Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:
like with a turf war between the Literature and Newspaper Clubs :lol:
Oh god that's a great idea, why didn't I think of that? :lol:
Right? I'm kinda heading that way but from the Monomyth/Hanakio route so if you want to do something different with the idea in the meantime, go nuts! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:Right? I'm kinda heading that way but from the Monomyth/Hanakio route so if you want to do something different with the idea in the meantime, go nuts! :D
I may do something like that with Headliners, I'll writing something and see if I like it. :lol:

Random side not: Monomyth made me finally get around to watching K-on, it's strange to put a voice to Ritsu but it suits her so well. Did you watch it before you wrote everything?
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Twilight Turnabout


I can’t believe I just did that… I was down to my panties in front of Akio… But after letting me feel his scars, it was only fair to at least show him mine. It’s not like he could see much, given how dark it was. Though given the… thing I’m seeing, he obviously saw a little more than I really intended…

Not going to lie, I never imagined that I could elicit this kind of reaction from a boy. I’d hoped I would and it’s very flattering to see it from my boyfriend. And frightening. I’ve thought about this stuff before, even read about it in the occasional raunchy novel but this…

I gulp hard and tilt my head to examine every angle of Akio’s… Penis… in intimate detail. It’s not all that different to what I imagined… It’s just… solid. Tangible.

“R-Remember… Look, don’t touch…” He chuckles but it’s clear from his face that he’s feeling very anxious. I can empathise so I lean back and smile at my boyfriend.

“O-o-okay… Consider my c-curiosity s-s-satisfied.” I giggle uncontrollably as he breathes a sigh of relief and pulls his boxers back up. He’d discarded his pants since it’d be a little weird to still be wearing them while shirtless in bed with a girl in her nightgown.

Then again, simply looking at your partner’s most intimate part and not acting on whatever primal instinct I currently feel surging through me is equally strange. I think I’m going to need a cold shower.

“Glad I could help… Gotta admit, that was the first time I ever showed that to a girl.” He says sheepishly.

“I think it’s a night of firsts for both of us…” I say sincerely and Akio’s eyes go wide in shock.

“I-I-I…” He stammers and I realise what I implied by that.

“Oh no! No! I d-didn’t mean-- Not that I don’t want to do that w-w-with you but I-” I wave my hands in front of me in a panic and he responds in kind.

“I-it’s okay! I wasn’t ex-expecting anything t-to happen--”

“I kn-know you’re not like that, it’s j-just I don’t th-think…”

“We’re ready? Totally!” He nods quickly in agreement and we both pause to catch our breath. We turn our heads away from each other, looking at each other out of the corner of our eyes erratically. This turned very awkward, very quickly…


Oh boy. This went south quick and not in the fun way. No, stop that. Take it easy, man. Think of a joke to ease the tension.

Still waiting…

“…” I open my mouth a little to say something but nothing comes out.

Thanks, brain. Stellar effort.

“…I guess we agree that we’re going to take it slow then?” I offer, rubbing the back of my head bashfully.

Hana looks at me with a demure smile and nods quietly. That’s good then. No need for more awkwardness. I open my arms up with a smile and she climbs into my waiting embrace. We gently lie down on our sides facing each other.

“We really are a pair of awkward nerds, huh?” I smirk with a snort of amusement, eliciting a giggle from the gorgeous girl in my arms.

“Just a little…” She nuzzles my nose with hers.

“Are Eskimo kisses going to be our cute couple thing?” I give an amused look and her eyes and mouth go wide in excitement.

“Can it be?!” God, she can be too damn cute sometimes… I nuzzle her nose in response and she grins widely.

Yaaay!” She cheers quietly with a bright smile.

“You’re adorable.” I grin and she pouts a little.

“I can’t be beautiful and adorable… You have to pick one.”

“You can be both. You say I’m both a really nice guy and an infuriating jackass all the time!” I counter and she looks at me affectionately.

“That you are…” She whispers. “I never thought I’d be lying here with my boyfriend. That’s so cool.” She giggles a little and it melts my heart.

“I never thought I’d be with anyone as amazing as you.” I admit with a whisper. It’s true. I may have had crushes on a lot of girls here, and a couple guys for that matter, but I never thought I’d find a partner in the truest sense of the word. I’m so damn lucky.

She strokes the hair on the back of my head with a smile as I pull her closer, resting my chin on her neck.

“Akio?” She whispers.

“It’s okay, just wanted to hold you a little closer…” I whisper back, planting a light kiss on her neck. Her embrace tightens too.

“Fine by me, just means I can play with your hair some more. It’s so shaggy.” She giggles.

“We can’t all be blessed with your silky locks. And if I wake up with cornrows, I will end you.” I cast an accusing glare at the back of her head.

“Nah, I like it as it is. Makes you look like a bad boy.”

“Got a thing for bad boys, eh?”

“Only the ones with hearts of gold.” I feel her trace the shape of a love heart on the nape of my neck with a lone finger.

“Sorry to say that mine’s probably more copper than gold…” I snort with amusement and she leans backwards to look me in the eye.

“I don’t think so. Pure gold. Through. And. Through.” She inches closer to my face with every word before kissing me deeply and passionately, our tongues twirling around each other. I breathe a heavy sigh as we press our foreheads together.

“We should probably get some sleep…” I say, a little crestfallen.

“Guess you’re right…” Hana pouts, twisting around and pressing her back against my chest. I hold her with one arm while the other slides under her pillow and holds her hand.

“G’night, Akio…” She sighs, squirming a little to get comfy. “You’re, um…”

“…Sorry.” I shift myself around until my erection rests along the small of her back. “Is that better?” I ask, a little pathetically.

“Yeah… At least you didn’t fall off the bed this time.” She giggles.

“I think I’ve fallen hard enough for you, don’t you think?” I ask, kissing the nape of her neck.

“Smooth talker…” She yawns.

I close my eyes and enjoy the comfort of holding the girl I care about.


His warm breath on my neck gives my goosebumps, as if I didn’t feel tingly enough already… I can feel my whole body happily pulsate outwards from my core. Being held by my boyfriend… Our hands connected… His breath on my neck then there’s the… pressing matter on the small of my back. It’s not unpleasant but it’s hard to fall asleep with it right there. Plus I heard it’s bad for guys to get like that and not… release the pressure.

Should I…? No, we agreed to take it slow. I’m sure it’ll go away. Just ignore it, Hanako. Just go to sleep…


Argh! Seriously, how can he just sleep like that? Not that I can say much but at least my arousal is less overt… I look over my shoulder and his eyes are closed but his expression is pained.

“You’re not even asleep are you?” I ask and his eyes seem to shut tighter.

“Akio, I can see your face. You’re not asleep.” He opens his eyes and looks at my guiltily.

“…Sorry, Hana. I thought it would go away but… Being this close to you is too much for me. Sorry…” He meekly explains and I can’t help shake my head with a smile. Poor boy.

“No, it’s only n-natural but I think we should rethink this sleeping position…” I twist my body round and face the sheepish-looking boy.

“So I'm gonna be the little spoon then?” He chuckles softly and I nuzzle his nose.

“Clever boy. Now roll over.” I smirk.

“If you slap a collar on me while I’m sleeping…” He throws me an incredulous look before doing as I say and I laugh quietly. I wrap my arms around his bare chest and cuddle up to him.

“I’ve found a problem with this position…” He says, looking over his shoulder to me. “Your… boobs are pressing against my back.”

“Distracting, isn’t it?” I smirk and squeeze tighter against him.

“Now that’s just being mean…” He snickers, placing a hand over one of mine on his chest. “G’night, Hana…” He nestles his head on the pillow and I do the same on his back.

“Night-night, Akio.”


We wake up earlier than usual to shower in our respective dorms and agree to meet in front of the main building.

“Are you as tired as I am?” Akio asks as he walks up behind me. My hand slides into his and I kiss his cheek.

“A l-little…” I admit as we begin walking towards class.

“How do you feel about us walking into class together? Think you can handle it?” He asks with mild concern. I guess this would be the first time we’ve done that. Some of our classmates know we’re dating; Taro, Ritsu and Suzu mainly.

“I-I think I sh-should be okay.” I smile reassuringly with a nod.

“Okay, but if you get overwhelmed, tell me and we’ll just cut class.”

“W-We can’t d-do that!”

“What, I thought that was one of the perks of dating you? I get to chase after you when you bolt out of the classroom!” He laughs and I punch his arm lightly.

“D-don’t j-joke about that…” That cut a little deeper than I’m sure he intended and he realises it.

“Sorry, Hana. I was only kidding… I am serious though, if you ever feel an anxiety attack coming on, I’ll be right beside you.” He gives an earnest grin. Heart of gold, just like I said.

“…I g-guess it would be nice if m-my boyfriend came to the l-library to c-comfort me…” I admit with a blushing smile.

“No hanky-panky in the library, Hana!” He taps my nose with a sole finger and I scrunch up my face.

“I didn’t mean it like that, you j-jackass!” I hiss and playfully punch him a little harder. We laugh as we reach the door. My grip tightens around his hand as we near the open door. My heart skips a beat at the thought of Taro pulling a stunt like Akio did for him and Ritsu. Could I handle that kind of attention? I inadvertently let out a small whimper, earning Akio’s attention.

“Ready to make our debut, Hana?” He grins confidently. He’s not afraid. Or if he is, he’s not showing it for my sake. I reaffirm my grip in his hand and nod with determination.

“L-let’s d-do it!”

“That’s my girl.” He smiles and we enter the classroom.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by Decadent Albatros »

Reading about their first (IIRC) night together is so goddamn adorable! :lol: Poor Akio, the feminine power of Hana is too strong for him, but to be honest seeing that the same goes for Hana makes it even better :)
Anyhow, as always good job! I would end up repeating what I say every time, but one thing that is original is that I'm so curious about how Hana will react when they enter in class. Angst attack incoming? Or we'll see how much she became stronger? Even tho this story is more funny, romantic and fluffy, I like serious moments like these... good job, as always!
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by Alpacalypse »

I'd make another comment about how adorable this stuff is, but I honestly can't come up with anything original to say in that regard - you've done pretty well to make me run out of things to say :shock:

Wait, I got it!
Sharp-O wrote:I wrap my arms around herbare chest
Isn't that section supposed to be from Hanako's point of view?
Sharp-O wrote:I gulp hard and tilt my head to examine every angle of Akio’s… Penis…
The small font there killed me. I could practically see Hanako internally cringing at that word. :lol:

Anyway, fantastic work yet again, Sharpy! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by Sharp-O »

Decadent Albatros wrote:Reading about their first (IIRC) night together is so goddamn adorable! :lol: Poor Akio, the feminine power of Hana is too strong for him, but to be honest seeing that the same goes for Hana makes it even better :)
...I'm so curious about how Hana will react when they enter in class. Angst attack incoming?
Their first full night, yes, and there's no anxiety attack, this is the start of the school day in En Garde.
Alpacalypse wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:I gulp hard and tilt my head to examine every angle of Akio’s… Penis…
The small font there killed me. I could practically see Hanako internally cringing at that word. :lol:
I thought it would be cute too. Their shared inexperience makes for a nice contrast to the Taro/Ritsu relationship. It's going to be more of a slow build-up (in-universe) than that pairing too. It's more give and take and testing boundaries physically while giving each other a hard time verbally. It's quite an interesting dynamic to write for. They're a delight so you can be sure that their adventures will continue to be cute.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by Decadent Albatros »

Sharp-O wrote:
Decadent Albatros wrote:Reading about their first (IIRC) night together is so goddamn adorable! :lol: Poor Akio, the feminine power of Hana is too strong for him, but to be honest seeing that the same goes for Hana makes it even better :)
...I'm so curious about how Hana will react when they enter in class. Angst attack incoming?
Their first full night, yes, and there's no anxiety attack, this is the start of the school day in En Garde.
Oh... well damn, sorry x:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:panties
The fact that was italicized made me very suspicious. :shock:
Sharp-O wrote:“I think it’s a night of firsts for both of us…”
God, it's like stuttering in stereo with these two. :lol:

Adorable chapter, I really enjoyed this one!
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:panties
The fact that was italicized made me very suspicious. :shock:
Hmmm, yeah. That looks weird, eh? *edits*
swampie2 wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:“I think it’s a night of firsts for both of us…”
God, it's like stuttering in stereo with these two. :lol:
HA! Good callback! :lol: *high-fives*
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:HA! Good callback! :lol: *high-fives*
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Twilight Turnabout" - 24/7/15 Upda

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Hanakio is still adorable, but her practically begging for eskimo kisses to be their thing might have been the cutest thing yet. I honestly don't think I can get tired of this couple.
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "The Harmonic Heroine" - 25/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's note: This story takes place within the time Ritsu and Taro were apart in Reverse/Re:Birth Also, I might be a little anachronistic with the music choice but it's a good song and had the elements I wanted.

The Harmonic Heroine

I’m so glad summer’s almost over and I can focus on the upcoming exams. As much as I love Taro, he can only provide so much distraction from the weight in my heart. My parents’ divorce… I feel bad for leaving Kengo to deal with it on his own but I just couldn’t stand being in the house any more. Thanks to that… woman, my childhood home has been reduced to a den of lies…

I shake my head, sparse droplets of rain water flying through the air around me. I hope Taro managed to avoid the rain on his way back to the boys’ dorms. I smile a little to myself, brushing my hair behind my ears. Taro Arai. The boy who won my heart.

The soft click of my shoes echoing through the art wing’s halls accompany the slideshow of images flashing through my mind. A metronome of the past.

An angry ex from the Music Club, bitter at the abrupt end to our relationship, coming to Class 3-3. Click

A screaming match that sent Hanako running from the room. Click

My desk-mate trying to play peace-maker. Click

A thrown punch. Click

I expected Taro to cower at the sudden attack but he just stood there. Took it like a champ and just stared the guy down. I’d never really spoken to him outside of polite greetings and courteously helping in group assignments and there he was, taking a punch for a relative stranger. I had to learn more about him and we soon became friends.

Me, Taro and Akio; our disparate little group. I learned to like that big-boned eccentric and eventually fell in love with the big-hearted hero buried inside. He took everything the world threw at him in stride and countered with a smile and a dash of witty wordplay. That’s just who he is though. Who he was.

This year has been tough… For all of us, really. Akio’s alcohol problem, Taro’s anxiety about going home, my own messed up home life and subsequent explosion at him and Molly. Then there was the whole thing with Rin… Whether he wants to admit it or not, I think it’s worn him down. I know a problem shared is a problem halved but when you’re carrying everyone else’s problems around too… I don’t want to see him collapse under the pressure I’m glad he’s talking to Miss Tsunemori. If nothing else, she’s a very good listener. I’m going to do my best to support him too.

I open the double doors to the school’s tiny amphitheatre and walk down the stairs towards the stage. It’s about a quarter the size of the main assembly hall, fitting only around 50 people, and it’s designed specifically for musical and theatrical performances, even the odd lecture now and then. I hop onto the stage and into the wings where the door to the music room is.

This brings back memories. I was always in here during the first year, hanging out with the other Music Club members. I wander around the room, taking in the nostalgic sights and smells before moving towards the piano in the middle of the room. I slide my fingers across the black behemoth, the thin layer of dust on my fingers indicating its disuse.

I skip over to the supply cupboard which is thankfully unlocked and search for the cleaning supplies. I retrieve a dust cloth and a can of spray polish and set about cleaning the piano.

The old girl looks like new once I’m done, the black sheen reflecting nicely. I hear the door behind me open and an old friend comes walking in on a cane.

“Well, well, well… I knew you’d be back.” She smiles wryly.

“Just visiting, I’m afraid.” I return her smile as I walk over and wrap my arms around her shoulders. “How’s summer treating you, Saki?”

“Better than most it seems, I heard about what happened with Molly.” Saki squeezes me with a surprising amount of strength.

“Yeah… I had-slash-have some shit going on at home and I wrongly took it out on her.” I admit with twinge of guilt.

“Did you apologise?” She asks with the commanding tone she usually saves for lecturing and disciplining club members.

“O-of course.”

“And did Molly accept your apology?”

“Y-yeah, we made up.”

“Then there’s no problem!” She returns to her default cheery demeanour and I breath a sigh of relief. “What brings you here anyway?”

“I needed a distraction, really. I figured a little dexterity work-out on the old ivories might do the trick.” I smile a little wistfully, leaning back against the piano. Saki sits in a nearby chair, placing her violin case on the ground beside her and crossing her legs daintily before placing her hands on her knee.

“Your boyfriend not been distracting you enough?” She smiles coyly, knowing full well I sneak into his room most mornings.

“He has, but he’s been having some issues of his own… I don’t want to burden him anymore than I already have. What about you? Came in for some practice?”

“Yup. I’d usually be playing outside in the summer but, y’know…” She gestures to the rain tapping against the window of the music room. We laugh as I take my place at the keys, adjusting my spandex sleeves a little.

“Do you even remember how to play?” Saki asks, getting up with her case and placing it on one of the desks behind her.

“I think I remember the basics…” I stick my tongue out and begin a jaunty tune I’d heard from one of Taro’s shows. I’d been fascinated by the multiple piano renditions of the one of the themes so I looked them up online, this one being my favourite. I imagine reading sheet music must be like reading braille for others but it’s second nature to me. You can thank my darling dad for that. He was a pianist too and was more than happy to share that love with me. I stop myself short at the thought of him. God, I hope he’s okay…

Saki, in the meantime, has retrieved her violin from it’s case and stands there with an audacious smile.

“Think you got another one in you, Ritsu?” She says and I look to the keys a little sadly and adjust my sleeves once more.

“I think I got something… Jump in whenever.” I respond and she takes up her stance. Confident. Elegant. Powerful. I’ve always admired her and loved whenever we had the chance to play together. Showtime.

I begin with some melancholic key strokes and after about twenty seconds, Saki joins in. Our duet begins in earnest.

It’s a bittersweet melody, only made more so with Saki’s mournful violin accompaniment. I hadn’t planned on playing something like this but the sudden thoughts of my dad and the whole situation at home, not to mention some lingering doubts about Taro's well-being… I take quick glances at my partner and she’s feeling something of her own, though I’m unsure what. I hope it's just the emotion of the song and not some deeper hurt. Regardless of the storm of emotion swelling in both of us, we still play beautifully together and I’m glad I’m not alone for this.

Fuck!” I feel a dreadful pain in my fingers and our harmony is cut short by a cacophonous blunder on my part.

“Ritsu, are you okay?” Saki replaces her violin with her cane and rushes as best she can to me. I sit holding my fingers as they throb.

“I’m okay… Just, nnngh… CT flared up. Think I’m done for today.” I admit with a wince. Saki sits next to me and places one arm around my shoulder, leaning her head against mine.

“You see why I don’t show up for club meetings as much?” I try to lighten the mood like Akio would.

“Well I just lost 500¥…” Saki admits with a sly grin. “I thought you stopped showing up because of Shura.”

“That jerk-off? Pfft.” I laugh derisively. “Now if I had dumped you, that would be a reason not to show up.”

“Oh, please. Like you’d ever leave all this.” Saki beams, gesturing to her body like she’s the grand prize trophy.

“And you’re so modest too!” We laugh and hug just like old times.

“Just so you know, you’re still on our roster so if you ever feel like hanging out or just need a distraction, you’re more than welcome.” She says with a smile.

“Thanks, Saki.”


I head back to my room to change into my heavy duty school braces before going to see Taro. Playing the piano again was good. I should give drums a try next time, see if I can last longer. I should at least let Taro hear me play the Double Action variant, he’d love it.

I latch the velcro straps tight and bounce off my bed, looking at the black framed picture Taro gave me a few weeks ago. After I jokingly pretended to be a Kamen Rider, he drew that picture and it’s taken pride of place on my wall. I smile a little at the thought of being the strong heroine who saves her damsel boyfriend. It’d be a nice change of pace.

“Don’t worry, Taro… I’ll protect you.” I speak aloud into my empty room, holding my fist dramatically to my chest before glaring into the middle-distance at some imaginary foe.

“A heart that pounds to the beat of Justice! Fear me, villain. For when armoured by his love, I possess the strength to fight a god!” I throw my arms into one dramatic pose after another until I mimic the pose from the picture.

Harmoniiiiiiic~ HENSHIN!”

The room falls silent and I close my eyes, embracing the fantasy before laughing at myself and stepping back into reality. It’s silly but I absolutely mean it, Taro is always looking out for others, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t do the same for him?

I dash over to the boys’ dorms, the evening sun slowly setting in the distance. I reach his door and knock a couple times. He slides the door open as I rock back and forth with my braced arms behind my back in a cute and innocent way.

“Hey, can Taro come out and play?”
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