant pudding as well, which earns a snort and a “Should’ve fucking known” from under his breath. “Alright, desserts shall be ready in a few short minutes!” He vanishes back into the kitchen again and we see him through the class, walk deeper into the depths of the kitchen, gesturing at his ‘minions’ as he terms them and they scuttle off to do his bidding.

“It’s been interesting so far,” Hisao admits to me as we digest our feast. “Is it wrong to say your older brother terrifies me?”

“Not really, he scares a lot of people” I admit “Once you get to know him, he’s not so bad. Still an ass but not as bad. I mean you saw how he greeted us, his siblings.” Hisao nods “If he gives you a nickname like that then you’re golden” I state. “It’s his twisted way of showing affection”

“Oh” The conversation peters out after that and we watch the rapid movement of the kitchen. It’s certainly interesting for those not accustomed to how a kitchen works but I found myself a little bored as I had seen most of this before working for Dad.

The tantalizing aroma of dessert wafting into the room recovers the atmosphere. The dark, rich and heady smell of dark chocolate sets my mouth watering and I can see the others have noticed as well. “That smells good” Hisao remarks.

“It’ll taste just as good, if not better” As I say this, Shirou opens the door and my brother rattles in another trolley. He serves up the dishes and the anticipation is almost electric. The parfait that Misha and Fujiko wanted is served on a single plate between them with two spoons. It looks lovely, swirls of white and pink, with a dark purple glaze of some kind, chocolate shavings and lashings of fancy sliced exotic fruits.

Akihiro steps back as Shirou leaves, bows and simply says, “Enjoy”. The spell is broken and we all dive in. Hisao moans at the first bite. The trick with fondant pudding is to cook it just so. Cook it too long and it becomes a sponge pudding, too little and it’s simply raw. Akihiro has it down perfectly. As we all cut into our puddings, molten chocolate oozes out and the divine smell punches you in the nostrils and taste buds.

There are no words spoken, simply the light tinkling of cutlery moving, as people simply dive in and enjoy this small slice of heaven on earth. I do notice as I bask in this pudding bliss that Fujiko is feeding Misha spoonfuls of the parfait every so often. The pair are giggling quietly and enjoying their dessert.

Akihiro gives off a vibe of intense satisfaction. He’s like Dad in that respect, he gets quite the kick out of seeing people enjoy the food he’s made with his own hands.

As people are finishing up I ask him “Why the name? And why the two different cultures?”

He smiles and nods at my question “The name sister dearest is to represent Dad. He’s the dragon and I am in his shadow. He trained me, sent me on my apprenticeship and the critics still compare me to him. So I named it after him in a way” There is a softness to my brothers tone I rarely here “As for the fusion, well Dad was classically French trained and trained here in Japan, so I thought why not. Shirou is the master at what he does, I’m the master at what I do. It works. Only been opened up two weeks and we’re raking in the money and getting good reviews.”

“Wow, all those words and not a single swear word” I remark.

“Fuck you sister dearest” is the swift reply and we laugh as Akiho and Arashi roll their eyes at our interaction. Shizune seems to be still in shock at the dessert and simply signs [This was… delicious. You win Arashi!]

Arashi simply looks smug and grins signing [So you’ll abide by the terms then?]

She just shoots him a death glare. [Next week sound ok then?] He signs on regardless of the death glare.

[Yes, next weekend is fine] Shizune signs and then slumps back in her seat.

“Take your time to digest the food” Akihiro remarks rising “I have a kitchen to clean. A fucking pleasure meeting all of you” He says. “Oh and Hisao?”


“Just remember I own a cleaver” And with that threat, he leaves the room. Charming.

Chatter winds down to idle conversation as we digest. We ramble and talk for around half an hour before beginning to leave. Shizune reaches for her wallet but Akihos hand on her arm stops her. “Relax. This is covered by the Tsukinos, you don’t have to pay a single yen” My brother translates and Shizune frowns but backs down at the look my sister gives her. Wow. That ones a first, someone stopping Shizune with a look.

Hisao rises from the table and offers me his arm. I take it and we say our goodbyes to everyone before leaving the restaurant.

End part 2
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Location: England

Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Part 3 of 'Through the fire and flames'

The evening air is brisk but nice on the skin as we leave my brothers restaurant. The sun is beginning to slowly sink on the horizon but there is still daylight left.

“So then Mr. Nakai” I tease, “What are your nefarious plans for me?” Hisao simply gives me a small mysterious smile and guides me further into the city. We’re holding hands as we walk and I cant help but smile and give his hand a small squeeze.

There are no words exchanged between us. We don’t seem to need them almost. There are small gestures, small squeezes and eye contact but no spoken words. We don’t seem to need them.

We take our time with the walk, idly skating round the thrum of humanity in the streets. Hisao cuts off down a side street saying, “Stay here” and comes back a moment later with a small bunch of flowers. He gives them to me and presses a kiss to one of my knuckles.

“Thank you” I say softly smelling the flowers. They’re not roses, nor do they look terribly expensive but it’s the thought of it that makes my tummy tingle and swoop. Hisao smiles and again leads off into the city. I wonder where we’re going?

I get my answer a few minutes later. I hear the strains of jazz and blues nearby and the sound gets louder as we approach what appears to be out destination. It’s a very old looking jazz bar and café. I laugh with delight as I realize it’s a live band playing, a saxophone, trumpet and trombone with a small drum kit accompanying.

The music is fresh and lively. It’s also not a genre I’ve ever really listened to with Dad, so it’s not setting anything off. Hisao leads me inside and we find a small table near the edge of the dance floor. Hisao vanishes to the bar to get drinks and I look round in wonder.

It’s a little dingy and dark with low-level lighting but the atmosphere is fantastic. Low chatter, the music flowing around you with its notes and rhythm. I even note with a small laugh that one of the players is wearing one of the stereotypical flat caps and big sunglasses. This place feels nice, really nice. Comfortable.

Wonder how long it took Hisao to come up this one.

He comes back to our table and places a coffee in front of me. “After dinner coffee” I remark as he sets his own down, “Good choice” I take a sniff and it smells gorgeous. They must use good beans here. I take a small slow sip, nearly scalding my tongue but it tastes magical. I think the music helps the flavor. “Take your black as well?” I ask. “Is it ok for you to drink coffee? You were hesitant earlier this week”

Hisao looks at his reflection in the coffee. “I don’t think one is going to kill me” It’s said in a half joking tone but I can tell he’s serious, “But yes I take mine black. Best way too, don’t want milk or sugar effecting the taste”

My foot nudges his and he nearly drops his coffee as I idly play footsie with him under the table. “Serious coffee man then” I say somberly with a nod “Who got you into that?”

“My Dad” is Hisaos short remark. “He gave one to me one morning before leaving for work and it carried on from there. It… grew on me “ He says with a shrug taking another small sip.

We let the music wash over us for a few minutes, savoring our coffee. “How did you know about this place?” I inquire, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“Arashi” Hisao says “He likes his Jazz apparently, you’re more a blues girl according to him but he recommended this place, says he’s been here before”

“I can see why he likes it” I remark, finishing my coffee. I then notice a pool table lurking in the corner of the bar. “Game?” I ask, titling my head in the direction of the table.

“Sure” Hisao agrees.

So we head over, skirting around the dance floor and go over to the table. “Been a while since I’ve played” Hisao says out of the blue.

I make a noise of agreement then state “We have a table at home but I haven’t played it in a while”

“Oh? How come?”

“Akiho is the main player and we don’t have a lot of time at home to play,” I say softly. “Akiho taught me how to play when I was little. She learnt off her mum who was apparently quite the pool shark. Swindled Dad out of a lot of money when he first met her apparently” I give a shrug as I talk.

“Should I be worried?” Hisao jokes lightly.

“We won’t play for money” I remark mysteriously. I think Shizune is contagious as I find myself suggesting “How about whomever wins gets to ask one thing for the evening from the other player?”

“Within limits” is Hisaos first concern.

“Of course” I say tartly “I’m not about to make you go streaking or anything”

“Good” he says with a firm nod.

“You set up” I say, “I’ll get us something to drink. Soft drink ok?” Hisao gives me a nod as he begins to set the table up and I wend and wind my way over to the bar to place the order. It takes a while to get the barman’s attention and he stares at my eye patch when he does but I manage to get and pay for my drinks. Before I leave though I find myself asking “Does the band do slow songs?”

There is a toothy grin and a belly laugh from the barkeep. “Indeed little missy they do. Start in about half hour to forty-five minutes.” I nod, thank him and he laughs and waves me off.

My depth perception is noticeably limited so getting back to the pool table without spilling the drinks takes more time. By the time I do get back, Hisao has set the table up and is dusting a pair of cues for us to use. “Ladies first?” He gestures to one of the cues as he speaks.

“Flip for it” I fire back and he nods withdrawing a coin from his pocket.

“Heads or tails?”

“Heads” I call as he flips it. He catches it and shakes his head “You go first then” I say pointedly and Hisao laughs. He sets the cue ball up and takes his shot. The ball rockets down and with a ‘clack’ sends the balls rolling and I idly note that Hisao isn’t that bad. He hasn’t potted anything so I take my turn next and give him a quick grin.

The games end being best two out of three as I own Hisao in the first game. He finds his groove in the next game, winning it but I make a comeback in the third game and win the match overall. “What is it you wish for?” Hisao asks dryly, expecting something awful no doubt.

I look over at the dance floor. There are some couples there as we’ve been playing for about an hour and the slow music has already begun. I point at the dance floor, take Hisaos hand in mine and ask, “Can you dance?” I don’t give him a proper chance to respond as I drag him on. We slide into position, his hands on my waist, mine around his neck, eyes locked.

We don’t really dance; just sway slowly from side to side in time with the blues. I pull in closer to Hisao as we dance and rest my head at the top of his chest, as he’s a little taller than me. “Thank you for this evening” Hisao says earnestly.

I grin and say cheekily “No thank you Mr. Nakai. Your nefarious plans have been most appreciated,” We continue swaying to the music and I sigh contently.

I pull back a little and we sway and shuffle in our first position, eyes locked. I remember Fujikos advice from a couple of days ago. “If there is a spark, fan the flames before the sparks die out”

I let us dance for a few more moments, then as the music builds to a crescendo I simply think, fuck it. One hand leaves Hisaos neck and curls into his hair and then drags him down to me where our lips meet for the first time.

There are no fireworks or explosions in my brain but Hisaos lips are soft and warm, tasting faintly of coffee and dark chocolate. He’s stunned for a moment, but his arms tighten around my waist and bring me closer, meeting the kiss with a deliberate slow and steady pace.

His smell surrounds me as we kiss, a heady, musky smell and the warmth and the taste sets my head spinning. I kiss slightly harder and Hisao responds in kind.

I suddenly don’t care if this is a whirlwind or too soon. His lips on mine feel so damn right. My troubles melt away under his tender lips and I lose myself in the sensation until we have to break for air. “Wow” Hisao exclaims looking slightly stunned. “That was…” he struggles to find the word, “Intense” He settles on.

I make a noise of contentment and quickly kiss him again to make sure. “Intense” I say with a small laugh “like a good cup of coffee”

Hisao laughs, leans down and steals a small kiss from me.

“Hisao” I ask softly, not wanting to ruin the moment “Are you… ok with this? It’s a little bit of a whirlwind isn’t it?”

“A little” Hisao admits, “and it does worry me somewhat” He then looks me dead in the eye “But then for some reason it feels, very, very right”

“Good.” I say firmly mouth curled in a grin, “I feel the exact same way”

Hisaos face brightens into the biggest and most genuine smile I’ve seen from him since I met him at Yamaku.

The rest of the night passes in a blur of stolen kisses, dances and good coffee.

When we get back to Yamaku and Hisao walks me to the dorms, I laugh to myself as I realize that the smile currently on my face would have to be removed via crowbar or surgery before I lose it.

I haven’t felt this happy in a long while and I fall asleep with what feels like the worlds biggest grin on my face.

End Scene 5.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by CloudGrain »


There's really not too much else I can say about it all; there are a very few mistakes here and there, a word or two left out once, an instance where 'all' has accidentally been replaced with 'al', the usual incredibly nitpicky stuff. But for the rate at which you're pumping out TRIPLE POST CHAPTERS, I somehow find it impossible to fault you for such tiny oversights.

It's... For the most part seeming to be continually becoming more and more divergent from the Katawa Shoujo we all know and have played, but it's certainly supposed to be based on the point of view and 'twist' that you've thrown into it. Even as this story and the 'official' Visual Novel begin to show their differences, they both really seem to have much of the same spirit. They're about humanity, human nature, and the emotions that seem to be entailed with being... You guessed it, human. Reading this, you're sitting back and suddenly feel almost shocked somewhere in the back of your mind when you're reminded that one of the students of Yamaku is indeed disabled. That mention of an eyepatch when preparing for an evening out, the mild concern coming to mind over caffeine being a good thing for Hisao's heart, etc. This novelization following the same sort of vein as the Visual Novel makes it even more striking on levels like that. How easily you can judge people based merely upon their actions and personalities rather than the 'other' things, notably health conditions, that so many of us use so often to try and define them.

Once again, bravo, this is stellar.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

TheTealeaf wrote:“But yes I take mine black. Best way too, don’t want milk or sugar effecting the taste”
That's funny, because the taste of coffee is the exact reason I flood it with creamer. :)

Anyways, this chapter did not disappoint. I have a feeling the bet between Shizune and Arashi is him taking her out on a date. Also, I had a feeling that Misha and Fuki liked each other once I saw Misha was coming along. I've suspected she swung that way for a little while now, which is probably why. Looks like everyone is getting some romance.

Finally, the last scene was very sweet. Yeah, their relationship is progressing faster than other stories, but I think it works. Looking forward to more!
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Pin-striped suit? Are we thinking of the same saber?
the interaction between my sister and I
...my sister and me

Given that her father is a touchy subject, referring to her brother as the oldest male in the family is quite audacious...

Hisao calling out Shirou on trying to date his boss' sister is the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?

You try to pair off every single one of your characters... Seems a bit forced...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Pin-striped suit? Are we thinking of the same saber?
the interaction between my sister and I
...my sister and me

Given that her father is a touchy subject, referring to her brother as the oldest male in the family is quite audacious...

Hisao calling out Shirou on trying to date his boss' sister is the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?

You try to pair off every single one of your characters... Seems a bit forced...
If you're thinking of a certain Arturia then yes we are thinking of the same saber! (Akiho hates the nickname!)

Ah... may go back and retcon that bit about the eldest male.

Yes pot calling kettle, that was the effect I was going for!

The Shirou/Akiho thing I've had planned from the start along with the Shizune/Arashi thing. THe Misha/Fujiko thing I honestly have no idea where that popped up from but as Ayane was dictating the scene to me it just stuck. I wasn't happy with this whole chapter to be honest. I struggle at writing with lots of characters in one scene and I felt I was forgetting and ignoring characters.

But Akihiro/Akiho/Shirou. After another couple of big scenes at the end of Act 2 you won't see them until late Act 4. THey're essentially background characters so they'll be talked about but not be there.
AntonSlavik020 wrote:
TheTealeaf wrote:“But yes I take mine black. Best way too, don’t want milk or sugar effecting the taste”
That's funny, because the taste of coffee is the exact reason I flood it with creamer. :)

Anyways, this chapter did not disappoint. I have a feeling the bet between Shizune and Arashi is him taking her out on a date. Also, I had a feeling that Misha and Fuki liked each other once I saw Misha was coming along. I've suspected she swung that way for a little while now, which is probably why. Looks like everyone is getting some romance.

Finally, the last scene was very sweet. Yeah, their relationship is progressing faster than other stories, but I think it works. Looking forward to more!
You suspected? Was it the bath scene that gave it away? I was trying to be subtle... Ah well! (And it's more like Fuji likes Misha, Misha is still pining over Shizune even in this route, although due to Arashi Misha hasn't been Shizunes only translator so they're not as close as in canon)

The outcome of the bet... well wait and see! :D

Alas teenage love is often lust disguised as an angel... I jest but well we all know the path of true love is never entirely smooth eh?
CloudGrain wrote:Stellar.

There's really not too much else I can say about it all; there are a very few mistakes here and there, a word or two left out once, an instance where 'all' has accidentally been replaced with 'al', the usual incredibly nitpicky stuff. But for the rate at which you're pumping out TRIPLE POST CHAPTERS, I somehow find it impossible to fault you for such tiny oversights.

It's... For the most part seeming to be continually becoming more and more divergent from the Katawa Shoujo we all know and have played, but it's certainly supposed to be based on the point of view and 'twist' that you've thrown into it. Even as this story and the 'official' Visual Novel begin to show their differences, they both really seem to have much of the same spirit. They're about humanity, human nature, and the emotions that seem to be entailed with being... You guessed it, human. Reading this, you're sitting back and suddenly feel almost shocked somewhere in the back of your mind when you're reminded that one of the students of Yamaku is indeed disabled. That mention of an eyepatch when preparing for an evening out, the mild concern coming to mind over caffeine being a good thing for Hisao's heart, etc. This novelization following the same sort of vein as the Visual Novel makes it even more striking on levels like that. How easily you can judge people based merely upon their actions and personalities rather than the 'other' things, notably health conditions, that so many of us use so often to try and define them.

Once again, bravo, this is stellar.
CLoud you seriously flatter me. I think of myself as a very mediocre writer but your posts always give me a damn big grin and more motivation to keep on writing. (Although Ayane would complain and complain and complain until I began writing again if I dropped it)

So seriously thank you for the compliments guy/gal. I shall raise a dram o whiskey to you in thanks tonight!

(P.S I hope you enjoy Scene 6 coming soon!)

Signing off for the day, the tealeaf
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Hoped to continue my post from earlier but you were too fast...

Two more things to add: One, it's strange that Hisao knows his way around the city enough to choose a bar and second you play pool with a queue.

All that is very much nitpicking, though.

Good job with the chapter!

I don't remember ever seeing sabre in a suit, but I'm not too ardent a fan of that series...
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Hoped to continue my post from earlier but you were too fast...

Two more things to add: One, it's strange that Hisao knows his way around the city enough to choose a bar and second you play pool with a queue.

All that is bery much nitpicking, though.

Good job with the chapter!

I don't remember ever seeing sabre in a suit, but I'm not too ardent a fan of that series...
Queue? Uhm... that means to line up and wait for something, pool cues are the correct terminology!

Saber in a suit is from Fate/Zero: http://dmy-gfx.deviantart.com/art/Saber ... -261407512

Hisao got directions and suggestions from Arashi who drew him a little map. Ayane doesn't see him consulting it!

Thank you for your feedback Mirage, I always do appreciate it!
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
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Re: Learning the blues. Act 2 Scene 5 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Huh, my mistake then. We use "queue" in German, and I simply assumed English uses the same term...

And that explains why I don't remember Saber in a suit, since I only watched the original series.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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