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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

New Chapter...

Day 2, 19:10
I rap the door for a second time. What are they doing in there?

Finally the door opens, and Ooki is standing before me. „What's up Emi?“

„What do you mean, 'what's up'? It's ten minutes past seven and Hisao was supposed to meet me downstairs at seven. Where...“

Ooki is pushed aside and replaced by Hisao. „I'm sorry Emi, I didn't want to keep you waiting, but.“

„It's my fault Emi,“ Ooki interrupts him from behind. „I slept down in the lobby until half an hour ago, so Leon and I couldn't start unpacking until just now.“

„What's that got to do with Hisao? Does he have to supervise you while you unpack?“ I turn my attention back to him. „And you! Would it be too much to ask that you tell me if you're not going to make your appointment?“

„Hey, I'm sorry, I forgot, but the cafeteria is just down the stairs, and it's not like I disappeared somewhere. I'm right here in my room.“

„You're right. It's just down the stairs. You could have just come down for a second to tell me you'd be late.“

„Aren't you blowing this thing out of proportion now? I said I'm sorry, didn't I?“

Why can't he simply admit that he's in the wrong here? „I'm blowing it out of proportion? Well, if you think an appointment with me is not a big deal, you can go eat by yourself!“ I turn around on my artificial heel and walk briskly down the stairs.

I look around as I enter the cafeteria. Everyone is here except for the three boys and Rin, who said she wasn't hungry. I have to remember to pack something for her in case she gets hungry later.

I grab a plate, fill it at the salad bar and head over to the table where Ikuno, Mai and Nanami are sitting. „Mind if I sit here?“

„Of course not,“ Mai replies without looking up from her cutlery.

I sit down with my back to the entrance and listen to the other girls' small talk without getting in the mood to join in.

After a few minutes I hear the boys entering the cafeteria, but I resist the urge to turn around. They sit down at a table in another part of the cafeteria.

Ikuno looks at me curiously. „Not eating together with your boyfriend?“

I glare at her. „No.“

„Got into a fight?“


One might think she'd get the idea that I don't want to talk about it, but Ikuno either doesn't notice or doesn't care – probably the latter. „What about?“

„He forgot we were supposed to meet here for dinner.“

„What else?“

„Nothing else. He kept me waiting for ten minutes without bothering to tell me he'd be late!“

She looks at me incredulously. „You having your period, or is that normal for you?“
I drop my knife and it clatters loudly onto my plate. „What?”

Ikuno just rolls her eyes. „It's a wonder you even got to First base. If you continue like that you'll scare him off long before you get even close to a Home run.”

On my left, Nanami is having a coughing fit and is spewing her water all over her plate. Mai is trying hard to suppress a giggle. I feel the blood shooting to my head, but I have no idea what to reply to something like that. For the moment I settle for staring at Ikuno with my mouth hanging open.

Meanwhile Ikuno calmly finishes off her first slice of bread and reaches for a second. She stares at it for a moment, probably calculating the bread units and then cuts it in half. „Anybody want the other half?“

Nanami is finally able to breathe normally again and waves away the nurses who look over from their table anxiously. She takes the half-slice from Ikuno and starts cleaning her plate with a napkin.

Ikuno seems content to let the topic rest, but of course I can't have that. „And just why do you think you can tell me what to do in my relationships?”

She puts down her bread and looks at me calmly. „I'm not telling you what to do. I'm telling you what's likely to happen if you continue like this.”

„So who made you the resident expert?“

„Hisao is your first boyfriend, isn't he?”

„What does that have to do with...”

„I already lost two boyfriends that way.”

Nanami looks up from her plate. „You've already had two boyfriends?”

„Three. The third one was an asshole, and I ditched him. After the first two, I was afraid of scaring him away as well, and he abused that... It's hard to find a balance.“ She turns back to me. „You see, despite what you may see on TV, most boys don't like to be dominated – most of the time.

“I’m not trying to dominate him. It was his fault for making me wait in the lobby.”

“Maybe, but it’s not like he disappeared somewhere, is it? He was right in his room, and it would have taken you about ten seconds to run up the stairs and get him. Definitely not worth having a fight over.”

Her using almost exactly Hisao’s words shuts me up quite effectively. Am I being unreasonable? Am I really putting my relationship with Hisao at risk? “You really think Hisao would break up with me over this?”

She shakes her head. “If he did, you’d be better off without him. I don’t know him that well, but those things add up. Eventually he’ll reach the limit of what he is willing to take.”

Mai has finished her meal and looks up to Ikuno. “Did you really learn all that from three failed relationships?”

Ikuno’s expression turns wistful. “I had an older sister, who comforted me after the breakups and gave me a lot of advice. Most of those words were hers.”

“I didn’t know you have an older sister, Ikuno”. I cringe at Nanami’s question. Apparently she didn’t correctly hear the tense Ikuno was using.

“I don’t. She died last year.”

Nanami mumbles an apology and an embarrassed silence descends over the table.

I ponder what Ikuno told me. Maybe she’s right. I should go and apologize to Hisao.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by griffon8 »

Heh. I can't help but be reminded of the beginning of my first fic, which has Emi knocking on the door to Hisao's room as well.

Awwwwwkward! I'm sure Nanami feels worse than Ikuno for that error.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: Tripping

Post by scott1and »

I'm away for a few weeks and this is what I miss, and its good to see the "newbieness" around a first timer for relationships that doesn't make them really shy or a total expert over time. Look forward to the next chapter :mrgreen:
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Meet Leon...

Day 2, 21:00
Without hesitation, Jun shoots the eight ball into the middle pocket, completing his fourth consecutive easy win.

Kenta puts his cue onto the table. “This isn’t fun. It’s like playing against a machine.”

Well, he did make a few mistakes, but I have to agree that Jun is simply leagues better than either Kenta or me. “Yes... er... Jun and learn... where well?”

“Oh, my dad often took me along when he went to play with his colleagues. They practically fought over who got to show the kid some cool tricks.”

I feel a pang of envy for Jun. My father never took me anywhere, but to be fair, it’s probably easier to take one’s son to a billiard hall than to a diplomatic reception. And since mother died, father and I hardly talked at all, except when we were fighting...

Jun grins at us, interrupting my reminiscence. “So you want to play something else?”

Kenta checks his watch. “No thanks, I... have to be somewhere soon.”

Jun and I exchange a glance. It’s pretty obvious the new guy hit it off with Mai, but if he thinks no one noticed, why shatter that illusion?

Jun seems to think the same way, for he doesn’t comment on this either. “What about you Leon?”

I glance at the ping-pong table, where the twins have been playing for the last 30 minutes, but they don’t show any signs of stopping in the near future. “Jun and Leon... uh... next door, yah.”

“Tell you what, I’m getting us something to drink and you choose something to do next, okay?”

I nod my consent, and we leave the room. While Jun heads left towards the cafeteria, I turn right and enter the other common room diagonally across the corridor.

As opposed to the room with the pool table, this one is more comfortable. There are a few couches – an ugly green, but you can’t argue about tastes I guess – and small tables for reading books or playing games. Against the wall there is a shelf containing numerous board games.

Most of the rest of our group is in this room. Hisao and Emi are sitting on a couch in a corner, talking quietly. Looks like they made up. I wonder how that came to pass so quickly.

Ooki and Takumi are sitting on another couch, while Rin is sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of them listening to Ooki’s stories. Nanami and Ikuno are also sitting on the floor playing cards. I don’t see Lilly and Hanako anywhere.

I head over to the shelf and examine their selection. I spot a copy of ‘Risk’, the game of world domination. I used to be pretty good at that... I almost pick it up, but I restrain myself - that phase is behind me.

I let my gaze wander over the other games, and it comes to rest on an old chess set. Another thing I haven’t played in a while. I wonder if Jun plays – and if he’s going to be a challenge. Well if not this is going to be my revanche for the pool session earlier.

I pick up the set, carry it to one of the tables and set up the pieces. I’m only half finished when Jun returns with two cups of the awfully sweet tea they give out for free in the cafeteria.

He looks at the table and looks at me incredulously. “Of all the games in this room you chose chess?”

“Jun not... ... ahh... play?”

“Well, I know the rules, I guess... My grandfather taught me, but I always thought it was boring. Well, can’t hurt to play a game once in a while.”

I almost feel bad for suggesting this to Jun. I turn the board, so Jun has the white pieces in front of him, then I finish setting up the remaining pieces.

“So, who’s first?” I look up alarmed. If he doesn’t even know that... But he is grinning at me. “Just joking, I know that much. But you should have seen your face just now.”

He starts by advancing his King’s Pawn – a common enough opening, but he advances it only one square, apparently trying to keep it covered by the pawns next to it. Well, I suppose he really is a beginner after all. I counter with a Sicilian Defence...

The game is over in ten minutes. “Wow, that was harsh. Guess I really suck at this game.”

“No...” It’s not that Jun is bad, but he lacks two crucial things: Experience and patience. I didn’t use any advanced tactics at all. He lost most of his pieces to simple traps that he could have spotted if he had bothered to ponder his next move for a while.

He laughs. “In that case you must be a chess prodigy.”

“Leon and ah... before school... school... eh... chess club, yes.” I set up the pieces again and recreate the game we just played, pointing out where he made his mistakes. Jun listens politely – even a bit interestedly – but I don’t think he’ll ever really take to the game. I wonder if there’s anyone here who’d be a challenging opponent...


Note: Since "Victory Day" I have tried avoiding using crossover characters, but since "Leon" is in the classroom CG, I consider him a KS character for all relevant purposes. I included him mainly because I thought it would be interesting to write an aphasic character, so I hope SC will forgive me ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Goldilurks »

Was waiting for the next installment. Good stuff!

(What's Leon's disability again? Some sort of aphasia?)
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
Katawa Haha: Disability Mothers
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Goldilurks wrote:What's Leon's disability again? Some sort of aphasia?
Mirage wrote:I included him mainly because I thought it would be interesting to write an aphasic character...
I used this picture as a reference. Somewhere one of the devs posted another one that includes their various disabilities, but I couldn't find that one just now.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by DMGnome »

Here you go! (Although it's only for class 3-3.)
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Yes, that's it, thank you. Looking at it again now, I realize there is a minor continuity error in one of my yet unpublished chapters... Fixed ;-)
Oh and as I mentioned before I didn't use the canon version of Taro/Ooki because I created that character before I found the picture.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Next chapter:

Day 3, 7:30
I look at my watch. I’d rather not go down for breakfast, but Mr. Nomiya asked that everyone should be there for an announcement regarding the plans for today. I put down my book and walk over to the window.

Maybe I should have stayed at home. I admit the view of Mt. Makoto is breathtaking, but this room is the only place I can go, to have some time for myself, and I guess Mr. Nomiya is not going to let me do even that. What was I thinking when I told Lilly I’d come along?

Guess I can’t put off going down any longer. I open the door and step into the corridor – good, no one is here. Maybe I’ll get down without...

I’m almost at the stairs when I hear noise from below. I slow down, but I’m still almost run over by Emi who’s bolting up the stairs. I take a step backwards and press myself against a door... Except just in that moment the door opens and I bump into someone standing there.

I turn around and stand face to face with Leon, who was just about to leave his room. Time stands still for a moment. Somewhere in the back of my mind I register Emi’s shouted “Sorry!” before she vanishes into her room.

Leon stares at me with an unreadable expression. Then I notice that my hair flew back over my shoulder when I turned around just now, and my face is exposed for everyone to see. At that moment I know the expression on Leon’s face: Disgust.

Frantically I reach out and pull my hair back over my face. Leon forces a smile and starts to speak. “Hanako... uhm sorry... not see...”

I turn away and run down the stairs. I know that he didn’t like what he saw.

In the lobby I almost run into Hisao, who seems to be returning from his morning run. Hisao is always nice to me, but I know that’s just because he is on good terms with Lilly. If it were just me, he’d just ignore me like everyone else does.

I run past him and into the cafeteria. Everyone’s eyes turn to me, but I simply can’t go back to my room right now and risk meeting Leon again. I take a deep breath and walk towards Lilly’s table. Luckily the others soon return their attention to their food.

“H... Hello Lilly!”

“Hello Hanako. Is something the matter? You sound upset.”

Of course she would be able to pick that up. I had just hoped it would take her a bit longer than two words. “I... I don’t want to t... talk about it right now.”

Lilly accepts that without any further comment and smoothly changes the subject. “You should try this yoghurt. It’s delicious. Mrs. Kojima told me they make it themselves on the farm right next door.”

I get some of the yoghurt, a roll and a bit of jam and start to eat. After a few minutes Emi, Hisao and Leon come into the cafeteria. I lower my head and pretend not to notice them, and to my relief no one comes over to our table to talk to us.

The rest of the breakfast passes without notable events - except for Nanami ranting at Jun for stinking of cigarettes again.

Once everyone has finished eating, Mr. Nomiya rises from his seat and gathers everyone’s attention.

“Dear Students, I’m glad you all found the way down here this early in the morning.” A few people laugh, but I keep my gaze fixed on my empty plate. “I hope the breakfast was to everyone’s liking and would like to thank our gracious hosts, Mr. and Mrs Kojima.”

I glance over to the buffet table where Mrs. Kojima is bowing slightly.

Mr. Nomiya continues. “Let me now tell you about today’s activities.” He clears his throat a few times. "You might have noticed that many of you are also members of the Art Club, so we have taken that into consideration when planning our schedule. Mr Kojima has been so kind as to organize the necessary supplies, so we will look for a nice spot close by and paint some landscapes.”

A few people groan, and he is quick to add: “Of course this is not compulsory. Those of you who aren’t artistically inclined are free to explore the town. You can rent bicycles at the reception, but the town is only about ten minutes from here, so you can also walk. You are free to explore the town on your own, but please stay in groups of at least two people. A member of the nursing staff will be in town should you need any assistance. I trust you all received their phone numbers...”

He trails off, then reaches into his pocket and produces a small notepad. “Ah, yes... Ms. Kitamiya, Mr. Nakai, and Mr. Yoshida, please report to the nursing staff after this for special instructions.”

“What else... Oh yes, if you want to have lunch in town, please tell Mrs. Kojima, and she will prepare bento boxes for you. Dinner is at 19:00, so please be back by then. I think this is it for now. Those who stay here will meet in one hour in the lobby.” He sits back down and starts to chat with the nurse.

I look around the other tables and find Leon staring at me with that glare of his. When our eyes meet, his expression twists into a sneer. I quickly gaze back down on my plate again. He is in the Art Club, so that means, he’ll probably be around the house the whole day...

Lilly’s voice draws me from my thoughts. “So, Hanako, what do you...”

“L-Let’s go into town!” I interrupt her before she can finish her question.

She turns to me with a curious expression. “Really? Are you sure?”

“Y-Yes. L-Let’s go b-back to our room. We h-have to get r-ready.” I quickly collect Lilly’s and my plates, and bring them to the kitchen. Then I lead Lilly out of the cafeteria and up to our room, all the while feeling Leon’s stare on my back.


Writing Hanako is hard...
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by moonpalace »

Really? It's funny to hear you say writing her is hard because by the finished product you make it look easy!

When I started reading this I was really impressed with how you established the character was Hanako within the first few sentences. And then the accident with Leon, what a tragedy. I feel deeply empathetic with her misinterpretation and helplessly read on. Also I like the way you captured the awkward tension as she moves into the dining room. I really feel sorry for Lilly at the end there too.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Mr. Nomiya continues. “Let me now tell you about today’s activities.” He clears his throat a few times. ["]You might have noticed...

Re: Tripping

Post by Brogurt »

You are now realizing that Hanako only acted the way she did in the story because Hisao evidently wasn't on her path; he was on Emi's. Which is sad for more than one reason.Not only do I feel sad for Hanako; I feel pity for Hisao as well.Emi sucks.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Otakumon »

Brogurt wrote:Emi sucks.
But that's what he likes about her. :wink:
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Thanks, moonpalace. Also next chapter ;-)

Day 3, 10:30
It really is a grandiose view. Of course you can see mountains from close to everywhere in Japan, but this is something else. No matter where you look you can see mountains, and even from here you can see the caldera surrounding Lake Kussharo. I hope we will make a trip there; the view from the rim has to be spectacular...

Someone gently touches my shoulder. I turn around and see Leon standing next to me. He shows me his palette and tries to sign something without dropping it. ...I ... more.... Frustrated, he breaks off and sets his palette down on the grass. Then he starts anew. Sorry, signing with my hands full is almost as bad as trying to actually talk. He smiles wryly. I still have to train a lot.

I shake my head and put my palette down as well. Not at all, your sign is better than any other hearing student’s at Yamaku... except for Misha I have to admit grudgingly. How long have you been learning sign?

I started a bit more than a year ago, directly after the accident.

I am impressed. To learn sign that well in only a year is quite a feat. I admit that I am curious. Normally I wouldn’t ask, but... What kind of accident was it?

A shadow passes over his face, but it’s gone in an instant. I went to the sea with some friends. Someone pushed me into the water, and I hit my head somewhere. I went down, but nobody noticed right away. By the time they found me and got me out, my brain had been without oxygen for... Actually, I have no idea, but apparently those parts of my brain that produce speech died. He gazes into the distance for a few seconds, then turns back to me. Well, I’m lucky I did not die altogether, and if I’m honest, I don’t really miss the life I had to leave behind.

I can’t help but admire his strength. With his intelligence and his looks he could have had everything he wanted. But I can’t bring myself to pity him either – he seems too content for that.

For a while neither of us signs anything. He is gazing into the distance again, while I look over the group assembled on the small hill behind the youth hostel.

The whole Art Club is here, as expected... Well, except for Takeshi, but he went to Kyoto because he couldn’t convince his girlfriend to come here. Misaki decided to head into town with the others. I feel a pang of guilt over that. She’s going to have no one but Jun to talk to, but it was her choice, and it was to be expected.

What I didn’t expect was Ooki joining us here. He isn’t painting anything himself, but he is standing next to Rin, talking to her and occasionally pointing at a part of her painting. I try to discern details of her painting, but all I can make out from over here is that it is not a landscape. Well, Nomiya didn’t actually tell us to paint landscapes, so why not. Personally I think it’s a waste of the view though.

Takumi is sitting close to the two. Mr. Nomiya has somehow organized a pottery dish for him and showed him how to use it. I’m not sure he’s having fun, though. When I see his face, he looks kind of glum.

Mr. Nomiya is standing with Nanami and Mai. There’s another one to be admired. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to live in Mai’s body, and yet she’s got that iron determination to beat her affliction. Looking at her, I can see that every stroke of her brush is a battle, but she doesn’t back down. Her paintings aren’t anything to write home about, but the pride in her eyes when she finishes one is unmistakable.

Leon is still absorbed in thought. I gently shake his shoulder. I’m sorry if I stirred up old memories. I didn’t mean to pry.

For a moment he looks at me confusedly, the he smiles. It’s not that. I was thinking about Hanako.

Ikezawa? What about her?

She ran into me this morning. I think I scared her or something. She’s been avoiding me ever since.

I almost laugh. That girl is avoiding everyone but Satou... But, you know, you do look pretty serious most of the time. I can see how a girl like her would be intimidated by that.

He looks a bit taken aback. Really?

Relax, most girls like this kind of thing, and Ikezawa is going to forget about that soon enough. It’s not like you’re going to ask her out or anything.

He starts to sign something but stops. A suspicion creeps up in my mind.

You’re not, are you?

Again this wry smile of his... I don’t think I’ll have much of a chance to do that, if she continues to run away every time she sees me.

I don’t believe what I’m seeing. Don’t get me wrong, but... Why Ikezawa? Half the girls in the school would give an arm and a leg to be asked out by you – provided they still have one.

He shrugs. I don’t really care for that kind of thing. But when I see Hanako, every instinct in me tells me to protect her from everything the world would throw at her... You know, I’ve always been accused of having a White Knight Syndrome...

I roll my eyes. Well, in that case you have your work cut out for you. Good luck.

He gives me a pained smile, waves and retreats back to his easel. Meanwhile I try to decide how I should feel about what I’ve just been told. Should I be jealous? After all, Leon is good-looking, intelligent and dedicated...

But while I don’t think Ikezawa deserves someone like him, I simply don’t feel that way about him. Guess me wishing him luck was heartfelt after all...


So, now that all new(*) characters have had their say, I'd be interested to know if you have any favourites. It won't have any effect on whom I write more chapters for - just curious.

*Stay tuned for Hisao next week ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Petermeter »

Mirage_GSM wrote: So, now that all new(*) characters have had their say, I'd be interested to know if you have any favourites. It won't have any effect on whom I write more chapters for - just curious.
I like Ooki a lot, but most others aren't on the unpleasant side, either. Can't find anything about the deafmute twins, though, they seem to be way to arrogant to be likeable. Doesn't hurt the story though, good stories need characters that aren't sympathy-magnets.
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: Tripping

Post by moonpalace »

I wrote a plethora of praise earlier about almost everything in this chapter but it got deleted because I ran out of battery power so here is a regurgitated form; the serene environment and atmosphere, the usual humour that made me laugh which you pull off so well, Leon is really sweet, oooh and Ooki and Rin's second cameo which was really tongue in cheek, and subtle details like your choice of words - they never "say" anything and she couldn't believe what she was seeing - Loved it all.

As for characters, Petermeter has already said it for me. I like them all but Mai definitely stands out with her spirited resilience in spite of an unimaginably challenging condition. I look forward to her next turn if she has one. And Ooki gets best scene/most likable character awards for me.
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